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NXT TakeOver: New York- A Clash of the Champions

How can you not love NXT for nights like tonight?  Every championship is on the line, and we are guaranteed a new NXT Champion by the end. Let's do this!

NXT TakeOver: New York
Brooklyn, New York

1) NXT Tag Team Championship
War Raiders (Hanson and Rowe) (c) vs. Aleister Black and Ricochet

The bell rings. Black and Rowe start off the match with some counter-wrestling. Both men refuse to go for the knockout blow on the other early on, instead showing the other some respect. They fistbump. Then Hanson and Ricochet enter the match. War Raiders get sent to the floor, and Black and Ricochet sit down for a pose in the ring. WAR RAIDERS COME BACK IN AND FLIP OVER THE BACKS OF BLACK AND RICOCHET! Nice. Tandem offense by Black and Ricochet puts Rowe down, but Hanson gets some offense going against them. Hanson slams Rowe onto Ricochet, and Rowe goes to work on Black.
Aleister Black and Ricochet go to work on Rowe, but Rowe fights off Black with a big knee. Tag to Hanson who goes on the attack. Hanson does the Forever Clotheslines. Ricochet catches Hanson diving into the corner, holds him up, and slams him to the mat. Rowe and Black are tagged back in. Black and Rowe dive and run into knee attacks by the other. Black gets a German Suplex on Rowe. 1 count.
Ricochet and Hanson are tagged in. Handspring Elbow by Hanson gets a 2 count. Hanson and Ricochet go back and forth. Rowe and Hanson double team Ricochet with some insane offense, but Black hits a double stomp on the back of the War Raiders. Black gets a moonsault on the floor on Hanson. Rowe gets a suicide dive on Black. Ricochet dives over the ropes onto Rowe. HANSON CLIMBS UP THE TOP ROPE AND SOMERSAULT DIVES ONTO THE 3 MEN ON THE FLOOR! (This is awesome!!!)
A fake count-out spot happens, but Ricochet and Rowe beat the count at the last second. Ricochet and Aleister Black get some offense going in the ring. Black Mass to Rowe! SHOOTING STAR PRESS! 1-2-HANSON GETS BLACK ON THE COVER TO BREAK UP THE COUNT! 630 misses!!! Black moonsaults to the floor, but Hanson moves out of the way. Ricochet attacks hanson, but War Raiders hit Thor's Hammer on Ricochet. FALLOUT! 1-2-3!

Winners: War Raiders (Still Tag Team Champions)
Match Grade: A. A very good opening tag team match here. These guys went out and delivered a great 20-25 minute match. A great way for Ricochet and Aleister Black to go out here. As for The War Raiders, this is another quality victory that the team needed as NXT Tag Team Champions.

After the match, The War Raiders help Ricochet and Black up and embrace them in the ring. The War Raiders bow to Ricochet and Aleister Black on their way out. Black and Ricochet enjoy the applause of the crowd as they take their final bows and salutes in front of the live NXT crowd.

2) NXT North American Championship
Velveteen Dream (c) vs. Matt Riddle

Riddle comes out with his usual entrance. Velveteen Dream comes out with a Statue of Liberty attire with a bit of Macho KING Randy Savage thrown in. I mean that he is literally carried into the ring and dressed in his usual flamboyant attire.

The bell ring. The crowd seems split early on here. Dream mocks Riddle by doing a Preying Mantis pose. Riddle gets a few kicks in and locks in a Double Wristlock, but Dream gets to the ropes. Great flips and reversals by both men, but Riddle gets an armbar in. Dream gets to the ropes. Dream stomps the bare feet of Riddle to get the advantage. Dream rakes the back of Riddle and pulls a Rick Rude pose. Riddle goes off on Dream and hits a couple of Gutwrench Suplexes. Dream goes on the attack on Riddle, sending Riddle to the floor. Riddle catches Dream flying off the top turnbuckle and German Suplexes him on the floor.

Back in the ring, Riddle presses the attack on Dream. Riddle gets a Riott Kick on Dream and hits a series of strikes in the corner. Running Broton and PK by Riddle. 2 count. Another armbar is broken up when Dream gets a foot on the ropes. Dream German Suplexes Riddle, but Riddle gets right back up and attacks Dream. Riddle starts showing some frustration in trying to put Dream away. Triangle Hold by Riddle, but Dream escapes. GTS and a German Suplex by Riddle gets a 2 count. Riddle starts kicking Dream. DREAM HULKS UP!!!! YOU!!!!! RIDDLE RUNS INTO THE BOOT! SLAM! Riddle gets dumped to the floor. AX HANDLE OFF THE TOP ONTO RIDDLE ON THE FLOOR! Famouser back in the ring! 2 count!

Dream climbs up to the top, but he dives into a kick by Riddle in the ring. CODEBREAKER BY DREAM! 2 count only! Dream climbs back up the top. Dream goes for a running knee to Riddle, but Riddle gets an Ankle Lock. Dream kicks him off after a few seconds. SUPERKICK by Dream. Dream DDT! Dream puts Riddle on his shoulders. Dream Valley Driver. Dream climbs up. PURPLE RAIN MAKER IS COUNTERED INTO BROMISSION! Dream gets to the ropes and gets Riddle into the ropes. Riddle climbs the ropes and GERMAN SUPLEXES DREAM BACK INTO THE RING! RIDDLE CLIMBS UP AND HITS THE FLOATING BRO!!! 1-2-KICKOUT!!!! WOW!
Dream tells Riddle to bring it and slaps the taste out of his mouth. Superkick. POWERBOMB BY RIDDLE. KNEE TO DREAM! 2 count! BROMISSION!!!!  DREAM FLOATS BACK AND PINS RIDDLE BRET HART STYLE!!! 1-2-3!!!!!  RIDDLE IS STUNNED!

Winner: Velveteen Dream (STILL North American Champion)
Match Grade: A. Another great match on this card with Dream showing why he is going to be a HUGE star in this industry. He's only in his early 20s, and you can already see him putting on these kind of performances with the likes of Rollins and Styles in a year or 2. As for Riddle, this was easily his best match since debuting on NXT. Riddle hasn't really had much of an opportunity to showcase just how awesome he is in 1-on-1 matches. I hope we get more opportunities to see this out of Riddle. And I love the finish for protecting Riddle and still putting over Dream. God I love these NXT TakeOvers.

After the match, Riddle and Dream fist bump.

KUSHIDA is officially in NXT. This is going to be awesome!

3) WWE United Kingdom Championship
Pete Dunne (c) vs. Walter

The bell rings. Walter and Dunne go to a technical wrestling pace to start off with both men getting submission holds in. Walter goes for the chop early on, but Dunne moves out of the way each time. A forearm to the chin of Walter is met with the CHOP by Walter. Another one, and Dunne sells it as if he's been hit by an ATV. A clothesline by Dunne has no effect. Walter leaps over Dunne and dropkicks him down. Walter is decimating Dunne early on and smacks him down on the ring frame. Back in the ring, Walter continues to dominate Dunne. Dunne gets a heel hook in on Walter, but Walter chops his way out of it. Boston Crab by Walter deep on Dunne. Dunne gets to the rope. Dunne grabs Walter's arm and bends the fingers, but a big boot sends Dunne to the floor.

Dunne gets back in the ring and starts unleashing on Walter. Enziguri by Dunne. Buzzsaw Kick to the back of Walter's head. Moonsault off the corner to the floor on Walter. Walter catches Dunne on the top of the corner, but Dunne takes the fingers and bends them back. Dunne does a Sunset Flip and walks to the middle of the ring to POWERBOMB Walter. 1-2-KICKOUT! DUNNE HITS A DOUBLE FOOT STOMP OFF THE TOP OF THE CORNER ONTO WALTER ON THE FLOOR!

Back in the ring, Walter hits a SHOTGUN DROPKICK on Dunne! Inside Out German Suplex! POWERBOMB! 1-2-DUNNE KICKS OUT! CHOPS TO DUNNE! Dunne tries to fight back, but one chop stops every bit of offense Dunne tries. Test of Strength is turned into a stomp to the face by Walter. Step-Up Enziguri to Walter. "UK" chant by the crowd. Stomp to the fingers by Dunne. Walter stops a moonsault attempt by Dunne. Walter climbs up the corner. Dunne smacks Walter's hands against the post.  AVALANCHE SLEEPER SUPLEX OFF THE TOP ON DUNNE! 1-2-KICKOUT!
Dunne catches the hands of Walter and snaps the fingers!!!! SNAP GERMAN! Crucifix Pin! 1-2-Kickout by Walter! STOMPS by Dunne to the jaw of Walter. Walter answers back up at Dunne! Dunne answers back! FINGERS ARE BENT BACK AS WALTER IS BEING STRETCHED ON THE MAT! Walter gets the foot on the rope! Wow! (The crowd is mildly quiet for this match, but I'm loving the technical wrestling going on in this match.)
Walter chops Dunne off of the corner. WALTER CLIMBS UP TO THE TOP! He dives off, but Dunne gets the Triangle Hold on Walter! Dunne snaps more fingers, but Walter just starts stomping the hell out of Dunne!  BITTER END IS COUNTERED WITH A HELL OF A LARIAT! Forearms to Walter! BITTER END! 1-2-WALTER KICKS OUT! Walter and Dunne meet again in the center of the ring and exchange blows. Forearms and chops. They start slow and start exchanging them faster and faster. Dunne unloads with forearms, but he gets knocked the hell out with a big boot!!! Walter climbs back up the top rope. Dunne gets up and snaps some more fingers. Dunne climbs up and goes for a Triangle off the top rope, but Walter chops him and HITS A POWERBOMB OFF THE TOP ROPE!!!!  Dunne is done! Walter goes back up to the top! SPLASH! 1-2-3!!!! WALTER HAS DONE IT!

Match Grade: A. I know this is getting repetitive, but I absolutely loved this match as a an old school technical wrestling match with some Strong Style thrown in there. Dunne's near 2 year title reign has come to an end, but it was glorious while it lasted. Dunne is such a great wrestler, and he'll be ok not having the championship for a while. Meanwhile, Walter was very impressive. I've never seen a Walter match before, but I now get the hype. 

4) NXT Women's Championship
Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Io Shirai vs. Bianca Belair vs. Kairi Sane

Baszler finds herself in trouble early on as the women show the dangers of being a champion in this type of match. Each of the women face off, even the Shirai and Sane team. Tricep Stomp on Belair. Baszler uses Belair's hair against her, but Belair uses her hair to eventually send Baszler into the ring post on the floor. Back in the ring, Sane dives off the corner on Belair for a 2 count. Shirai similarly hits a missile dropkick on Belair in the ring seconds later. Belair uses her power to manhandle Shirai for a moment, but Baszler comes back in to make sure no pin takes place. Tower of Doom Spot with A Double Powerbomb on Baszler while Baszler superplexes Belair. Shirai propels Sane over the top rope onto Belair and Baszler. Shirai moonsaults onto Baszler as well. Double Chickenwing by Belair in the ring. All four women exchange moves in the ring and are left laying.
Chaos all around here as Belair presses Shirai over the top rope onto Baszler and Sane on the floor. Belair rolls Baszler into the ring. Double Chickenwing is countered into the Clutch by Baszler. Belair gets Baszler off of her. K.O.D. connects! 1-2-Shirai breaks it up. Belair gets X-Factored by Shirai. Moonsaults by Shirai on Baszler. 1-2-Sane breaks it up! Sane and Shirai are going at it. Sane hits an Alabama Slam on Shirai on top of Baszler. INSANE ELBOW! 1-2-Shirai breaks it up!!! Shirai and Sane go at it. DDT by Sane spikes the hell out of Shirai.

Sane climbs back up the top. Belair uses her hair to whip Sane while on the corner. K.O.D. ON BOTH SHIRAI AND SANE AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!  Baszler punts Belair off of the pin!!!! CLUTCH IS IN!!!! Belair taps out!!!!! SHAYNA BASZLER RETAINS!

Winner: Shayna Baszler (STILL NXT Women's Champion)
Match Grade: B. This was a bit of a cluster for a good portion of the match, and I don't really think that much of what anyone did really stood out to be honest. The crowd hated that finish, but it does continue to push Baszler. If WWE is not going to push Baszler to the main roster, this was a smart move to continue giving her something substantive on NXT. 

5)  NXT Championship
2 out of 3 Falls
Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole

Fall #1
The bell rings. A lot of counters and reverals early on with both men avoiding big moves and strikes from the other. Gargano gets the advantage until getting high kicked by Cole from the floor up to Gargano's face. Cole continues to attack Gargano in the ring. Cole uses a chinlock on Gargano for a few moments until Gargano fights out. A Double Crossbody attempt knocks both men down. Gargano starts rolling on offense. Slingshot Spear to Cole gets a 2 count. Tornado DDT by Gargano off the corner gets a 2. Backcracker by Cole gets a 2 count. Jumping Enziguri by Cole. Both men go for the quick roll-up on the other at multiple points. Last Shot to the back of Gargano's head gets the fall for Adam Cole.

Adam Cole is up 1-0.

Fall #2

Cole goes on the attack immediately. German Suplex. Last Shot again. 2 count only. Moments later, Gargano spears Cole on the ring frame. Cole is thrown into the ring. Cole catches Gargano coming into the ring. Ushigaroshi gets a 2 count. Gargano gets an Avalanche White Noise (out of Ciampa's playbook) on Cole for a 2 count. SLINGSHOT DDT ON THE RING APRON BY GARGANO TO COLE! Gargano breaks up a count-out, and he gets rammed into the ring posts for his good nature. Cole rolls Gargano in the ring. Gargano Escape! Cole taps out immediately!

We are tied at 1-1.

Fall #3

They exchange forearms in the ring. Cole gets knocked down with a big lariat. Another Ushigaroshi gets a 2 count. Gargano counters with a dart into the corner on Cole. They are exchanging blows in the middle of the ring now. An excellent sequence happens next where they both nail each other with the same move simultaneously over and over again until both men superkick each other down. Superkick to the back of Gargano's head and a Straight Jacket German Suplex gets ONLY a 2 count. Superkick by Gargano and a REVERSE SPIKE RANA! Superkick by Gargano, but Cole rolls out of the ring before he can be covered. Wheelbarrow Suplex to Gargano sending him HARD into the edge of the ring. DDT on Cole!!!! A SLINGSHOT DDT! 1-2-KICKOUT BY COLE! SUICIDE DIVE BY GARGANO! GARGANO DIVES AT A SUPERKICK!  SPRINGBOARD CANADIAN DESTROYER BY COLE! 1-2-KICKOUT BY GARGANO!!!!!

Cole and Gargano are fighting on the floor. Gargano is called a failure one too many times, and he sends Cole over the announce table. Gargano clears off the table.  COLE USES FAIRY-TALE-ENDING ON GARGANO ON THE TABLE! The Shadow of Ciampa continues to haunt Gargano. Cole tells the referee to count him out. Gargano gets in the ring by 10. SUPERKICK! 1-2-GARGANO KICKS OUT! Cole is losing it. The crowd is electric. Cole runs into a superkick, but Cole gives one back!  Gargano ESCAPE! Roderick Strong is out. ANOTHER GARGANO ESCAPE! The Undisputed Era break it up! Cole kicks Gargano into the referee. HIGH/LOW to Gargano! Cole covers! 1-2-GARGANO KICKS OUT!!!! Adam Cole gets back up, but he gets dumped on The Undisputed Era on the floor. Gargano beats up The Undisputed Era on the floor.  Back in the ring, SUPERKICK!  SUPERKICK! LAST SHOT!!!! 1-2-KICKOUT!!!!!  COLE IS STUNNED! Last Shot misses! GARGANO ESCAPE!!!!! COLE TAPS OUT!!!!

Match Grade: A+. Absolutely amazing here. Damn Meltzer if he doesn't give this 5 stars... Johnny Gargano is great in these big time matches in not only his performance from move to move but also eliciting an emotional response from the crowd. As for Adam Cole, this was his best match since coming to NXT in my opinion. Again, it wasn't just the in-ring stuff. Cole's reactions to when Gargano kicked out after all his tricks carried this match to that next level.
I hope and pray that The Undisputed Era aren't being "called up" after WrestleMania. I have a bad feeling that they are and will likely be ruined by the environment that the main roster WWE is. I think there's a lot more that we can get from them on NXT, including more Cole vs. Gargano matches down the road. I think there's a great feud to be had here while Ciampa continues to recover. BUT I have had a theory that whomever lost this match would be called up to the main roster. I'm sticking to it unfortunately. I hope I'm proven wrong.

Candice LaRae comes out to celebrate with Johnny. Once they get to the stage, Ciampa comes out. And he hugs Gargano to end the show. (I did expect Ciampa to throw Gargano into the LED boards again, to be honest.)

Show Grade: A. This wasn't the best TakeOver ever, but it was a perfect example of what we all love about NXT: great matches from top to bottom. When your worst match is a Fatal Four Way between some excellent performers on the women's roster, you know you are doing a good job as a brand. The only problem with NXT continues to be that transition from NXT to the main roster. This is the in-ring peak of many of the performers who fail to live up to whatever Vince McMahon demands out of them. But forgetting that, I thought this was an excellent start to WWE's WrestleMania weekend.

As I said earlier, I think there are plenty of places for NXT to go with this current crop of talent. With Ricochet and Aleister Black going to the main roster for sure, there's some room for the other talents on the roster to now step up. And frankly, I hope there's a couple talent that never leave NXT (Undisputed Era, Gargano, Ciampa). But that's again a story for another time. Plus, I wouldn't mind seeing Riddle vs. Dream again before either or both get called up to the main roster.

Take care of yourselves everyone. Spread some awesomeness.


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