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WWE WrestleMania 35- Breaking Through Barriers

Well, here it is: WrestleMania 35. The women will be THE Main Event of this show. But there promises to be a ton of other great memories to take away from this show.

This will be a live blog coverage of WrestleMania 35. Instead of doing move for move, I'm posting thought by thought for the matches but still giving my overall review of the match itself.

Let's do this....

WrestleMania 35
Met Life Stadium (New York/New Jersey)


At 5:21pm, our first match is starting!

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Buddy Murphy (c) vs. Tony Nese
- The arena is half empty. THIS IS A 205 Live Match!!!!
- The wrestlers are coming out from a entrance further down the ramp than the actual entrance.
- These guys start immediately after the bell rings.
- Nese screams about this being his WrestleMania moment. Pre-Show, Tony. Pre-Show. He's trying to hype up the crowd, and no one cares yet.
- A gasp comes from the crowd when Nese gets dropped over the turnbuckles. And we get a commercial during the match.
- Nigel McGuinness is battling Corey Graves for the guy who does the most weekly WWE programming. The problem is that most people only know Nigel for being the guy who works with Mauro on NXT.
- Nese makes his comeback against Murphy. A moonsault to a hanging Murphy only gets a 2. \
- People are moving around during the match not paying attention to what is going on. Again, this is a 205 Live match.
- Murphy does a Kamigoye. Nese does a Inverted Rana. And the crowd goes mild with polite applause.  God bless the fans for trying.
- Hard shots by both men as they are working hard to win over the crowd. BIG Lariat by Murphy.
- Nese looks a lot like Damien Sandow. I just noticed that. I feel like one of the unwashed masses for not knowing that.
- Nese dives over the top rope onto Murphy. The applause is growing. 450 by Nese. 1-2-Kickout.
- Jumping Knee by  Murphy. Murphy's Law. 1-2-Nese gets his foot on the rope.
- Murphy runs into a Superkick and gets German Suplexed into the corner. Running knees into Murphy in the corner. 1-2-3. Good applause.

Winner: Tony Nese (NEW Cruiserweight Champion)
Match Grade: B. Good opening match. Again, we've been so conditioned not to care about 205 Live that it's hard to care on stadium shows like this. But the effort was there by the two men. And as far as Cruiserweight Champions in WWE since the relaunch in 2016, Murphy was the best.

WrestleMania Women's Battle Royal

- Most of the women enter at the same time. Only Naomi and Asuka get their own entrance.
- Nikki Cross goes insane and acts like she's relevant on the main roster. Poor Nikki doesn't realize this isn't NXT.
- Maria is eliminated quickly.
- Asuka and Nikki go face to face. Asuka eliminates Nikki and Candice to a chorus of boos.
-  Ember Moon is back in the ring performing. I think she's been out injured. Eclipse on Lana. Naomi is eliminated.
- Ember Moon gets the Eclipse on Mandy Rose. Sonya Deville gets Ember on the apron. Lana pushes Ember off the corner and eliminates her.
- Kairi Sane goes after Lana. Sane sets up Lana in the ring for the Elbow Drop, but Sarah Logan pushes her off the corner. Sane is still in the match. The Riott Squad team up on Lana and eliminate her.
- Sane knocks Logan down in the ring. Insane Elbow connects. Her usefulness is done. Morgan and Sane are on the apron. Sane is eliminated.
- The Riott Squad throw women over the top rope, but no one goes to the floor yet.
- Dana Brooke starts going after The Riott Squad. Ruby is eliminated by Dana, as is Liv Morgan! Zelina Vega jumps Dana from behind. Zelina hits the double knees on Dana in the corner.
- Zelina Vega is eliminated.
- Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville eliminate Dana Brooke.
- We're down to Deville, Morgan, Ember, Asuka, and Mickie James.
- Mandy Rose is eliminated by Mickie James. Sonya eliminates Mickie.
- Asuka vs. Sonya vs. Logan
-  Asuka starts firing off.  Logan is left as Sonya and Asuka are eliminated.  Wait. Carmella is left as well1
- - Sarah is dangling on the ropes. Logan is superkicked to the floor. THE STATEN ISLAND PRINCESS WINS THE BATTLE ROYAL!

Winner: Carmella
Match Grade: C. Fun Battle Royal with a  shocking end. I didn't think Carmella would get that win, but I'm not going to argue it. Carmella is a good choice to win something like this. But I would just say that Asuka could have used this as well to be a consolation prize for getting burned a couple weeks ago in the build to WrestleMania.

Raw Tag Team Championhips
The Revival (c) vs. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins

- The Revival get a great pop as they should. Dash Wilder is, indeed, a knock out kind of guy. And I'm even more of a fan of him after what he did to that stupid idiot last night that jumped Bret Hart.
- Ryder and Hawkins don't get as big a reaction as I thought they would in Ryder's home area.
- Will the 269 match losing streak of Hawkins come to an end tonight?
- This is being shown on USA Network in a simulcast of the second hour. So, if you are watching on USA, Ryder and Hawkins had a jobber entrance
-  Wilder gets a pop when he gets tagged in.
- Ryder hits a missile dropkick on Wilder, but he misses a big aerial move seconds later.
- Wilder and Dawson take turns beating down Ryder. They break out the Demolition finisher.
-  It's good to see The Revival, Ryder, and Hawkins work WrestleMania in any capacity, but it's especially good to see them work a tag team match as opposed to a battle royal. Get that spotlight, guys.
- Wilder and Dawson continue working on Ryder for a few more moments, working almost a PPV style match as opposed to what you would normally see on Raw.
- Good work by Ryder and The Revival getting the crowd invested.  Ryder gets close to tagging in, but Wilder pulls Hawkins down. Revival continue the attack after the false hope of a tag spot.
- Excellent tag team match here with The Revival continuing to prove just how great they are at the simple mechanics of effective tag team storytelling and execution.
- Wilder needs to use a punch as his finishing move as a singles act.
- Dawson fails to stop Ryder from getting a tag. Hawkins gets The Hot Tag of Doom!
- Hawkins gets a couple close pins on Dawson. Overhead kick by Hawkins puts Wilder out of the ring.
- Ryder gets the tag. Wilder and Ryder go out of the ring in a Double Suplex spot. OUCH! Hawkins is legal now! 1-2-WILDER pulls Hawkins off.
- Fast paced offense on the floor. Brainbuster on the floor by Dawson on Hawkins.
- "LET'S GO HAWKINS!" chants
-  Dawson gets rolled up! 1-2-3!!!!! THE STREAK IS OVER!!! AND WE HAVE NEW RAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!

Winners; Ryder and Hawkins (NEW RAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!)
Match Grade: A-. I realize that might be high, but that was an excellent tag team match. Great in-ring psychology by all four men. The Revival looked like Arn and Tully out there. Hawkins and Ryder got the crowd in their hands by the end of the show and got the huge pop at the end for the shocking win. Excellent match.

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

- The SNL guys get their own entrance coming from the actual WrestleMania entrance. Chorus of Boos. Jost wears a OBJ Cleveland Brown jersey for more heat.
- The Hardys also get their own entrance and come out through the WrestleMania entrance as well.
- During the commercial break for USA, Booker T makes some hilarious comments about the SNL guys.
- BRAUNNNNNN!!!!! Braun rips off his shirt and shows that he is JACKED for tonight's match.
-  The SNL guys crawl under the ropes and under the ring.
- Lince Dorado is gone as is one of the B-Team members.
- Tyler Breeze, EC3, Shelton Benjamin, Bo Dallas  are gone.
- Luke Harper and Braun face off.
- Heath Slater is going back to check on his kids. He's gone.
- Titus Worldwide is Shut Down. He didn't slide under the ring on his way down.
- No Way Jose... That describes his chances of winning. He's gone.
- Konnor went through the ropes. He's  still in.
- Karl Anderson misses being relevant just like he'll  miss this ending. He's gone.
- Rhyno is gone. No jokes. I don't want Gored.
- Bobby Roode is gone. His glorious days are far away.
- Gran Metalik gets eliminated.
- Kalisto is gone.
- Chad Gable is gone.
- Tucker and Otis get their moment to shine. Caterpiller by Otis. The Ascension is gone.
- Strowman eliminates Heavy Machinery. (Strowman may get fired for touching Vince's favorite Chris Farley impersonator like that.)
- Jinder Mahal is going back to India via Canada.
- Luke Harper and Ali are gone thanks to Strowman.
- The Hardys, Braun, The SNL guys, and Andrade are left. So is Apollo. Andrade and Apollo are eliminated as Andrade accidentally eliminates himself.
- Thee SNL guys come out from under the ring. Strowman eliminates The Hardys and has the SNL guys all alone.
- "GET THESE HANDS!" chants from the crowd.
- Jost gets the mic and gets booed. Jost begs off. Not everything has to end in violence. His therapist comes into the ring to work through some of the anger. The Independent Jobb... Worker/ Therapist gets the hands and chokeslammed. Jost tells Che to get him. Che tries to eliminate himself. He goes over the ropes voluntarily, but Braun smacks his face to knock him down. Strowman misses a big boot. Jost goes for the elimination. But Braun knocks him away. RUNNING POWERSLAM THROW TO THE CROWD OF WRESTLERS ON THE GROUND!

Match Grade: D+. Well, that thankfully didn't go as bad as I thought it was going to go. I seriously thought that the SNL guys might win there for a second. The Women's Battle Royal was better.

Main Show

Yolanda Adams sings America the Beautiful taking creative liberties with a couple of the lyrics and the design of the song. Helicopters fly over the stadium.

WrestleMania Opening Video: The wrestlers talk about this being their stage and being the storytellers tonight. Pictures and highlights from WrestleMania's past. Tonight is the chance to live forever. (The video is well done, but it gets played out after a minute)

Fireworks go off.

Alexa Bliss is introduced to the crowd first. Wow. What a great  way to kick off WrestleMania. (eye roll) She puts herself over as "The Goddess." Alexa says she can make a WrestleMania moment with the snap of her fingers. She snaps her fingers...

AND HULK HOGAN COMES OUT!!!! Well, I'll give them credit: This worked. He does the "Silverdome" joke one more time. Lol. Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania, Alexa Bliss, and WrestleMania run wild on you? Alexa poses with Hogan. Lol..

PAUL HEYMAN RUNS OUT AND TO THE RING! Heyman yells for the mic! Wrong. Paul Heyman says if Brock is NOT going to go on first, then his client refuses to go on anytime other than NOW! So, they are doing this NOW!!!!!

Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Seth Rollins
- Brock gets fireworks on the stage and in the ring.
- This is insane. The Universal Championship Match is on first.
- Brock's logo is shown being impaled by a sword. Seth comes out to a sign that says BEAST SLAYER.
- Seth takes off his jacket-vest and immediately powerwalks to the ring. It's on!!!
- Brock attacks Seth before he even gets in the ring! Brock wants his steak now dammit!
- F-5 on the floor by Brock! Seth gets up using the security wall. Brock throws Seth in between the LED screen and the security wall.
- Seth is thrown over the announce table a couple times and then into the ring.
- Brock orders the referee to ring the bell. Brock picks up Seth and throws him to the floor.
- Again, the German Announce Table gets invaded.
- Brock breaks the cover of the table with Seth's back.
- Brock goes back in the ring and tells the ref again to start the match.
- The match is official. SUPLEX CITY is on! Seth is bleeding from the back. 3 Germans already.
- F-5 is avoided. LOW BLOW! The ref is on the floor unable to see that.
- Seth is fighting back. Curb Stomp! Brock rolls over. Another one! A third one! Seth covers!!!!1-2-3!!!!!! THE BEAST HAS BEEN SLAIN!

Match Grade: B. Well, that was awesome while it lasted. Brock beat the crap out of Seth, but Seth got the biggest win of his career. Brock did the honors impressively here, putting over Seth as clean as could be expected. Heyman's face is priceless on the replay. That was a WrestleMania moment.

Seth celebrates with the title on the stage ala WrestleMania 31. Hercules Hernandez Impersonation included.

Jerry "The King" Lawler is out for commentary for the next match.

Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles
- RKO almost connects within the first minute of the match.
- Orton does the Garvin stomps. I know people find Orton boring, but I love that Orton is reliable on having a certain kind of match.
- I pray to the wrestling powers that be that Randy Orton will one day face Minoru Suzuki. I would love to see that match.
- Styles gets a couple moves in, but Orton has been dominant in the first few minutes. Orton gets the suplex on the barricade.
- Already, the fans seem distracted by something else going on in the stadium.
- Styles finally gets some offense going. Ushigaroshi on Orton gets a 2.
- The fans seem continuously self-entertained as Orton reasserts control with a slam and a stomp to Orton.
- Orton gets caught in a Calf Crusher, but he gets to the ropes.
- Styles fakes out Orton who went for an RKO. Springboard 450 By Styles. 1-2-Kickout.
- Orton puts Styles on the corner. He decks him silly on the corner and climbs up. SUPERPLEX BY ORTON!
- Orton and Styles are benefitting and cursed by the opening match. They get the time, but they have an apathetic crowd.
- Orton gets rolled up, but then Styles gets hit with the RKO! 1-2-KICKOUT! (Orton accidentally mooned the audience in the process of all this.)
- AJ rolls to the apron. Orton climbs up the corner and pulls Styles back up. Orton is going for a SUPER RKO OFF OF THE CORNER! AJ escapes. Pele Kick to Orton knocks him to the floor. Styles is calling for a Forearm to the floor. PHENOMENAL FOREARM OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE VIPER ON THE FLOOR!
- Orton gets rolled into the ring. Styles almost gets RKOed. PHENOMENAL FOREARM! 1-2-3!!!!!!!

Winner: AJ Styles
Match Grade: C. This is C for The Crowd. The crowd just killed this match. There was some really good psychology going on, but the crowd had already made up their mind that they didn't want to see this match (or Randy Orton in particular). Good work by both men, but the fans could give a damn.

Lacey Evans comes out to strut that body around the stage.

SmackDown Tag Team Titles
The Usos (c) vs. Aleister Black and Ricochet vs. The Bar vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Rusev (w/ Lana)
- Shinsuke and Rusev should be called "The Misfit Toys." I think that would just be so appropriate.
- Good reaction to Ricochet's theme by the crowd.
- Ricochet has a Hiroshi Tanahashi-like jacket on.
- Aleister Black gets a good reaction too and an awesome video screen to go with it. The fans are singing with his theme as he comes to the ring.
- The Usos are the first team to enter WrestleMania 3 years in a row as Tag Team Champions. Nice stat to put on a HOF resume.
- Frequent tags in and out of the ring early on involving all four teams.
- Rusev and Nakamura are trying some tandem offense which I'm enjoying.
- Ricochet gets a tag eventually and dives on Nakamura. Nakamura gets Cesaro in the ring.
- Ricochet does a 5 second Tilt-A-Whirl on Cesaro. In response, Cesaro spins Ricochet around for a good 60 seconds!!!!!  Sheamus is pounding on opponents left and right on the ropes while this is going on. Awesome!
- A Sharpshooter is broken up. Rusev tags himself in as does Aleister Black. Black amazes as well with an Asai Moonsault on Rusev. Nakamura wants the tag, and he gets it.
- Ricochet hits a Shooting Star Press to break up a pin attempt by Nakamura. Overkill, right?
- Rusev gives Ricochet a bigger slam than an owner of Lucha Underground.
- The Bar now get in the match and start beating on Ricochet. The Usos get involved. Nakamura and Rusev get involved! SUPER TOWER OF DOOM! BUT RICOCHET LANDS ON HIS FEET!
- Ricochet hits Sheamus with the 630! 1-2-Broken up by the opponents!
- Jey Uso tags in but dives off into an uppercut. Superkicks and attacks for everyone. Black Mass! Kinshasa! Brogue Kick to Ricochet! Wow! The Usos Double Superkick Sheamus. Double Splash! 1-2-3!

Winners; The Usos (STILL SmackDown Tag Team Champions)
Match Grade: B. Great work by everyone involved. Ricochet looked like a superstar in this match in particular. I think we can solidly say that Black and Ricochet are going to different brands soon.

The Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony is reviewed

(So far, I have really enjoyed this WrestleMania.)

The Hall of Fame Inductees come out for the applause. So great to see Bret after what happened. DX comes out with the full entrance. Fireworks go off for the Hall of Famers. DX walks around to shake hands with the other Hall of Famers.

(A great HOF class when you see them all together like that.)

Falls  Count Anywhere
The Miz vs. Shane McMahon
- Shane is dressed in dark colors to get the heel factor going.
- Shane has the ring announcer redo his introduction.
- Shane tells him to do it one more time with more pronunciation on the vowels. Lol.
- MizDad is here.
- I still say Miz having "Quiet on the set..." on his entrance is a bad move for a face. That's a heel introduction, not a new face. Miz gets fireworks.
- Shane plays runaway to start the match. He grabs Miz's dad by the throat and slugs Miz. Who's the heel again?
- The famous Shane O'Mac Potato Punches are out.
- Shane dominates the early going here, mocking Miz and MizDad while beating up Miz repeatedly.
- Shane clears tables off and hits Miz in the face with a TV. Miz is draped over a table. Shane climbs up the corner in the ring. MizDad gets in between them! Shane climbs down and dares him to get in the ring.
- MizDad ptus the dukes up. Shane mocks him and puts the fists in the right position for him. Lol.
- Shane goes after MizDad and kicks him down. MIZ RUNS IN AND TACKLES SHANE for a HUGE pop.
- Miz is throwing Shane over the barricade now. Miz asks for doctors to check on his Dad. He dives over the barricade into Shane and starts beating him down.
- Miz and Shane go into the crowd. They fight on some sort of ramp by an LED board.
- The Miz starts attacking Shane with a chair to the knees and back into the audience. They are literally going up into the stands. The International Announce Table position is getting wrecked as Miz pummels Shane. Miz puts Shane through a table, but it only gets a 2 count. This is chaos and awesome.
- Shane gets bounced off the position, hitting a golf cart roof, and bouncing to the cement floor. 2 count only!
- They now fight into a lighting position. (WrestleMania X-Seven comes to mind.) SKULL CRUSHING FINALE! 1-2-KICKOUT BY SHANE! Miz smiles. Miz tosses Shane onto another level of the platform.
- Shane is climbing up the structure. Oh my God. Miz is climbing up after him. Shane is cornered.
- Miz faces off with Shane. Shane begs off. Miz shows no mercy. MIZ SUPLEXES SHANE OFF THE SCAFFOLD FALLING ALL THE WAY TO THE STAGE! SHANE LANDED ON MIZ! 1-2-3!!!!

Winner: Shane McMahon
Match Grade: A. Holy crap. I know that was probably an air mattress below or whatever. But that spot is a WrestleMania moment. The match itself was a fun brawl as well. Was I entertained? Yes. Did it work with the storyline? Yes. Did both guys overperform? Yes. Bottom line. I enjoyed this whole thing.

Paige gets a great ovation.

WWE Women's Tag Team Championship
The Boss N Hug Connection (c) vs. Tamina and Nia Jax vs. Beth Phoenix and Natalya vs. The IIconics

- Some of Bayley's inflatable tube-men didn't inflate. They aren't as over as they were in NXT. Hmmmmmmmmm..... There might be something there. Did Vince book them too?
- Beth Phoenix and Natalya are joined by Bret Hart on stage!!!! They walk down to Bret's theme.
- Tamina wants blood already.
- She gets a sneak shot on both Nattie and Beth. The IIconics decide to just fall to the floor instead of taking the hit. Lol.
- IIconics do their pose in the ring for a good pop.
- Peyton gets tagged out by Beth Phoenix. But Billie Kay gets the blind tag on Bayley. The IIconics have worked a lot of this match surprisingly.
- The IIconics get double suplexed by Beth. Tag to Nattie. Hart Attack on Billie Kay. Bayley stops the pin.
- Bank Statement on Beth Phoenix. Beth rolls out of it. Glam Slam avoided by Sasha.
- Nattie is legal now. Double Sharpshooter on The Boss N Hug Connection. Tamina superkicks Nattie in the face to break it up. Nia and Tamina double-team Beth.
- The IIconics get Double Samoan Dropped.
- Nia and Tamina set up Sasha and Bayley in the ring and climb the corners!
- NIA gets sent onto the apron by Beth.
- Nattie and Beth get taken out by Sasha on the floor.
- Beth is in the ring. Elbow Drop by Bayley. Sasha climbs up and hits the Frog Splash. 2 count. Sasha was paying tribute to Eddie Guerrero. Sasha and Bayley put Beth on the corner. Nattie helps Beth by powerbombing Sasha. Bayley is caught on the corner.  TOP ROPE GLAM SLAM! There was a tag!  Billie Kay covers Bayley! 1-2-3!!!!!

Match Grade: C. Pro Wrestling Sheet's coverage of this show should be interesting. God Bless John Rocha who is probably convulsing somewhere in disgust.  I think there's a lot to be desired about this decision. but The IIconics should prove to be at least an interesting duo as Tag Team champions. Beth Phoenix has nothing left to prove. She still has it and then some. Nia and Tamina did what they needed to do: cause havoc. Good work here in a tough spot on the card by all women.

WWE Championship
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Kofi Kingston

- The New Day come out together to a great ovation with loud "KOFI" chants.
- There's a wrapped up box for Kofi that Big E shows off. But he's not giving it to him yet. I also noticed a WWE Championship tarp at ringside.
- I never thought I'd see the day where Daniel Bryan would be defending the WWE Championship at WrestleMania in a post-2016 run for Daniel Bryan.
-  The crowd is going nuts with #Kofimania chants.
- So much for Daniel Bryan beating Kofi Kingston in 18 seconds as he promised in interviews.
- Bryan catches Kofi in the ring jumping and puts him in a Liger-type surfboard.
- Kofi and Bryan are showing a lot of great athleticism so far in this match. Bryan using his mat-based work while Kofi is showing off his acrobatics.
- Boom Drop connects on Bryan. Bryan goes to the floor to avoid Kingston. Kingston dives off the ropes towards Bryan, but he SMACKS the announce tables instead! Dang.
- Back in the ring, Bryan starts his offensive run, including a knee drop on the back of a hanging Kofi. 2 count only.
- Why am I feeling a New Day heel turn here? That whole gift thing is hanging over my head like a Sword of Damocles.
- The locker room is shown in the back cheering for Kofi.
- Bryan starts hitting the running dropkicks into the corner on Kofi. Kofi goes for a Double Stomp, but Bryan catches Kofi with a Boston Crab instead! (Nice sequence.) Kofi gets to the ropes, and the crowd eats it up.
- Kofi fights off Bryan from suplexing him on the corner. Elbows to the face of Bryan to YES! chants from the crowd. Kofi splashes the back of Bryan off the corner. 2 count!
- Strikes exchanged by both men to cheers and boos from the crowd.
- Trouble in Paradise is blocked!
- Both men get roll-ups on the other! Both get out.
- Kofi does a crossbody. Bryan reverses it. Labell Lock escaped by Kofi.
- The crowd is going nuts.
- Bryan sets up for the knee with the mocking of the crowd and the former "Yes!" movement.
- Bryan  gets hit with S.O.S.! LABELL LOCK BY BRYAN!!!
- The crowd is exploding in cheering for Kofi!
- Kofi gets his foot on the rope to a big pop from the crowd.
- Bryan is smiling like a sinister heel. In other words, he's loving this as a performer.
- Kofi gets psyched up after getting kicked several times by Bryan! They are exchanging kicks to the roar of the crowd.
- Kofi with an inverted suplex for a 2 count. They now go on the floor. Rowan gets in the way of Kofi. Woods gets in the way as does Big E. Rowan takes them both out. Trouble in Paradise to Rowan. Big E picks him up. Midnight Hour by New Day on Rowan. Kofi goes back after Bryan in the ring.  The crowd is going nuts!!!! RUNNING KNEE BY BRYAN!!!! 1-2-KICKOUT!
- Unprotected stomps to the face of Kofi.
- LaBell Lock in the middle of the ring! But Bryan only barely has it in. The crowd is erupting for Kofi.
- Kofi gets out, but Bryan still has a Triangle Lock on. Kofi starts punching down on Bryan to "YES!" chants
- Kofi now stomps unprotected shots on the head of Bryan!

Winner: Kofi Kingston (NEW WWE CHAMPION)
Match Grade: A+. That was amazing. The crowd energy carried that up a few notches but the match itself was energetic as well. So glad WWE decided not to troll the fans. Who would have ever predicted this from just this January? Amazing moment and match. WrestleMania has been awesome so far.

After the match, they dump the Eco-Friendly WWE Championship and restore the proper WWE Championship. Kofi holds the belt up while The New Day lift him up. Fireworks are going off. Kofi's sons come into the ring and celebrate with him. The New Day open the box. There's a new shirt! His son shows off the shirt to the crowd and throws it into the crowd!

The SNL guys are with Alexa Bliss. They complain about being beaten up. Their doctors: The Outsiders. Hey yo. Nash gets a glove on.

Booker T is out for the next match.

WWE United States Championship
Samoa Joe (c) vs. Rey Mysterio
- So glad to see Samoa Joe get this opportunity to work WrestleMania.
- Joe kicks down Rey immediately. Tornado DDT by Rey seconds later though.
-  619!!!!
- Joe catches Rey coming off the corner. CLUTCH IS IN! Mysterio is out! JOE BEAT HIM in what? 45 seconds?

Winner: Samoa Joe (STILL U.S. Champion)
Match Grade: C. That was  a statement win for Joe here, and Joe now has his WrestleMania moment He just beat a former World Heavyweight Champion in seconds on The Grandest Stage of Them All. That was King Kong Bundy like.

Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre
- I think Drew McIntyre found Roddy Piper's old Scottish band. In all seriousness, it's great to see Drew get that type of treatment and to work such a big match at WrestleMania.
- Roman gets the usual big fireworks introduction for WrestleMania.
- As promised, these two start getting some snug shots in early on.
- McIntyre throws Roman around the ring and goes on the attack.
- Roman knocks Drew down to the floor a moment or two later.
- The Drive-By fails for Roman. Drew suplexes Roman off the apron to the floor.
- Back in the ring, Drew hits the reverse Alabama Slam on Roman. A VERY CLOSE 2 count.
- Drew and Roman are on the corner. Drew gets too cocky and Roman decks him. Roman gets thrown off the corner by Drew.
- Drew decks Roman and mocks Ambrose to him. Roman gets ticked and sends Drew to the floor. Drive-By connects.
- Samoan Drop on the floor by Roman.
- The fans' love affair with Roman seems to be over based on this crowd.
- Superman Punch in the ring.
- SPEAR! 1-2-3!

Winner: Roman Reigns
Match Grade: C+.  An average Raw-level match here with McIntyre getting some good shots in. But once Roman went into Roman mode, this match was pretty one-sided. This seemed to be just a "feel-good" moment only type of situation. I'm just glad to see Roman back in the ring after what he's gone through the last few months.

Roman is shown crying in the ring emotional about the moment.

Rusev and Lana are in a Snickers commercial.

Elias Concert
- Elias is shown on stage performing with drums.
- Elias is then shown playing on piano.
- Then Elias in physical form is shown in the ring. Elias is literally a one-man band. Elias shows off.
- WHO WANTS TO WALK WITH ELIAS?! Cue "Walk with Elias" Seven Nation Army playing by the crowd and Elias gets in on it.
- WWE stands for WALK WITH ELIAS
- Something plays on the video screen. Special Bulletin: 1932 World Series is shown. Elias is unsure what is going on. Babe Ruth's home run is shown.
- The crowd is cheering for Cena.
- Folks, Cena still has it.
- Elias gets eviscerated on the mic by Cena. Five Knuckle Shuffle and an FU later.

I loved this. Cena just showed the world that he had it. I'm not going to recap the promo. If you have the opportunity, check out the rap online.

No Holds Barred
Batista vs. Triple H
**If Triple H loses, he must retire from in-ring competition.

Shawn Michaels is on commentary.

- Batista is driven on stage by a motorcade complete with bodyguards. Machine Gun pose and fireworks go off. Batista trips getting into the ring. Batista almost looks like he's drunk the way he stumbles through his entrance in general.
- Batista and HBK stare off.
- Batista stares off with Triple H's father at ringside also.
- He redoes his entrance into the ring slowly. Lol.
- Triple H gets a Mad Max entrance that is at once hokey and past its prime. Hmmmm.....
- It's almost 11pm, and we still have THIS match, The Finn Balor Intercontiental Championship Match with Bobby Lashley, Angle's last match, and the main event. Working people be damned. Can we please just put WrestleMania at noon to get a decent end time one year? Just try it out.
- Batista goes flying through the ropes again, this time on purpose when Hunter knocks him out of the ring.
- It's StumbleMania as both men stumble around move to move on the floor.. Triple H hits Batista in the head with a toolbox.
- Triple H smacks Batista with a chain across the back and starts choking him.
- I wonder how many Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy references we'd be getting by now if Mauro Ranallo were calling this match. Then again, the commentary would at least be awesome. MAMMA MIA! Love Mauro.
- Triple H takes a wrench to Batista's fingers and tries to break them. Triple H stomps on the wrench to break Batista's fingers. A chair is brought into the ring as are pliers.
-  Triple H attacks Batista with the chair in the ring. Triple H takes the pliers and pulls the nose ring of Batista out!
- Batista dumps Triple H on the announce table. And repeat on another announce table.
- Triple H gets whipped from barricade to barricade.
- Batista takes the fight to Triple H in the ring and again to the floor.
- Batista puts stairs on a table. He calls for the Batista Bomb on Triple H, but Triple H back bodydrops Batista onto the other table. Batista literally bounced off that table.
- Triple H gets out the sledgehammer. BAH GAWD! He's going to bury Batista like he did Sting!
-  SPEAR by Batista! The sledgehammer is out of Triple H's hands.
- Batista has it. Now Triple H gets it. Spinebuster by Batista. Batista Bomb. 1-2-Kickout.
- Batista goes out and gets stairs. No. Don't clear the sledgehammer out of Triple H's reach. Just get steel steps and bring them in the ring. Lol.
- Triple H is put on a corner. Batista climbs up, but Triple H slides under. POWERBOMB on the steps! PEDIGREE! 1-2-BATISTA KICKS OUT!
- The sledgehammer is right next to Triple H. He has it. Batista is trying to get up. Triple H is up first. DDT by Batista on the steps! Triple H does his best RVD impersonation by floating over on the DDT sell.
- Ric Flair is out to encourage Triple H. He gives him another sledgehammer. Triple H hits the sledgehammer shot. Pedigree. 1-2-3.

Winner: Triple H
Match Grade: B-. This had a lot of sloppy moments, but it was a fun brawl while it lasted.

Alexa Bliss is shown backstage. She brings over The B-Team who show off Daniel Bryan T-Shirts that proclaim him still WWE Champion. DAMN!-Ron Simmons!

Here comes JBL!

Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin
- Corbin comes out at the mid-entrance way. They're rushing the show at this point, I think.
- Angle comes out with the classic Team Angle ring jacket on. Fireworks go off all over the arena.
- Angle gets a Belly-to-Belly throw on Corbin.
- Corbin rakes the eyes of Angle.
- Corbin bounces Angle off the ropes throat first.
- Corbin beats up Angle for a few moments. Angle catches Corbin making a mistake. Triple German Suplexes by Angle.
- Ankle Lock by Angle is escaped.
- Deep 6. 1-2-Kickout by Angle!
- Angle Slam! Corbin kicks out at 2.
- Ankle Lock is on. Corbin crawls to the rope, but Angle pulls him back. Corbin flips Kurt off of him.
- Corbin mocks Cena.
- German Suplex by Angle. Make that 3 more. Angle goes to the top rope. No!  Moonsault misses!END OF DAYS! 1-2-3.

Winner: Baron Corbin
Match Grade: C-. Well, Angle went out on his shield. But that doesn't mean that this was a good match. This could have been much better, but it was not meant to be.

Angle gets on the mic. He thanks everyone for the last 20 years. He asks for the music to be played one last time. 'YOU SUCK!" from the crowd for the song. Angle gets a long exit to the back from the WWE.

Intercontinental Championship
Bobby Lashley (c) (w/Lio Rush) vs. "The Demon" Finn Balor
- Give or take 2 minutes on this.
- It looked like there was some sort of failure for the Demon entrance. I thought I saw Balor drop off a platform to the stage.
- Bobby Lashley has contacts in looking at The Demon. I fear Lashley a lot more. Just saying.
- The Demon kicks Lashley in the corner. Balor hits the Somersault Dive over the top rope to Lashley on the floor.
- Spinebuster by Lashley in the ring. BIG suplex from apron to ring by Lashley. AGAIN!
- Lashley destroys Balor with a lariat sending Balor to the floor.
- SLING BLADE TO Lashley on the floor followed by the Shotgun Dropkick.
- Coup de Grace! 1-2-3!!!!

Winner: Finn Balor (New Intercontinental Champion)
Match Grade: B. For a 3 minute match, that was well done. This was in the same vein as Goldberg-Lesnar. If you've only got a few minutes to tell a story, then just go all out in those minutes. I thought Lashley was going to win it a few times. And that's really all you can ask for in this type of match.

Here comes Alexa Bliss once again. She announces 82,265 people attended the show, probably 69,000 of which were paid. Right Meltzer?

Alexa announces a break. No break. Here comes R-Truth and Carmella. Dance Break!!!! (This goes longer than the 7 seconds they promoted.)

Main Event
Title for Title- Winner Takes All
Ronda Rousey (Raw Champion) vs. Charlotte Flair (SmackDown Champion) vs. Becky Lynch (Royal Rumble Winner)
- CHARLOTTE is being flown in on a helicopter. Wow! This is like her father's classic entrance at one of The Great American Bash events, from what I remember. They focus on her for the longest time. She's still walking into the stadium as they cut back to the inside.
- The ring introductions are messed up.
- Joan Jett plays Ronda Rousey to the ring! That's awesome!
- Charlotte officially makes her entrance with fireworks going off. (Overkill on the entrance?)
-  THE MAN comes out last with the crowd chanting her song when she comes out. She has the most understated entrance of the three. Only smoke comes up for her entrance, as it used to.
- The ring introductions go better this time.
- Folks, we're seeing history unfold here. The Women just broke the barrier.
- Rousey dominates early on, hitting Piper's Pit on both Becky and Charlotte. Charlotte and Becky beat Ronda back down. Charlotte poses in the middle of the ring.
- Becky and Charlotte go back and forth with the crowd going nuts.
- Rousey comes in and disrupts everything.
- DOUBLE ARMBAR by Rousey to Charlotte and Becky. Becky escapes and dropkicks Ronda down. Ronda falls to the floor hard, bouncing her head on it.
- Becky catches Charlotte in a moonsault and goes for the DisArm-Her. Rousey breaks it up.
- Double Natural Selection to the opponents only gets a 2 for Charlotte.
- Poor Michael Cole is losing his voice.
- Hard chops by Flair. Ronda wants more. Armbar by Ronda avoided, as Charlotte gets a Boston Crab in.
- Becky gets back in the mix and puts down her opponents for a couple 2 counts.
- Charlotte does the corner float-over like her father.
- Becksploder Suplex by Becky off the corner! 2 count!  Ronda does a Double Crossbody off the corner for a 2 count. DOUBLE ARMBAR BY ROUSEY! Double PowerBomb x3 by Lynch and Charlotte!  Rousey is almost pinned by Charlotte, but Rousey gets the shoulder up at 2.8.
- Rousey and Lynch are left in the ring. DISARM-HER! Rousey gets to the rope. Ronda powers Lynch off of her. But another Disarm-Her by Lynch using the corner. Charlotte breaks it up. Lynch and Charlotte are on the corner! SPANISH FLY!!!! 1-2-KICKOUT!!!!
- Charlotte boots Becky off the apron. Charlotte goes after the leg of Rousey. FIGURE FOUR ON THE RING POST!!!!!!!!!! Becky breaks it up.
- Rousey almost gets a roll-up on Charlotte. FIGURE 8!!!! BECKY DIVES OFF THE ROPES TO STOP THE SUBMISSION! It was a Leg Drop on Charlotte!
- Becky goes under the ring and pulls out a table! She sets it up in the ring. Becky ends up getting laid on that table! Charlotte climbs up on the corner. Charlotte gets dumped to the floor when Rousey stops it. She removes the table and starts going after Becky. DOUBLE SPEAR BY CHARLOTTE! 1-2-KICKOUT! Both women kick out!
- Charlotte sets up the table in the corner. She smacks Rousey's head off of it. SPEAR to Becky! 1-2-Kickout!
- Charlotte gets Hip Tossed into the table by Becky and Ronda.
- Lynch vs. Rousey 1-1. BIG KNEE BY ROUSEY! Piper's Pit connects, but BECKY CRUCIFIXES HER!!!! 1-2-3!!!!! THE MAN HAS DONE IT!!!!
- It looked as if Rousey's shoulder was up during that count, but the decision stands.
- Fireworks go off to end the show while The Man celebrates with her titles.

Winner: Becky Lynch
Match Grade: B+. This wasn't the greatest match for anyone involved, but it is an unqualified success in terms of breaking the ceiling and ending in the right way. Becky, Ronda, and Charlotte had a lot of hard-hitting action here. And Charlotte proved to be more than just an extra person in the match. She added a lot to it.

Overall Grade: B+. WrestleMania continues to be just too long for working families to sit through without suffering the consequences the next morning. As for the show itself, I really enjoyed a majority of what happened. There were some feel good moments, some great spots, a couple great matches (including one on the pre-show in my opinion), and some definitive WrestleMania moments. Good show overall.

It's 12:30am. I have work tomorrow. Or should I say today? Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness.


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