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Best in the World 2018 Live Thoughts

Live Updates throughout the show. As each match finishes, I'll be posting the results, key moments, and other thoughts about the match. Refresh every so often to see if any new information has been added.

According to their Facebook Live show earlier today, they've supposedly doubled their biggest crowd ever in Baltimore for this show. So, this is going to be a big, hot crowd for what should be a great show.

Ok. Here we go. LIVE from Baltimore, MD. It's Best in the World. Remember, I'll update this as soon as each match is over.

Generic opener about proving who is The Best in the World and going over each of the big matches.
Nice looking crowd for an ROH show here.

1) ROH Six Man Tag Team Championship
EVIL, SANADA, and Bushi vs. The Kingdom (c)

A heavy amount of streamers welcome LIJ as they enter the ring, and a fair amount of streamers welcome The Kingdom into the ring as well.

Crowd isn't too hot into this match at the beginning. It seems as if the crowd doesn't buy into LIJ winning this as a possibility. Funny moment: With everyone else outside, Taven pulls a NAITO rope run into a lay down in the ring. Sanada runs in and dropkicks him on the mat. EVIL ends up being the guy taking The Kingdom's heel offense. Some nice spots here including a nice spinebuster by TK. Bushi, get ready. I think your back will be on the mat for a few seconds shortly.

Sanada gets the tag and does his usual awesomeness. Sanada tries to put the Paradise Lock on Taven. TK tries to do the same to Sanada, but Sanada locks it in on him. And Sanada helps them both out with a dropkick to their rear ends. Balloon pop to the ear of Sanada. Kingdom goes for their finisher, but it gets broken up.

Bushi is on the floor, which is typical for Japan's 6 man tags. Bushi gets the tag! BUSHI-ROONI!  Double hurricanrana.  LIJ triple-teaming Taven gets a close 2. The Kingdom end up triple teaming BUSHI. But Evil barely breaks up the pin with a light kick.  BUSHI ties up the ref and sprays the mist into Vinnie's eyes. The Kingdom however gets Bushi and nails him with a powerbomb/knee-to-spine combination.

Winners: The Kingdom.

Fine opening match. It did its job in keeping the crowd warm. Good for what it was supposed to be. No one bought LIJ winning the match, and they didn't do much to change that perception in this.

2) Bully Ray vs. Flip Gordon

Flip comes out first to loud FLIP chants and wearing an American flag around his neck. BOOK FLIP! BULLY runs in and tries to jump FLIP only for FLIP to backflip over Bully and nail 2 superkicks. He spears him down, and Bully runs out. Flip flies over the top rope and nails Bully on the outside. Another forward flip from the ring to Bully on the outside. SPRINGBOARD FOREARM TO BULLY ON THE OUTSIDE! FLIP is attacking Bully with punches on the outside. Flip puts Bully to a ringpost and continues to attack Bully viciously on the outside. Dang! Bully is finally rolled into the ring.

Flip does his Samoan drop into a Standing Shooting Star Press into a Moonsault from the 2nd Rope for a 2 count. Bully ends up doing a Vader wraparound standing splash to take Flip down. Bully goes for the 2nd rope VADER Bomb, complete with the hand gesture. But he misses. Vader chant from the outside. Flip goes for a middle rope stunner, but Bully low-blows him for the DQ.

Winner: Flip Gordon by DQ

And the signal is out. ROH symbol is just showing up now. We're back. BULLY is working over Flip with a chair. And there's a trashcan in the ring. Chair to the legs. Here comes someone (ELI) from the ROH Dojo but Bully just takes him out too. Bully again works on the legs! IT'S CHEESEBURGER!!!!! AND CHEESEBURGER IS DEAD AFTER A POWERBOMB! I haven't seen this many rookies laid out by Bully Ray since Tough Enough. Here come the tables. Table set up in the ring. Bully pushes down the ref. Colt Cabana is coming down!!!! Colt's got a chair. Bully tips over the table to stop Colt, lets go of Flip, and bails out of the ring.

EFFECTIVE way to continue the program here. Flip looked amazing in this match, Bully keeps his heat, and the program was advanced to the next level. I'm not going to complain about this. I got my money's worth. Good match and segment here.

3) Women of Honor: 8 Women Tag Team Match
Team Sakai vs. Team Klein

Don't expect a lot of notes from me on this one folks. I'm going bare minimum on this.

It's all about Tennille Dashwood, folks. And that's why she lost her job after not making Asuka look better in her debut.

Streamers are out for the women here. Good to see. I'm anxious to see this as I'm basically a noob to these women. So, like I said, don't expect me to know too much here. I'm going to just review what happened after it's done.

Weird little spot when Dashwood and someone from Team Klein were trying to do a hurricanrana spot. The women from Team Klein didn't go down, and they had to transition awkwardly into a Russian leg-sweep.

Some sloppy wrestling here folks. There's some good stuff as well. But there's some mistiming on spots, bad communication between the women... This is still miles ahead of anything in the DIVAS era of WWE. But that's not saying much. Camera man got knocked down at one point too.  Cool spot where a guillotine choke was reversed into a prolonged standing suplex. Sumie Sakai dives on the outside on a bunch of the other women. Dragon Suplex gets the win for Sakai's team.

Winner: Team Sakai
Sloppy match at parts, but the ending 2-3 minutes were very well done. So, I give it a pass.

4) Kenny King vs. Austin Aries

This should be awesome. I'll try to do my best here folks. But I'm not covering hold for hold.

Good back and forth, slow paced action at the beginning. Both shoved each other, had a weird pec flex/ macho showoff second, and got back to the match. King hit some cool leg sweeps: 4 (3 in the ring, one just now on the outside). Well, make that 2 on the outside.

Aries escapes a chin lock in the ring, tosses King to the outside, and dropkicks the top rope when King tries to springboard on it. King falls on the outside, and Aries nails a top rope Double Ax-Handle onto King on the outside. Aries continues to work on King on the inside. King fights back. Aries throws King to the outside and nails a knee to the back of King's neck sending them both crashing to the floor.

KING nails an awesome looking Springboard Blockbuster from the middle of the top rope onto Aries for a 2. LAST CHANCERY by Aries. We lost sound. We have sound back. King made the ropes. Aries goes to dive into King on the outside only to eat a kick from King as soon as his head passes the middle rope!!! Dang. That smack!

King was going to hit his finisher, the Royal Flush, on the outside, but Aries begs him not to do it. King doesn't. He nails it in the ring. But Aries makes it to the rope and is hugging it Bob Backlund style. Aries takes his belts and says he's going home. King dives over the top rope onto him. King picks up the Impact Championship and acts like he's going to hit Aries. He decides not to. Aries nails a brainbuster on the outside onto King. "YOU KILLED KENNY!" "YOU BASTARD!' chants from the outside. Aries nails a 2nd Brainbuster on the inside and gets the win. Good entertaining match folks.

Winner: Austin Aries.

5) KUSHIDA vs. Jay Lethal

Folks, we're only half way through this show at this point, and it's been worth every dime.

OOOOH. KUSHIDA decides NOT to shake Jay Lethal's hand at the beginning of the match. It's on!!

Headlocks reversed by both men. KUSHIDA at one points pulls an Inoki by trying to attack Lethal on the ground. KUSHIDA nails 2 dives in a row onto Lethal on the outside. Is he going to do a Lethal 3 peat dive? HE IS! HE DOES! Only he dives over the top rope all three times onto Lethal. This is gonna be good!

KUSHIDA does the Macho King hand gesture while dropping two double ax handles onto Lethal. Mind games being played here. KUSHIDA goes for Lethal Injection, but Lethal kicks him in the leg. Lethal continues to work on the leg on the ground and later in the corner. Continued attacks on the leg, including one legged atomic drops focusing on the knee and ramming the knee (in that position) into the top turnbuckle.  Texas Cloverleaf on KUSHIDA now. KUSHIDA gets to the ropes. Lethal continues on the leg. Dang. This guy is a Ric Flair mark. Lol. Lethal dropkicks KUSHIDA off the apron to the floor. Lethal starts diving through the ropes into KUSHIDA. He hits 1... He hits 2... He's going for 3. Does he hit it? NO! KUSHIDA grabs the arm and hits an armbar on the outside. Lethal was tapping on the outside, but it doesn't count because it's not in the ring!

They're moving too fast now folks for me to do move for move. Lethal catches a springboard by KUSHIDA, splashed him down to the mat, goes for the Elbow Drop, but gets caught in an armbar!!!!!   He gets out and immediately locks in a Figure 4 on KUSHIDA!!!!! KUSHIDA gets to the ropes. "THIS IS AWESOME!" the crowd chants. Yep. It is. Trading kicks back and forth!!! LETHAL INJECTION turned into a HOVERBOARD ARM LOCK by KUSHIDA!!!!  Back and forth reversals. Lethal hit a cutter, I think. Lethal NAILS Lethal Injection and gets the win! GREAT match here folks. Again, I made a good investment tonight.

Winner: Jay Lethal

Lethal has avenged all of his losses now over the past year. They shake hands after the match with KUSHIDA motioning that he wants one more match.

6) Baltimore Street Fight for the ROH TV Championship
Punishment Martinez (c) vs. Hangman Adam Page

Insane action here folks. Tables, chairs, moonsaults off the top rope to the outside. Chokeslams onto guardrails shoulder first. THUMBTACKS. Martinez took the bump into the thumbtacks. But he ends up chokeslamming Page through a table in the corner and falling on top (ala Triple H-Stone Cold No Way Out 2001) for the win. Very fun, entertaining hardcore match.

Winner: Punishment Martinez... who lived up to and received his name tonight. Great work by both men.

7) ROH Tag Team Championships
The Briscoes (c) vs. The Young Bucks

Quick thoughts during the match:
CROWD is on fire for this before the bell rings.

Anyone that says the Jackson brothers can't sell hasn't seen any of their matches this year. They are definitely doing a much better job selling.

Crowd continues to be on fire. "MAN UP" "YOUNG BUCKS" dueling chants.

God these teams are putting on a show here. You can tell these teams have a chemistry together after working against each other so much.

Nick Jackson nails a top rope hurricanrana while in a Razor's Edge position. Phew! Back and forth, back and forth.

"THIS IS AWESOME!" Chants from the audience. Yep. It is.

BRISCOES and YOUNG BUCKS trade superkicks. Briscoes nail clotheslines! JAY DRILLER on Matt. Nick breaks up the count!

Doomsday Device coming. Nick nails a cutter before it can hit. Matt a victory roll.... only a 2!

Bucks hit a springboard Doomsday Device. Only get a 2.

More Bang for Your Buck hits. But Mark, I think, nails an elbow drop on the referee to break it up. MELTZER DRIVER! The count is broken up!


The Briscoes nail Super Redneck Boogie (a Top-Rope Razor's Edge meets Neck Breaker) to finally put the Bucks away. AWESOME MATCH!!!!

Winner: The Briscoes

After the match, The Briscoes continue to beat up The Bucks.  SCU shows up to get in on the action to use chairs on the Bucks. But THEY TURN ON THE BRISCOES!!! They want the belts now! Good set up for the future.

8) ROH World Championship
Dalton Castle (c) vs. Cody vs. Marty Scurll

Come on, Marty. I'm going for a clean sweep in my picks tonight!!!


NEW INTRO but same theme for CODY. He's out with Brandi Rhodes and Bernard The Business Bear. He's also oddly dressed like Napoleon.

Here comes The Peacock and The Boys!

Cody just dismissed Bernard. :(

Poor Dalton is taped up like a dang mummy to work this match. His back has some black tape to it, and his leg is taped up too.

Nick Aldis, NWA World Champion, is here. If Cody wins, remember, it's title for title.

No punches being pulled between Cody and Marty. They're going at it in this match.

Odd superplex by Castle on Cody. Cody almost didn't make it all the way over.

Chicken Wing and Figure 4 locked in at the same time!!!!! He fights out of it, thanks to Cody trying to also rip Marty off.

Marty almost hits Shattered Dreams on Cody. Brandi distracts the ref. Cody gets out, low blows Marty, rolls him up, but only gets a 2.

Cody tells Marty to kiss the ring. Marty responds by snapping the fingers on the hand, taking the ring, and getting hit with the Bangarang. NICK ALDIS breaks up the count. CODY jumps on Aldis. Marty nails Castle with the title. 1-2, CODY and Brandi drag the ref out. All non-combatants are thrown out by the ref.

DALTON CASTLE WINS!!!!!! I'M SHOCKED!!!!! Ending came when Marty had the Chicken Wing in, Cody comes in to break it up, Marty hits HIM with the Cross Rhodes, and turns right into the Bang-a-Rang. Phew. Fast paced match. You can tell they were crunched on time. Castle nailed the move, got the 3, and about 10 seconds later, the feed cut off. But a repeat of WCW Halloween Havoc 1998 did not happen here.

Amazing show here folks. There was not one terrible match on this show. Every thing on this served its purpose and advanced some storylines. I'm giving this an A overall. Even though there weren't any true "Match of the Year" candidates, the entirety of the show was solid from beginning to end. And when your worst match is a passable Women's match that had a good 2-3 minute ending stretch, I think you've done well.

Ring of Honor, you've earned your permanent place on my budget. Congratulations.

Until next time, ladies and gentlemen, take care of yourselves and spread some awesomeness!


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