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UnWrest Update- Format Changes and Schedule of Things to Come

What's up everyone?

I just wanted to share a few developments.

First of all, I want to thank everyone for checking out the blog. It has officially crossed 8,000 views now. Considering the blog just kicked off towards the middle of June 2018, I am very happy with this fact. A lot of the older posts have been reposted on social media in the past week plus. And those have gained some renewed attention to the blog as well.

Secondly, I am now on Pinterest. So, share that page if you want:    . The idea is to spread the social media output of the blog in order to spread awareness of what I'm doing here. And in a few months, I may have a bigger arm of this project going out into social media. More on that if/when it comes to fruition.

Next, while I will be continuing my reviews of Ring of Honor, New Japan, and MLW, I do not plan on buying many Ring of Honor PPVs going forward into the new year. That doesn't mean that I won't do it, but I expect the level of attention I gave ROH on its PPV events to diminish significantly in light of the emergence of AEW.

Speaking of AEW, I will be doing a live recap of All Elite Wrestling's big rally Tuesday at 5pm (assuming that the live feed holds up on YouTube).

There will also be a format change going forward. While I will continue to share the "UnWrest" logo on many of my weekly TV reviews, I will no longer label those reviews with the "UnWrest" label. It is basically both a time-saving and confusion-reducing measure. I may end up rebranding the Focus and the Focus Rewind into "Rivalries" and "Classics" as well in order to simplify things.

Finally, here's the schedule for what to expect this week
Monday- Raw Thoughts
Tuesday- AEW Rally Reaction
- SmackDown Live Thoughts
Wednesday- MLW 1/4/19 and NXT 1/9/19 Thoughts
Thursday or Friday- ROH 1/4/19 Thoughts (Thursday might be a busy day on my end.)

** If I have any other extra time in the next week, I will try to get in a classic match or two to review (from an old Royal Rumble or Wrestle Kingdom most likely).

Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness.


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