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WWE Fastlane 2019- An Unnecessary But Very Good Stop on The Road to WrestleMania

Sometimes, taking an extra stop before getting to the destination isn't such a bad thing if done right. Fastlane 2019 proved to be a fun final stop before getting to WrestleMania.

WWE Fastlane 2019

WWE Fastlane 2019
Cleveland, Ohio


- Mandy Rose is interviewed in the back about her match with Asuka. She talks about being in Asuka's head. EC3 comes in and finally says something trying to hit on Mandy. Sonya calls him lame and a "walking tanning bed." And she brushes him away.

- Carmella and Zelina get into an argument backstage. Samoa Joe breaks up the argument. She tells them that HE is the United States Champion, not their men.
We're getting a REMATCH from last week's SmackDown for the United States Championship tonight! (YES!) Joe vs. Rey vs. Andrade vs. R-Truth.

- Ricochet and Aleister Black cut a "selfie" promo from the locker room. It's official: Aleister Black has jumped the shark on the main roster. Whatever made him special as a character is now dead. Here's hoping his in-ring work can make up for it.

- Kevin Owens is interviewed backstage. He's promising to punch Daniel Bryan in the face and take the WWE Championship. Kofi Kingston and The New Day interrupt. Kofi tells him that he has no problem with him. Owens thanks Kofi and walks off. Kofi is interrupted from joining Xavier and Big E as The McMahon Family wants him in their office to talk about the WWE Championship.

1) Shinsuke Nakamura and Rusev (w/ Lana) vs. The New Day (Xavier Woods and Big E)

The bell rings. Woods gets an early advantage on nakamura, but a distraction by Rusev allows Nakamura to kick Woods in the back of the head. Tag to Rusev who continues the assault on Xavier Woods. Kicks to the back by Rusev. Nakamura gets tagged back in to continue kicking at Woods. Rusev tags back in seconds later. More work on Xavier as Rusev rams his shoulder into the midsection of Woods. Bear Hug by The Bulgarian Brute. Nakamura tags back in again and hits some double-team moves on Woods.
(We get a backstage segment with Miz, Miz's dad, and Shane McMahon during the match. You know... because what happens in the ring is always secondary to whatever The McMahons are doing.)

Nakamura has a headlock on Woods and again rams him into the corner to tag in Rusev. Rusev puts Woods on the corner. Woods headbutts Rusev down and gets a missile dropkick on Rusev. Nakamura and Big E are legal now. Big E just throws Nakamura around several times. Big E Splash on Nakamura. Big E goes for the Big Ending, but Nakamura transitions into a Guillotine Headlock. Big E tosses Nakamura off. Big E runs at Nakamura only to take several kicks by Nakamura, including one to the back of the neck. Knee Strike off the corner by Nakamura gets 2. Tag to Rusev. Woods gets a blind tag seconds later. Woods gets a DDT on Nakamura. Kick to the back of the neck of Woods only gets a 2 for Rusev. German Suplex by Rusev. 2 count.
Tag to Nakamura. Rusev and Nakamura get a Elevated Suplex on Woods followed by a running knee by Nakamura. 2 count only. Tag to Big E. LANA stops the Up Up Down Down. Big E runs into a big boot by Nakamura. Rusev got a blind tag. Machka Kick by Rusev to Big E.  2 count as Xavier breaks it up. Rusev and Nakamura end up dumped on the floor. Woods gets tagged in. Woods dives over the top to the floor on Rusev and Nakamura who catch him and powerbomb him down. Rusev rolls him in and covers for a 2 count.

RUSEV CRUSH! Accolade is locked in. Nakamura pulls the ropes away from Woods. Big E grabs Nakamura and throws him into the Timekeeper's area. Rusev eats the Ring Post. Tag to Big E. UP UP DOWN DOWN! 1-2-3! (That'll teach Rusev to complain about being kicked off of Total Divas!)

Winners: The New Day
Match Grade: B. Good pre-show match here as all four men tried to make the match more than just a throw-away match on a Kickoff show. But production issues pretty much guaranteed that this will be forgotten thanks to an in-match promo and a commercial break. Again, I just don't see Rusev or Nakamura staying on the main roster by this time next year. Nakamura's star has fallen even further than it had in his first few months on the main roster. As for Rusev, it's obvious that he and Lana aren't long for WWE.

Main Show

1) SmackDown Tag Team Championships
The Usos (c) vs. Shane McMahon and The Miz

Miz recieves a hero's welcome when he comes out. The bell rings. Shane and Jey Uso start off the match. Potato Punches and a Side Russian Leg Sweep by Shane. Tag to The Miz. Miz continues the beatdown. But Jey gets the tag to Jimmy Uso. Miz beats down on the Uso and even does a Sunset Flip out of the corner. Tag to Shane. Hart Attack by McMiz gets a 2. Jimmy gets the tag to Jey, and they knock Shane down. Shane takes the brunt of the punishment for his team, milking the hot tag to The Miz that will come soon enough. Jey gets tagged in again. Double Leg Split by The Usos. Enziguri to the side of the face by Jay. Tag to Jimmy. Jimmy knocks Miz off the apron to get the boos from the crowd. Jimmy drags Shane to his corner and tags in Jey. Jey hits a running splash on Shane. Float-Over DDT by Shane.

Tag to The Miz. Miz jumps off the ropes and hits Jimmy Uso. It kicks in the corner. Running Knees into the corner by The Miz. Corner Clothesline by The Miz. Vintage Miz! 2 count on the pin attempt. Jimmy is sent to the floor next to his brother. Miz rips off his jersey to show a Cleveland shirt. He dives off the top rope onto The Usos on the floor!!!! Miz gets a DDT on Jimmy Uso. 2 count only. Shane is trying to will Miz on from the corner. "Bring it home!" Miz doesn't see a tag by The Usos. Pop-Up Samoan Drop by Jey Uso. 2 count. US- OH running corner splash is avoided. Another tag By The Usos. He leaps off the corner into a Double Superkick by The Usos. Shane dives in and goes after The Usos. Double Team Samoan Drop on Shane. Skull Crushing Finale on one of The Usos. Shane is down in the ring, and the ref spends too much time checking him out. 2 count only on the pin for The Miz.
Miz goes to work on the leg, but he gets kicked into the ring post. Tag to the other Uso. Miz is elevated up on the shoulders. Miz counters and throws Uso into the corner. He rolls him up and only gets a 2. Enziguri to the face of The Miz. Jey Uso is the legal Uso apparently. Jey and Miz are on the corner. Miz gets drapped over the ropes and falls on the mat. SHANE JUMPS OFF THE TOP ROPE AND INTERCEPTS JIMMY USO'S SUPERFLY SPLASH IN MID AIR!!!!! WOW!

Shane is down on the mat. Miz is on the apron, and his dad points up. Miz climbs to the top rope. Frog Splash into the knees of The Uso! Rollup! 1-2-3!!!  The Usos retain!

Winners: The Usos (STILL SmackDown Tag Team Champions)
Match Grade: B. This was a better match than what I remember from The Royal Rumble.  Miz worked most of the match as the legal participant towards the end of the match and that was the right call here. Good work by all four men here.

Shane and Miz shake hands after the match. Miz checks on Shane in the corner. Shane and Miz are on the floor. They walk over to Miz's dad. Shane holds up Miz's hand. Miz hugs his dad. Miz walks away, and SHANE JUMPS MIZ FROM BEHIND IN FRONT OF MIZ'S FATHER! He's kicking and attacking Miz on the floor. He rips off the Cleveland shirt to get even more heat from the crowd. He kicks Miz some more for good measure. Shane now holds Miz's father by the face and pushes him back into his seat. Shane now punches and kicks at Miz some more. Now, Shane puts on some sort of MMA move locking Miz's shoulder into his own neck while pulling back on the arm. Miz is out. Miz's father jumps the guard rail and checks on his fallen son. The heat on Shane McMahon is amazing here.

(A GREAT heel turn here, and it was again the absolute right call on this. Shane is the guy that should be the heel in this situation, and for once, Miz can be the sympathetic babyface on the feud. I think this can work as Miz, the wannabe Hollywood star, is going up against someone he befriended to accomplish a dream that was just killed. And his opponent is someone who can bend the rules and make Miz's life a living hell in the process of trying to get revenge.)

- McIntyre, Lashley, and Corbin cut a Shield-like promo in the backstage area. They have all the power now. The Shield had to be glued back together. Tonight, they will be embarrassed by the NEW dominating force. Believe that.

- Elias is in the ring now. Hello. He is Elias. He's singing another cheap heat song, referencing Shane's heel turn in the segment before. The lights go off, and we go to a Batista-Triple H commercial. So, that was completely pointless.

2) SmackDown Women's Championship
Asuka (c) vs. Mandy Rose (w/Sonya Deville)

Asuka's reaction is muted for sure. She was so hot when she debuted in 2017 on the main roster. Now, even with a belt, she's damaged in the eyes of the fans. You can just feel it. WWE keeps killing anything special that comes out of NXT. It's amazing. And whatever doesn't succeed in NXT succeeds in WWE (see Elias).

The bell rings. Mandy and Asuka trade headlocks. Asuka goes for a leglock, but Mandy gets to the rope. Mandy gets knocked back into the mat a couple times. Sonya distracts Asuka, and Mandy keeps using it to get an advantage on Asuka. Big knee on Asuka by Mandy. 2 count. She punches down on Asuka to begin her offense. Suplex by Mandy. 2 count. Abdominal Stretch by Rose on Asuka. Octopus Lock by Asuka to Mandy. Sonya looks under the ring and uses that to distract Asuka. Mandy dumps Asuka on the mat awkwardly. Mandy tells Asuka "no one cares about you." (Is that Mandy or Vince? I'm just asking.) Asuka jumps off the middle rope with a dropkick.

Asuka strikes at Mandy with kicks and forearms. Running Hip Attack in the corner. Release German Suplex by Asuka. Running knee to the face of a seated Mandy. 2 count. A Hip Attack misses. Knee Strike by Mandy gets a 2. Asuka avoids Mandy's finisher. Knee to the nose of Mandy. Deville is pacing on the floor. Forearms by Asuka. Deville gets a Kendo Stick on the floor. Rose trips up on the ring apron running at Asuka. Asuka kicks Rose down. 1-2-3.

Winner: Asuka (Still SmackDown Women's Champion)
Match Grade: C-. That match was just ok. But there's so much you can read into this. Asuka was just a secondary figure in all this. It was really the Mandy and Sonya match where Asuka just happened to be in it. Asuka was not treated like a threat. Rather, she was treated as a supporting player. That's not a good sign.

Sonya apologizes to Mandy after the match. Mandy just walks away from her while Sonya pleads her case.

The New Day are backstage. Kofi is still waiting backstage. The New Day go into The McMahon office. Vince yells for Kofi making him wait. Xavier and Big E plead his case for Kofi. Kofi's been in front of Vince for 11 years. The people want Kofi. Loud "Kofi" chants from the crowd. WWE Championship Match is NOW! And it is a Triple Threat Match!  The crowd is yelling "KOFI!"

3) WWE Championship Match
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Kevin Owens vs. Kofi Kingston

Kofi comes out. Before the next wrestler is introduced, there seems to be some sort of communication. The match is set for later tonight. The following is actually a Handicap Match. The Bar will be competing at the same time against Kofi.

3) 2-1 Handicap Match
Kofi Kingston vs. The Bar

The Bar will be competing at the same time in the ring. The bell rings. Kofi gets beaten down by The Bar. Kofi starts to fight back, but Sheamus and Cesaro just overpower Kofi and start torturing him on the mat. A Double Boston Crab by The Bar on Kofi. Sheamus and Cesaro take turns hitting Kofi in the corner. Now, Kofi and The Bar are on the floor with Kofi continuing to be assaulted. Kofi is put on the mat and kicks back at The Bar. He's throws Sheamus into the ring post and Cesaro back into the ring. Kofi takes down Sheamus with a Tomahawk Chop. He leaps off the top into a uppercut by Cesaro. Powerbomb/Clothesline combo by The Bar. Kofi is set up and gets Brogue Kicked by Sheamus. Cesaro covers Kofi but pulls him up at 1. He pulls up Kofi for another kick. The New Day run to the ring, but Nakamura and Rusev jump them from behind. Double White Noise by The Bar in the ring. 1-2-3.

Winners: The Bar
Match Grade: D-. It's not a great sign when the crowd is chanting "This is boring." Bad booking all around here. The match was tedious as The Bar just basically beat down Kofi. The McMahon tricks are, indeed, boring at this point. I just don't get any of this period. It's just another bait-and-switch on the crowd.

Bayley and Sasha are interviewed backstage. Bayley gives a shoutout to Kofi. They talk about winning their match later tonight.

Elias is back in the ring again. (Oh great. Another Elias running gag.) He rags on Kofi and The Miz, as well as the Cleveland Cavaliers. (Elias is the problem with a lot of WWE's talent at this point: OVEREXPOSED!) Elias talks about his hometown Steelers being the best.

Another rundown of The Miz and Shane McMahon from earlier tonight. (The SmackDown Announce Team has been calling the show since the beginning of this night.)

Shane is interviewed backstage about what happened. He just sneers and slams the door in her face.

4) Raw Tag Team Championships
The Revival (c) vs. Bobby Roode and Chad Gable vs. Aleister Black and Ricochet

The bell rings. The Revival get kicked to the floor. The Glorious Duo get kicked to the floor as well. Posing by Aleister Black and Ricochet happens next. Gable and Ricochet start off legally for their teams. Ricochet and Gable trade aerial and grappling holds, respectively. Dash Wilder tags himself in and attacks Ricochet. Dawson gets tagged in and hits a suplex on Ricochet. Dawson smacks the hell out of Ricochet's jaw coming off the ropes. Wilder gets tagged in and props his knee into place for the elevated gutbuster. Gable tags in on Wilder, and now, Gable beats down on Ricochet. Dawson tags himself back in to beat the heck out of Ricochet. Ricochet fights off Dawson and tags in Aleister Black.

Black and Roode are legal. Black strikes everything and anything moving in the ring. Asai Moonsault to Roode. Black Mass is avoided. Spinebuster by Roode. Roode tags in Gable. They go for their finisher, but Black avoids it. Tag by Ricochet. Gable tags in. Wilder tags in and catches Gable with a splash off the top. Ricochet catches Wilder with a Shooting Star Press off the top. Roode BARELY stops the 3 count. Roode gets sent to the floor. Dawson gets tagged in. Ricochet dumps Wilder to the floor. Ricochet goes on the corner. Gable stops Ricochet from going for the move. Dawson and Ricochet are on the top of the corner. Dawson and Ricochet do a hurricanrana spot off the corner, but Dawson and Ricochet look to have hit hard coming down. Dawson definitely didn't get rotated enough to hit the majority of the group coming down. Dawson is rolled into the ring and into position. Ricochet climbs up the top. Black is thrown into the guardrail. Ricochet runs off the corner  and dives over the top onto Roode on the floor. Gable is apparently legal. Shatter Machine on Gable. 1-2-3! The Revival retain.
Roode attacks The Revival after the match. Black Mass for Roode and The Revival. Ricochet climbs up and hits the 630 on one of The Revival.

Winners: The Revival (STILL Raw Tag Team Champions)
Match Grade: B+. A very good match here with most of the men looking like their old NXT selves. Dawson should be happy to be walking upright after that one spot in the match. Gable and Roode were going to be the fall guys in this match, for sure. But they didn't look like guys that were just there to take the loss.

5) Fatal Four Way Match
United States Championship
Samoa Joe (c) vs. R-Truth vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade

The bell rings. Joe begins working on Rey. Everyone is on the floor and Joe decides to hit the Suicide Dive on all of them! Joe goes after Andrade and Rey in the ring. Joe goes to run the ropes, but Carmella grabs his leg to break the momentum. Truth and Andrade are now going at it as Truth tries to regain his championship. A DOUBLE HURRICANRANA BY REY ON TRUTH AND ANDRADE! Truth and Andrade are again dumped on the mat. Truth and Rey are in the ring, and Joe just knocks both men down.  Clutch on Truth. Rey puts Joe in position. 619 caught by Joe. Rey gets a Tilt-A-Whirl DDT on Joe. 2 count.
Rey goes back to the top rope. Joe stops him from diving off. Andrade knocks Joe down and goes up to fight Rey. Andrade tries to suplex Rey off. Truth stops him and holds Andrade on his shoulders. SUPER HURRICANRANA! Truth and Rey fight over the pieces of Andrade, but Joe comes in to beat both down. Joe gets the corner enziguri on Truth. Rey gets caught by Joe, but Andrade dropkicks both men off the top rope! (This is moving so quickly. It's fast and furious.)  Three Amigos by Andrade. The 3rd Amigo is turned into a roll-up by Mysterio. 2 count. Truth kicks Andrade in the face as he has Rey in a Gory Special. Truth goes after both Andrade and Rey. Andrade hits a Corkscrew Plancha on Joe on the floor!!!! Rey jumps off the top rope and gets a hurricanrana on Andrade on the floor!!!! Wow! Vega gets a superkick on Truth. Carmella goes after Zelina and starts beating her up. Joe gets a Rock Bottom on Rey in the ring. 1-2-Truth and Andrade break i t up.

Hammerlock DDT by Andrade to Rey. 2 count only as Truth breaks up the pin. Joe is knocked down. Running Knees by Andrade. Soon though, Truth gets the John Cena moves in. YOU CAN'T SEE ME! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE TO JOE! Scissor Kick to the back of Andrade. Joe sentons on Truth and Andrade. Truth is sent into the ring post. Rey puts Joe in position. 619 connects! Rey misses The Dime in the ring! Clutch in the ring! Rey is out!!!! The ref calls for the bell.

Winner: Samoa Joe (STILL United States Champion)
Match Grade: B+. These four did it again. I probably prefer this match over the SmackDown match if for nothing else than no commercial breaks and some great moves by all four men. Joe retaining the championship was good for what it was.

6) WWE Women's Tag Team Championship
The Boss 'N' Hug Connection (c) vs. Tamina and Nia Jax

The bell rings. Bayley and Tamina start off for their teams. Sasha gets tagged in and continues the beatdown on Tamina. Nia gets tagged and goes after Sasha. Sasha tags in Bayley, but Sasha gets spun into Bayley's head by Nia. Nia then dumps Sasha on top of her for a 2 count pin attempt. Tamina gets tagged and continues beating down on Bayley. (The women are working a very fast pace here, almost in fast forward.)  Frequent tags by the heels here as Tamina gets a Samoan Drop on Bayley for a 2 count. Bayley fights off Tamina and Nia. She goes to tag Sasha and eventually gets it.
Sasha crossbodies Tamina off the top rope and gets some more strikes on Tamina. 2 count. Tamina backdrops Sasha into the heel corner, and Nia gets tagged in. Sasha awkwardly lands on Nia, and Nia has to deadlift Sasha back up to hit the Samoan Drop. 2 count. Bayley gets tagged in moments later and attacks Nia in the corner. Tamina gets sent to the floor. Bayley continues going after Nia. Tamina misses Bayley and gets sent into the ring post. Banks gets tagged in. Meteora on Nia with a move by Bayley included. Sasha dives off on The Samoans, and they barely break her fall while holding on her. Bayley dives through the ropes onto the women.

Nia is rolled into the ring. Sasha hits the Meteora. Tag by Bayley. Elbow drop by Bayley. 2 count as Tamina breaks up the count from the floor. Tamina gets her neck snapped on the ropes. Nia catches Bayley, but Bayley rolls up Nia with a victory roll! 1-2-3!

After the match, Tamina and Nia beat down on Sasha and Bayley. They send both women on the floor. Superkick to the face of Bayley. Sasha gets thrown over the announce table by Nia. Beth Phoenix is looking down on the carnage as Tamina comes over to Beth. Beth and Tamina start talking to each other and mouthing off. Beth decks Tamina, and Nia jumps her from behind. Nia and Tamina are beating up on Beth on the floor and in the ring to some good heat from the crowd. Running Leg Drop by Nia on Phoenix. Natalya runs out to avenge her friend. Tamina superkicks her down. Beth and Natalya are getting beaten down until the referees come out to break it up.

Winners: Sasha and Bayley (Still WWE Women's Tag Team Champions)
Match Grade: B-. What this match lacked in the absence of botches was cancelled out by the energy of the match itself. They were moving so quick in the match that you couldn't help but get involved in the action. Some very good sequences in here with Bayley and Sasha showing some great teamwork. I'm interested in seeing if Phoenix and Natalya are going to be reuniting as a team for WrestleMania to face Nia and Tamina... and possibly Sasha and Bayley in a Triple Threat match at WrestleMania. And whether you like them or not, Nia and Tamina are great heatseekers in wrestling right now.

7) WWE Championship
Daniel Bryan (c) (w/Rowan) vs. Kevin Owens vs. Mustafa Ali

The announcers discuss that it was a 1-1 match, and they know Kofi was announced earlier as being in this match. But they aren't sure what is meant by the announcement of a Triple Threat Match with Kofi being seemingly taken out earlier tonight.


Loud "WE WANT KOFI!" chants from the crowd. The bell rings, and the crowd boos. Bryan tells both of them that they do not belong to be in this match. They both begin beating down on Daniel Bryan and send him to the floor. Owens and Ali go at it with Owens shoulder tackling Ali down. Bryan gets back in and gets beaten down by Owens. Hard chops by Owens to Ali. Ali is able to start fighting back and knocks Owens down. Bryan comes back in and kicks Ali. Loud "KOFI!" chants again by the live crowd. Owens and Ali are again in the ring fighting. Suicide Dive by Ali to Bryan on the floor. "WE WANT KOFI!"  Cannonballs to both Ali and Bryan by Owens.

Owens rolls Bryan back in the ring. Owens gets kneed by Bryan in the gut. More "Kofi" chants. Ali gets kicked in the face, sending him back down off the corner all the way into the barricade below! Bryan continues to beat down on Owens in the ring. Owens gets chopped and kicked by Bryan in the corner. Bryan just unloads with kick after kick on Owens in the corner. Owens fights back against Bryan, but Bryan hits his corner flip and running dropkick. Ali tries to get back in the match, but Bryan dumps him to the floor. Bryan kicks Owens on his knees to "NO!" from the crowd. (Breaking the "Kofi!" chants for a moment.) Buzzsaw Kick by Bryan gets a 2 as Ali runs in to break it up. Ali is himself kicked and beaten down by Bryan to "NO!" chants from the crowd. Ali hits the Rolling X-Factor on Bryan. Ali starts getting some offense in, but Bryan turns him inside out with a clothesline. Owens avoids a Bryan attack and hits cannonballs on both opponents. Superkicks to both men. Ali jumps on Owens' back, but he gets sandwiched between Owens and a laying Bryan.

"KO" chant from the crowd. Owens now chops the chest of Bryan, which looks like red meat (almost as bad as the Greatest Royal Rumble). Both men are on the corner, but Owens gets knocked off. Ali hits a Inverted Hurricanrana on Owens. Ali climbs up after Bryan and HITS A TOP-ROPE SPANISH FLY! Owens is in position. Ali climbs up. 054 misses! Owens hits the STUNNER! 1-2-BRYAN BREAKS IT UP! Bryan and Owens go back and forth. Stunner avoided. Superkick to Owens. Bryan is getting hyped up in the corner. POP-UP POWERBOMB! BRYAN KICKS OUT AT 2!!!! Owens: "NO! THAT WAS 3!"
Owens is beside himself trying to figure out his next move. He and Bryan are fighting on the apron. Owens gets back bodydropped on the apron. Bryan rams his knee by accident into the ring post. Ali takes advantage and puts Bryan on the apron. Ali climbs the top rope. 450 ON THE APRON!!!!! Ali crawls over to Bryan who continues to roll away. Bryan gets his shoulder up and Rowan pulls him out of the ring. Superkick to Rowan by Owens and Ali. Hurricanrana into the post by Ali. Owens hits a running Somersault Dive on Rowan on the floor. Running Knee off the apron by Bryan. Owens is brought in the ring. 

Ali and Bryan are fighting on the top rope. Ali gets flipped off the top rope, but he lands on his feet. Bryan dives off on the floor, but Ali avoids it. Ali dives off onto Bryan. Pop-Up Powerbomb into the apron by Owens. Rowan beats down on Owens and throws Bryan in the ring. Owens gets dumped into the Timekeeper's Position.  Ali kicks out at 2!!! Bryan is getting up as the crowd chants for "Kofi!" Bryan tells Ali that he doesn't deserve to be here as he smacks him down. Ali fights back. He dives off the ropes into the Running Knee of Bryan! 1-2-3!

Winner: Daniel Bryan (STILL WWE Champion)
Match Grade: A-. I know the live crowd was hating on that match, but I personally enjoyed the hell out of it. Ali looked like a contender despite taking the fall. He did belong in this. Owens didn't take a fall in the match thankfully, and he has a perfectly legitimate excuse for going after Bryan after tonight. He didn't get pinned, and he had Bryan on the ropes. As for Kofi Kingston, I think he's definitely in that WWE Championship match after this.

After the match, Rowan palms up Ali and chokeslams him onto the mat.

8) Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair
**Becky must win to be inserted into the Raw Women's Championship Match at WrestleMania.

Charlotte comes out wearing a black robe. The Wicked Witch of Charlotte, NC is coming to get The Man and her WrestleMania dreams too. Becky Lynch comes out with a crutch in her ring gear. Remember, she signed a "Hold Harmless" agreement to absolve the WWE of any legal consequences of this. Charlotte mocks Becky coming into the ring and is literally licking her lips in excitement over getting to beat up Becky.

The bell rings. Becky still has the crutch in the ring and throws it out. Charlotte mocks the hopping of Becky Lynch. Becky starts fighting with punches to the head of Charlotte. Charlotte rams Becky into the corner and goes for the leg. Charlotte and Becky trade chops, but Charlotte kicks the knee to get the advantage. She wraps Becky's leg around the rope and starts kicking and twisting it. Becky dives off the corner at Charlotte, but Charlotte goes back to work on the knee. Half Crab on the knee of Becky, and she puts it in DEEP on Becky (literally sitting on her). She reapplies it after Becky rolls out of it momentarily. Becky kicks her off. Charlotte goes on the floor and smacks the bad knee against the ring apron. Charlotte goes back in the ring and tackles the knee of Becky. Charlotte continues to point at the WrestleMania sign to continue to egg on the crowd.
Charlotte continues the assault on the knee with an attack in the corner. Chops in the corner by Flair (how many times did Meltzer write those words, I wonder?). Becky gets one shot in before Charlotte chop blocks the knee out. Becky gets a roll-up for a 2 count. Charlotte just throws Becky over her head to the mat, sending Becky rolling to the floor. Back outside, Becky gets whipped into the barricade.

Charlotte brings Becky back in the ring and kicks her. She climbs up the top rope, but Becky just tosses her off into the barricade on the floor!!!! Charlotte is on the floor as the referee counts. She gets in the ring at 8. Disarm-Her in the ring by Becky!! Figure 8 is in by Charlotte!!!!!! HERE COMES ROUSEY! SHE STRIKES BECKY LYNCH!!!!! The referee calls for the bell. Ronda stands in the corner proud of her actions. She made sure that Becky was in that match! Charlotte is ticked off! Becky is laughing in the corner and gets up on her feet using the ropes in the corner. She turns her back to point to the sign.

Winner: Becky Lynch (by DQ)
Match Grade: B-. This wasn't a great match by any stretch of the imagination, but I was enjoying the story being told with Becky fighting with one leg against such a great competitor in Charlotte Flair. Rousey interfering and guaranteeing the Triple Threat match makes so much sense. Ronda wanted to face off with Becky since this whole storyline began. So why not do this?

Elias is back in the ring again. More cheap heat about what just happened with Becky Lynch, and he continues to rip on the live crowd, mocking the Browns. Elias talks about not being interrupted for once. Everyone must agree with him that Cleveland must be the worst place to hold a PPV. And here comes Lacey Evans. And as soon as she gets to the end of the aisle, she turns around and heads back. RKO OUT OF NOWHERE ON ELIAS!!!!!! PHENOMENAL FOREARM OUT OF NOWHERE ON RANDY ORTON!!!!

(I'm actually looking forward to Orton vs. Styles. They could steal the show at WrestleMania if given the time.)

Main Event
The Shield vs. Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre, and Bobby Lashley

The Shield come out to a good enough pop. The WWE announcers keep hounding on the fact that Dean Ambrose is leaving WWE in the "near future."
The six men start brawling in the ring. The Shield clear the ring. The heels regroup on the floor and talk strategy. Rollins and Lashley start off the match. Lashley overpowers Rollins in the early going. Sling Blade by Rollins. But Lashley again overpowers Rollins and tags in Corbin. Cause Vince McMahon's crazy about a Sharp Dressed Man. Sorry. Corbin gets beaten down by Rollins. Tag to Ambrose who beats down on Corbin. Corbin gets Ambrose in the heel corner and tags in McIntyre. McIntyre gets backed into The Shield corner. Triple Tag by The Shield. Reigns knocks McIntyre down. The heels regroup again on the floor.
McIntyre and Reigns are going at it in the ring with McIntyre getting the early advantage. Roman tags in Rollins. Double Shoulder Tackle and a Wish Bone to McIntyre. McIntyre knocks Rollins down and to the floor. Tag to Lashley who assaults Rollins using the barricade and the ring apron. The heels continue to beat down on Rollins in the ring. Rollins fights off the heels and tags in Ambrose. Ambrose goes after McIntyre. Dean dives off the ring post onto McIntyre on the floor. But Corbin distracts Dean enough to allow Lashley to spear Ambrose in the ring. Dean almost gets pinned, but Reigns breaks up the pin. Rollins gets sent over the barricade into the crowd. Ambrose gets kicked by McIntyre onto the floor. Ambrose beats the count at 9. And now, Ambrose is taking the assault by the heels for the next few minutes.

McIntyre, Lashley, and Corbin continue to torture and beat down Dean Ambrose in the ring. Neckbreaker by Ambrose on Lashley finally stops the heel momentum. McIntyre gets hit with the Clothesline off the Ropes. Dean tags in Roman. Roman and Corbin are legal as The Big Dog starts getting momentum. Reigns smiles after getting some moves in. Drive-By connects. McIntyre breaks up the pin attempt. Lashley gets double teamed by Rollins and Ambrose. Double Suicide Dives by Ambrose and Rollins to Lashley and McIntyre. Reigns gets Deep Six-ed by Corbin. 2 count. Lashley and McIntyre assualt Rollins at the Timekeeper's Position. Ambrose walks the tables and dives on all of them. Corbin and Reigns are going at it in the ring. Corbin and Reigns trade punches back and forth. Corbin almost rolls up Roman for a 2 count. Chokeslam. 2 count only again. (Reigns did a great job getting his shoulder up at the last possible second.)
Ambrose and Rollins are fighting McIntyre and Lashley into the crowd. Back in the ring, Corbin has Roman on the top rope. He's going for a Superplex. Roman blocks it and slips out. SIT OUT POWERBOMB! 1-2-KICKOUT by Roman. ROLLINS DIVES OFF THE STANDS ONTO LASHLEY AND MCINTYRE!!!!! Back in the ring, Roman goes for the Superman Punch. He misses the first one, but he connects on the second attempt. 2 count only. Ambrose and Rollins are back around ringside. McIntyre and Lashley are back. Superman Punches to McIntyre and Lashley! END OF DAYS TO REIGNS! 1-2-SETH AND DEAN BREAK IT UP!
Corbin beats down on Seth and Dean. He goes back after Roman and dumps him to the floor. Corbin calls for Lashley and McIntyre. They clear off one of the announce tables. Ambrose and Rollins block a Triple Shield Bomb. Lashley gets stomped on the table! Spear to Corbin! McIntyre gets triple teamed by The Shield. Corbin is rolling into the ring. Shield Triple Bomb to McIntyre through the announce table!!!! The crowd chants "One More Time!" Corbin is all alone in the ring as The Shield surround the ring. Corbin sells fear in the face as The Hounds surround him in the ring. Superkick, Superman Punch, and Dirty Deeds. Seth says "One Last Time Cleveland!" Baron Corbin gets set up. Triple Shield Bomb! 1-2-3!

Winners: The Shield
Match Grade: A-. Another really good match on the back end of this show. This was a classic Shield match in the same vein as their 2014 matches with The Wyatt Family and Evolution. Wild brawling all over the arena with everyone involved getting their moments to shine. Ultiamtely, this ended like a classic Shield match with one man being isolated allowing The Shield to end the match. This may be my favorite match that Baron Corbin was heavily involved in.

The Shield hug in the ring. Shield pose for one last time.

Overall Show: B+. There were some hiccups on this show (see Kofi Kingston's booking and the Asuka-Mandy Rose match), but there were also some really good matches on this. For a 4 hour 45 minute experience (pre-show included), this did seem to fly by. I walked into this show believing it was going to be a roadblock on the Road to WrestleMania. In some ways, very little changed on that road. But this was definitely a show that for the most part earned the time invested in it by the paying audience and consumer. And on a personal note, this made for one good birthday gift.

Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness.


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