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G1 Climax 28- B Block- Night 12- Omega/Sabre Jr. + Goto/Ibushi Deliver; Poor Naito

**Note: If you get a chance, I'm using Twitter ( more when I watch live wrestling or even G1 Climax action on NJPW World. At my page, you can find offbeat comments like this...

The end is finally in sight it only 7 Nights of block action left until we get to the finals on August 12th. Here's a reminder of where we are at in the B Block:

B Block Standings (After Night 10)
Kenny Omega (10 Points)
Tetsuya Naito (8 Points)
Zack Sabre Jr. (6 points)
Sanada (6 Points)
Kota Ibushi (6 Points)
Ishii (4 Points)
Hirooki Goto (4 Points)
Tama Tonga (2 Points)
Toru Yano (2 Points)
Juice Robinson (2 points)

Here are our Block matches for today:
Juice Robinson vs. SANADA
Hirooki Goto vs. Kota Ibushi
Tomohiro Ishii vs. Tama Tonga
Toru Yano vs. Tetsuya Naito
Kenny Omega vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

I'm looking forward to seeing the Omega vs. Sabre match as the styles clash could be glorious. Ibushi and Goto could be another great match for Ibushi, while Ishii goes from a great match with Ibushi to more TONGAN garbager with Tama Tonga. Naito gets a "night off" wrestling Yano. And Juice vs. Sanada could be the sleeper hit of the show. Without further ado....

Undercard Notes
- Elgin is wearing bandages around his right arm, with the announcers speculating that Elgin has a torn bicep tendon in his arm. His tag team match was against Bad Luck Fale today, meaning those two are colliding tomorrow in A Block action. Rocky Romero just compared himself to Barbara Walters. Folks, those are his words, not mine. Tonga Loa hits his Rikishi Driver finisher for the win.
- Page/Owens take on Makabe/Henara. Owens, at one point, yelled "C Block champion," which is the worst running joke going on in this whole tournament. Seriously, just stop. I'm having a hard time keeping two blocks straight. Throughout a fake third block that the jobbers are reportedly fighting over into the mix is too much. As for Page and Makabe, I'd really like to see Page get his first pinfall win in the tournament tomorrow.
- It's the King of High-Level Jobbers, YOSHI-HASHI, teaming with SHO tonight to wrestle Jay White and YOH. So, it's not only a CHAOS civil war (though White being in CHAOS is a joke at this point), but it's another example of Roppongi 3K being on opposite ends of a tag match. White LAYS DOWN at the beginning of the match, saying "This doesn't matter today." YOSHI-HASHI refuses to do so, and White takes advantage with an attack. Later, we get another SHO  vs. YOH exchange. I see this being a future main event in NJPW. Not this year or next year. But eventually, both these guys will at least main event a G1 show, if not something larger. We get more dissention between White and YOH leading to the finish where YOH stops White from hitting SHO with a chair on the outside. YOH gets caught in HASHI's Butterfly Lock, and White just lays on the mat getting in YOH's face while he's forced to submit. Wow.
- EVIL and BUSHI tag up to face Hiroshi Tanahashi and David Finlay. (I could see EVIL beating The Ace tomorrow. If Okada beats Suzuki, it brings both to a tie. Then again, if Suzuki beats Okada, all hell is going to break loose in the A Block standings.) The announcers put over the fact that Tanahashi is Mr. G1 as he always finishes near the top of the standings or ends up being the winner in his block. (Looking at the earlier-mentioned scenario of EVIL beating Tanahashi and Suzuki beating Okada, EVIL, Suzuki, and Tanahashi would be tied at 10 points each with EVIL having the tiebreaker over Tanahashi and Suzuki having the tiebreaker over EVIL. Okada would have to win two straight matches to win the A Block. Tanahashi would be in a similar position while hoping EVIL loses one of his last two matches. Interesting thought there. It likely will not happen, but it would be interesting to be sure.)
- Okada catches Rocky again with the balloons, but Suzuki catches Okada in the ring with his fists!!! Lol. Gedo is being choked in front of the English Commentary Table, yelling for Rocky to help. But soon after, here comes Suzuki and Okada. Suzuki with a BIG chair shot to Okada followed by burying Okada under rails and chairs. Suzuki tortures and assaults Okada with more chairs, rails, and what looked to be a pen being impaled into the head. Back "in the ring," Suzuki has a triangle lock on Gedo's arm over the top rope. The rest of the match goes about as you would expect with Suzuki and Okada giving a preview for their match tomorrow while Desperado gets the pin on Gedo. And Young Boys must suffer at the hands of Minoru Suzuki after the match.

G1 Climax Music plays over the speakers, meaning it's time for B BLOCK action!!!!

B Block Matches- Night 12
1) Tomohiro Ishii vs. Tama Tonga (w/Tanga Loa)- Tongan Shenanigans meet the Stone Pitbull tonight. (By the way, the Guerrillas of Destiny have a sick theme.) Tanga Loa gives us the introductions for Tama Tonga. Meanwhile, here comes the STONE PITBULL, Tomohiro Ishii (the most underrated wrestler in New Japan in my opinion). The bell rings, and here we go!
Ishii  keeping an eye on Loa but almost gets Gun Stunned. Ishii goes for his sliding clothesline, but Tonga gets out of the way. Tonga with multiple forearms to Ishii. A really fast sequence of running the ropes, leapfrogs, and misdirections end with a Tonga dropkick. Snap suplex by Tonga for a 2. Standing dropkick sends Ishii to the floor. Loa goes to work while the referee is distracted. (Big shock, I know.) Tonga continues with the attack on Ishii. Big back elbow by Tonga doesn't even get a 1 count. Ishii: "Bring it." Tonga goes to the attack on a lying Ishii who still tells him to bring it. Tonga continues the attack, but Ishii gets to his feet. He's just getting angry!!!! "COME ON!!!!" Tonga headbutts him, but Tonga just hurts himself. Big powerslam by the Stone Pitbull. Chops and punches in the corner by Ishii. BIG Running Shoulder Tackle by Ishii takes us to the 5 minute reminder.
Loa trips up Ishii, who runs out and pulls Loa in the ring to beat him up!!!! Big clothesline sends Loa over the top, but he turns into a big DDT by Tonga for a 2. Tongan Twist countered into a brainbuster by Ishii. Ishii follows with a powerbomb, but he grabs the ref on the way down. The ref is down, and Loa is CLOBBERING Ishii with a chair bending it! Guerrilla Warfare countered with a German Suplex and Saito Suplex to Loa and Tonga. Big chair shots by Ishii, destroying the chair in the process!!!!! Tonga took a few shots with just the frame left over. Tongan Twist on the chair by Tonga. He pulls the referee in. 1-2-Kickout by Ishii! Gun Stun avoided by Ishii twice. German Suplex instead by Ishii! MASSIVE LARIAT! 1-2-Kickout by Tonga. Sliding Lariat by Ishii. 1-2-Loa pulls the referee out and into the guard rail. Loa attacked, but here comes Fale. Grenade avoided at first, but Fale gets it on the second chance. Fale pulls Tonga over the body of Ishii. The referee is thrown in the ring. 1-2-KICKOUT BY ISHII!!!! Ten minutes have passed. Gun Stun caught by Ishii. But Tonga reverses a brainbuster from Ishii into a GUN STUN!!!! Ishii is finally finished. 1-2-3.

Winner: Tama Tonga (4 points)
Match Grade: D. I am beyond sick of the Tongan gimmick at this point of interfering in these matches. I'm passing them though because they kept Ishii looking strong at least.
Tonga again sends a warning shot to Roman Reigns (of all people) saying "What's a yard compared to a world? You know where to find me."

2) SANADA vs. Juice Robinson- This could be a very interesting match to watch here. Sanada needs the points, but Juice needs the win badly.
The bell rings. Standard arm-twists by both men to start the match. Arm drag by Juice with more arm work. We get the standard Sanada flips followed by a double dropkick spot to get us a break in the action. Juice went for the double leapfrog. Sanada dumps him outside. Multiple dives over the ropes by both men missing their mark but landing on their feet. Sanada gets Skull End on Juice, who turns it into a suplex try who reverses it into a backdrap attempt. Reversal  to reversal leads to a trade of strikes on the outside. The ref counts to 19, and both men run back in. Juice clotheslines Sanada over the ropes and dives onto Sanada connecting this time. (They were moving so fast I had to pause several times to get caught up. Lol.) Juice is thrown into the rail. Skull End executed by Sanada who drags Juice deep into the crowd. But Sanada now drags Juice back into the ring for a 1. Juice fighting back, but Sanada is going after the left hand of Juice with an arm scissor. 5 minutes have passed.

Juice tries to power out of the arm scissors but is rolled back on the mat. Juice gets to the ropes. Full Nelson Slam by Juice connects to get him a break. Juice starts the punches and hits a big spinebuster. Sanada is sitting in the cornera and eats the CANNONBALL!!! Juice climbs the ropes and hits a crossbody for a 2 count. Double leapfrog by Sanada hitting a dropkick and hits a dive on Juice on the outside. It looked like Sanada got tripped up on the dive, but both men saved the spot. 2 count in the ring for Sanada. Dropkick by Sanada meets a side kick by Juice. Juice goes for Juice Box but gets caught in Skull End. Boht men are reversing the move. Juice has Sanada in Skull End and has him tied up in the middle of the ring! WHAT?! Juice is going for Sanada's signature moonsault! He misses and lands on the hand. Sanada goes for his own moonsault but misses, landing on his feet, and hurting his knee. Sanada goes for a rana, but Juice turns it into a powerbomb for a 2 count.

Juice rips off his cast from his hand, making a punch legal but also opening up more damage. He and Sanada trade reversals. Skull End by Sanada, but Juice climbs the corner and reverses it. Sanada does a moonsault off the corner and gets Skull End back in. Giant Swing in the position. Juice and Sanada twist through Pulp Friction counters. Juice nails him with the LEFT hand and hits PULP FRICTION! 1-2-3!

Winner: Juice Robinson (4 points)
Match Grade: B-. This was a fun match to watch. Both men had a good effort, though both have had better overall. It was a good fast paced match with multiple reversals with Juice playing mindgames with Sanada going for Sanada's Skull End multiple times. This is a big SPOILER match for Sanada, effectively eliminating him from contention in the block now. (It'd take a minor miracle at this point for him to win.)

3) Tetsuya Naito vs. Toru Yano- Along with the aforementioned Yano/Naito party Tweet, check out this thought from today when I was watching this and covering on Twitter:

Naito takes his time taking the suit off while Yano makes jokes in the corner. The bell rings. Both men taking their good time starting the match. Naito faking out the tie up as usual in these matches. Yano ties himself on the ropes, and Naito drags him to the outside. Naito does his #Tranquilo pose while Yano walks in and does his classic Yano pose. Yano then stomps on Naito. Both men on the outside with Yano sending Naito to the post. Yano with a HUGE chest-first throw into the rail on Naito. Ouch!!!! Naito goes for the eyes and starts attacking Yano. Naito takes the tape and starts taping Yano's arm to the rail. Yano is stuck on the rail. Tranquilo  pose by Naito in the ring. Yano pulls the rail out and rolls in with the rail on his arm still. Dropkick by Naito sends Yano to the outside. It breaks Yano loose, but he's sent into another guardrail at ringside. And another hard rail throw by Naito. Naito takes Yano's DVD and NAILS him with it. Lol. Both men get back in the ring. Pin attempt gets 2 for Naito. Continued attacks by Naito. Naito attacks Yano in the corner, but Yano throws Naito to the oppoosite end of the ring. And Yano goes after the corner buckle. Naito attacks, but Yano throws him back. He's got the corner pad!!!! Naito charges and ducks the swing. The referee grabs the pad from Yano. Yano goes to hit Naito in the exposed corner, but Naito moves out of the way leaving Yano to hit back first into the corner. Corner slingshot dropkick by Naito. Naito practices his baseball swings with the pad and IT'S A HOME RUN!!!! 1-2-Kickout by Yano.

Series of reversals by both men, but Naito gets sent head first into the second turnbuckle in the exposed corner. Now he's sent back first into that corner. Yano catapults Naito into the corner. 1-2-Kickout by Naito. Yano trips up Naito in a nice wrestling sequence for a 2. Belly to Belly by Yano now. Yano puts the shirt over Naito's head and now he puts Red Shoe's shirt over his own head!!!! (Am I watching my freshman year of high school all over again?!) Naito gets the shirt off his head, and he catches Yano with a low blow after Yano tried to do the same. 1-2-Kickout. Naito hits DESTINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 1-2-3.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito (10 points)
Match Grade: C. It wasn't a terrible match, but it was a night off for Naito in all reality. Yano gave him a good comedy match, and Naito played to it up to a point. But I still hold to the fact that people like Yano and YOSHI-HASHI have no business in a supposedly major tournament. For Naito, he is now tied with Kenny Omega for first. Still, Omega has the tie-breaker in that situation even if Omega loses tonight. For what it's worth, Yano is now eliminated from winning the tournament. Well, that lasted longer than it had any right to.

Naito with some golf swings at Yano with the corner pad after the match.

4) Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Kenny Omega- This is another match in which I predicted Kenny Omega would lose. I was wrong with Sanada. Let's see if Sabre can pull the upset. Taka does our usual ring introduction for Sabre. And here comes The Best Bout Machine. The bell rings and here we go!
Good chain wrestling to start the match with both men hitting counters to each other's attempted submission maneuvers. Sabre Jr. catches Omega in a leapfrog, executing a flapjack. Surfboard countered into a rollup. V-Trigger avoided, and Omega eats a shoulder to the gut. Omega, backing into one corner and sent to the opposite side, hits a big boot to Sabre, sending him to the outside. Baseball slide dropkick through the ropes. Rise of the Terminator is stopped with a leg trip and toe hold to the outside by Sabre. Sabre working on the heel, but he gets kicked over the guard rail to the outside. Omega executes a moonsault off of one guardrail backwards onto Sabre sending him back first into ANOTHER row of guardrails. Wow is right, Rocky. Both men fight up the main aisle. 5 minutes have passed. Strikes by Omega, but a bodyslam is countered into a heel hook, a Boston Crab, and an STF variant on the ramp by Sabre. Omega rolls in at 11.
Sabre continues to work on the leg of Omega, trying to negate the V-Trigger. Kicks to the back of Omega's leg followed by an uppecut. Omega's trying to fight back, but Sabre answers with more kicks to Omega's leg, eventually hitting a leg sweep. Sabre gets caught by Omega in the corner, who nails the Kataro Crusher. Leaping Frankensteiner/Snap Rana by Omega. YOU CAN'T ESCAPE is escaped into a sleeper hold by Sabre. Omega rams Sabre back into the corner. YOU CAN'T ESCAPE gets countered into a triangle hold. Omega gets to the ropes, but Sabre holds on until a 4 count from the ref. Running uppercuts into the corner by Sabre. Sabre eventually gets drilled with a jumping DDT by Omega. Savre rolls outside. Omega dives over the top and nails a twisting dive onto Sabre. Sabre rolled back in. Omega climbs to the top rope. Sabre RUNS up and catches him in a hammerlock. Omega goes for the crossbody but gets rolled into a wristlock. Omega gets out of the submission hold with a German suplex as 10 minutes have officially passed now.
Omega goes for the suplex neckbreaker, and he connects. Omega does the gun taunt but gets caught by Sabre into a triangle. Omega powerbombs out of it. Sabre is on the ropes and EATS A VICIOUS V-TRIGGER!!!!! Omega goes for One Winged Angel, but Sabre counters it into an armbar. Omega is locking his hands. Kenny rolls through and nails a SNAP DRAGON! Omega gets back up. He gets him up for One Winged Angel again, but Sabre reverses into a European Clutch pin for a close 2!!! V-Trigger countered into a Half Boston Crab on the leg. HEEL HOOK in on Omega's bad leg. Triangle lock now with a Heel Hook and an Armbar. Omega gets out of 2 of the holds, but Sabre still has him. German Suplex by Sabre! PK Kick by Sabre. 2 count. He's going for the Orienteering with Napalm Death!!!!!!!! It helped Sabre win the New Japan Cup! He's got it locked in the middle of the ring. Kenny trying to get to the ropes, but Sabre turns it into a calf crusher. But Omega gets to the ropes! WOW! What a match!!!!
PK caught by Omega. They are trading chops. Sabre and Omega trading blows. V-Trigger blocked at 15 minutes. Omega and Sabre trade rollups. Omega catches Sabre with another rollup. 1-2-3!!!! Sabre is arguing with the ref, but the decision stands. Sabre is livid on the outside and selling the loss. The commentators put over the fact that Sabre had Omega beat on several occasions.

Winner: Kenny Omega (12 points)
Match Grade: A-. WOW! Another great match in this tournament. Omega did not nail One Winged Angel in this entire match. Instead Omega wrestled a ground based match with Sabre, producing counters to Sabre's European style offense. Sabre, for his part, looked like a main event level wrestler tonight with several close near wins. I thought the match was over with Orienteering with Napalm Death. This may seem high for a grade, but I loved this match. It showed great promise for Sabre in Japan, and it once again demonstrated why Kenny Omega IS the best wrestler walking this planet! This also effectively ends Sabre's chances of winning the G1. Omega has YET to lose yet in this tournament.

5) Kota Ibushi vs. Hirooki Goto- This should be another great one with Ibushi. The bell rings. Ibushi and Goto trade arm locks early on, each jockeying for dominance early in this. Ibushi and Goto get to the ropes and have a clean break. Another tie up with Goto getting a deep headlock in on Ibushi. Ibushi tries to push Goto off using the ropes, but Goto holds on. Goto and Ibushi now going at a faster paced. Ibushi leapfrogs Goto, but Goto gets an arm drag in. Ibushi catches Goto with a Snap Rana, sending Goto to the outside. Goto goes for The Golden Triangle, but Goto runs in the ring and clotheslines Ibushi on the apron to the floor. Goto working on Ibushi on the floor, whipping him into the rail. (Note: Those rails get a LOT of work during these shows. I wonder if they have health and dental.) Goto and Ibushi are back in the ring. Goto is twisting at Ibushi's head, getting him eventually in a head scissors. Ibushi gets to the ropes with his feet. Goto goes back to work with a chin lock again. 5 minutes have passed now.
Goto lets go of the lock. Ibushi and Goto are trading blows in the ring. Goto goes off the ropes and eats a dropkick sending him to the floor. Ibushi is up... and NAILS THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE MOONSAULT TO GOTO OFF THE CORNER AND ON THE FLOOR!!!!! Both men back in the ring at the 12 count. Ibushi stalks Goto and nails a SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK to Goto! Goto goes for a misdirection clothesline, misses, but comes off the ropes with a huge lariat! Goto presses the attack, sending Ibushi into the corner, hitting a spin kick, and nailing a Saito Suplex for a 2 count. Goto going for Yuji Garoshi, but Ibushi gets off the shoulders. Strikes by Ibushi are met with a mid kick. Pele Kick by Ibushi!!! Both men on their knees trading forearms. They get up to their feet and continue the fair trade of forearms. Goto gets the advantage, telling Ibushi to bring it. Ibushi with a flash of strikes, but Goto gets the Yushi Garoshi for 2. (Note: I've messed up that spelling all week and give up trying to get it right. Lol.)
Goto and Ibushi are now up on the corner with Goto looking for another Yushi Garoshi, but Ibushi nails a Pele Kick off the mat onto Goto's back on the ropes. Ibushi climbs the ropes with Goto, going for a Superplex. Goto gets Ibushi down, but Ibushi climbs back up. Goto gets Ibushi in position and goes for the Code Red, but Ibushi FLIPS OUT OF IT!!! Both men collide in the middle of the ring with clotheslines. Both bounce off the ropes, and Ibushi nails a huge lariat for a 2 count. This is another good one, folks.
Ibushi going for the Kamigoye (Knee Strike), but Goto gets out of position and strikes at Ibushi. Ibushi gets a Straight Jacket Suplex for a 2. He's still holding the arms. He goes for the knee, but Goto gets a headbutt in. Goto with a forearm now and a lariat. Goto picks up Ibushi and nails a Reverse GTR. He's going for the GTR, but Ibushi backflips out. Series of sleeper attempts by Goto. Ibushi counters out. Ibushi goes for the long dart, but Goto gets another sleeper in. Ibushi is now locked in the match. Ibushi and Goto reverse GTR attempts. Ibushi gets caught with another lariat. Goto picks up Ibushi. Ibushi counters GTR again.  Suplex block by Goto. Goto nails the suplex/side effect for a close 2 count.
Goto is getting psyched up. BIG kick to Ibushi's chest. Goto goes for GTR, but Ibushi gets a rollup for 2. Goto headbutts Ibushi again. Series of fast strikes and a kick by Ibushi. BOMBAYE/KINSHASA BY IBUSHI!!!! 1-2-Kickout. That was out of Nakamura's book and a great callback to the matches both men had with him in the past. Ibushi gets Goto up for The Sit Down Last Ride PowerBomb for a 2. THEY LANDED SO HARD THAT A BOARD POPPED IN THE RING!!!!! Wow. KAMIGOYE (Knee to the Face) by Ibushi!!!! 1-2-3!!!!!

Winner: Kota Ibushi (8 Points)
Match Grade: B+. Another great match tonight with Ibushi and Goto trading a series of reversals and counterwrestling throughout. Ibushi is on a roll right now. Anyone below 6 points is now officially eliminated from winning the B Block.

Show Rating: B. I'm giving this a solid B. While I am beyond done with the Tongans, the other four matches on this show delivered including a great Omega vs. Sabre Jr. match. Ibushi and Goto also delivered as did Sanada vs. Juice. The B Block continues to be the best block of wrestling of this tournament. For this particular show, the undercard matches were also well done too with A Block matches being given some good setup for tomorrow's show.

B Block Standings (After Night 12)
Kenny Omega (12 Points)
Tetsuya Naito (10 Points)
Kota Ibushi (8 Points)
Zack Sabre Jr. (6 points)
Sanada (6 Points)
Ishii (4 Points)**
Hirooki Goto (4 Points)**
Tama Tonga (4 Points)**
Juice Robinson (4 points)**
Toru Yano (2 Points)**
** Eliminated from possible victory in the block.

I hope you've enjoyed this post. Follow me at Share this blog and the Twitter page with all your wrestling friends. I will be back tomorrow at the latest with more G1 Climax action as the A Block continues. I will also be working on my UnWrest blog today and will have it up sometime tomorrow night at the latest (barring any technical issue). Please leave any comments or suggestions.

Once again, THANK YOU for checking out this page. Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness.


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