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WWF SummerSlam 1989 Review- Savage/Zeus vs. Hogan/Brutus, Warrior vs. Rude, and a Tag Team Classic

Welcome to the SummerSlam 1989 review, where we're going to hop in our time travel machine and go back to the Hogan era of wrestling. Here's some context of what you are about to see

Main Event: The main event is essentially a continuation of the long-running feud between former Mega Powers Macho Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan. What started as a bond between two super-popular WWF superstars turned to jealousy and rage over Elizabeth. Macho Man accused Hogan of going after "his woman" while Hogan pleaded innocent. It was a great storyline in which looking back you can see Savage's point of view with just the smallest details that Hogan did at that time. Savage lost the WWF Championship to Hogan at WrestleMania V, the same arena ironically he won the title a year prior. After the match, Savage dumped Elizabeth and took in Sensational Sherri as his new manager. (And may I add, Sherri and Savage was a match made in wrestling heaven.)
Meanwhile, Hogan was promoting a movie he filmed during much of 1988: No Holds Barred. In that movie, Hogan played a character named Rip (who acted shockingly similar to Hulk Hogan) who had to face against the seemingly unstoppable monster Zeus (actor Tommy 'Tiny' Lister). Vince McMahon, ever being an opportunist, saw the opportunity to bring this movie character in to not only promote WWF but the movie as well. Zeus would attack Hogan on Saturday Night's Main Event prior to a cage match with The Big Boss Man.
Meanwhile, Savage and Sherri had another beef going on with wrestler Brutus The Barber Beefcake. Savage and Sherri attacked Beefcake during an episode of the Brother Love Show and gave him a haircut of his own. Brutus Gets Attacked by Savage and Sherri

Speaking of The Brother Love Show, it was on there that THIS CLASSIC PROMO took place to set up the match. He's Got The Madness in His Eye!!!!!!    .

Intercontinental Championship: Warrior vs. Rude
Ultimate Warrior had lost the Intercontiental Championship to Ravishing Rick Rude back at WrestleMania V thanks to Bobby "The Brain" Heenan holding the Warrior's leg down during a pin. Warrior continued to pursue revenge on Rude, but Andre The Giant among other Heenan Family members kept interfering in Warrior's attempts. This was Warrior's chance at revenge and regaining the gold.

_ _ _ _
The Event

Live from the Meadowlands Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey, it's SummerSlam 1989: FEEL THE HEAT! And... It's Tony Schiavone joined by Jesse "The Body" Ventura. Jesse tells Tony not to get in any trouble with him. They discuss the big match tonight. Away we go!

Opening video for SummerSlam features WWF action intercut with a bunch of the generic things you think about in summer time: bicycling, women in swimsuits, baseball, kids playing, kids eating ice cream, and other things.

1) The Hart Foundation vs. The Brain Busters (w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan): This is a non-title match as it was supposedly booked prior to The Brain Busters winning the WWF Tag Team Championships recently against Demolition. (Side note: Both these teams would be on my top teams of the 1980s if I had done that in an earlier discussion. And honestly, it'd be these two, Demolition, and The Road Warriors for my favorite teams. Arn and Tully are a team that the more I watch their old stuff, the more I love it. They sold like mad men, and they cut the ring in a logical manner when they were in control. Just a great, great tag team in whatever company they were in.)
Bret and Tully start off. Bret hip tosses Tully over twice and works on the back of Tully's arm. Bret goes for the headlock, but Tully gets the tag to Arn. Bret goes to work on Arn. Arn whips Bret off the ropes and catches him with a leg trip. He goes for the headlock, but Bret reverses it into a arm lock. Bodyslam arm first onto Arn. Tag to Anvil. Double axhandle to Arn's arm. Anvil continuing to work on the arm. Arn gets in a couple knees, but he fails to get a tag. Bret gets tagged in. Legdrop on Arn's arm. The Hart Foundation work on Arn in the corner. Anvil gets back in and goes to work on Arn's arm again. The referee does not allow a tag to Tully to count, causing Anvil to charge Arn back into the Foundation's corner to continue work. Bret back in and headbutts Arn's back. Arn and Bret have a mat wrestling exchange, before Arn walks back to tag Tully. Tully tries to kick Bret low, but Bret catches the leg, drags Tully over, and tags in Anvil. Anvil working on Tully's wrist. Tully pulls the beard. Tully tries to hip toss Anvil to no avail.  Anvil continues working on the wrist, tagging in Bret. Bret continues the arm work. Bret and Anvil tag while the ref has his back turned, and Anvil continues the arm work. Big chops by Tully, but they have no effect on Anvil. Tully sent shoulder first into the corner. Tag to Bret. Bret elbows Tully in the back. (Wow. There's so much already in this match.)
Wristlock to Tully. Weasel chant from the audience. Tully reverses into a top wristlock. Bret bridges out. The ref gets distracted by Anvil. Arn comes in to apply another top wristlock on Bret's other arm. Bret flips over and flips both men out through the ropes!!! WOW! Great work by both teams thus far. Tully is thrown back in. Bret and Tully throwing punches now. Tully goes outside. Bret chases him, but he runs back in through the Busters' corner. Arn tags in and attacks Bret. Vader Bomb attempt by Arn fails, as he gets the knees. All four men are in now! Arn is outside and motions for a timeout. Lol. I'm loving this so far. Simple and effective tag team excellence.
Bret gets Tully back in the ring. Bret gets Tully down and hits the classic stomp to the midsection. Tully eats a boot by Anvil before Anvil gets tagged in. Anvil catches Tully trying to jump off the middle ropes and rams his shoulder into Tully's midsection in the corner. Punches by Anvil. Arn runs in, but Bret goes after Arn. Bret throws Anvil into the corner, but Arn pulls Tully out of the corner causing Anvil to smack against it. (Side Note: it seems Arn was waiting for a second or two too long for Bret and Anvil to go for their spot.) Bret is upset with himself in the corner as Arn kicks down on Anvil. Arn to Bret: "You ain't so bad now, ain't ya?!" Arn sends Anvil into the knee of Blanchard. Arn tags in Tully who jumps off the top with an elbow to the back of the Anvil. Tully with a chinlock on Anvil. Anvil is powering out, but Tully gets the tag. Arn gets between the Anvil and the corner and knocks the big guy down. Arn with a low shoulder tackle into the gut of Anvil. Anvil kicks out so hard of a pin attempt that Arn throws himself to the other side of the ring. More double teaming in the corner, cutting the ring in half. (Classic Tully and Arn). Multiple tags.
Anvil trying to fight out. Arn and Anvil collide in the center of the ring (sweat flies). Anvil did not get the tag. Arn goes off the ropes, but Bret gets his knee into the back of Arn. Bobby is going nuts outside. Arn tags Tully but Anvil gets the tag. Bret goes to work in the corner on Tully with punches. Big back elbow by Bret. Body slams and clotheslines to both Brain Busters. Dropkick to Arn. Blanchard slammed down. Bret gets the mid rope elbow on Tully. Vertical suplex by Bret. Arn tries to interfere, but Bret gets up and attacks him. All four men are in. Bret and Tully are thrown into the other to the dismay of both their tag team partners. Anvil shoulder tackles Arn out. Anvil chases him. Inverted Atomic Drop by Bret. Anvil and Arn are fighting outside. Arn nails the post by accident. Back in the ring, Arn bounces Tully off one set of ropes and slingshots Anvil over the top into a running Tully. Crowd is screaming. Bret climbs the ropes. Anvil grabs him and powerslams Bret chest first onto Tully. The ref is distracted by Brain and an angry Anvil. Arn climbs the ropes and hits a double ax handle on Bret!!! 1-2-3!!! WOW! That was excellent.

Winner: The Brain Busters (Arn and Tully)
Match Grade: A. That was incredible folks. Two great tag teams having an excellent back and forth match. Both teams delivered what was expected of them. It's well worth going out of your way to see.

(Note: Do not expect to see this type of play by play for Honky Tonk Man and Dusty Rhodes or some of the other undercard matches. Lol.)

Dusty Rhodes is dressed in a police hat and has a nightstick. Dusty says a bunch of Elvis stuff and says he's going to kick Honky's booty.

2) Honky Tonk Man (w/ The Colonel Jimmy Hart) vs. Dusty Rhodes- Honky Tonk Man should be in the Hall of Fame, and Jimmy Hart should induct him. That's just fact. You can't give a man an 18 month title reign and not have him in the Hall. Meanwhile, Dusty comes out to Common Man Boogie, and the crowd is going wild for him.
Honky and Dusty play to the audience saying they know how to dance better than the other. Dusty continues to dance around and catches Honky trying to attack with a back drop. Honky takes a breather outside. Honky comes back in and gets his arm tied up. Elbow to the arm teased, but Dusty plays with Honky's hair instead. Atomic Drop. Elbow to the head. 10 punches in the corner. Deep toe hold by Dusty, but Honky gets out by going for the eyes. Honky takes advantage now with punches, but Dusty retaliates. Jimmy grabs Dusty's foot coming off the ropes. Dusty chases him. Megaphone to the gut of Dusty by Honky behind the ref. Kickout at 2. Honky goes on the attack. Jimmy chokes Dusty behind the ref's back. Reverse chinlock by Honky. The crowd is willing Dusty to get back in. Dusty with elbows to Honky's gut, but Honky catches him with a knee. Honky continues striking at Dusty and locks back in the chinlock. Dusty gets back up after selling the "classic passout but get the hand up before 3" routine. He misses an elbow on Honky after getting him off of him. Back to the chinlock. (1989: Crowd invested, wanting Dusty back in. 2018: BORING! BORING! BEACH BALLS! WE WANT BEACHBALLS! WE WANT BEACHBALLS!) Dusty gets out of it. Honky continues the attack on Dusty, but the right hands just wake up Dusty. Dusty is now circling around. Punches and a double shot by Dusty. Honky throws Dusty into the ref. Jimmy gets the guitar for Honky. Jimmy goes to hit Dusty, but Dusty ducks. Honky eats the guitar! Elbow drop by the Dream. 1-2-3.

Winner: Dusty Rhodes
Match Grade: D. That was definitely a come-down after the last match. The match was passable as the crowd at least popped for the end. But the body of the match was basic, even by 1980s standards.
Honky starts talking as if he's Elvis after the match, mentioning Priscilla and Lisa Marie.

Mean Gene interviews Demolition and King Hacksaw Jim Duggan (who has his own Demolition mask on). Smash says they plan on "knocking their stinking teeth in (Andre and the Towers)."

3) Mr. Perfect vs. The Red Rooster- COCKADOODLE-DOO!!!!!

Shoves by both men to start the match. "Hey, I'm Mr. Perfect." "Well, I WAS GOING TO BE MR. PERFECT!"  Quick exchange ends with a hip toss by Perfect. (x2) Right hand by Rooster. Really great exchange with Rooster hitting two big leapfrogs and going underneath Perfect while he's running. Bodyslams countered by both men, with Perfect falling on Rooster on the second slam attempt. Perfect kicking at Rooster. Measured standing dropkick by Perfect sends Rooster outside. Rooster gets back and eventually rakes Perfect in the eyes to get the advantage. Both men fight on the outside of the ring. Perfect rolls back in and hits a Perfect Plex for a 3. That was quick!!!

Winner: Mr. Perfect
Match Grade: D. Again, another match that didn't need to be on the match. And there really wasn't much offense from Rooster to give him any sort of rub. It was a match I'd expect to be on Superstars or Wrestling Challenge back in the day.

Survivor Series ad appears.

Here comes one of the most infamous moments in SummerSlam history. WWE Network doesn't show it to you. I will.

Yep. Now, if you want the full story on what happened, you can call my hotline: 1-900-909-9900. That's 1-900-909-9900. Kids, don't worry about asking your parent's permission before calling. (For those of you who don't get it, that was Mean Gene Okerlund's WCW Hotline. If you want the full story, do what most people this century do: look it up online. Even if it's false, it's the truth.)

Back to the intended interview, Rude says he's going to prove he's the ULTIMATE Intercontinental Champion. Bobby promised they will break every rule possible to keep the title.

4) The Rockers and Tito Santana vs. Rick Martel and The Fabulous Rougeaus (w/ Slick and Jimmy Hart)- Oh. This is going to be awesome. (Can someone explain who Rick Martel angered to NOT be in the Hall of Fame? Speaking of which, SLICK?! Come on. Seriously. Do I need to say WHY he should be in the Hall of Fame? Dude was a trailblazer. Marty Jannetty is another guy who deserves an induction too. Former IC and Tag Champion. 1/2 of The Rockers. Seriously. Make it happen already.)
Santana and Jacques start it out. Tito wants no part of it. Tie up. Tag by Jannetty, and The Rockers hit a double leapfrog and hip toss on Jacques. Double elbow, kip up by the Rockers. Santana and The Rockers clean house. (I'm not going to be able to do move for move on this one, folks.) Jannetty is in with Jacques. Jacques jumps into a right hand in the gut. Ray gets tagged in and hits a kick to the gut of Marty. Martel gets tagged in. The ref is distracted, causing a double team. Marty gets hammered in the corner. Martel works over Marty in the corner. Martel floats over a running Marty, and he starts showing off. Marty catches him and tags Tito. Martel tags in Ray and bails to the floor. Tito clotheslines Ray down for a 2. Side headlock by Tito. Jacques holds Tito's foot while Ray attacks. Rougeaus hit a double team once Jacques gets the tag. Martel comes in and puts Tito throat first on the top rope. Martel kicking his former tag partner on the ground now. Big dropkick by Jacques on Tito once he's tagged in. Tito fighting to get to the corner, but Jacques prevents him from doing so. Tito's back in the heel corner. Martel gets tagged in and starts attacking Tito. Tito fights back, but Jacques pulls Tito's hair from outside the ring to stop him. Tito sunset flips Martel for a 2. Martel now choking Tito.
Tag in to Ray. Ray gets Tito over for a Boston Crab. Jacques nails a big knee drop while the referee is distracted by The Rockers. Tito is still being worked on. Jacques gets tagged in and gets an abdominal stretch in. Rick Martel grabs Jacques's arm while the referee is distracted. Big "TITO" chant from the fans. Hip toss by Santana. But Jacques gets Martel tagged in before Tito can make the tag. Tito fighting back against Martel, but Martel stops him. Both men exchanging punches, but Martel gets Jacques back in. FLYING Crossbody by Tito for a 2. Jacques gets The Rockers to run in while they go to work on Tito. Ray is in now. Tito with a sunset flip for a 2. More stomps by Ray to the back of Tito followed by a reverse chinlock. Tag to Jacques. Dropkick to Tito for a 2. Double team move by the Rougeaus backfires. Tito is crawling to the corner and makes the tag. Shawn Michaels is in. BIG back body drop. Martel is dropkicked by pre-HBK. Backflip countered into a suplex by Michaels. Big flying fist to Martel by Michaels. Jacques Rougeau hits Martel by accident in trying to break up a pin. Tito hits Martel with a flying forearm. It's crazy. Jimmy Hart is on the apron. Jannetty tries to roll up one of the Rougeaus, but Martel decks Jannetty. 1-2-3. Martel pins Jannetty.

Winners: The Fabulous Rougeaus and Rick Martel.
Match Grade: B-. This was a fun 6-man tag match with multiple feuds going on in this one: Rockers vs. Rougeaus and Santana vs. Martel. It was fast-paced in spots with Tito doing a great job during the heat moment of the match selling the offense by the heels. But they did enough during the heat portion of the match to keep the fans invested as Tito kept coming back with quick rollups and almost tagging his partners. It's probably a generous grade, but I stand by it.

They play a recap of the Ultimate Warrior vs. Ravishing Rick Rude feud.
Warrior says gibberish, but he's going after the title.

5) WWF Intercontinental Championship
Ravishing Rick Rude (c) (w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan) vs. Ultimate Warror
WWE couldn't pay someone. So we get a bad imitation version of Rick Rude's classic theme. Cheap skates. It's not like they're a billion dollar company or anything. Rick Rude is one of the greatest heels ever. He comes out in a robe, acting like he owns the place. He tells all the fans how fat and out of shape they are. He tells them to shut up while he shows everyone his great physique. And he often has messages about his opponent or other heat-getting things (example: Jake Roberts' wife) on his tights. Warrior runs out, and HE IS OVER! Say what you will about the man. But he was OVER on this night with the live crowd.
The bell rings. Warrior no sells a kick to the gut. Rude with multiple punches, but it has no effect. Warrior clotheslines Rude over the top. Rude tries a sunset flip, but Warrior punches him in the face. Warrior throws Rude overhead over the top to the floor. Rude smacked face first against the ring and gets smacked against the guard rail. A belt shot to the back of Rude. Ventura yelling that this should be a DQ (If Ventura could only see NJPW... LOL). Suplex on the outside now by Warrior. Warrior takes Rude back in the ring and dumps him again outside. A big bodyslam on the floor. Rude is back on the mat. Warrior climbs to the top and hits a big double ax handle for a 2 count.
Warrior whips Rude hard into the corner and again to the other side of the ring. Bodyslam now. 1-2-kickout barely by Rude. Warrior with a vertical suplex. 1-2-kickout. A big atomic drop is hit by Warrior on Rude, and Rude's selling is the stuff of mastery. Seriously, if you haven't seen Rude sell this bump, you need to. You'd think Rude's gimmick had just been pulverized.

Rude gets thrown down on the ground and is still hobbled over in pain. Warrior climbs the ropes. Brain distracts him from the floor. Rude runs over and causes Warrior to saddle the top turnbuckle and fall down. Rude clobbers the back of Warrior now. Vertical suplex by Rude for a 2. Warrior gets up, but Rude again goes for the lower back. Chinlock by Rude now, pulling back on Warrior's head. Rude jumps on Warrior's back, but Warrior gets up. Rude's going for the Rude Awakening, but Warrior powers out! Wild clothesline misses for Warrior, and Rude gets a deep sleeper on Warrior wrapping his legs around the torso to add greater pressure. Warrior nails a jawbreaker on Rude to get out.
Both men collide in the ring, knocking over the ref in the process as they collapse to the mat. Rude gets up first, but the Warrior is starting to shake. Double Trap hit by Rude, but Warrior continues to get hyped. Warrior starts going nuts. Big back drop on Rude. Clotheslines by Warrior. Big Powerslam by Warrior. No ref to count the pin. Warrior goes to wake up the ref. Warrior with a piledriver on Rude. The ref gets over to the pinfall. 1-2-Rude gets the foot on the rope. Heenan is selling panic and worry on the floor. Big Powerslam by Warrior. Warrior goes for the splash, but Rude gets the knees up. Rude gets Warrior in a knee-down piledriver. 1-2-kickout. It looked like it was originally going to be a powerbomb, but they may have gone for the piledriver instead. Rude climbs the ropes. Forearm hits the chest, if anything. The fans are going NUTS as Roddy Piper has now come to ringside. Piledriver by Rude in the ring. 1-2-kickout. Rude sees Piper now. Piper MOONS Rude. Rude is climbing the ropes arguing with Piper. Belly to back suplex by Warrior. Giant Shoulder Tackle Dive by Warrior. Warrior hits the Gorilla Press and the Splash. 1-2-3!

Winner: Ultimate Warrior (New Intercontinental Champion)
Match Grade: B. Rick Rude's selling is the stuff of legend. Throughout this match, Rude made Warrior look like a god. Warrior was Warrior, but Rude was doing everything possible to get the match over. Warrior was the guy they were putting the rocket on to set up WrestleMania VI.

Mr. Perfect is interviewed by Mean Gene. Red Rooster was just a stepping stone. In other obvious news, the Earth is the 3rd Rock from the Sun. Perfect walks out; Roddy Piper walks in. "Bottoms up!" Piper is his usual self here. Piper calls Warrior "his good friend." HA! Piper says he's going to get rude. Out walks Piper, in walks Rugged Ronnie Garvin in a tux. He walks out, and here comes Heenan. Heenan is cutting an exasperated promo. Rude walks in and complains about the match. They show Piper mooning Rude again. Heenan is stumbling over his words here, and it's great. He's so invested in the storyline that he's pulling off his end perfectly. Rude just stares angrily at the camera to end the promo.

5 Minute Intermission is cut out.

We're back with Mean Gene who introduces the video showing the build to the main event.

5) The Twin Towers and Andre The Giant (w/ Bobby Heenan and Slick) vs. Demolition and King Hacksaw Jim Duggan- Now, for one of the weirdest audiovisual things ever, here comes Boss Man to the ring. Akeem and Slick are dancing to the ring. And Andre the Friggin Giant is walking out behind these guys while Jive Soul Bro is playing. It is one of the most unintentionally funny things on this show. Duggan comes out with Demolition's mask on, a crown on his head, a 2x4 in one hand, and the American flag waving in the other. Enough gimmicks? Duggan has the American Flag painted on his face to sell camaraderie with Demolition. This is definitely a super heavyweight match. The smallest guys are Demolition.
Duggan and Akeem start the match. Jabs by Duggan. Tag to Ax. Ax with the fast hits on Akeem. Smash tagged in. Double hits to Akeem's back. Tag to Duggan. Duggan now continuing the attack. Akeem shoulder first into the corner. Tag to Ax. Big elbow to Akeem. Akeem chops the throat and tags in Boss Man. Boss Man attacked by Ax, who tags in Smash. Boss Man gets Smash in the corner, but Smash fights out. Rake to the eyes by both men. Smash tags Duggan. Duggan going after the arm of Boss Man. Ax tagged in. Ax gets caught in the heel corner. Andre comes in. Andre kicks Ax and sits repeatedly on Ax, using the ropes to keep balance. Double trap hold by Andre. Andre choking and stomping Ax. Boss Man tagged in. Big head butt to Ax. Ax ran into the foot of Akeem, who gets tagged in. Akeem goes for the splash, but Ax moves and tags Smash. Boss Man and Akeem get slammed by Smash. But Andre just ends it with a blow to Smash. Slam by Boss Man. All hell is breaking loose. Andre's in the ring. Akeem nails the big splash off the second rope. Duggan with a 2x4 on Akeem's back. Smash gets the pin and the win.

Winner: Demolition and King Duggan
Match Grade: C. It was a very fast match and didn't outlive its usefulness. It was meant to showcase the biggest men in the company, and it also was a way to get Andre on the show where he wouldn't have to do much. Win-win. Life moves on.

Survivor Series ad.

Mean Gene is with Ted DiBiase and Virgil. DiBiase says Snuka will end up being another victim just like Jake Roberts was.

The Fink introduces Surprise Ring Announcer Rugged Ronnie Garvin. Garvin introduces ...

6) Hercules vs. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine (w/Jimmy Hart)- Garvin calls Valentine a "so-called opponent" and Jimmy Hart "a little pipsqueak." Valentine looks overweight by 30lbs who goes for his wimpy manager for advice. He continues to rail on and make fun of Valentine. Bell rings and Hercules catches Valentine while arguing with Garvin. Hercules gets a powerslam on Valentine. 1-2-Kickout. Valentine goes outside and continues to talk to Garvin. Rollup by Hercules for a 2. Valentine goes back out again, but Hercules catches him with an ax handle. Valentine was thrown back into the ring. Hammer catches Hercules coming in and starts going after him with elbows. Bodyslam on Hercules, but Valentine gets caught coming off the ropes with a punch to the gut. Forearm to the back of the head by Valentine. Hercules reverses a suplex into one of his own. (There's absolutely no heat on this match. The heat is on the outside, and the fans are quiet). Valentine catches Hercules in the corner and rolls him up for a 3 while his feet were on the ropes.
Garvin acknowledges Hercules as the winner and not Valentine. Garvin again says the winner by DQ is Hercules. Hammer and Hercules arguing in the ring. Garvin was dumped out by Valentine, but Garvin attacks Valentine seconds later.

Winner: Greg "The Hammer" Valentine
Match Grade: F. This had no reason to exist. It was quick, but it wasn't fast enough.

Mean Gene is with Zeus, Sherri, Macho Man, and... A cauldron!!!!! Sherri calls it The Cauldron of Madness. She looks in there, sees Hogan lying on his back, and Beefcake is finished. She keeps whipping it around, and Savage sees them in pieces!!!! Beefcake is at the bottom of the cauldron, along with Hogan. Zeus put them there. Savage promised this was going to be the end of the road. Savage sees Sherri with Elizabeth, and the possibility is unbelievable. OOH YEAH! (Wow. That was one hell of a weird, awesome, old school promo.)

7) "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase (w/ Virgil) vs. "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka- DiBiase reminds the live crowd on the mic that he ended Jake "The Snake" Roberts' career. DiBiase missed an attack in the corner on Snuka, but Snuka fights him off. DiBiase tries again to attack Snuka when he's tied up with Virgil, but Snuka moves over sending DiBiase right into Virgil. Snuka with an inverted atomic drop sending DiBiase to the floor. DiBiase walks around and gets back in the ring. Mistimed sequence here as Snuka was going for his patented leapfrogs. One of them was caught by DiBiase, and Snuka just lands right on Ted, crashing to the mat like he was sitting on him. Headbutts into the turnbuckle by Snuka to DiBiase. Elbows to the back of Snuka's head now as DiBiase has taken the advantage. Whip into the turnbuckle and backdrop by Snuka. DiBiase catches Snuka and propels him throat first onto the ropes. Vertical suplex by DiBiase. 1-2-kickout. DiBiase working on the back now. Backbreaker by DiBiase. Bodyslam by DiBiase. DiBiase goes for a back elbow off the middle rope but misses. Snuka is fighting back now. Jumping headbutt by Snuka. Big slam by Snuka. He climbs the ropes. Snuka hits a mid rope flying headbutt. He motions for the Superfly Splash. Virgil gets on the apron. Snuka goes after Virgil. He is atttacking Virgil. DiBiase attacks Snuka from behind and whips him into the ring post. The count continues. 10 count by the ref. After the match, Superfly flies in, attacking both DiBiase and Virgil.  Virgil gets the chops for his trouble. Backbreaker on Virgil. Superfly Splash to make the crowd happy.

Winner: Ted DiBiase
Match Grade: D-. This wasn't very good at all. They mixed like oil and water, and there was that awkward botch. In addition, the match was not exactly enthralling either. The crowd was obviously ready for the main event already.

Mean Gene is with Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake. Hogan talks about riding his Harleys with Brutus and about how everyone was looking at them and Elizabeth. Brutus promises to make his blades part of Savage, Sherri, and Zeus. That just sounds terrible.

The Genius has a poem for us all. Someone earned their paycheck today.

8) "Macho Man" Randy Savage and "The Human Wrecking Machine" Zeus (w/ "Sensational" Sherri) vs. WWF Champion Hulk Hogan and Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake (w/Miss Elizabeth)- All four men start the match. Hogan can't hurt Zeus, but a rake to the eyes fazes him finally. He tries to slam Zeus, but Zeus no sells and claws at Hogan's throat. Beefcake gets him off Hogan, but he gets bear hugged for his trouble. Hogan can't run down Zeus. Zeus gets Hogan in bear hug, while Savage comes off the top with an ax handle. Savage has Hogan down. Savage with another flying double ax handle on Hogan. Clothesline by Savage for 2. Sleeper hold early on here by Savage. Hulk is selling going to sleep. "HOGAN" chants coming loudly from the crowd. Hogan is getting back up and gets out of the sleeper. 2 Shoulder Tackles by Hogan before Zeus catches him with a knee. Zeus and Savage whip Hogan into the corner. Zeus again picks up Hogan in a bear hug. Hogan is selling the move well. The crowd is still hot. He can't power out of it. Arm raised up for 2, but Zeus continues the pressure and gets Hogan down on his back for a few 2 counts. Hogan's back up on his feet  punching at the back of Zeus. Zeus rams Hogan into the corner and tags Savage. Savage with a jumping dive snapping Hogan's neck against the top rope. Back suplex by Savage for a 2.
Hogan is avoiding Savage's offense and tags in Brutus. Brutus clotheslines Savage and gets a high knee in. Sleeper in on Savage now. Savage can't escape, but he grabs the hair and rams Brutus face first into the top turnbuckle in the opposite corner. Zeus is tagged in. Brutus rakes his eyes and puts a sleeper on him. Savage comes in and smacks Brutus in the back of the head with Sherri's purse, knocking out Brutus. Savage tagged in and covers Brutus for a 2. Savage continues trying to pin Brutus, but Hogan's not allowing it. Savage tries to grab at Elizabeth outside, but Hogan gets him off. Savage tags in Zeus. Zeus chokes Brutus's head against the top rope with his leg. Zeus continues to choke Brutus (bearhugs and chokes are what Zeus's moves are, folks). Zeus continues to choke Brutus, picking him up and sending him back into the corner. And guess what? Yep. He's choking him. I haven't seen this much choking since the Redskins' last game. (I'm a fan. I can make that joke.) Savage gets back in the match. Double clothesline by Brutus and Savage. Brutus tags Hogan. Savage begs off. Running back elbow into the corner by Hogan. Big Boot by Hogan. Savage goes to the floor. Hogan with a big suplex, but Sherri trips the leg. Savage lands on him for a 2. Savage tags in Zeus. Savage climbs the top rope and nails the big flying elbow. But Hogan gets up and atomic drops Savage to the outside!!! (Side note: This is why the spot with Savage resuscitating Hogan with the elbow in WCW was actually genius. Savage knew Hogan always hulked up after that spot. WHY NOT USE IT TO WAKE HIM UP IF HE'S OUT?!!! Savage Wakes Hogan Up- WCW )
Zeus and Hogan are going at it one on one now. Hogan is now staggering Zeus. Zeus is wobbly. He's down on one knee which gets a HUGE pop! Sherri goes on the ropes to get Hogan's attention, but Elizabeth flips her into the ring. Savage practically steps all over Sherri to climb the ropes. He tries to dive off with the purse, but Beefcake throws HIM off. Hogan has the purse and DECKS Zeus with it. Zeus is SLAMMED for a huge ovation. Leg Drop. 1-2-3! Hogan beats another monster as Sherri is caught red handed with the purse over her head ready to attack Hogan. Hogan gets up and chase Sherri around the ring. He grabs her by the throat, gets her with an inverted atomic drop, and Elizabeth, waiting for Sherri to land, decks Sherri with the purse. Tony Schiavone literally screams out, shrieking "ELIZABETH HAS THE PURSE!!!" Brutus cuts a chunk of Sherri's ponytail off. Lots of posing and celebrating happens afterwards. Hogan Must Pose. (Side note: The part with Hogan putting his hands on Sherri has NOT aged well. Damn.)

Winners: Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake
Match Grade: B. It wasn't a great match by any stretch of the imagination, but consider this: it's literally 3 guys helping an actor work through a match. And it worked. Zeus did his part: choke, bear hug, grunt, sell Hogan's offense, and stay down for 3. Savage did the bumping for the team as did Sherri. (Seriously. Sherri was the first woman to face a man in modern wrestling. She basically was a 3rd wrestler in a lot of her client's matches.) Beefcake and Hogan both ended up taking turns selling, which was nice to see for a change. Hogan being put over shouldn't surprise anyone as this whole storyline was created in order to get Hogan even that much more over.

Show Grade: B+. As much as this show has its flaws, especially after the Warrior vs. Rude match, it moves at an incredibly fast pace from beginning to end. The best match was definitely the opening tag match, but when you have several other solid matches on a card that live up to their hype, that helps. And you add to that a hot crowd that was soaking in a lot of the action, and you have the recipe for the first truly great SummerSlam.

Hope you all enjoyed this. If you have any other shows you want me to cover, write a suggestion below. This may be the last week I get a detailed classic show review in for a while. Until next time, take care of yourselves and spread some awesomeness.


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