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G1 Climax 28 FINALS- Ibushi vs. Tanahashi

HERE IT IS FOLKS! THE FINALS OF THE G1 CLIMAX! From WrestleZone, here is the card for today's show: (


(I had computer problems early on. So, bear with me. These first two matches weren't much to talk about anyways.)

1) Elgin, Makabe, and Honma beat Nagata, Umino, and Yoshida
- This was a very basic match. Nothing much to write home about. Elgin's team gets the win when Makabe hits Yoshida with the King Kong Knee Drop
2) Bad Luck Fale squashes Toa Henare
- This lasted at most about 2 minutes. Henare jumped Fale, but Fale just mowed him over with a Grenade and a Bad Luck Fall for the win.

3) Taichi and Iizuka vs. Goto and YOSHI-HASHI
- I've actually missed Taichi's fake singing.
- There's no Iizuka for the entrance. Taichi is just out there by himself and his manager.
- HERE COMES IIZUKA with a chair attacking both Goto and HASHI.
- This is just organized chaos with Taichi and Iizuka using chairs outside the ring. Iizuka biting and clawing at HASHI. 
- Goto tagged in and starts attacking Iizuka, even using Taichi at one point to suplex him on top of Iizuka. 
- Eventually, YOSHI-HASHI gets tagged back in and starts attacking Taichi.
(Again, I'm not providing much in play by play here because these are really generic undercard matches at this point. )
- Big Buzzsaw Kick by Taichi followed by a LAST RIDE POWERBOMB for the win.

Winners: Taichi and Iizuka.
Match Grade: D. It existed. There really wasn't much more to say about any of these early matches. These matches aren't overstaying their welcome on this show.

After the match, Taichi uses the microphone stand as a weapon against Goto, HASHI, and the referee.

4) Cody and Hangman Page vs. David Finlay and Juice Robinson
- Finlay still has his trophy from last night's "C Block Victory."
- Page and Finlay start off the match with some nice chain wrestling.
- Cody gets tagged in as does Juice. Nice armdrags and dropkick from Juice. Finlay gets tagged in, and Cody spits gum at him. Finlay chases Cody around ringside into the wrong corner, and Cody gets Finlay with a snap back on the floor.
- Page tagged in and hits the Deadlift Fallaway Slam for a 2.
- Frequent tags from Page and Cody. Finlay tries to get out, but double team offense by Cody and Page keep Finlay from making the tag. (Cody Suplex into Page's Double Knees)
- Uppercut from the 2nd Rope by Finlay. And he tags in Juice.
- Crossbody by Juice gets a 2 on Page.
- Both Cody and Page collide in the corner trying to get to Juice. Juice goes for Cannon Ball, but Cody denies him. He goes for a moonsault to a standing Juice, but Juice catches him, leaving Cody hanging in the corner with Page. CANNON BALL!!!
- Lariat and a Shooting Star Lariat by Page for a 2.. Cody tagged in. He's jabbing at Juice with his own series of punches. Finlay tries to help Cody, but he takes the Buckshot Lariat. Punches and kicks exchanged by Cody and Juice.
- Cody hits Juice with his second finisher ("Din's Fire, Kudo Driver?") for a 3.

Winners: Cody and Hangman Page
Match Grade: C. This was an average tag match. Nothing too spectacular.

After the match, Cody gets a mic. He tells Juice that he's done nothing but be a bad impression of Kairi Sane. He's coming for the US Championship.

5) Guerrillas of Destiny and Taiji Ishimori vs. The Young Bucks and Marty Scurll
- Ishimori has apparently chosen his side in the Bullet Club Civil War
- Loa does the introductions for his team. He also does the introductions for their opponents, who Loa can't seem to remember. He comically asks the Japanese Ring Announcers to help him.
- Loa demands that the 6 Man Tag Team Championships be put on the line. And they are!!! It's Official!

- Matt and Tonga start us off. They are going at it with punches. Now all 6 are fighting on the floor. TOO MUCH ACTION TO CALL ALL OF IT! Nick gets a railing shot. Young Bucks seconds later dive through the ropes on the Guerrillas. Matt dives on Ishimori seconds later!
- Matt and Tonga back in the ring. Spinning back kick by Matt, but Loa runs in and knocks Matt down. Tonga now on the attack.
- Tag to Loa. Delayed vertical Jackhammer by Loa for a 2. Tag to Ishimori. Spinning Standing  Neck Screw to Matt. Tag back to Tonga. Double team by the Tongans. Matt brought to the corner. Tag to Ishimori. Running uppercut into the corner, but Matt answers back with a spear. Tonga breaks up any tag attempt, but Matt gets a double clothesline on the Guerrillas.
- Tag to Nick. Big series of running and spinning kicks. Bulldog into a clothesline. Running kick by Nick Jackson to Ishimori. Matt tagged back in. Elevated Swanton, but Matt only gets a 2. Superkick on Loa. Nick hits Matt by accident trying to get Tonga in the corner. Tonga hits Tongan Twist, but Matt hits him with a superkick.
- Ishimori and Scurll in. Big chop by Scurll, but a Handspring Kick by Ishimori. Sliding German Suplex by Ishimori. Jackknife pin attempt by Scurll for a 2. Handspring Elbow countered into a Chicken Wing. Cease and Desist by the Bucks on the Guerrillas. Tonga uses his fingers to claw at Scurll's eyes to break up the hold. Nick dives out on the Tongans, Buckle Bomb Kick by the Bucks.
Triple team offense by the champs only gets a 2.
- Blind tag by Tonga. Elevated Dropkick. Stun Gun blocked by Superkicks. Meltzer Driver avoided. The Tongans now have control. Big boot to Scurll by Loa. Stomp on the fingers. He goes for the fingers, but he gets hit with GUN STUN!!! NEW CHAMPS!

Winners: Taiji Ishimori and the Guerrillas of Destiny (NEW CHAMPS)
Match Grade: B-. Fun match while it lasted. This was easily the best match featuring Tanga Loa or Tama Tonga in a while.

Gun Stun to Matt Jackson and Ape... (Rikishi Driver) by Loa to Nick after the match. The Tongans throw their newly won belts down in front of the President of NJPW.

Special Announcement
- Wrestle Kingdom 13- January 4, 2019 in Tokyo Dome. The road starts now! New logo revealed.

6) Los Ingobernables de Japon (EVIL, BUSHI, SANADA, and Naito) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., El Desperado, and Kanemaru)
- Taka can't speak Spanish, which the English Commentary Team makes fun of. During LIJ's entrance, he comes over to the desk and says that he can't speak English either.
- Naito and Sabre go face to face, but Suzuki blindsides him! It's on! All out war all over ringside. Naito whipped into the guard rail. Suzuki and Naito are going at it viciously. Suzuki gets a chair. The referee grabs the chair. Naito gets the chair from the ref. Suzuki grabs another chair. It's a standoff!!! Slaps by both men. Forearms by both men. Punch to the gut by Suzuki. Naito's head is bounced off the doctor's table at ringside, making a dent in it apparently. Running kick misses by Suzuki, and Naito spits in his face! Suzuki just gives him a look like he's dead. Suzuki now working on the legs of Naito. Naito gets to the ropes. Choke by Suzuki. Gotch Style Piledriver is blocked by Naito. Suzuki gets El Desperado in, and Suzuki-Gun is torturing Naito in the corner. A vicious armbar is locked in by Suzuki on Naito's arm. Suzuki pulls while dangling off the apron. Sabre is in with Naito now.  Big exchanges by both men, but Sabre gets a wheelbarrow kick to Naito's arm. Neckbreaker by Naito. Suzuki runs in and stops the tag. Naito gets a flying forearm. Here COMES EVIL with the tag.
- Senton Splash by EVIL for a 2. Another arm kick by Sabre Jr. MidKicks by Sabre Jr. Kick to the gut by EVIL. Darkness Falls countered into a double wristlock by Sabre Jr. EVIL gets a Fisherman's Buster out of that hold. Kanemaru and BUSHI are in. Kanemaru and Desperado double team BUSHI for a 2. Double Rana by BUSHI to both men. Sanada is finally tagged in. Paradise Lock on Kanemaru. But Suzuki and Desperado break it up. Deep Impact by Kanemaru, but LIJ breaks it up. It's an all out war again. Kanemaru goes for a  suplex.  Triple Dropkick by LIJ. Suzuki grabs Naito's leg and hooks in a leg lock. Mist misses for Kanemaru. SKULL END locked in. Kanemaru taps out.

Winners: LIJ
Match Grade: C. This was an average multi-man tag match. Nothing again to write home about. If you've seen one match between these teams, you've seen them all.

After the match, Suzuki still wrenches at Naito's leg. Now the Young Boys try to break it up, and Suzuki one by one beats up on the Young Boys!!!!!!! Leg  Locks and Chokes. A big palm strike to one last Young Boy before Suzuki decides to walk off.

7) CHAOS (Toru Yano, Tomohiro Ishii, and Jay White) vs. Bullet Club Elite (Kenny Omega, Chase Owens, and Yujiro Takahashi)
- For some reason, my computer froze up and didn't save what I typed up. Here's the gist of what happened: It was the usual Bullet Club nonsense with a bunch of comedy early on with frequent tags by Owens and Omega. Ishii was tagged in, and he pretty much dominated the match afterwards. Ishii ended up pinning Owens after a Vertical Drop Brainbuster. After the match, he grabbed the title and declared his intent to challenge Omega for it.

Winners: CHAOS
Match Grade: C. Another really basic  tag match. This show has been mostly forgettable early on with only the 6 Man Tag Title change being anything special.

8) Rey Mysterio Jr., KUSHIDA, and Sengoku Enbu vs. CHAOS (SHO, YOH, and Okada)
- Okada and Rey start us off here. Rey gets pie faced by Okada, but he answers back with kicks to the leg. Hurricanrana by Rey. Rey gets on Okada's shoulders, flips him to the outside. Okada keeps Rey on his shoulders once he gets to the floor, but Okada gets flipped INTO the ring. KUSHIDA and SHO are in. Handspring Elbow by KUSHIDA and frequent tags by KUSHIDA and Rey attacking SHO. KUSHIDA has an arm lock in, but he powers out. The rest of CHAOS runs in and beats down on the tag partners. YOH tagged in and starts working on KUSHIDA with a waistlock. Tag to SHO. Double team by 3K. But KUSHIDA gets out and tags Enbu. Enbu with hip attacks and a half moonsault on SHO. Rolling toehold on SHO. Another hip attack blocked into a German. Okada tagged in. Enbu hits a hip attack and tags in... REY
- Rey is in now. FAST back and forth action here. Rey and Okada have a nice sequence. Now, there are dives going on. Rey gets YOH in position. 6-1-9! Springboard Splash. Rey wins!

Winner: Mysterio, KUSHIDA, and Enbu
Match Grade: B-. This was probably the best of the multiman matches we saw tonight. Rey still impresses even in his 40s. Give the man his due: He is still an amazing athlete.

9) G1 Climax Final: Tanahashi vs. Ibushi

Here we are folks. The final match in the G1 Climax.
- Omega is in the corner with Kota Ibushi. Ibushi with a 6-3 record.
- HERE comes THE ACE!!!! 7-1-1 in the A Block. SHIBATA is in Tanahashi's corner!!! WOW!!!!!!
This just got taken to another level.
The bell rings! Here we go. NO TIME LIMIT here folks. It goes until we have a winner.
- Tanahashi with an early arm wrench on Ibushi. Waistlock by Tanahashi now. Ibushi gets to the ropes. Tanahashi trying to trip up Ibushi now in another series of ground wrestling. But Ibushi avoids it for another break. Tanahashi grabs the arm again and transitions into a headlock, trying to basically dictate the pace against the must faster Ibushi. Head scissors by Ibushi, but Tanahashi transitions to a headlock. 5 minutes have passed. They're just getting started.
- Shoulder tackle by Tanahashi. Big midkick by Ibushi. Forearms by Ibushi. Dropkick to the knee by Tanahashi, trying to ground Ibushi and perhaps disrupt his ability to do the Kamigoye. Kicks and elbow drops to both knees of Ibushi. Triangle Scorpion by Tanahashi ( a variant of the Scorpion Deathlock facing towards the opponent). Ibushi gets to the ropes. Tanahashi eats a jumping flying midkick by Ibushi. POWERSLAM by Ibushi followed by a springboard moonsault for a 2. He's still clinching at the knee. Tanahashi blocks the German, but he takes a dropkick. Tanahashi goes outside as 10 minutes have passed. Tanahashi tries to get Ibushi on the apron with a shin dropkick, but Ibushi catches him with a double stomp to the mouth of The Ace!!!
- Both men are back in. Tanahashi runs into two midkicks. But The Ace catches the third one and hits a Dragon Screw. Dropkick into the corner by The Ace, but Ibushi answers with a double stomp. Tanahashi gets a dropkick of his own, sending Ibushi outside. Tanahashi climbs up. Ibushi catches him, looking for the long dart. But Tanahashi reverses into a Sling Blade. Dropkick into a sitting Ibushi in the corner. Forearms and elbows by both men. The Ace gets a kick to the knee in. He runs into the boot of Ibushi. Ibushi catches Tanahashi trying to skin the cat and delivers a package tombstone on Tanahashi sending The Ace directly on his neck! 1-2-Kickout. 15 minutes have passed. (No Time Limit)
- Seated Dragon Screw x2 by The Ace. Texas Cloverleaf locked in by Tanahashi. Kenny is encouraging Ibushi to get to the ropes. Tanahashi is sitting down on the move now. Ibushi gets to the ropes. Tanahashi Dragon Screws Ibushi's leg on the rope, sending Ibushi to the outside. Tanahashi climbs up and NAILS HIGH FLY FLOW to Ibushi on the outside!!!!!! The count is on. Ibushi gets in at 18. SNAP RANA by Ibushi sends Tanahashi to the outside!!! Ibushi hits a mid-TOP ROPE SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT TO TANAHASHI ON THE OUTSIDE!!!! Ibushi grabs Tanahashi and rolls him in. 20 minutes have passed.
- Springboard Missile Dropkick by Ibushi. Kota gets Tanahashi on the top of the corner and hits a SPRINGBOARD HURRICANRANA sending Tanahashi crashing his head against the mat on the way down! 1-2-Kickout! Half and Half Suplex. 1-2- Kickout by The Ace. He grabs the arms, but Tanahashi gets the rollup for 2. BOMAYE!!!! (YeaOH!) Ibushi goes for the powerbomb, but Tanahashi gets out and hits a big right hand. Ibushi with a VICIOUS palm strike!!!!! Strikes repeatedly to Tanahashi now followed by a push kick into the corner. Ibushi now kicking at Tanahashi. Tanahashi slaps Ibushi again, saying FINISH IT. Ibushi continues to strike at 25 minutes have passed. They are now trading hits. IBUSHI WITH A BIG LARIAT! Wow! This is another great match!
- Both men struggle to get up. They are now trading shots on their knees. Tanahashi gets on his feet first, trying to psyche himself up. They are both up still exchanging elbows and strikes. Back and forth, back and forth! Uppercuts by Tanahashi followed by a massive palm strike by Ibushi. SLING BLADE! 1-2-Kickout. Straight Jacket German connects! 1-2-Kickout by Ibushi! Tanahashi climbs up. HIGH FLY FLOW connects... TO IBUSHI'S KNEES!!!! Wow! Ibushi is up. Running Bomaye to the back of Tanahashi's head! 30 minutes have passed!!!! MOONSAULT with KNEES INTO THE GUT of Tanahashi! DAMN! LONG DART to Tanahashi into the corner!!!! Tanahashi is grabbing his right arm.  Ibushi now gets Tanahashi on the ring frame. Oh no.... Ibushi climbs the middle rope. GERMAN SUPLEX OVER THE TOP ROPE!!! LAST RIDE POWERBOMB!!!! 1-2-KICKOUT!!! Tanahashi is still in this! Dear God!
- Ibushi is up... Kamigoye misses. Straight Jacket German by Ibushi for a 2. He still has the arms! Kamigoye countered into Twist and Shout. Tanahashi holds on!!! ANOTHER ONE! He still holds on. Counter by Ibushi. They are now trading shots. DRAGON SUPLEX by The Ace gets a 2. He's climbing up again!!!! HIGH FLY FLOW to the back!!!!  He's climbing again! Ibushi gets up. HIGH FLY FLOW again! Tanahashi climbs up again! HIGH FLY FLOW!!! 1-2-3!!!! THE ACE HAS DONE IT!!!!

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi
Match Grade: A+. AMAZING!!!! This was incredible again. Tanahashi still has it folks! Those guys again nearly killed each other. What a great story told by both men where either one could have won it. This is what this company does best without the shenanigans we have seen unfortunately in this tournament this year.

After the match, Shibata picks up Tanahashi for a victory lap. Ibushi is near lifeless on the mat. Omega is checking on him. Ibushi gets up and offers respect for Tanahashi by getting out of the ring.
Chono presents the flag to Tanahashi, and The Ace promises to go to the Tokyo Dome to win another championship. And we get the classic AIR GUITAR!!!!!!!!!!

Show Rating: B. And that's the main event picking up the rest of the show behind it. This was a one match show literally, folks. Granted, that match MORE than delivered here. But still, it was a one match show. The only match you should make sure to watch is the main event. If you have time, watch Rey Mysterio's tag match and maybe The Bucks and Scurll's match with the Tongans.

Well, I can personally say this was MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! 19 Shows, 19 Reviews. And that's with missing 1 week while on vacation. Thank you all for checking out these reviews.  Hope you enjoy them. I'm going to post a finale piece on my favorite matches of the tournament sometime this week. Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness.

GO ACE!!!!


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