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NXT TakeOver Brooklyn IV- Ciampa vs. Gargano; Cole vs. Ricochet; Undisputed Era vs. Mustache Mountain

Well, this is it folks. A show that is perhaps the biggest event in the NXT calendar: NXT TakeOver Brooklyn IV. We have 5 HUGE matches tonight, and it's starting at an unusually early time tonight.  I'll be posting live updates as soon as the matches come to an end, giving you my thoughts and the grade reviews all night!

Let's do this!!! Wait. That's not my gimmick!


NXT TakeOver Brooklyn IV Live Review

The video package plays before the match, highlighting the night's big matches. It also points out something I didn't figure out until now: All of the champions in NXT are heels. That's a rare thing to see in any wrestling promotion.

And NOW, WWE presents NXT TakeOver Brooklyn IV!

Mauro, Nigel, and Percy welcome us to the arena for tonight's action.

1) NXT Tag Team Championship
The Undisputed Era (c) vs. Mustache Mountain

WHAT AN EXCELLENT CHOICE TO START THIS SHOW! And Kyle O'Reilly is playing that air guitar like no one's business.
The Undisputed Era early on gets a 2-1 advantage. But it doesn't last long. They slug it out with MM, but MM get the better of it. BIG CHOP by Seven. Tag to Bate who hits a senton variation on O'Reilly for a 2. O'Reilly gets back up and tags Strong. Strong gets a double team move for his trouble for a 2. Backbreaker by Strong on Seven. O'Reilly gets tagged back in and hits some big kicks. Strong tagged in who goes to work with jumping stomps to Seven. Frequent tags and offense by the tag champs. Running knee drop for a 2 by O'Reilly. Seven with heavy chops and a DDT to O'Reilly. Tag to Bat ewho fires off with dropkicks and diving uppercuts. Strong and O'Reilly get stuck in the fireman's carry/big swing. O'Reilly counters the Fireman into a sleeper, but Bate counters with a fall back and a German to Strong. Strong catches Bate with a big running kick to knock Bate down.
Tag to O'Reilly. Hammerlock and blows by O'Reilly. Tag by Strong who gives Bate a heavy chop. Gutbuster by Strong followed by a falling knee by O'Reilly for a 2. More frequent tags by the champs here. Strong deadlifts literally Bate up for a Gory Stretch. Strong sent into the corner, but O'Reilly gets tagged in. O'Reilly kicks the leg out of Bate and executes several submission holds. Strong tagged back in and more work on the leg. O'Reilly and Strong again do frequent tags and attack thhe leg. But Bate launches Strong off over the ropes at one point to get the break. Bate crawlss to the corner, but O'Reilly pulls Seven down. But Bate gets Seven tagged in.
Back bodydrop followed by a big dive by Seven. Running clotheslines now. O'Reilly gets caught with the big boot and gets powerbombed. Seven with some big offensive moves to Strong, but Strong kicks out at 2. Big left and back elbow by Strong. O'Reilly back in. He hits a brainbuster for a 2. Great match already! Flying forearm by  O'Reilly and more tag team offense by the UE. Back and forth between the two teams, but Seven gets caught in the Boston Crab by Strong. Triangle hold by O'Reilly on Bate, but BATE PICKS UP O'REILLY AND POWERBOMBS HIM ONTO STRONG TO BREAK UP THE HOLD!!!!!
Bate and Strong are the legal men now. O'Reilly gets caught jumping at Bate, but he gets belly to belly suplexed into Strong sending both to the outside. RUNNING DIVE by BATE. He throws Strong back in and hits a Tiger Bomb on Strong for an absurdly close 2 count. (Bate is only in his early 20s by the way).
Bate climbs the ropes, but Strong climbs up to stop him. O'Reilly catches Bate's leg and sends it into the ringpost. They are attacking the leg. Tag to O'Reilly. HEEL HOOK by O'Reilly! Now Bate is in the same position Seven was when they had to surrender the tag titles last month!!!!!
Seven gets the white towel and teases throwing it in. The crowd is going nuts!!!!  He throws it into the crowd. Strong runs into the corner but gets backdropped to the floor! Bate is crawling over with O'Reilly still having the hold in and gets the tag!!!!
Big strikes by both men! Big Lariat gets a 2 for Seven. Tag to Bate! Burning HAMMER!!! 1-2-KICK FREAKING OUT!!!!! GEEZ!
Bate goes for the rope bounce, but he bounces into a knee by O'Reilly. High and Low finisher by The Undisputed Era! 1-2-3!!!!

Winner: The Undisputed Era (still champs)
Match Grade: A+. Oh yeah. This was awesome. Both teams are just amazing. Great tag work especially by the UE with great frequent tags and working the ring. MM again showed why they are another great tag team. This may be the best of their three matches, but I have to rewatch them all again to be certain of that. They are all great matches.

The War Raiders are in and are beating up the Undisputed Era!!! They are crushing these poor guys!!!! FALLOUT!!!!

2) EC3 vs. Velveteen Dream

This could be a show-stealer. (And that's after I just gave a match an A+.)

Velveteen Dream is coming up through the stage with smoke and purple lights. He's got a crown on possibly doing a Macho King like look tonight. HIS TIGHTS SAY "CALL ME UP VINCE!!!!" HOLY CRAP! That's awesome!!! EC3 gets a loud ovation too.

Velveteen's jacket gets thrown back and forth. The bell rings. Tie up by both men with EC3 showing his strength dominance early. Big lift in a test of strength, picking Dream up over his head and throwing him back to the mat. EC3 kicks Dream in the corner and causes Dream to ride the top rope. There was an awkward moment where Dream was waiting for EC3 to go in with the kicks. Dream sent to the outside. Dream tries to sunset flip back in, but EC3 starts hipshaking like Dream. EC3 dominant here with an elbow. Cactus Jack Clothesline by EC3 sending both to the outside. EC3 goes for a piledriver, but Dream hits a TWISTING DDT ON THE RAMP! CRASH, BANG, AND OUCH!!!!
Dream continues to attack EC3. 1-2 kickout by EC3. Dream goes to the ropes and hits a single ax handle. 1-2 kickout. EC3 sent hanging on the top rope. Dream connects with kicks and punches in the corner. EC3 goes throat first on the top rope. Big neckbreaker in the ring by Dream for a 1. Twisting headlock on EC3. Big forearm to the spine when EC3 gets up. Rude Awakening attempt by Dream countered once but not twice, connecting on EC3. 1-2-kickout. Dream sends EC3 to the outside. EC3's head bounces 3 times off the top of the table. Dream smacks a watter bottle over EC3's head. EC3 catches Dream coming back, but Dream counters him.
Back and forth punches. EC3 gets the advantage. Stinger Splash into the corner followed by a running neckbreaker by EC3. 1%er countered into a rollup for 2. Dream gets caught again, going face first into the mat in a headlock position. 1-2 kickout. EC3 gets paintbrushed by Dream, causing him to strike viciously at Dream. Dream hits EC3 in the throat. Dream climbs the ropes, but he gets sent off the top by EC3 ala Ric Flair. EC3 goes for a crossbody, but Dream rolls through for a 2. Powerbomb by EC3. Crowd is booing EC3. EC3 picks up Dream for another powerbomb and sits down on the second one for a 2.
"Velveteen" chant from the crowd.
Dream sent on the top turnbuckle. Multiple chops by EC3. He climbs up to the top rope and nails a SUPERPLEX!!!!! Dream and EC3 both are hurt. 1-2-Kickout by Dream. Both men are on the ring frame. Dream gets back in the ring and catches EC3 with a superkick. Dream Valley Driver by Dream! 1-2-Kickout by EC3.  Dream went for another one, but EC3 got a German Suplex in. 1-2-kickout. Crowd is quiet, but they are clapping both men on here. Both men are back on the apron now. DREAM VALLEY DRIVER ON THE APRON!!!!!!! DREAM CLIMBS UP THE TOP AND NAILS AN ELBOW DROP ON EC3 ON THE FRAME! 1-2-3!!!!!

Winner: Velveteen Dream
Match Grade: B. It was not the best match. But Velveteen Dream definitely looked like a main roster star tonight with his ability to keep the crowd invested and insane amount of charisma. I agree with Dream: CALL HIM UP VINCE!!!!! 


3) NXT North American Championship
Adam Cole (c) vs. Ricochet

12,000 people yelling "ADAM COLE BAY BAY!" never gets old.

The bell rings. Tie up. Both men jockey for position. Ricochet backflips to reverse an Adam Cole armlock. Ricochet flips through several attempts by Cole, but Cole almost catches him with a superkick to break up the offense. More jockying for position by both men. Adam Cole tries to leapfrog Ricochet, but Ricochet catches him with a missile dropkick. Cole is sent to the outside. Ricochet fakes a dive. Cole and Ricochet got back and forth around the corner, with Ricochet being sent off the top on to the floor. Cole now taking advantage and throws Ricochet into the ring.
Cole attacks Ricochet on the mat with punches. Neckbreaker by Cole for barely a 2. Cole still kicking and mocking Ricochet: "You're Not Special!" Cole catches Ricochet and hits the Last Shot for a 2. Headlock by Cole. Ricochet gets back up and kicks Cole away from the corner. Dropkick sends Cole to the floor. Ricochet hits a spinning dive over the top rope to the floor. Both men are back in. Ricochet gets 619 on Cole. Springboard European Uppercut to Cole for a 2. Cole eats a roundhouse kick by Ricochet. Ricochet hits a running shooting star press and a springboard phoenix splash for a 2. Ricochet with chops to Cole on the ropes. Ricochet goes for a handspring off the ropes, but Cole catches him with the backstabber for a 2.
Ricochet gets sent over the corner, and he punches Cole away. Ricochet dives at Cole and catches the superkick. Discus forearm by Ricochet. Adam Cole catches Ricochet during a springboard moonsault with a SUPERKICK! LAST SHOT! 1-2-KICKOUT!!! Replay shows that he caught him right on the neck!!!
"This is Awesome" chants. Shining Wizard avoided into a rollup for a 2. Kicks being exchanged back and forth. Thud and Thud! Superkick by Cole to Ricochet. Cole falls on Ricochet. 1-2-KICKOUT! "NXT" chants now. "Mamma Mia" Chants now. Ricochet avoids another Shining Wizard to the back of the head. Reverse Snap Rana by Ricochet!!!!  He's climbing up the top turnbuckle, but Adam Cole rolls out of the ring to the apron. Cole stands up on the apron only to EAT a running hurricanrana by RICOCHET sending both to the outside! Ricochet hits the 630 Flip/Dive off the top rope!!!! 1-2-3! NEW CHAMP!

Winner: Ricochet (NEW North American Champion)
Match Grade: A-. This was another incredible match on this card. Ricochet is going to injure himself one day, but the guy is an athletic marvel that we should all appreciate while we can. Adam Cole needed to be rid of that championship. Now, it's time to push Adam Cole to the next level.

4) NXT Women's Championship
Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Kairi Sane

We get the big match introductions here. 

The bell rings. The cameras show Ronda Rousey, and the crowd is too focused on her. Tie up by both women early on. Kairi gets caught in a leg submission, but she gets to the ropes. Series of rollups by Sane followed by a Stretch Muffler. Both are in each other's face and trading blows. Baszler gets the best of that exchange. Hurricanrana by Sane and a running sliding dropkick sends Baszler to the floor. Sane dives off the apron onto Baszler and rolls her back in the ring.
Big chop by Sane x2. Dropkick to the knee by Baszler. Stomps to the knee by Baszler. Toying kicks by Baszler. Baszler on the apron now. She kicks Sane in the chest and wrenches the arm on the middle rope. Back in the ring. She goes for the ground and pound while putting her legs on Sane's knee. Baszler now has Sane's knee twisted on the mat, continuing to apply pressure. Baszler puts Sane's foot in an awkward position and STOMPS right on the ankle. Baszler puts Sane's leg on the middle rope, mocks the Pirate walk, and kicks Sane's injured knee.
Sane gets on her feet after being mocked by Baszler. She gets in Baszler's face and slaps her. She's fighting back with lefts and rights. Spinning back fist and running neck breakers by Sane. She sells her knee and hits it to get feeling going. Baszler sitting in the corner. Pirate walk/hobble by Sane. Running Sliding D for a 2. Sane goes for the top rope. Baszler catches her and climbs up. SUPERPLEX by Baszler.
Forearms by both women getting back to a vertical basis. Baszler gets a big knee to Sane's face, getting a 2 count. BIG SPEAR by Sane! Sane climbs the ropes and gets an Insane Elbow off the middle rope. She's climbing pack up to the top! Baszler rolls out. Sane readjusts and NAILS A CROSS BODY OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE! She rolls Baszler back in
She's going back up! INSANE ELBOW OFF THE TOP! 1-2 Kickout! Sane tries to get the Anchor in, but Baszler gets the clutch in! Sane is close to the ropes, but she's fading!! She gets to the rope!!! Another great match tonight folks. Baszler kicks at the leg of Sane. SPINNING HEEL HOOK on Sane! She's in the middle of the ring. Sane rolls through and goes for the Anchor. Baszler gets to the rope herself. Sane uses the ropes and hooks in the Anchor with the ropes! Both are back in. Alabama Slam by Sane. She's climbing back up! She dives off and EATS KNEES coming off the top rope! Clutch in by Baszler, but SANE ROLLS THROUGH!!!! 1-2-3!!! NEW CHAMP!!!!

Winner: Kairi Sane (NEW WOMEN'S CHAMPION!)
Match Grade: A-. Another excellent match. Baszler's best match since the Ember Moon feud by a good distance. I loved the back and forth and the false finishes here. Both could have won at any moment and did a great job of making everyone think the match was over. This is legitimately a shock, a good one at that.

5) NXT Championship
Tomasso Ciampa (c) vs. Johnny Gargano

If there's any match that will be able to follow up what we've seen tonight, it's this.

Big match introductions here, completed with the merciless booing of Ciampa.
Gargano jumps Ciampa during his introduction. Stomps by Gargano. Punches by Gargano. Thesz Press by Gargano. Punches in the corner!!!! Ciampa and Gargano are going insanely quick here. Gargano gets thrown back first into the steps. Ciampa removes the top steps, but Gargano flings Ciampa back first into the barrier on two sides around the ring. Gargano removes the covering for the floor exposing the concrete. Eye rake by Ciampa!!! Hanging DDT avoided by a throw back into the ring post. Gargano nails a running blockbuster off the apron onto Ciampa. Ciampa gets thrown over the English Announce Table and onto Percy from what I could tell. Gargano goes for a piledriver on Ciampa on the table, but Ciampa hits a running White Noise on Gargano through another announce table at ringside!!!! Gargano is up at 7.
Ciampa gets chairs from under the ring and brings one back in. Gargano punches Ciampa, but he eats a big boot in the face. Stomps in the corner by Ciampa. BIG RUNNING KNEE STRIKE by Ciampa into Gargano. "We're not done by a long shot."-Ciampa. Another running knee. He puts a chair in front of Gargano's face. He runs back, but Gargano uses the chair to hit Ciampa in the reconstructed knee! Gargano is now attacking Ciampa with the chair across the knee, back, and midsection. The chair is put in the corner between the top and middle ropes. Gargano went for the long dart, but a sleeper is locked in by Ciampa. Ciampa legally uses the ropes for an advantage. Gargano gets out around 6 after Ciampa lets go. Ciampa gets in another sleeper and rolls him in the middle of the ring. Gargano is now being choked by Ciampa using the top rope for leverage, but Gargano gets him on his shoulder and hits the LONG DART into the chair on the opposite side of the ring. 6 count on Ciampa.
Gargano is looking under the ring now. We've got a table! He sets it up on the outside. He grabs another table from under the ring and sets that upside down on top of the other table. Ciampa gets Gargano away from the tables and nails 3 Rolling German Suplexes on Gargano. Running Knee by Ciampa on Gargano's head. Chair to the gut and back by Ciampa. Another chair shot to the back by Ciampa. "STAY DOWN!"- Ciampa. Another shot across the back. THREE LUNGBLOWERS/PROJECT CIAMPAS by Ciampa on Gargano!!!! Ciampa unfolds a chair and sits down while the referee counts Gargano. Gargano gets up at 9 and nails a desperation SUPERKICK to Ciampa!!!
Both are up around 6. They are trading punches now. Rollup into a kick by Gargano. Slingshot Spear interrupted by a kick by Ciampa. German Suplexes countered by both men. They collide in the middle of the ring and knock each other down. They are both back up at 1 and punching each other again!!! Fast paced action. Knees and Kicks by both men, ending with a lariat by Gargano.
Ciampa gets to his feet at 6. Gargano gets up at 9. Gargano gets a superkick on Ciampa from the apron, but he completely misses a cannonball off the apron!!! That was a hard smack against the floor! Ciampa hits the FAIRY TALE ENDING (BUTTERFLY FACE PLANT) on the stairs on the outside of the ring!!!! Gargano gets up at 9!!! Ciampa works on the ring. He smacks Gargano's head against the ring steps. Ciampa comes back in and removes the protective padding and mat cover from the ring, exposing the wood underneath! He goes to get Gargano, but Gargano surprises him with a fire extinguisher exploding in his face!!! Ciampa is blinded. Gargano has a crutch and goes to work on Ciampa with it.  Ciampa goes running to the outside! Gargano hits Ciampa with the crutch sending part of it flying to the outside. Gargano almost gets caught with the DDT on the exposed wood (ala Chicago), but Gargano blocks it, hits an enziguri, and NAILS A DDT on CIAMPA ON THE EXPOSED WOOD! Ciampa uses the floor to get up at 9 rolling out of the ring. Running dive through the ropes by Gargano to Ciampa. Another one to the other side of the ring sends Ciampa against the tables. Gargano misses a kick to Ciampa, hitting a staff member. Ciampa runs Gargano's head against the monitor and plunges himself with a chair into Gargano through the barricade!  HE PILES EVERY DAMN THING AROUND THE RINGSIDE AREA (CHAIRS, STAFF MEMBERS, TABLES!!!) ON GARGANO. HE GETS UP AT 9.5!!!!!!!! WHAT A MATCH!!!!
Handcuffs are out. Ciampa tries to handcuff Gargano, but Gargano uses the ringpost to break it up! They're back in the ring. Gargano handcuffs Ciampa's right hand. But he gets clocked with the left. They are now by the tables flipped on top of each other. They are fighting for position. SUPERKICK SENDS CIAMPA THROUGH THE TABLES!!!!! CIAMPA USES THE CRUTCH TO GET UP AT 9.5!!! 
FIGHT FOREVER CHANTS!  This is awesome!
Gargano chases Ciampa up the ramp. Ciampa using the crutch to keep standing. Gargano kicks it into the audience, from what I could tell. Gargano sends Ciampa face first into the LED boards. GARGANO ESCAPE locked into Ciampa. He handcuffs Ciampa to the stage!!!! He's being rammed again and again into the stage. Superkick to the face. Another superkick. Ciampa: "I'm sorry." Gargano: "Too late for that." Another superkick. "YOU DID THIS!"- Gargano. Gargano is stopping the attack while Ciampa continues to plead. Ciampa removes his knee pad, runs right through Ciampa, but sends himself through the equipment at ringside. Gargano can't get up, but Ciampa rolls over and gets on his feet at 10!!!!

Winner: Tomasso Ciampa (STILL NXT Champion)
Match Grade: A+. They did it again folks. What can I say? It was brutal, emotional, and devastating. I liked this a LOT more than I did the Street Fight at Chicago. This was logical with no questionable spots in it whatsoever. They didn't try to be cute with the match, instead just focusing on telling the good story. Gargano's emotions continue to cost him against Ciampa.

After the match, Mauro says Gargano may have dislocated his knee. Medical officials are still looking at Gargano while Ciampa holds up the NXT Championship and walks off. Johnny refuses to go off on a stretcher and is helped by medical officials to hobble out instead. Ciampa comes back out and holds the NXT Championship in the background while Gargano is unable to get back up to do anything about it.

Show Rating: A+. This was another home run by the NXT roster here. I don't know if this surpasses NXT TakeOver: New Orleans, but with 5 quality matches (3 of which got my A+ ratings), I may have to give this more thought. When your worst match is a very good Velveteen Dream vs. EC3 match, you know you've done a great job as a company. Go watch this show, folks.

Well, good luck to the main roster. You've got your work cut out for you. Until tomorrow night, take care of yourselves. And spread some awesomeness.


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