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ROH Final Battle 2018 Review- I Need Some Air

ROH Final Battle 2018  

They call this the biggest event in Ring of Honor, and with the card that ROH has put together, you have to believe the hype. Some gems are in this card, and there’s a little something for everyone.  As Ian usually says, this may be “HAPPY WRESTLING EVERYONE!” 


A video hyping up the big matches for this evening. Really well done from the ROH production team.  
And we are taken live to the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York, NY. (I love watching events from this venue.) Big announcement: Ladder War will go on last. Ian and Colt run through more matches off the card.  

K-I-N-G KING! Our first match is happening now.  

1) Kenny King vs. Eli Isom 

King gets on the mic. He asks why Isom is even there. King goes off on Isom being from the Dojo and puts himself over as Old School. Isom is getting fed to the wolves. King sucker punches him with the mic. The bell rings.  

Isom gets kicked off the apron by King, and King follows up with a big running dive over the ropes to the floor. King’s new aggressive, heel character has been a welcome development in his career. Really enjoying this run by him as he continues to mock the crowd. Both men go back in the ring to continue the match. Isom avoids a dive from King in the corner. Isom now goes on offense, but King rolls out to the floor. A running somersault dive over the top to the floor by Isom on King. Back in the ring, Isom gets a 1. Kick to the knee and leg sweep by King followed by a low kick to Isom. 
Reverse Suplex into a Stunner by King gets a 2. King continues to work the crowd. King misses a dive in the corner again. Enziguri by Isom. Big belly-to-belly by Isom. Isom tries to power up King for the deadlift powerbomb, but he only has a minimal amount of success. Back suplex by Isom. He falls off the corner thanks to King using the referee. Springboard Blockbuster by King. 1-2-King pulls Isom up. King puts Isom on the corner. He climbs up. He is thrown off, but King backflips and hits a jumping kick. Gory Special by Isom gets a 2. Isom goes for the Superfly Leapfrogs, but King catches him and hits the Fireman’s Carry Driver. No Code of Honor after the match.  

Winner: Kenny King 
Match Grade: B-. A fine opening match. These guys put on a pretty good show to start off. Isom is only going to continue to evolve and get better. ROH could really use the upcoming roster changes to help push Isom and develop his character.  

2) ROH World Television Championship 
Jeff Cobb (champ) vs. Hangman Page  
Will this be Hangman Page’s last ROH match? Depends on whether he works any more matches on the TV tapings tomorrow. The crowd absolutely showers him with streamers as he has that look of “last match” in his eyes. Cobb gets a good bit of streamers too, but it’s not nearly as many as Page just received.  
The bell rings. Page just charges and unleashes on Cobb. Cobb pushes him off a couple times. Big kicks by Page to Cobb. Dropkick sends Cobb to the floor. THE RUNNING SHOOTING STAR PRESS ON THE APRON IS CAUGHT IN MID ROTATION AND TURNED INTO A BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX BY COBB!!!! Wow! Cobb unloads with strikes on the floor and rolls Page in the ring. Big running twisting European Uppercut by Cobb. Page attacks the knee of Cobb and grazes Cobb with an Asai Moonsault for a 2. Slingshot Senton by Page. Page goes up for the moonsault, but Cobb stops him. He climbs up the corner with Page. Page knocks him off, but Cobb jumps up and dropkicks him. Big dropkick from a big man there. Cobb climbs up and picks up Page for a delayed vertical suplex off the corner! He had Page up for about 10-15 seconds. BIG STANDING MOONSAULT by Cobb. Standing Shooting Star Press by Cobb misses. Running dropkick by Page into the corner. Cobb is on the corner. Page climbs up too. Suplex is blocked, and Page is knocked off. Crossbody by Cobb is REVERSED AND DEADLIFTED UP INTO A FALL-AWAY SLAM BY PAGE!  Incredible.  
Cobb is dumped to the floor. Page dives through the ropes onto Cobb. Page climbs up the corner and nails the moonsault off the top rope to Cobb on the floor! Great match so far. Both men are back in the ring. Running shooting star presses by Page only get a 1 and a 2 count respectively. Forearms are traded between the two. Open hand strikes by Cobb knocks Page down. A Shoulder Tombstone Driver by Cobb gets a 2.  (Old Rikishi Driver) SUPERKICK BY PAGE! Elbow strikes are met by Cobb’s big head. Cobb runs into the BUCKSHOT LARIAT! The crowd is going nuts! Rite of Passage avoided. HELICOPTER SLAM by Cobb almost gets a 3. (Looked like an F-5 to me) Cobb calls for the end. Tour of the Islands countered into a crucifix by Page almost gets a 3, but the referee says it’s not a 3. 2 Tour of the Islands puts Page down for the 3.  

Winner: Jeff Cobb (still TV Champion) 
Match Grade: B+. That was a really good match between these two guys. Hangman continues to be impressive, and I’m anxious to see where Page ends up. His career can only go on from here. Meanwhile, Jeff Cobb gets a great win and continues to be pushed as a great champion in this company. I hope these two find a way to face off again in the future.   

3) Women of Honor Championship 
Survival Match (Elimination Rules) 
Sumie Sakai (champion) vs.  Kelly Klein vs. Madison Rayne vs.  Karen Q  
The bell rings. Sumie establishes control early on and nails an apron dropkick on Kelly Klein on the floor. Madison Rayne takes out Karen Q on the floor. It is now Rayne and Sakai in the ring. (The crowd is near dead. This is a come-down match after Page vs. Cobb.) Rayne and Sakai trade rollups until Q puts both women in a Boston Crab submission. Klein sends Sakai to the floor and teams with Q against Rayne. Q nails a great handspring backflip corner splash on Rayne. Exploder Suplex by Q on Rayne. Q hits Klein by accident, sending her to the floor. Rayne starts fighting back. Super Crucifix by Rayne almost gets a 3. Tower of Doom spot gets broken up as a double powerbomb to Q and Rayne leaves Sakai to hit a missile dropkick on Klein. Klein hits an AA for a 3 on Q. Karen Q is gone.  
Madison Rayne comes in. Tornado DDT off the corner. Klein kicks out at 2. Rayne almost catches Sakai with a 3. Another move almost pins Sakai again. Sumie Sakai hits Smash Mouth, but Klein kicks Sumie off. She pins Madison Rayne instead. Madison Rayne is gone. It’s Klein vs. Sakai. They are trading blows. Big armbar by Sakai. Klein is rolling on her stomach and holding her fingers. She gets to the ropes after fighting for life for about 45 seconds. Klein gets sent into the corner. Sakai hits Smash Mouth. Klein kicks out at 2. Sakai tries to snap rana Klein but gets stacked on a powerbomb for a close 2 count. Klein hits her K Power (AA like move) for a close 2 count again. She puts Sakai on the corner and climbs up. She puts Sakai on her shoulder. K-POWER OFF THE CORNER! 1-2-3! NEW CHAMP! 

Match Grade: C+. The match was a bit clunky at times, and the lack of crowd investment at big moments took away from the match. But once it boiled down to the final two, the crowd finally got interested and boosted the overall grade. They need to do more with the women on this show as they have a lot of talent. But just having them do great matches is not enough. They need to do more.  

After being champion for 8 months, Sakai shakes the hand of the new champion and gives her the ring to celebrate.  

4) Jonathan Gresham vs Zack Sabre Jr.  

This is going to be awesome! Sabre pushes Gresham in the face as streamers fly into the ring.  

The bell rings. Great mat wrestling sequence to start off here. Pushing back and forth between the two. Sabre works the wrist of Gresham. Gresham reverses and goes to work on Sabre’s wrist. Both men continue to contort the other’s limbs trying to get submission holds in. Gresham begins working on the ankle of Sabre. But Sabre escapes and gets to the corner. Both men flip through headlocks, and Sabre puts on a head scissor headlock on Gresham. Gresham flips out, but Sabre gets the hold back on. Gresham escapes and flips off Sabre. Sabre and Gresham exchange a flurry of reversals and strikes before breaking again.  
Uppercuts by Sabre. Dropkick by Gresham. Gresham goes back to work on the ankle of Sabre before applying a side headlock. He’s now going back for Sabre’s wrist. Sabre and Gresham continue to counter wrestle. Both men trade abdominal stretches. Sabre and Gresham get to the ropes. Sabre continues to push and provoke Gresham. European Uppercut by Sabre. Gresham wants another and gets it. Now the exchange is going on. Slaps and punches are on from both men. These guys continue to trade big shots and blows until Gresham catches Sabre in a single leg crab. Triangle Choke now by Sabre. Gresham escapes and goes for the Octopus Stretch. Ankle Lock by Gresham after reversing one by Sabre. PK by Sabre ALMOST gets a 3, but Gresham gets out at the last moment. This is wrestling, folks.  
Sabre and Gresham trade a bunch of rollups until finally Sabre catches him with a European style rollup for a 3.  

Winner: Zack Sabre, Jr.  
Match Grade: B+. I know this might be a little bit high, but I love this style of match. Both guys were working stiff shots in this match as well as some great chain wrestling. Technical wrestling may not be as hip as flips and dives, but these two just proved that it can be damn engaging. 

5) Dalton Castle (w/ The Boys) vs. Matt Taven  

Dalton has a big entrance with multiple “Boys” on stage. He gets showered with a lot of streamers on his ring pose. TK O’Ryan orders Bobby Cruise to introduce Matt Taven as the REAL ROH World Champion. Confetti falls from the roof as Taven comes down the walkway. Streamers meet Matt Taven when he comes into the ring. Taven is putting his supposed title on the line.  
The bell rings. Slaps and strikes start off the match. Taven and Castle roll out to the floor. And they’re brawling on the floor. Back in the ring, the strikes continue. An old ECW type chant wanting Dalton to “mess up” Taven. (I think you know what they actually chanted.) They spend 15-20 seconds avoiding each other’s corner strikes, and then Castle does the Peacock Pose. A kick by Taven sends Castle down to the arms of The Boys who help Castle get back in the ring. Attack by Castle to Taven includes a back suplex. Big running knee by Castle into the corner on Taven. Taven gets help avoiding a corner splash and hits a bunch of running splashes to Castle. BUT the last one sends  Taven sickeningly against the guardrail. He may be seriously hurt as Taven just bent horribly on that rail. The ref checks on him and allows the match to continue.  Taven eventually sends Castle’s back against the steps. It’s looking as if Taven injured his ribs.  
Castle is brought back in the ring and is worked on by Taven. Taven is working on Castle. Taven scared the hell out of me, and I hope he’s seriously ok. Taven works on Castle in the corner. Castle gets whipped into the other corner. Castle gets Taven in a version of the Million Dollar Dream, but Taven flips out. Another suplex puts Taven down while Castle recovers.  
DDT by Taven gets a 2. Castle with a knee to the ribs of Taven and a DDT of his own moments later. TK attacks Castle behind the referee’s back. The Boys go after TK and dive through the ropes at TK. Balloons come out. Vinny is here. Both Boys get double DDT’d. Vinny climbs back under the ring and drags one of The Boys under. A belt shot by Taven. 1-2-KICKOUT by Castle.  
Rollup by Castle gets a 2. Knee to the head of Castle by Taven. Taven climbs up the corner. Castle drops him on it and hits the running knee to Taven. Taven and Castle are back on the floor. Hurricanrana to Taven, clothesline to TK. BANGARANG TO TAVEN INTO THE POST! Gutwrench Powerbomb in the ring by Castle. The cover gets interrupted by TK throwing a Boy into the ring. TK gets ejected by the referee.  
Bang-a- Rang in the ring, but Taven gets to the ropes before 3. Castle throws his knee back into the head of Taven over and over again. Taven hits Castle with a knee to the head. Climax gets a 3 for Matt Taven.  

Winner: Matt Taven 
Match Grade: B+. Again, this may be high, but I thought this was a very good match and well laid-out. The near self-destruction of Matt Taven in that one spot added to the drama of the match in a sick sort of way. I seriously hope he is ok after that spot. Meanwhile, Castle still has a bit to go in order to recapture the glory of earlier this year. Hard hitting match with a lot of shenanigans around the match that added, rather than subtracted, to the overall product.  

6) Future Shot for the ROH World Championship 
Christopher Daniels vs. Marty Scurll (current holder) 

SCU! Christopher Daniels comes out for his last big opportunity for saving his ROH career. Here comes Marty Scurll. Woop Woop! Streamers color the ring.  

The bell rings. Both men push the other. Daniels and Scurll trade wrestling holds early on. The Villain teases a clean break but elbows Daniels in the face to get some cheap shots in. Daniels fights back and hits a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker. Slingshot Elbow drop gets a 2. Daniels catches Scurll  on the apron and nails an Arabian moonsault to Scurll on the floor. Both are back in the ring. Scurll uses the referee to stop Daniels from diving off. Superplex to Daniels!! Scurll now hits the apron kick to the head of Daniels on the floor. Scurll continues to attack Daniels on the floor. Both men are back in the ring as Scurll continues to press the attack. Daniels runs into a back elbow and suffers a flying dropkick off the middle of the corner. Daniels tries to fire back. Daniels gets dumped on his head with a half-and –half suplex. But he answers back with a powerbomb.  
Daniels gets some offense going against Scurll now as we head down the stretch in this match. Chops by Scurll are met with a slam and an Asai Moonsault by Daniels for a 2 count. Daniels and Scurll trade chops. Forearm to Daniels knocks him down. Great counter wrestling between these two here. Package Piledriver gets a 2 for Scurll. Scurll calls for it: CHICKENWING! Daniels rolls through and almost gets the 3. Burning Hammer by Daniels again almost gets Scurll. TOMBSTONE by Scurll. He folds the arms like Taker for a 2, but when Daniels kicks out, he gets the fingers. Snap! MORE FINGERS SNAP! Scurll almost cheats to win, but it doesn’t work. ANGEL’S WINGS! 1-2-KICKOUT! BME meets Scurll’s knees! Lariat by Scurll. Forearms exchanged. Superkick by Scurll. Graduation! Daniels kicks out at 2!!!! Stomps to the back of Daniels’ neck. CHICKENWING is in. Daniels taps out.  

Winner: Marty Scurll 
Match Grade: B-. This wasn’t exactly the best match of the show, but this had its moments for sure. You just can’t compare it to some of the other matches on this show. Still, Daniels and Scurll are both awesome. So, it was great to see them get this much time on the show.  

Daniels gets a big “THANK YOU DANIELS!” chant from the crowd.  Bully Ray low blows Daniels from behind!!!! Dear God. Daniels gets dumped to the floor.  Bully calls out Flip. Flip comes out with combat gear and an American flag through the crowd.    

7) I Quit Match 
Bully Ray vs. Flip Gordon  

Springboard attack to Bully as the bell rings. Superkick with Combat Boots by Flip! Single-leg dropkick by Flip. Spear and punches by Flip. Both men are at ringside. Van Daminator to Bully!!! Bully gets thrown into the guardrail. A running forearm by Flip into Bully and the rail. Bully low blows the referee! And Bully attacks Flip with a trashcan. And here comes the table, thanks to Bully Ray. Flip’s girlfriend is at ringside. (Well, I guess we know how Flip is going to say “I Quit” tonight.) Bully is down by the girlfriend Gordon throws a table in the ring. Both men are inside now, but Flip gets flipped over the top to the floor hard. Bully uses his chain against the face of Flip Gordon. Blade job comingBully Ray goes after Cary Silkin. Bobby Cruise steps in and stops the insulting. Bully pushes Bobby down. The referee Todd Sinclair gets pushed down too. Bully gets a Singapore Cane out. (Bully was banned from using it earlier.) Daniels runs out and takes the cane shot for Silkin. Flip dives out onto Bully. Bully flips Flip over the table onto the floor.  
Bully pulls the girlfriend over the rail. He teases powerbombing her through the table to Flip’s pleas not to do so.  SILKIN HITS BULLY WITH THE CANE! Bully death stares him. Bully gets back in the ring and gets nailed with an American Flag... THAT IS BASED ON A SINGAPORE CANE!!!! FLIP CHOKES HIM WITH THE CANE. Silas Young comes out and hits Misery on Flip. Silas goes back under the ring and gets lighter fluid!!!!! He pours it on the table! Here comes Cheeseburger! He fights off Young but suffers Misery! Colt Cabana runs in and hits Bully and Silas with the steel chair! Low Blow ends that and sends Colt to the floor. Bully puts Flip in the corner for the powerbomb. The lights go out. It’s THE SANDMAN!!!!! Cane shots to Young. Bully and Sandman have the canes. SUPERKICK BY FLIP! SPRINGBOARD STUNNER! Cane shots by Flip now!  Over and over again! Bully quits!!!!!! 

Winner: FLIP GORDON!  
Match Grade: A+. My favorite match of the show thus far as Flip FINALLY gets the win on Bully Ray. This was the great culmination of months and months of build between Flip, Bully, ROH management, Colt Cabana, Cheeseburger, Silas Young, and The Sandman. Excellent booking here as Bully still looks awesome even in defeat. Flip now gets the biggest win of his career and will now should get a nice push going forward from this.  This is how you book a program and give it a satisfying conclusion.  

Flip drinks the beer with Sandman. Colt celebrates with Flip as well.  

8) ROH World Championship 
Jay Lethal (champion) vs. Cody 

Cody gets absolutely showered with streamers on his entrance. Lethal gets new entrance music. 
Cody gets on the mic. He heels on the crowd and tells them he’s not doing the Madison Square Garden show. So, they can all kiss... you fill that one out. LOUD Stardust chants. Lol.  Jay Lethal gets the mic. 2 things: 1) This is his freaking company. 2) He’s leaving with his title and sending the shiny new toy out dull and gone.  

The bell rings. Both men jockeying for the advantage early on. Cody injures his knee sliding on the mat. Lethal gets on the face lock. Knee may have given out there. Todd Sinclair pulls Jay off... AND CODY GETS UP AND ATTACKS! He’s marching and dancing around the ring. Lethal goes out after Cody and nails him with chops around ringside. Cody gets slammed on the floor. Cody and Lethal are in the ring now as Lethal continues to press the attack. Dropkick by Lethal gets 2. Lethal continues to be aggressive against Cody. Corner Lariat by Lethal. Powerslam by Cody gets 1. Cody goes to work on the wrist/arm of Lethal. Hammerlock into a Facelock by Cody. Lethal gets to the ropes. Cody continues to work on Lethal. Delayed Vertical Facedrop by Cody. Disaster Kick misses. Chop Block by Lethal. Lethal lives up to his name as he goes lethal on the knee of Cody with stomps and smacks against the ring apron.  
Now, Lethal takes Cody’s leg and smacks it against the ring post. After a second one, Lethal traps the knee and hits a running dropkick into the leg, smacking it again into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Lethal continues the attack on Cody’s knee. Lethal with kicks and stomps and jumping attacks on the knee of Cody. Brandi distracts the ref keeping him from counting Cody’s shoulders down during a Roll up. Cody distracts the ref seconds later. SPEAR BY BRANDI! CROSS RHODES! 1-2- KICKOUT!  
Lethal gets back to work on the knee of Cody with a dropkick into it in the corner. Cody is put up in the corner for Shattered Dreams. Jay Lethal even does the Goldust pose. Brandi runs in and SPEARS CODY BY ACCIDENT! Todd goes to call for the bell, but Lethal waves it off. LETHAL INJECTION TO BRANDI BY ACCIDENT! ANOTHER CROSS RHODES! 1-2-KICKOUT BY LETHAL!  
Very good match so far. It hasn’t gone the stereotypical “face-heel-face" formula most matches follow.  
Figure Four by Cody. The bell rings. Hangman rang the bell and gives the title to Cody. The referee waves it off. Figure Four from Lethal countered by Cody. Lethal nails Cody with Cross Rhodes! 1-2-KICKOUT! Lethal climbs up the corner. Hail to the King lands on the knees! Jabs by Cody followed by the Dusty elbow. Lethal clotheslines Cody to the floor. Lethal dives out on Cody 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6 times. Cody runs in and spits something in Jay’s eyes. He hits a Vertabreaker on Lethal for a 2 count.  
Todd takes another ref bump. Lethal takes the title belt to Cody’s knee! He flips him off. Superkicks! LETHAL  INJECTION! Superkicks again! Lethal catches Cody’s leg and locks in the Figure Four! Cody almost gets the ropes, but Lethal drags him in the center. Cody taps!  

Winner: Jay Lethal (Still ROH World Champion)  
Match Grade: A-. That was another great match on a night full of them. The formula was unique and felt like a big-time match. There were a lot of near falls in this, and I actually bought a couple of them. Cody rides off to his own company now as Jay Lethal continues his reign as ROH World Champion.  
After the match, Lethal stands over Cody and shakes his hand. Marty Scurll runs in after Cody leaves. But.... Nick Aldis?! Nick Aldis is here?! NWA World Champion Nick Aldis is here. Lethal’s challengers are coming from multiple places apparently.  

ROH World Tag Team Championship 
Ladder War 
Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky (champions) vs. The Young Bucks vs. The Briscoes 

The bell rings. The Briscoes go out to the ringside area and start throwing steel chairs into the ring. They aren’t starting the match and making SCU and The Bucks fight it out. Matt Jackson takes the action outside. Insane action from all 6 men early on here as the flips and dives come at such a rapid pace that it’s hard to record all of it. Tables are brought out from under the ring. Briscoes unleash hell on The Bucks including Jay double stomping Nick Jackson through the table. Mark and Jay continue to dominate with trash cans and steel chairs. A ladder is finally introduced, and Mark Briscoe decides to go Terry Funk and use the ladder as an airplane propeller. SUPERKICK to Mark by The Bucks. MATT JACKSON JUST POWERBOMBS JAY BRISCOE SICKENINGLY ON A LADDER PROPPED IN THE CORNER!  The Bucks are now on fire and running all over the place. SCU takes control and isolates Matt Jackson. Kazarian is bleeding. SCU is thrown off the ladders as The Bucks try to take them out. Both teams jump on the ladder only for the other teams to throw them off.  
Nick Jackson climbs up and touches the belts. Sky meets him. Both come to the mat. The Bucks nail SCU with superkicks. Sky knocks down Nick, and Kaz hits a Springboard Codebreaker on Matt Jackson. A Steel Chair Throw by The Briscoes causes Kaz to fall to the mat. Kaz’s leg and ankle get jammed into the ladder by a mistimed or misplaced backdrop. Kaz is still down as Mark Briscoe works on him on the apron. Scorpio Sky dives over the top onto Mark Briscoe on the floor. Nick Jackson nails the running corner triple jump dive. Jay Briscoe backdrops Matt Jackson over the top through a table on the floor!!!! 

Uh oh. Jay has a staple gun. But Kaz hits a low blow to stop the attack. OH MY GOD! A CUTTER OFF THE APRON TO THE FLOOR ON MARK BRISCOE BY KAZ!!!!! A sledgehammer is in the ring. Matt Jackson has it.  Jay Briscoe is bleeding like a stuck pig! SUPERKICK BY MATT JACKSON INSTEAD! Sky just hits a snap rana off the corner on Nick Jackson sending him into a ladder back first. Dang! Matt Jackson gets Sky down. He climbs a ladder. Jay knocks him down and puts him back first through a STEEL CHAIR! Insanity ensues as bodies are flying left and right. Mark sets up a ladder in the corner of the ring. He slams Sky down and climbs up the ladder. Sky meets him on top of the ladder. Springboard Spear by Matt Jackson on Sky. JAY DRILLER TO MATT JACKSON! I missed about 6-7 moves in between those last two lines. This is utter insanity.  
The Briscoes set up 3 ladders in the ring and get a table set up. A ladder is in the middle of the ring. A ladder is connecting that ladder to the corner. A table connects the other side to the other half of the ladder.  KAZ NAILS STYLES CLASH TO JAY BRISCOE ON A STEEL CHAIR! Mark and Kaz now brawl on the top of the ladder! Mark falls back through the ladder!!!!! Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson are on ladders. NICK IS SENT FLYING 20 FEET TO THE FLOOR! OH MY GOD! Mark throws a chair to the head of Kazarian. Jay Briscoe grabs the titles and wins LADDER WAR! 

Match Grade: A+. No words. I couldn’t keep up with all of it. This is an instant classic match and should be remembered for years to come. These guys just destroyed one another. Again, it seemed as if Nick Jackson took a very bad fall there with a referee checking on him after the match. Hope he’s ok. On the replay, it didn’t seem as if that table broke much of that fall. I think this was the only logical result with SCU and The Bucks going off into another company. This was truly the Final Battle between these teams, and it was bloody, messy, and insanely glorious in its own messed up way. Kudos to all 6 men for the performance that they gave.  

Show Grade: A+. How can this get any less than that? No duds on this entire show. I was tempted to move a couple of the B+ matches to A-, and that should tell you about the quality of this show. I think the worst match was the Women of Honor match, and even that was a good match for what it was. 4 Hours of Non-Stop Action from some of the best wrestlers in this industry. It’s the end of an era in many ways with The Elite and SCU going off to do their own thing. So, ROH will be reborn basically in 2019. Will it survive? You look at this talent roster, and I think that it can. But they sure do need to add more marquee talent to do so. PCO and Brody King are both good Indy gets, but they’ll need more to keep business going.  

Tremendous show folks. Go check it out.  
Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness.


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