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Elimination Chamber 2019- Chamber Matches Deliver; Book Kofi vs. Bryan Now!

New Women's Tag Team Champions crowned, a child being announced to the world, The Man getting her revenge, and Kofi Kingston putting on another great performance. This is the story of WWE's 2019 rendition of the Elimination Chamber PPV.

WWE Network; WWE

WWE Elimination Chamber 2019
Houston, TX


WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Buddy Murphy (c) vs. Akira Tozawa

The bell rings. Arena is still partly empty. In other words, it is a true 205 Live match. Murphy shrugs off the chops of Tozawa. They fight on the floor, and Murphy chops the ring post by accident. Murphy plants Tozawa back in the ring, but he gets rolled to the floor. Tozawa dives at Murphy, but Murphy holds him in place and delivers a brainbuster on the floor. Tozawa rolls in at 9.
Murphy continues to no sell the chops. We go double screen to see New Day's locker room. Kayla tries to get an interview with Kofi, but Xavier and Big E do the talking for him. Back on the other side of the camera, Tozawa tries to get a submission hold on Murphy. Murphy turns it into a Sidewalk Slam. The crowd seems to be invested in the match. Tozawa and Murphy trade abdominal stretches as we finally get full screen again. (Not like this match matters, nor wrestling in WWE seemingly. Let's just cut promos during all matches, huh?)
Tozawa gets a kick in on Murphy. Make that 2. Missile Dropkick by Tozawa. Running boot to the jaw by Tozawa. Snap Back Suplex by Tozawa. Shining Wizard by Tozawa. 2 count. He drags Murphy in position for the Senton Splash. Murphy gets up in time to avoid it. Murphy gets booted while on the corner. Tozawa climbs up with him. FRANKENSTEINER OFF THE CORNER! 1-2-KICKOUT BY MURPHY! (That was a really cool moment. I seriously feel bad for these guys because Vince McMahon could give a damn less.) Crossbody is rolled through by Murphy. Kamigoye followed by a brainbuster by Murphy. 2 count.
Murphy and Tozawa continue to go at it. The chops now have effect on Murphy. Murphy gets rocked. Big lariat by Tozawa! Deadlift German Suplex by Tozawa with a bridge gets a 2 count. Tozawa puts Murphy in position, but Murphy grabs the leg to stop the climb. Mule kick by Tozawa! INVERTED HURRICANRANA by Tozawa. Flying Suicide Dives by Tozawa on Murphy. He rolls Murphy into the ring. Tozawa climbs up. Murphy is hung on the ropes! FLYING SENTON SPLASH! 1-2-KICKOUT! (A believable finish there. I bought it.) Tozawa strikes at Murphy, but he gets a V-Trigger! Murphy's Law is blocked by Tozawa. IRON OCTOPUS LOCK BY TOZAWA! Murphy picks him up! MURPHY'S LAW! 1-2-3!

Winner: Buddy Murphy (STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion)
Match Grade: B+. Another solid match by the 205 Live crew in a match no one will remember tomorrow. In all seriousness though, these guys deserve more spotlight than they are getting. The way 205 Live is presented (dead crowd after SmackDown) just kills this division. If it were taped at Full Sail, the perception of it would dramatically change. 

Mark Henry comes out and cuts a promo about the card coming up tonight. (He's supposedly the new locker room "enforcer" backstage. That's one dude you do not want to tick off.)

Main Show

WWE has a promo where the Elimination Chamber talks about the pain that it causes people. (Hokey.)

Fighting With My Family presents Elimination Chamber. (Corporate synergy. Nice.)

1) Elimination Chamber Match
WWE Women's Tag Team Championship
Nia Jax and Tamina vs. The Riott Squad (Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan) vs. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville vs. The IIconics (Billie Kay and Peyton Royce) vs. Bayley and Sasha Banks vs. Naomi and Carmella

Teams in the Pods
1) Carmella and Naomi- Fabulous Glow (Gotta love Naomi's entrance.)
2) The Riott Squad (Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan)
3) The IIconics
4) Nia Jax and Tamina

Great camera shots by WWE showing the concern as Nia and Tamina come into the Chamber. Cool thing too is that the women walk around by the pods as they go into their pod. The IIconics look like scared children waiting for a monster to get them while locked in their pod.

The first two teams: Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville and Sasha Banks and Bayley.

(I gotta say that Mandy Rose has grown on me thanks to this feud with Naomi. She's executed her role well.)

The door is locked. The bell rings. All four women are in the ring at the same time. Sasha and Bayley establish control early. Sonya and Mandy get thrown out of the ring. Sasha dives off the top rope and onto both Sonya and Mandy. Sonya hits a BEAUTIFUL SPIKE SPINEBUSTER on Sasha. 2 count. Mandy throws Bayley out onto the Chamber floor. Sonya and Mandy work on Sasha and Bayley, throwing them up against the chain-link wall. Mandy covers Sasha in the ring for a 1 count. Sasha and Bayley continue to be thrown up against the floor and wall of the Chamber. Mandy gets her foot stuck in the chamber. Neckbreaker to Mandy by Bayley on the chamber floor. Sonya seems to have hurt her knee. The countdown is on...

Entrant #3- The Riott Squad

The Riott Squad run in and go after everyone. Sasha gets thrown face first into the Lexon. Riott Squad team up and beat down on Bayley. It's now Mandy and Sonya vs. Riott Squad in the ring. They are fighting at it on the mat, kicking and punching each other. Liv and Sonya beat down their similar hair colored counterparts. Now, it's Liv vs. Sonya. Liv drops Sonya! Sonya returns the favor! Liv and Sonya knock each other down. Bayley is back in the ring. Bayley goes at with all the women. She climbs the corner.  TOWER OF DOOM SPOT with Bayley taking the brunt of the attack. Sasha is still in one of the pods hurt. The count is on.

Entrant #4- The IIconics
They frantically run over and try to cover the women that are lying down. They argue with the referee about the slow counts. They continue to throw around the other women into the ring posts. They are working as a team in throwing around the other women and smacking them against the mat. Knee to the side of the face. Sasha breaks up the pin attempt. Sasha fights back against The IIconics. Banks gets double teamed by The IIconics. 2 count only though. They take her to the Chamber wall and rub Sasha and Bayley's face against the chain-link wall. Sasha takes a hard bump against the chamber floor, as does Bayley. Both Sasha and Bayley get dragged into the ring. 2 count only though. The IIconics go out and smack Mandy against the Chamber wall. Same for Sarah and Liv. The countdown is on.

Entrant #5- Fabulous Glow.

Naomi dives in after The IIconics. Naomi and Carmella go after the other teams. Billie and Carmella are climbing the Chamber wall. Carmella sends Billie Kay against the chamber wall. Split Leg Moonsault to Logan. Liv breaks up the count. The level of action in this match is insane. All the women get a move in an insane sequence of back and forth moves. The sequence ends with an ovation from the crowd. There were too many moves to try to write down. Nia and Tamina are smacking their pod waiting to get out. Carmella gets the Code of Silence on Deville. Mandy breaks it up. Naomi is behind her! Here we go! Mandy and Naomi are going at it. Super Rear View!!! THE IICONICS DOUBLE UP ON NAOMI AND DOUBLE PIN HER!!!!


But The IIconics are surrounded by the other teams in the match. Yikes! The countdown is on!!!!

Entrant #6- Tamina and Nia Jax.

Corey accurately calls it: Welcome to The Samoan Slaughterhouse. They are throwing all the women around like nothing. Mandy gets dumped into the ring. The IIconics run into one of the pods and try to lock it. Nai and Tamina power the doors open!!!!!! The IIconics get dragged out AND THROWN AROUND LIKE RAG DOLLS AGAINST THE CHAMBER! DEAR GOD! Nia Jax is smiling at this. Double Samoan Drop! 1-2-3!


Riott Squad run in trying to get the advantage on The Samoans. They separate Tamina and Nia. They try to pin Tamina, but Nia breaks it up. Hard blows by The Riott Squad to Nia and Tamina. Sasha and Bayley attack everyone in the ring. Liv and Sarah get double teamed. Double pin on Sarah. 2 count. Deville gets launched into the corner. Deville and Mandy are piled on top of each other. Double Knees on both women by Sasha. Nia and Tamina come back and knock The Boss and Hug Connection down. The Riott Squad are on top of a pod. THEY DIVE OUT ON THE SAMOANS AND MANDY/SONYA. (This is awesome!)
Nia stops Liv from getting to the pod again. SUPER SAMOAN DROP OFF THE CORNER!!!!  SUPERFLY SPLASH TO THE RIOTT SQUAD! They are done!


Sasha gets dumped onto Sonya on the Chamber floor. Nia picks up Bayley and throws her on another Chamber floor. Nia charges at Bayley, but SHE PUTS HERSELF THROUGH A CHAMBER! The crowd erupts!!!!! Tamina is left alone and is more than a bit concerned. Everyone starts teaming up on Tamina. Meteora by Sasha. Elbow Drop by Bayley! 4 WOMAN PIN!!!!


The crowd is going nuts and cheering. I think everyone thought Nia and Tamina were going to win. NA NA NA NA song for Tamina and Nia! Mandy and Sonya vs. Bayley and Sasha. Mandy gets a knee on Bayley. BANK STATEMENT! BAYLEY TO BELLY! 2 count as MANDY BREAKS IT UP!!!! This is such a great match. Loud THIS IS AWESOME. Mandy Rose climbs the chamber and gets on the pod. Sasha climbs up behind her and fights Mandy on the corner. Sasha pulls Bayley up on the pod. They smack Mandy against the Lexon plastic. Sonya is climbing up to the top of the pod as well, but she gets kicked down by Bayley! Bayley gets kicked down. Bayley is driven into the support of one of the pods. Sasha flies down to check on her. Sasha attacks Sonya, but Mandy throws Sasha into one of the pods.  Mandy hits her finisher (PEDIGREE FACEPLANT)! 1-2-KICKOUT!!! 2 count again!
Sonya spears Mandy by accident!!! Sasha GETS THE BANK STATEMENT USING HER LEG!!!! SONYA TAPS!

Winners: Bayley and Sasha Banks (1st Ever WWE Women's Tag Team Champions)
Match Grade: A+. An excellent Elimination Chamber match here. The level of competition in this match was amazing. All 12 women added something to this match and elevated this match with their hard work. The IIconics did an excellent job tonight and took some hard hits in this. The Women's Tag Team Championships were elevated based off this match. Such a great moment to see these belts get launched with this high quality match. This is why the Women's Division is THE division in WWE.

Bayley and Sasha get interviewed in the ring. "You Deserve It" chants break out! Sasha cries about fighting hard to get these titles. She then transitions to talk about The Boss and Hug Connection being the Tag Team Champions.

2) SmackDown Tag Team Championships
The Miz and Shane McMahon (c) vs. The Usos (Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso)

Before Shane comes out, Miz and Maryse announce that they expecting child #2. Yep. Miz still has it. Lol. (From my small piece of wrestling culture in the IWC, I wish them nothing but the best and congratulate them on the 2nd Child.)

Miz almost gets caught by The Usos in a double team. But he backs off into his corner to cause a break. Big knee to Jey Uso. Awesome Clothesline into his team's corner. Tag to Shane. Shane goes up for Coast to Coast, but Jimmy goes to break it up. Shane fights him up and Sunset Flips Jey Uso for a 2. Miz and Shane dump out The Usos and claim the ring. Miz gets the It Kicks in the corner. Jimmy and Jey get the throat-first Stun Gun. The Usos beat the tar out of Miz for a few moments. Miz gets absolutely decked by a big clothesline by Jimmy Uso at one point. Jimmy Uso does the Awesome Clothesline to mock Miz. But he gets caught going for another one with a running clothesline.
Tag to Shane. Shane potatoes The Usos with some punches and kicks. Spinning Float Over DDT on both Usos. 2 count only on the pin attempt. Shane puts both Usos in corners. Shane goes up to the top. Coast to Coast connects!!! Now, he goes back up for a 2nd Coast to Coast! He flies off into a Superkick by Jey! SPLASH! 1-2-MIZ BREAKS IT UP! Shane looks like he's staring off into space like he did when he was legit knocked out at Survivor Series 2016. Miz stomps the ring steps, willing Shane to make the tag. Miz gets the tag. Springboard Attack by The Miz. Miz is stunned himself. Samoan Drop by Jey Uso stops the offense. DDT by Miz a few seconds later. 2 count only.

They are on the floor. Miz clears off the English Announce Team. Jimmy dives through the ropes and hits Jey by accident. Miz puts Jey on the table. Shane climbs the corner in the ring! Flying Elbow CONNECTS! It's Jimmy and Miz in the ring. Skull Crushing Finale avoided. Superkick! Jimmy goes up top. SPLASH INTO KNEES! ROLL-UP! 2 count only! SKULL CRUSHING FINALE! 1-2... JIMMY REVERSES THE PIN! 1-2-3!!!!!

Winners: THE USOS (NEW SmackDown Tag Team Champions)
Match Grade: B-. This was better than I thought it was going to be. Shane continues to defy logic with his performance in his advanced years, but he should never have been Tag Team Champion with Miz. Thankfully, that's been fixed tonight. Now, the question is will Miz turn on Shane? Or will Shane turn on Miz for losing the belts in this match?  (Frankly, I'd rather see the latter.)

Miz is shocked in horror over losing the titles for his team. Miz tells Shane "I'm sorry." He rolls out to check on Shane. Shane gets up. They walk together arm and arm to the Fastlane commercial.

Paige introduces another clip for Fighting With My Family.

Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush are interviewed backstage. Lio is asked about being the "weak link" in his team.

3) Handicap Match
WWE Intercontinental Championship
Bobby Lashley (c) and Lio Rush vs. Finn Balor

The Smiling Irishman comes out to a ton of smoke. I still love how WWE is saying Finn Balor took Brock Lesnar to the distance at the Royal Rumble. That's a fake narrative if there ever was one. Getting a few moves in and getting a 2 count (just like almost everyone else gets against someone) is not taking someone to "the distance."

The bell rings. Balor and Lashley will start off the match. Lashley stomps at the ribs of Balor early on. Balor gets enough offense to cause Lashley and Rush to strategize outside the ring. Lashley goes back to work on Balor in the ring. Balor gets a couple moves in, but Rush causes a distraction allowing Lashley to get a few stomps on the ribs of Balor. Lashley gets backdropped to the floor. Finn goes to fly, but Rush trips him up. Cue the chasing and the Bobby Lashley interception. He charges Balor into the barricade around ringside. Lashley sends Balor into the ring and beats him down a bit.
Tag to Rush. Rush kicks and stomps on Balor. Rush charges the ref and tags in Lashley. Lashley continues the punishment. Flatliner by Lashley. 2 count. Rush gets tagged back in and gets an abdominal stretch on Balor. Balor sends Rush into the corner opposite from Lashley. Rush tags in Lashley who continues to decimate Balor. Running spears into the ribs of Balor in the corner. SUPER SPINEBUSTER by Lashley. Rush tags himself in! He and Lashley argue. Rush flies off at Balor, but he misses. Lashley yells for Rush to tag him. Balor realizes what's going on. He smiles and laughs that he has Rush cornered. Balor gets his offense in. Rush and Lashley are sent to the floor. Balor throws Rush back in. Dropkick in the corner. Coup de Grace! 1-2-3!!!!

Match Grade: C+. Well, my predictions are going to hell tonight, but who cares? Finn Balor finally wins a singles championship again in WWE for the first time since SummerSlam 2016. Balor winning the Intercontinental Championship by pinning Lashley's manager is shocking, but it is something you had to expect if the title change was going to take place. Cool to see Balor get the Intercontinental Championship. Here's hoping he gets a chance to elevate that championship.

Lashley asks Rush what that was all about. Rush apologizes. Lashley grabs Lio by the throat and lets him go. Lashley dumps Rush hard on the mat. That relationship is officially over. 

WWE replays the Becky Lynch-Charlotte-Ronda Rousey segment from Raw Monday. Plus, they show Becky Lynch's attack on Charlotte the night before at a live event. Becky supposedly was reinjured thanks to Charlotte and had to leave on crutches.

Charlotte Flair comes out. Charlie interviews Charlotte about what she knew before that announcement. She hypes up the entitled character and talks about enjoying hurting The Man last night. Becky needs the fans' approval. Charlotte says all she needs is her reflection to know that she is the very best in WWE. Charlotte will be watching Rousey vs. Riott. Who will be main eventing WrestleMania with "The Queen?"

4) Raw Women's Championship
Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Ruby Riott

Ruby Riott is out first with the commentators putting over this match as "a trap game." Ronda Rousey is dressed as Sonya Blade from Mortal Kombat XI (which she will be lending her voice for).

The bell rings. Ruby attacks early on with punches. Judo Throws by Rousey. Riott runs to the floor. Riott uses the floor and the ropes to keep Rousey off of her. Piper's Pit and an armbar end this quickly! Tap out.

Winner: Ronda Rousey (Still Raw Women's Champion)
Match Grade: D. Actually, this is a strong D. I'm sorry, folks. I like Ruby Riott, but this match was ridiculous from the booking. She could never go head to head with Rousey in anyone's fantasy booking. Glad WWE didn't prolong the match just to make the match long.

Charlotte gets in the ring as "Becky" chants break out. Charlotte and Rousey face off... AS THE MAN COMES AROUND. As in she comes through the crowd in crutches! She goes through security and gets into the ring! She plays up the crowd as she tries to get to her feet. Becky attacks Charlotte with the crutch!!!!!!  AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN! Rousey just stands back and watches! LOL! Awesome! Charlotte screams in pain. Rousey picks up a crutch too. Becky offers Charlotte to Rousey. Charlotte begs off.  BECKY ATTACKS ROUSEY WITH THE CRUTCH!!!!  BOTH WOMEN GET THE CRUTCH AS THE CROWD ERUPTS!!! LOUD BECKY CHANTS as security and officials stop her from doing any more damage! She limps through the crowd as Rousey looks on in anger.

(This is definitely going to be a Triple Threat Match now.)

While Rousey and Charlotte are helped to the back, Baron Corbin comes out for the next match.

5) No Disqualification Match
Baron Corbin vs. Braun Strowman

The bell rings. Corbin runs at Strowman, throwing his vest at him. But Strowman doesn't sell for Michael Strahan attire from JC Penney's!  Corbin gets a Kendo Stick and goes to work on Strowman across the back and the legs. He sets up the stick in the corner and tries to send Strowman into it. This fails. Braun gets the Kendo Stick and corners Corbin. He breaks the Kendo Stick and tells Corbin that he doesn't need a Kendo Stick to beat him up. Strowman has Corbin on the floor and hits the Locomotion Shoulder Tackle. He goes for another one, but Corbin throws an office chair at him and trips Strowman up into the ring stairs. Stairs against the shoulder of Strowman. Another shot from Corbin. He mocks Strowman on the steel stairs with the "Braun pose."
Strowman is thrown into the ring. Corbin goes back in the ring and attacks Strowman with punches. Corbin plays up the crowd and mocks the "Get These Hands" pose. But he runs into a swat by Strowman. Big boot by Strowman. Strowman goes under the ring and pulls out a table. He sets it up in the corner of the ring. Strowman gets blinded by Corbin. Corbin gets POWERSLAMMED THROUGH THE TABLE!
Here comes Drew McIntyre with a steel chair! Strowman asks him to bring it! Lashley comes from behind and attacks Strowman with a chair. McIntyre and Lashley assault Strowman with chair shots again and again and again. Strowman decks Lashley with a right hand. Spear by Lashley to Strowman. Corbin tells Lashley and McIntyre to get the steel steps. They bring them into the ring. Corbin smacks Strowman with a chair when he tries to fight back. Another table is brought into the ring. Claymore Kick back in the ring. A table is set up in the ring. Another table is put on top of that one. Lashley climbs the steel steps. They pull Strowman up the steps. TRIPLE POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLES! 1-2-3! All three heels do the Braun pose on the steps over the unconscious body of Braun Strowman.

Winner: Baron Corbin
Match Grade: C. I figured this was going to be the outcome with the No DQ stipulation. You just invite the outside interference in this type of match, especially with a group that has assaulted Braun for months now. This is of course setting up something for WrestleMania with Lashley, McIntyre, and Corbin vs. Strowman and two partners (one of which will likely be Kurt Angle). 

A recap of the SmackDown Tag Team Championship match from earlier is shown, especially Miz's shock and disappointment over what happened. We see Shane being checked on by doctors. Miz is pacing the room and upset over what happened. He starts tearing up the Physician's Room in anger over what happened. Shane tells him to go home.

Lacey Evans comes out to waste time... I mean, say something. Never mind. She just walks the aisle and then walks to the backstage area. Alrighty then.

More commercials are played.

Main Event
Elimination Chamber Match
WWE Championship
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton vs. Samoa Joe vs. Kofi Kingston

Wrestlers In The Pods
1) Kofi Kingston
2) Jeff Hardy
3) Randy Orton **Will enter in the match last via winning the Gauntlet Match on Tuesday.**
4) AJ Styles

The New Day come out and hype up Kofi Kingston. LOUD "KOFI" chants from the crowd. (Deservedly so. That performance on Tuesday just added a lot to his storied career.)  Jeff, Randy, and AJ come out afterwards to enter the pods.

Starting The Match: Samoa Joe and Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan gets on the mic before entering the ring. Bryan talks about the WWE Management punishing him by speaking his mind. He's first in the Gauntlet! Fickle! First in the Chamber! Fickle! Rowan is being sent to the locker room! "NO!" Bryan yells. Bryan says he will suffer for a cause. The people chanting "What?" need him. The planet needs him! There is still hope

The bell rings. Bryan runs away from Joe. Joe tells Bryan to bring it. Bryan keeps running around the Chamber not allowing Joe to get a hand on him. Bryan gets in the ring and kicks at Joe. Joe gets his own kicks in on Bryan. Ankle Lock by Joe. Bryan gets to the ropes. Chop by Bryan just makes Joe angry. Bryan runs away. Joe gives chase and corners him. Hard chops to the chest of Bryan. Powerbomb into the Boston Crab into the STF into the Crossface by Joe. Amazing work by Joe. Bryan goes after the knee of Joe. Joe is sent into the Chamber floor and against the edge of one of the pods. Joe and Bryan go back in the ring. Hard chop by Bryan is met with a bigger chop by Joe. Kicks by Joe. Bryan again gets chopped to hell by Joe. Both men have handprints on their chest from the chops. Kicks in the corner as the count is on....

Entrant #3- Kofi Kingston

Kingston goes after Joe and Bryan. Kick to the face of Joe. Big splash to the back of Joe. 2 count. Bryan dumps Kofi on the top rope. Flying knee on the back of Kofi while on the ropes. 2 count. ANOTHER CHOP TO BRYAN BY JOE! Bryan is running away and climbs a pod! He's sitting on the pod now. Joe and Kingston are going at it in the ring. Kofi jumps up to get to Bryan. He attacks Bryan. Bryan is walking the cage wall as is Kingston. Kingston kicks at Bryan. Joe yanks Bryan down. Kingston kicks Joe away. TRUST FALL OFF THE TOP OF THE CHAMBER WALL ONTO JOE AND BRYAN!!!!  2 count in the ring on Bryan. Bryan and Kofi play a fast-paced running sequence that ends with a back elbow by Kingston. Running Senton to a laying Bryan. (God, Joe is loving hurting Daniel Bryan.) Bryan is chopped continuously again and again as the count starts again.

Entrant #4- AJ Styles

Styles goes after Daniel Bryan. Then everyone else gets some too. AJ gets the Moonsault Reverse DDT and a Regular DDT on Kofi. 2 count on both men. Forearm to Joe by Styles. Bryan is climbing up the wall again. Phenomenal Forearm to the spine of Bryan. Styles Clash avoided by Kofi. Ushigaroshe! 1-2-Kickout by Kofi! Styles goes after Joe on the Chamber floor. Joe sends Styles against the wall and backdrops him back into the ring. Kingston and Joe go at it. Clutch on Kofi. Kofi does the Piper-Hart attempt again. Phenomenal Forearm to Joe. 1-2-3.

(Imagine that: AJ Styles stops Samoa Joe from becoming WWE Champion. Lol). The count is on... 

Entrant #5- Jeff Hardy

Hardy runs in and goes after Styles. Classic offense by Hardy on Styles and Bryan. Facefirst Suplex by Jeff. Classic Hardy Flying Leg Drop using Kofi as his Matt this time. Pele Kick by Styles to Hardy. Kofi gets thrown into the Chamber wall. Styles sent Hardy into the pod while on the top of the corner. AJ takes a nasty fall off the corner onto the Chamber floor. Hardy climbs the pod. SWANTON BOMB ONTO STYLES WHILE HE'S LAYING ON THE CORNER! RUNNING KNEE BY BRYAN TO HARDY! 1-2-3!


AJ is in a Tree of Woe in the corner. Low Dropkick by Bryan. Bryan puts Kofi on that same corner. He climbs up to suplex Kofi. Styles sits up. GERMAN SUPLEX WHILE BRYAN SUPLEXES KOFI. The count is on, and...
Entrant #6- Randy Orton

RKOs are about to start raining on this Chamber match. Orton enters calmly into the match. He takes his time beating up the other three men. He throws Kingston into the still-hung-up Styles. Kofi dropkicks Orton. Loud "Kofi" chants. Backbreaker by Styles to Kofi. Styles goes for the Forearm! RKO!!!!!!  1-2-3!!!!


We're down to Kofi, Randy Orton, and Bryan. Kofi suffers a Top Rope Hanging DDT by Orton. Orton plays the crowd and coils for an RKO. Bryan gets caught with a Powerslam. Trouble in Paradise!!! 1-2-3!!!


We are down to Kofi Kingston and Daniel Bryan in the Elimination Chamber. Loud "KOFI" chants. Bryan and Kofi meet in the center and start trading punches! Kicks now. Kofi tells Bryan to give him more! Dropkick to the leg of Kingston by Bryan! Kicks to Kofi by Bryan! "NO!" chants by the crowd. S.O.S.! 1-2-KICKOUT! Wow! "Kofi" chants are still thundering from the crowd. Kofi hits the corner hard going for Bryan! Bryan attacks Kofi in the corner as the energy in the crowd is amazing. Kicks in the corner! "NO!" Running dropkicks now to Kofi! Stomp to the chest by Kofi after about 6 dropkicks from Bryan. 1-2-Kickout! This crowd's energy is electric!

Kofi gets up and tells Bryan to get up. Bryan runs away from Kingston and slides under the ropes. They are going at it on the Chamber floor. Bryan is thrown against the wall repeatedly. Bryan throws Kofi up against the pod, breaking the Lexon off of the metal. Bryan stalks his prey in the ring. Kofi gets up. Running Knee! 1-2-KICKOUT!!!!  WOW! The pop is amazing from the crowd, and the selling by Bryan priceless!!! LOUD "KOFI" CHANTS! Bryan gets back up and starts stomping the head of Kofi. Kingston still kicks out. Bryan sets up for another knee. TROUBLE IN PARADISE!!!! 1-2-REVERSAL! 1-2-KICKOUT! LABELL LOCK! Kofi is caught! KOFI GETS TO THE ROPES! (This is an amazing sequence here.)
Bryan gets up and climbs the corner. Kingston kicks up at Bryan. He climbs up and fights with Bryan. Bryan climbs the pod. Kofi climbs up the pod after him. Mounting punches by Kofi followed by smacking Bryan's head against the Lexon wall. Kofi picks up Bryan. Bryan reverses it and throws Kofi against the Chamber. Bryan teases a Superplex. Bryan climbs down on the corner. Bryan is kicked onto the mat. Kofi stands up. SPLASH MISSES! Bryan is getting back up in the corner. RUNNING KNEE! 1-2-3! Daniel Bryan retains.

Winner: Daniel Bryan (Still WWE Champion)
Match Grade: A. While this wasn't as amazing as the earlier match, that last few minutes made the match in my opinion. I'm now a believer that Kofi Kingston should be getting the shot at Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania. His performance in the last 5 days have merited him a chance to have a headline match against Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship. The fans were on the edge of their seats during that finish, and this is another instance of a crowd elevating a match to the next level. The rest of the match was really good too (Joe's chops are still ringing in my ears. Lol.)

The New Day run in to check on Kofi after the match. The crowd is going nuts for Kofi. "THANK YOU KOFI!" chants from the crowd. Another loud "Kofi" chant from the crowd as we go to the credits.
_ _ _ _ _

Show Grade: A. An excellent show. First off, THANK YOU WWE FOR MAKING THIS ONLY SLIGHTLY ABOVE 3 HOURS! You were killing me with the 4 hour shows. This ran more smoothly and got a lot accomplished. The Chamber Matches both delivered excellently. The rest of the card wasn't that bad either, and it was at least worth a watch. The worst match was Rousey vs. Riott, but there was a lot of good business done around it. Even Corbin vs. Strowman had WrestleMania implications. Bottom line, Elimination Chamber 2019 was a formula for how WWE should be doing most of their events. And finally, I have to say this: Book Kofi vs. Bryan at WrestleMania now! 

Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness.


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Credit: WWE WWE Evolution Promotional Poster This should feel like a bigger deal. After all, this is the first time ever that an All-Women PPV is taking place under the WWE corporate umbrella. But WWE has done a great job of completely killing the show with an uninspired card, lack of promotion, lack of interest overall, and finding a million different other things to promote to undermine the event. Still, some fans (like myself) want to give the women their due and hope to enjoy this show. Here's a rundown of the card and my predictions for each match: 1) Raw Women's Championship: Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Nikki Bella If this goes longer than 5 minutes, it's definitely too long. As good as Nikki can be in the ring (at times), Rousey should just absolutely massacre her. The only ways to prolong this match in a realistic way would be 1) an injury angle or 2) Twin Magic with Brie interfering. Otherwise, this should be short and awesome. Prediction: Ronda Retains 2)...

WWE Super Show-Down 2018 Review: Last Time Ever Delivers + Some Other Solid Matches

Another big show in the WWE this year will happen today as WWE comes from Melbourne, Australia in front of 70,000 people. A lot of big matches are happening here. Let's Do This! No Pre-Show today. It's straight to the show. The new WWE opening takes place, and we get a WWE video package putting over the show and the LAST TIME EVER match. It looks like the Raw Announce Team will be calling the show. We go to the arena, and they've already spent more money on fireworks than they have for WWE programming this year. 70,309 in attendance. For once, the entrance way is understated. 1) SmackDown Live Tag Team Championship The Bar vs. The New Day (c) I wonder if Vince/WWE Management is ordering people to run the aisle tonight. Both tag teams were doing that coming to the ring.  Nice back and forth action with Kingston and Cesaro, along with Woods after getting the tag. Woods and Kingston had an awesome sequence of moves to start off. The Bar a minute later catches bot...

WWE TLC 2018 Review- Tables and Ladders and Chairs, Oh My!  

        HERE WE GO!    Pre-Show   1) WWE Cruiserweight Championship   Buddy Murphy (champ) vs. Cedric Alexander   They started this match early. Apparently, they wanted just as many fans in the arena as there usually are in 205 Live matches for this to give it the authentic feel.   The bell rings. A lot of tie-ups and switches to start up the match to a good reaction from the crowd. A Loud 205 Chant. Alexander takes down Murphy to the floor. Really good back and forth action here with both men moving quickly. Alexander catches Murphy with a dropkick for a 2 count. BIG KNEE to the head of Alexander sends him to the floor. Murphy flies off the top rope and hits a Meteora (maybe that’s what they were going for?) for a 2 count. Murphy has the advantage for a few moments, including a power choke on the corner on Alexander. He jumps off it to eat a SUPERKICK to the chest. Crowd seems invested in the matc...