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WCW Clash of the Champions XXII- CACTUS JACK! THUNDERCAGE! STIIIING! (1/13/1993)

Whether you are in Milwaukee, WI or Truth or Consequences, NM, you should enjoy this one.

WCW Clash of the Champions XXII (1/13/1993)
WWE Network

WCW Clash of the Champions XXII
Milwaukee, WI

We start the show with Tony Schiavone and Executive Vice President Bill Watts. Watts puts over his history in the area and some changes to the card, including the fact that his son Erik Watts was suspended for the show. The crowd is literally jeering and chanting "Erik Watt sucks." It's good to see nepotism is alive and well in wresting in 2019 as it apparently was in 1993.

We are sent to the announce position as Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura review the card quickly. Ventura puts over Thundercage.

1) Cactus Jack vs. Johnny B. Badd

Cactus Jack gets a good ovation from the crowd as he comes out. And Johnny B. Badd is as flamboyant as ever. The confetti flies out of the contraption from Johnny B. Badd. (This is a match to settle a score when Badd and Cactus couldn't work together in a Lethal Lottery Match at Starrcade 1992.)

The bell rings. And we're off to the races immediately. Cactus starts brawling with Johnny B. Badd, but Badd answers back with punches of his own. Little Richard... I mean Johnny B. Badd...  gets worked over in the corner by Jack, but he avoids a corner attack. Badd asserts control and gets an arm lock in. Jack's forearms get Badd off of him. Cactus gets smacked against the turnbuckles. A big right hand by Johnny B. Badd sends Cactus down. Back Elbow by Johnny B. Badd. Badd climbs up and goes for a Senton Splash. He misses. Cactus drops a regular elbow. 1-2-3.

Winner: Cactus Jack
Match Grade: C. This is one of those matches where it was too short to really be great or to truly suck. Still, this was a decent way to kick off the show. Ventura and Ross put over how popular Jack is becoming with the WCW audience. This would be a big year in Mick Foley's career.

Tony Schiavone talks about the fact that The Great Muta has become the NWA World Champion after winning the belt at the annual Tokyo Dome Show (now known as Wrestle Kingdom) for New Japan Pro Wrestling.

We get a video package of 2 Cold Scorpio showing up some kids on a basketball court. He tells the kids that they need to be in school to get an education. This really horrible music video breaks out with the kids and some dancers, spliced in with some wrestling highlights of Scorpio's WCW run.

2) 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Scotty Flamingo

(Quote the Flamingo, Nevermore. What? That's not how it goes. That's right: Scotty Flamingo would eventually become Johnny Polo in WWF. Then Johnny Polo would morph into the legendary Raven in ECW. Meanwhile, 2 Cold Scorpio would become Flash Funk for a spell in WWE. Yeah, WWF didn't exactly have a great record with characters either in the 1990s.)

The bell rings.  Good fast-paced action to start off the match. Flamingo gets caught with some kicks in the ring. Flamingo goes to the floor, and Scorpio goes out after him with some more moves. Back in the ring, Flamingo is able to catch Scorpio with a dropkick to send him to the floor. Flamingo hits a great flying crossbody over the ropes onto Scorpio on the floor. Back in the ring, Flamingo tries to stop Scorpio from getting any momentum going. Flamingo chokes Scorpio at one point and applies a chinlock. Scorpio starts rolling moves quickly including a dropkick. Scorpio hits a beautiful Twisting Crossbody onto Flamingo for a 2 count. Flamingo gets Scorpio with a clothesline. Big back kick by Scorpio. Twisting Leg Drop by Scorpio off the top. 450 ends it.

Winner: 2 Cold Scorpio
Match Grade: B-. They were moving so quick in this match that it was hard to keep up with. But the action never let up from beginning to end as both Flamingo and Scorpio worked hard to keep the crowd hot. Scorpio's offense was truly revolutionary for its time, and he would fit in perfectly in 2019's wrestling environment.  As for Flamingo, you can see how good of a worker he already was. He was just waiting for the right gimmick and the right environment to flourish. 1993 WCW simply wasn't that place or time. Still, he busted his butt to help put on a good show even with such limited time.

We get a recap of the events that led up to Thundercage. We see an interview on WCW Main Event with Michael Hayes (Doot Doot Doot) interviewing Harley Race. Apparently, due to Ravishing Rick Rude having a neck injury, Race needed to find a replacement for him in Thundercage. So, he's having "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff take on Cactus Jack with the winner taking Rude's spot. Cactus decks Race for putting his hands on him. Vader comes out and beats down on Cactus for putting his hands on his manager. Orndorff piledrives Cactus Jack. All three men take a turn beating down on Cactus, including Vader splashing Cactus right on the ribs repeatedly. Later in the night, Cactus Jack comes out and SMACKS THE HELL OUT OF ALL THREE MEN WITH A SHOVEL!!! Cactus tells them that they made one big mistake: letting Cactus Jack live.

3) Brad Armstrong vs. Chris Benoit

(Note: It's so hard to watch a Benoit match in a post-2007 world. But I'll do my best.)

The bell rings. Ross and Ventura put over Benoit's training in the Hart Dungeon. Good counter-wrestling and fast-paced offense by both men early on. Armstrong eventually gets a wristlock on. Armstrong fights off Benoit's offense again and hiptosses him back into an armbar. Benoit bridges out and counters a test of strength. Now, it's Armstrong who returns the favor. Armstrong flips Benoit back over and gets the armbar back on. Both men trade reversals of the hammerlock. Armstrong sends Benoit out to the floor.
Benoit gets back in the ring. More reversals of the hammerlock by both men. Dropkick and another armdrag takedown by Armstrong. An armbar is reapplied. They quicken the pace and get into some more counters. Benoit suplexes Armstrong up and onto the top rope. Headbutt by Benoit. Benoit flies off the second rope and flies over the top, clotheslining Armstrong down to the floor in the process. The crowd woke up on that one.
Back in the ring, a high-impact Clothesline is applied by Benoit along with a Snap Suplex. Armstrong fights back with a knee lift. Benoit fights back and gets a backbreaker, holding him in position to continue the punishment. He slams Armstrong. Both men are on the corner. Armstrong is sent to the mat. The flying headbutt misses. Armstrong gets a swinging neckbreaker on Benoit. Elbow drop. 2 count. SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX BRIDGE BY BENOIT! 1-2-3!

Winner: Chris Benoit
Match Grade: B+. This was a really good TV match here. I like how they kept the pace slow for the first half of the match. Then, they quickened the pace once they needed to. Benoit moved at such a rapid pace back in this period of his career. Obviously, up to this point, this was the best match of the evening thus far.

Tony Schiavone talks about The Rock N' Roll Express. And he introduces a video package about their history narrated by Jim Ross. They are shown wrestling in Smoky Mountain Wrestling with their feud against The Heavenly Bodies highlighted. These two teams will meet at SuperBrawl III. Highlights of a match between the two teams from SMW is shown. (The crowd is hot for this match.)

Jesse Ventura is in the ring to host the Arm Wrestling Contest between Vinnie Vegas (Diesel/Kevin Nash) and Tony Atlas. Vegas wants to go left-handed for this contest. Atlas doesn't care. They immediately go at it. After a bunch of over-acting and stalling in the contest, Vegas puts Atlas's arm down. Vinnie Vegas wins. He calls out Van Hammer after the contest.

(Well, at least that didn't outlive its usefulness.)

4) The Wrecking Crew (Rage and Fury) vs. Z-Man and Johnny Gunn

The Wrecking Crew are making their debut. Gunn and Z-Man come out to a generic instrumental version of "Legs" by ZZ Top. (Why is it that all I can hear in my head is Tony Schiavone singing "Tom Zenk?")

The bell rings. Z-Man and Rage start us off. Headlock is in deep from Zenk. Zenk flies around Rage all around the ring and gets a crossbody on him off the top. Rage gets dropkicked to the floor, and Fury soon gets sent out to the floor as well. Zenk and Gunn dominate the match here. Gunn dives over the top rope onto The Wrecking Crew, knocking them down. The Wrecking Crew are not having a great debut here. Rage comes back in the ring. Z-Man tags in Gunn. Gunn gets caught in the face. Fury holds up Gunn, but Rage runs right into him. Gunn gets a couple moves in, but Rage tags in Fury. Big clothesline by Fury. Backbreaker by Fury. Gunn fights off Fury and tags in Z-Man. Z-Man gets caught trying to backdrop Fury and gets Gutwrench Suplexed for his trouble. Big Sidewalk Slam by Fury. Fury tags in Rage. Rage catches Z-Man and drops him down. Tag back to Fury. Fury dives off the corner into a superkick by Z-Man.
Tag to Gunn. Gunn fights off The Wrecking Crew with backdrops and body slams. The Wrecking Crew meet minds, thanks to Gunn. Gunn gets nailed from behind. Rage picks up Gunn and they hit their finisher: The Wrecking Ball (Dominator with a Double Ax Handle off the top rope).

Winners: The Wrecking Crew
Match Grade: Z. As in Z-Man and Gunn did all the work here. The Wrecking Crew did not look that great in this one. Their timing was off in a couple spots, and they were clearly relying on the other two men to make the match work.

The Hollywood Blondes are interviewed backstage. Pillman promises the birth of a new dynasty tonight.

We return to Tony Schiavone interviewing Sting. They talk about Vader's invitation to the White Castle of Fear. Dustin Rhodes and Ron Simmons join Sting on stage. It will be 4-3 in Thundercage.

Larry Zbyszko interviews Harley Race and Vader's team. Race promises that Cactus Jack will pay for putting his hands on Race. Barbarian is fired from the team due to his previous association with Cactus Jack. Barbarian chokes Race, but Vader attacks him from behind. Orndorff does the piledriver on the concrete floor to take out Barbarian.

After the break, Ross and Ventura mention the obvious: Why the hell would you take out a partner when you've got a 4-3 advantage in a match like Thundercage? (Lazy booking or foreshadowing? Let's continue...)

We get highlights from the first two SuperBrawls.

4) WCW Unified Tag Team Championship
Ricky Steamboat/Shane Douglas (c) vs. Steve Austin/Brian Pillman

The bell rings. Steamboat and Austin start off the match. Austin aggressively attacks while Steamboat relies on fast-paced wrestling to counter. All four men end up fighting in the ring. Steamboat and Douglas end up sending Pillman and Austin to the floor. The Blondes recover and get back in the ring. Austin boots Steamboat and tags in Pillman to continue working over Steamboat. Hip Block Takeover by Pillman followed by the iconic Steamboat Arm Drag. Tag to Douglas who hits a Flying Elbow on the arm of Pillman. Tags back and forth by Douglas and Steamboat to work the arm of Pillman. Great tag team wrestling here by Douglas and Steamboat. Pillman collapses after running the ropes, clutching his knee. He fakes to attack Douglas, but he dives over the ropes into a powerslam in the ring for a 2 count. Austin gets tagged in. Austin and Douglas trade submission moves until Douglas gets a Hammerlock in on Austin. Austin uses the hair to get Douglas off of him.

Douglas takes Austin with him into the corner and tags Steamboat. Hammerlock Bodyslam by Steamboat. Douglas tags back in. Douglas gets a Sunset Flip Roll-up for a 2. Both men trade some great roll-up pin attempts. Nice flying back elbow off the corner by Douglas to Austin. Tag back to Steamboat. Douglas and Steamboat dominate The Blondes here with tandem offense, including sending Pillman up and into Austin.
Austin is able to suplex Steamboat and tag Pillman. Pillman continues to attack and pummel Steamboat. Steamboat gets thrown over the top rope to the floor behind the referee's back. (Back in this era of WCW, a throw over the top rope constituted a DQ. That's Bill Watts for you.)  Austin slams Steamboat on the floor. Pillman beats up on Steamboat as he gets on the apron. Pillman suplexes Steamboat into the ring. 2 counts on the pin attempts. Tags back and forth between Pillman and Austin. Steamboat continues to try to fight to get to his corner, but Pillman and Austin block it at every attempt. Gutwrench Suplex by Austin. Steamboat decks Pillman so hard off the apron that he falls back into the guard rail (to a big pop from the crowd). Back Suplex by Austin. 2 count. Austin gets a Reverse Backbreaker on Steamboat, but Steamboat is able to get out of it. Pillman gets the tag and leaps towards Steamboat, but he hits Austin instead. Double Chop from Steamboat off the rope. Pillman gets suplexed by Steamboat.
Tag to Douglas! Douglas unloads at a ridiculously fast pace on The Blondes. Belly to Belly by Douglas. The referee is too busy with Steamboat. Austin hits a Double Ax Handle on Douglas and rolls Pillman on top. 1-2-KICKOUT! Steamboat and Austin are going at it on the floor. Austin gets the belt and waffles Douglas with it for the DQ. Douglas is bleeding as Steamboat gets decked with a DDT. Pillman comes off the corner with the belt into Douglas's face. They whip Steamboat and Douglas with the belts, and they run off with the belts as the locker room clears out.

Winners: Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas (Still WCW Tag Team Champs)
Match Grade: A-. Excellent tag team match here. The Hollywood Blondes are one of the greatest WCW tag teams ever. Seeing Pillman and Austin do their thing at this point in their careers is amazing. Likewise, it is awesome to see how great Douglas and Steamboat were as a team. This is a style of tag team wrestling that works in any era: fast-paced action, frequent tags, working the crowd, heels being heels. Good stuff. 

Ventura is in the ring after the break and talks about Ron Simmons losing the WCW Championship to Vader. They show a video of Vader regaining the title. Ventura, with great pleasure, introduces Vader and Harley Race. Poor Harley falls off the apron trying to get into the ring. But he's able to get in the ring by the time the camera cuts back to him without missing a step. (Well, he missed a step. But you know...) Race cuts a promo unscathed by what just happened. Here comes Ron Simmons. He tells Vader next time, he'll leave him laying just like he did before. Race jumps Simmons from behind. Vader and Simmons are going at it. Vader is down in the corner. Spinebuster by Ron Simmons. Simmons continues to beat up on Race in the aisle. Vader attacks Simmons from behind and drops an elbow on the midsection of Simmons. Vader Splash on the concrete. Shoulder Breaker to the injured arm of Ron Simmons. Another one! Sting and Rhodes get on top of Simmons to stop the attack. Jim Ross goes into classic screaming mode talking about how Sting and Rhodes are already down one partner. Now, they may be down two partners.

Thundercage Match
"Come Dressed As You Are" Street Fight
Vader, Paul Orndorff, and Barry Windham vs. Sting, Dustin Rhodes, and ???.

Ron Simmons has been taken out according to Jim Ross. Vader's team make their entrance first. Poor Harley is limping to the ring after what happened earlier. Sting and Rhodes come out next.

The bell rings. Mass chaos ensues. Windham and Rhodes are the two legal men in this match now. Windham misses an elbow drop. Rhodes gets the advantage with a huge elbow drop. Sting tags in and gets the Stinger Bulldog on Windham. Press Slam to Windham. Tag to Vader by Windham.  Vader will not budge for Sting. Sting jabs at Vader, but Vader gets some of his own in. Right hands by Sting. Inverted Atomic Drop and a DDT finally put Vader down. Sting works on Vader in the corner. Stinger Splash! More jabs by Sting (almost Vader like in the assault in the corner). Windham and Orndorff get involved as well. Vader does a Flair Flip over the corner (I kid not) and decks Stinger. Top Rope Clothesline by Vader to Sting! Vader climbs up the second rope, but he misses the splash. Sting clotheslines Vader over the top rope.
But Sting does not see the German Suplex by Orndorff coming. The heels drag Sting to their corner to begin the assault as Rhodes is inadvertantly distracting the referee. Vader tags in Orndorff who kicks down on the fallen Sting. Orndorff keeps up the pressure by attacking Sting. Windham tags in and gets a Double Ax Handle off the corner. Windham keeps the attack going on Sting. Rhodes runs in to save Sting, but the heels beat him down. Windham mocks Rhodes while raking Sting's face against the rope. Vader is tagged in. Vader splashes Sting and presses him over his head. Tag again to Windham. Sting is put on the corner. Sting fights back and knocks Windham off the corner.
Tag to Rhodes. Rhodes knocks the heels down. Lariat to Windham. Windham gets punched in the corner as CACTUS JACK IS HERE! He has bolt cutters. He cuts open the padlock, and he gets into the cage. Cactus is going after Orndorff. He hits the heels with his own heel... from the boot off his foot! He smacks the boot against the faces of the heels. The crowd is getting worked up. Cactus gets thrown out of the ring hard against the cage. Sting gets thrown out as well. Orndorff continues to work on Rhodes. Piledriver is avoided when CACTUS COMES OFF THE TOP WITH A BOOT TO THE BACK OF ORNDORFF'S HEAD! Cactus covers! 1-2-3!

Winners: Sting, Dustin Rhodes, and Cactus Jack
Match Grade: B. This was an organized war. For a TV match on TBS Superstation, I don't think you could really have expected much better for this. Blood was never really going to be used, and the cage could only be used so much as well. That being said, the action in the match was really good. And the Cactus interference sealed the Cactus Jack face turn angle. It could have been better, but I don't think it could have been THAT much better.

After the match, Cactus cuts a promo with Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura. For 9 years, Cactus was told that he was nothing but a warped loser. He says he's coming after Orndorff and Vader. You can't stop Cactus Jack. This Saturday on TBS, Orndorff better come with both guns blazing. Because Cactus Jack will. Bang Bang. Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura start talking about SuperBrawl while Cactus climbs the Thundercage behind them! Ventura makes sure to put over how crazy Cactus Jack is while he's behind them. Great stuff.

Overall Grade: B+. This was a very well done Clash of the Champions and a good TV show period. You had fast-paced action from beginning to end along with some significant storyline developments. Add to that the rise of Cactus Jack as a face, the blood feud developing between The Blondes and Steamboat/Douglas, and the further rivalry of Sting and Vader. The last two matches are worth a view alone, but if you can stomach a Benoit match, the match with Brad Armstrong was very good as well. This show accomplished its goal of promoting SuperBrawl III while putting on a good show in the process.

Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness.


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