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G1 Climax 28- B Block- Night 6 (Ishii vs. Goto, Sabre Jr. vs. SANADA, Naito vs. Juice)

Continuing the long day of getting caught up on G1 Climax 28, I am looking forward to this show. The Bullet Club Civil War continues with Omega vs. Tonga. Goto vs. Ishii may strike each other into bits. And I already know what to expect with Yano vs. Ibushi as I caught that result earlier. So, I want to see just how this happens. (No spoilers until you read my review below. Lol.)

Again, if anything significant happens during the undercard, I'll write it below. HERE WE GO (again)!!!!

Undercard Thoughts

-Chris Charlton is going to be involved in the show tonight on commentary. LION'S PRIDE is an amazing book and is on Kindle. I highly recommend it to any wrestling fan. I have his latest book "Eggshells" and intend to read it in the near future.

- White refused to save YOH again in their match against Suzuki-Gun. White vs. Suzuki should be a very fun match to watch. A Young Boy gets in the way of Suzuki getting to White, and Suzuki RAMS that poor dude directly into the guard rail on the opposite side of the ringside area.

B Block Matches- Night 6

1) Kota Ibushi vs. Toru Yano- As I said earlier, I know how this ends thanks to one of the spoilers I read while on vacation. I just want to see how this plays out.

Ibushi and Yano have a clean break at the ropes. Nice reversals and counterwrestling by Yano. He gets 2 insanely close nearfalls on Ibushi within the first minute! Ibushi dives over the top rope on Yano. Yano rams Ibushi against the guard rail and proceeds to untie one of the corner pads. He unwraps another pad, but he walks into a corkscrew dive off the top rope by Ibushi!!!!  Ibushi unwraps another one, but he gets smacked against the apron. All the corner pads are gone!!!!

Ibushi goes head first into the top turnbuckle again and again. Ibushi stops himself from getting whipped into the other side, but Yano takes the bump. Yano and Ibushi are trading bumps against the turnbuckles. Ibushi takes the bump against all four exposed corners. Yano has the pad, swings at Ibushi, but eats a kick for his trouble. Ibushi has the pad now, swings at Yano, and misses that and a moonsault. Yano kicks Ibushi to the outside. Yano goes under the ring and grabs TAPE! Ibushi gets the tape, but he gets rammed into the ringpost. Yano has the tape. He goes to use it. The referee stops him. He grabs Ibushi's arm, and he shows that he has more tape. he goes to work on Ibush's arms. While the arms are handcuffed by tape, Ibushi still nails a dropkick on Yano. Ibushi with a series of kicks and a standing moonsault for a 2 count. Ibushi and the referee get tied up, and both end up taking a fall. Ibushi gets low blowed. Yano chop blocks him, and Ibushi gets rolled up for 3.

Winner: Toru Yano.
Match Rating: D. This was a comedy match, and that's ok. But as far as an actual wrestling match goes or even an entertaining comedy match, this was trash. Ibushi is a main event talent in NJPW, but he gets rolled up by Toru flippin' Yano. No. Just no. I'm only giving this a passing grade because Ibushi was just that good.

2) Zack Sabre Jr. vs. SANADA- Hopefully, this will clean my palate after that last match. Taka Michinoku's introductions add so much to Sabre's gimmick. This is a rematch from the New Japan Cup match where Sabre Jr. made SANADA tap out with Orienteering with Napalm Death. Look it up. The move sucks to even look at. (Side Note: This is a match between two men who I predicted would defeat Omega in the G1 B Block.)

Sabre and SANADA both counter wrestle to start the match. Reversals of Full Nelsons back and forth between both men. Sabre Jr. sells frustration at being unable to escape no matter what he does. Sabre eventually gets out and starts twisting SANADA's left leg. Bow and Arrow escaped by SANADA. Another break in the action. Sabre and SANADA have an AMAZING series of pin attempts which went too fast for me to try to cover. It was glorious though. I will say that.

Sabre goes to work on SANADA, using SANADA's own arms to strangle him. We're at the 5 minute mark. SANADA reverses the strangle hold with one of his own. Reversals of the strangle holds now!!! Bridge out into a reversal by Sabre only to get trapped again by SANADA in a strangle hold!

Amazing wrestling sequence here with counter to counter within the submission hold.  Both men trade uppercuts, and they now are taking a break in the corners. I'm loving this so far. Uppercut by Sabre. Trading uppercuts and insults now at high velocity! SANADA catches an uppercut into an attempted backslide, but Sabre gets a double wristlock guillotine on SANADA. SANADA gets Skull End only for Sabre to get to an octapus. Another great rollup sequence followed by a PK by Sabre Jr.
10 Minutes have passed.

Zack Driver reversed into Skull End reversed into another rollup attempt by Sabre Jr. SKULL END, reversed into a rollup, reversed into another rollup by SANADA!!! 1-2-3!!!! WHOA!!!!

Winner: SANADA (4 points)
Match Rating: B+. This was too quick in my opinion and could have used another 5-10 minutes. But for what it was, I loved it folks. They left me wanting more and more of this between these two. Here's hoping NJPW books a rematch because I want to see this again. (Editor's Note: I enjoyed this match so much that I wanted to give it an A, but I couldn't just based on the short amount of time given.)

3) Tetsuya Naito vs. Juice Robinson- Again, Naito shows the world he is a Sharp Dressed Man when it comes to the big matches. Juice, on the other hand, looks like Shawn Michaels auditioned for a role on Pirates of the Caribbean. Lol.

Again, remember, Juice has a cast on his hand and cannot use it. But it's fair game for his opponent to attack. Naito makes it a point early on to target the hand in attempted shots at Juice. They trade forearms back and forth. Naito ducks a punch attempt and gets a kick in at the injured hand. Naito twists Juice's hand over the top rope. Naito goes for a low dropkick, but Juice moves out of the way and nails a senton. Naito runs into Juice at the corner, but Juice jumps into a float over. While Juice is in the air, Naito hits Juice right in the cast, causing Juice to run to the other side of the ring. Naito immediately goes for his springboard dropkick, but he aims it directly at the cast again. Juice goes RUNNING out of the ring into the aisleway by the English commentators. The referee goes to check on Juice. Naito goes back outside the ring and continues the attack on the cast. He sends Juice full speed into the barricade! Naito twists at the cast and again sends Juice into another barricade! Naito stomps at the cast. Continued shots by Naito on that cast. 5 minutes have passed.

Wristlock in the ring on Juice. Kicks to the hand by Naito. Juice trying to psyche himself up. Trying to protect the wrist, Juice leaves himself open to an eye rake. But Juice eventually nails a Full Nelson Bomb on Naito to stop the attack for now. Juice starts jabbing at Naito to which Naito responds by spitting at him. SPINEBUSTER by JUICE! MASSIVE chops by Juice in the corner. Sliding dropkick by Naito directly to the hand. Naito locks in an armlock on Juice's injured arm!!! Juice gets to the ropes. Naito gets Juice on the top rope and hits slaps on him. Juice gets a Sunset Flip rollup from the ropes for a close 2. Ten minutes have passed. JACKHAMMER by Juice on Naito! Clothesline in the corner by Juice. Juice gets Naito up on the corner, slaps him around, climbs the ropes, and attempts a superplex. Naito fights him off, but Juice climbs back up. TOP ROPE FALLAWAY SLAM by JUICE. CANNONBALL into the corner by Juice. POWERBOMB by Juice. 1-2-KICKOUT!

Juice pulls Naito up only to eat an enziguri. Juice goes for the double knee gutbuster, only for Naito to counter into a Reverse Rana! DESTINO attempt! PULP FRICTION blocked by Naito into a German suplex. Flying forearm. 15 minutes have passed. Destino avoided again!!!! LARIAT by JUICE!!!!! I agree with Rocky Romero: WHAT A MATCH! Pulp Friction countered into a Destino attempt, countered into a Juice Box attempt, and lastly countered into an actual DESTINO!!!! 1-2-KICKOUT! DESTINOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 1-2-3!!!!!! PHEW!!!!

Winner: Tetsuya Naito (4 points)
Match Rating: B+. Juice Robinson has no points so far in the G1, but this was another great performance by him in the tournament. Wow! Naito continues to build momentum in the tournament and is a possible contender again for the title should New Japan want to go that way.

4) Tama Tonga vs. Kenny Omega- The Bullet Club Civil War is Here! After what happened at the San Francisco event, this should be more than interesting. Loa and Fale say they are just there to provide security and make sure no one interferes. This can't end well. Kenny Omega comes out alone. Um, that's just plain stupid. Lol.

Before the match starts, the Tongans start ganging up and attacking Kenny. Tama poses with the IWGP Championship. They continue to splash Omega in the corner. Bad Luck Fall escaped by Omega. Owens and Page come out to help out. Brawl on the outside. Omega dives right at the bodies, and he almost dies by almost going head first. Spear by Tama in the ring. Flapjack by Tama, along with the customary trash talking. Tongans and The Elites sent back. Tama: "We could have been something special, but you divided us!!!" Tama continues attacking while trash talking Omega.
Strikes to the gut in the corner by Tama followed by headbutts at the opposite corner. Omega dropkicks Tama's knee. Fast paced action by both men. Misdirection offense aplenty by both men. Tama misses the Stinger Splash. Omega hits a huge spinning DDT. You Can't Escape moonsault is blocked by the knees. Tama gets hit with the V-Trigger. 5 minutes have passed. ALABAMA SLAM by Tonga. 1-2-Kickout. Omega's head whipped against the mat. Gun Stun blocked as is the V-Trigger. V-Trigger is hit finally to Tonga.

They are on the apron now. Tonga distracts the referee and nails Omega in the knee with a chair. Loa goes for a powerbomb, but Omega reverses into a Rana. Powerbomb to Tonga on the apron. Suplex into the Knee by Omega. Omega gets distracted again by Loa. Loa smacks Omega in the head with a chair. Tonga rolls him up for a close 2.

Gun Stun blocked into a smack on a laying chair by Omega. One Winged Angel and Gun Stun both countered. Tonga goes for a Styles Clash to Omega on the chair!!! Red Shoes kicks the chair out!!!! The referee and Tonga push back and forth. GUN STUN TO RED SHOES!!! DQ!!! The Tongans continue to attack Omega. They go for a Gun Stun with a chair wrapped around Omega's head, but Ibushi, Owens, and Page come out to save Omega!!!!  Tama Tonga: "You, you, and you are a dying breed."

Winner: Kenny Omega (6 points)
Match Rating: C-. Not much of an actual match, but the storyline was definitely progressed in this match with the Tongans again making their case for being the dominant faction in the Bullet Club. They also sent a message to everyone in the G1: They aren't out to win. They're out to hurt people.

5) Tomohiro Ishii vs. Hirooki Goto- This is going to be a war. Kevin Kelly puts over the fact that no match of theirs in the G1 has ever gone over 18 minutes. So, this should be direct and to the point.

Goto with a headlock early on Ishii. Collision in the middle of the ring. Both men challenge the other to knock the other down. They fail after 15 seconds of direct shoulder blocks to each other. BACK AND FORTH FOREARMS!!!! Neither man backs down and continue to attack. GOTO finally knocks Ishii down after a long series of strikes and shoulder blocks. Ishii whips Goto into the corner and executes a powerslam on him afterwards. It's any man's match as we get started here. SMACK!!!! LOUD chop echos in the hall!!! Multple overhand chops by Goto to Ishii!!! Ishii proceeds to knock Goto down with one hit.

Ishii and Goto continue to egg each other on and press their attack. Running clothesline into the corner by Goto. Spinning back heel kick and Saito Suplex by Goto. Hard, physical match so far with Goto currently kicking Ishii in the chest as he's crouched on the mat. Ishii is getting angry and shaking it off! Ishii is back up and NAILS Goto with a forearm. Ishii with MASSIVE CHOPS to Goto in the corner followed by a shoulder block!!!! Great offensive exchange by both men that results in Goto getting psyched up and knocking Ishii down!!!! Wow. These guys are killing it tonight.

Sleeper Hold by Goto, reversed by a snapmare by Ishii. They trade lariats now, each man trying to shrug off the other's move while gaining enough strength to come back with a lariat of their own!!!!!!!! Both refuse to go down!!!! Both knock the other down, only for that man to get right back up!!!!! They continue to knock into each other until finally both collapse after colliding into each other again!!!!!

Sleeper again by Goto but Ishii throws punches back to Goto's head. FOREARMS BY ISHII!!!! Goto goes for a headbutt, but he gets checked by a massive forearm by Ishii!!! Goto is in the corner now. Did I forget to mention these guys are in the same faction????!!! Ishii NAILS a stalling brainbuster off the middle rope on Goto for a CLOSE 2 count. Great series of counters by both men leading to Goto hitting the Yuji Garoshi. STIFF clothesline by Goto to Ishii. Reverse GTR by Goto to Ishii. He's going for GOTO REVOLUTION. Ishii escapes. SAITO SUPLEX BY ISHII!!!! They go at it again. Ishii nails GOTO with a HUGE clothesline for a 2 count.

Ishii goes for the brainbuster. Goto gets out. They're jockeying for position. Suplex Side Effect by Goto!!! 1-2- Kickout!!!! (Editor's Note: My brain hurts watching this.) Goto is getting psyched up!!! Stiff kick to Ishii!!! Goto Revolution countered by Ishii. Double Headbutt and Enziguri by Ishii!!!! Sliding Lariat only gets 2 for Ishii!!!! WHAT A MATCH!!!


Winner: Tomohiro Ishii
Match Rating: A-. This was an excellent match between two Strong Style wrestlers. Ishii is a great big match wrestler, and Goto has had a great 2018 so far. This is more proof that Goto has a lot to offer at this stage of his career.

Show Rating: A. Despite the atrocity that was Yano beating Ibushi and the storyline based match between Omega and Tonga, you had 3 GREAT matches on this show. Sabre Jr. and SANADA completely tore the house down in their match. Juice continued to show he has what it takes to be a main event wrestler in his match with Naito. And Ishii and Goto left a freaking crater in the arena after their match blew the roof off the place. How can this get anything less than an A from me?

B Block Standings (After Night 6)
Kenny Omega (6 Points)
Kota Ibushi (4 Points)
Ishii (4 Points)
SANADA (4 Points)
Tetsuya Naito (4 Points)
Tama Tonga (2 Points)
Hirooki Goto (2 Points)
Zack Sabre Jr. (2 points)
Toru Yano (2 Points)
Juice Robinson (0 points)

Until next time, take care of yourselves and spread some awesomeness.


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