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G1 Climax 28 - B Block- Night 8- SANADA and Ibushi Tear The House Down, B Block Delivers Overall

Now that I'm current on the G1 Climax, I'm looking forward to just watching the day's G1 Climax matches. This has been a really good tournament so far that could become great in the next few days. Several great matches have already taken place.

Today, it's Omega vs. Robinson, Tonga vs. Naito, SANADA vs. Ibushi, Goto vs. Yano, and Sabre Jr. vs. Ishii. This could be another awesome B Block show.
As I mentioned last night, I'm going to be light in my coverage of the Undercard matches going forward, but I will continue to write any thoughts I have while watching the undercard tag matches.

So, without further ado, and for the first time on the same day of one of these G1 shows....

Undercard Notes
- Elgin and Suzuki are on opposite sides of a tag team match to set up their match tomorrow in A Block. This could be another sleeper match as it will be power and speed vs. diabolical and tough.
- Oh my God! 1, I just realized EVIL and Hangman Page will be wrestling tomorrow. 2, Chase Owens and BUSHI are in the same match! WHO IS GOING TO TAKE THE PINFALL?! Can they double pin each other?! This is what it's like when jobbers collide. Well, it's Chase Owens who takes the pinfall. Typical. EVERYTHING IS EVIL!!!!!
- Jay White and Bad Luck Fale are on opposite sides of another tag team match to preview their A Block match. I'm calling it now: White gets 2 points by DQ. I don't know why I think that, but I just have this sneaky feeling that Fale will get disqualified. I might be crazy, but I just get that feeling that it might happen.
- We also get a preview of Makabe and Tanahashi. Yawn. Can Tanahashi just get the 2 points already?
- Okada is facing YOSHI-HASHI tomorrow as well based on the tag match on this show. SUPER YAWN.


1) Toru Yano vs. Hirooki Goto- Goto should outright destroy Yano. Anything other than that gets lower than a C for me. Ok. It better be a hell of a comedy match, or it's getting lower than a C. I am reasonable to a degree.

Before the match, Yano and Goto shake hands. While Goto is getting ready in the corner, Yano unties the corner pad in his corner and smacks Goto with it as soon as he turns around. It's on. Yano gets thrown into the buckles first, but Goto ends up missing a splash on Yano that sends Goto into the exposed corner. Yano chokes Goto with his shirt and tries several quick rollup attempts. Goto nails a spinning kick and Saito Suplex on Yano for a 2 count. Yano with a Belly to Belly suplex. Goto with a sleeper, but Yano gets a close 2 with a rollup. Headbutts by Goto. Yuji Garoshi by Goto. GTR by Goto. 1-2-3.

Winner: Hirooki Goto (4 points)
Match Rating: C+. Exactly what it needed to be: Quick and the utter destruction of Yano. I'm giving this a thumbs up.

2) Tama Tonga (w/Tanga Loa) vs. Tetsuya Naito- Tonga has Twitter Heat for what he has said on there. So that's what they call it. I typically call people who use Twitter to gain heat or attention to themselves President of the United States, but I digress. (I will stop there.) Kevin Kelly sells the point that Naito needs this win to keep Omega from having another tiebreaker over him and to get to 6 points (which would at the moment tie him with Omega in overall points). As Naito takes the suit off, Tonga says "You look like you're going to prom or something!" Naito asks Tonga to get Loa to go back. Tonga obliges long enough to start attacking Naito. Then Loa comes back to ringside. Naito gets Tonga outside, but Loa trips him up. Naito attacks Loa on the outside and runs back in to do his Tranquilo pose.

They are moving very quick here. Corner slingshot dropkick by Naito countered into a trip by Tonga. Tonga suplexes Naito on the floor. Tonga distracts the referee while Loa starts attacking Naito. Naito has spent about an hour in block action, according to Kevin Kelly, which is the most of anyone. Tonga continues the attack in the ring with shots to the midsection and a dropkick. Stinger Splash by Tonga. Swinging neckbreaker by Naito. Naito on offense now nails a hiptoss and dropkick to Tonga's head. Corner slingshot dropkick connects this time. He spits at Loa on the outside. "What did I do?" Loa asks. Lol.

Walk the ropes DDT gets a 2 for Naito. GUN STUN on the top rope by Tonga. But Naito holds on. Loa comes over while the ref is distracted and POWERBOMBS NAITO on the ramp. He brings Naito back... 1-2-KICKOUT by Naito!!! Tongan Twist by Tonga. Kickout by Naito. GUN STUN countered into a High Angle German by Naito. Flying forearm by Naito. DESTINO countered into a throw on the referee by Tonga. The ref is down outside. Loa clotheslines Naito. HERE COMES EVIL!!! He gets rid of Loa and dumps him on the outside. Fale is in. Shoulder Block to EVIL!!! BUSHI! Fale goes for the Grenade, but BUSHI BLINDS HIM WITH THE MIST!!!! Dive through the ropes to Fale by BUSHI. Back in the ring, Naito nails an enziguri. He's going for Destino, but Tonga avoids it and mule kicks him downstairs. He goes for Gun Stun, but Naito pushes him off, throws him up in the air, and PUNTS HIM DOWNSTAIRS!!!! (Editor's Note: Nakamura must be proud!) The ref gets back in the ring as both men are bending over in pain.


Winner: Tetsuya Naito (6 points)
Match Grade: B. Really fun good match here. I'm not one for all the interference we've been seeing in the Tongans matches in the G1 matches, but this told a really good story with LIJ evening the odds against the Tongans. Naito gets the much needed points in the match as well. But the match itself was fun with great action between Tonga and Naito. This may be my favorite Tonga match. 

After the match, Naito throws the referee out, calls Rocky a "cabron," and spits in Rocky's eye. Wow.

3) Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Tomohiro Ishii- This should be a lot of fun. I've liked the matches these two have been involved in the past, including their REV PRO match a few months back and their U.S. Championship Tournament match last year in Long Beach.

Sabre wrenches at Ishii's arm at the beginning of the match. Test of strength with Ishii. (Is he nuts?!) Ishii wins this easily, but Sabre escapes quickly and takes a second to breathe. Series of reversals by both men looking to lock in submission holds which ends again in a standstill. Sabre pushes Ishii's head mockingly several times, which Ishii responds to with MULTIPLE hard chops. Sabre catches Ishii's arm and goes to work on twisting and stomping it. Sabre now has both arms of Ishii tied behind Ishii's back using his legs, but Ishii gets his foot on the ropes. Uppercuts by Sabre just anger Ishii and eventually lead to a shoulder block by Ishii. 5 minutes have passed.

Ishii with chops and strikes at Sabre on the ropes literally. Overhead suplex by Sabre followed by a triangle hold on Ishii's arm. Ishii gets to the ropes. Sabre presses the attack with an armbar on the other arm of Ishii. Sabre gets Ishii in a standing arm lock, but Ishii counters by using his shoulder to hyperextend Sabre's leg. This is followed by a Saito Suplex by Ishii. Ishii with an ankle lock. He traps the legs (ala Kurt Angle back in the day), but Sabre reverses into a triangle lock on the arm. Ishii reverses that, but Sabre gets to the ropes. Big Standing Knee kick by Sabre now. Sabre is selling the knee, Ishii the arm. Good match thus far.

Uppercut by Sabre x3 met with a headbutt by Ishii. Sabre goes back to work on Ishii's arm. Ten minutes have passed. Sabre now has Ishii's arm tied up in his legs while pulling on Ishii's other arm and hooking the leg. Then he bow and arrow's both Ishii's arms, but Ishii gets to the ropes. Kicks to Ishii now by Sabre, but Ishii psyches up. Multiple blocks of forearms. They are moving extremely fast now. Sliding lariat by Ishii gets a 2. Sabre and Ishii are blocking each other's submission holds. Sabre almost catches Ishii in a floatover rollup for a 2. He does it again and almost gets a 3 again. Inside cradle blocked by Ishii. Pele kick by Sabre. POP UP HEADBUTT by Ishii.  Arm bar by Sabre into a triangle hold. Ishii tries to powerbomb out, but Sabre turns it into an armbar and sickingly floats back on the arm to extend the pressure! ISHII TAPS!!!!! WOW! Has Ishii ever tapped out before? The commentators don't remember either. But again.... WOW! That's a big win for Sabre Jr.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr. (4 points)
Match Grade: B. Very good match between the two with multiple submission and strong style moments. Sabre gets a huge win against one of the toughest wrestlers in the world, and Ishii loses nothing as a character by tapping to such a move.

4) Juice Robinson vs. Kenny Omega- U.S. Champion vs. IWGP Heavyweight Champion. Last year, Robinson pulled off the upset by defeating Omega in the G1 with a rollup. They call it "The Shocka in Osaka." Will history repeat itself? Juice needs the points, and the U.S. Championship could use the shine as well. So, let's find out.  (Side note: Juice still has the hand wrapped up in a cast. So, that could be the out for him if he loses again here. They make it a point to mention he will be DQed if he uses the cast hand.)

They shake hands to start the match. Omega gets Juice down, and he goes for the hand. But Juice talks him out of it. Both men trying to establish dominance here. Juice gets Omega in a short piledriver as Omega tries to flip out of a leg lock. Juice sends Omega HARD into the corner. Omega hits a snap rana on Juice, sending him to the floor. Rise of the Terminator is stopped by a slingshot spear by Juice. Big slam in the middle followed by a senton by Juice for a 2. Juice continues to have tha advantage at the moment against Omega until Omega gets Juice down with an arm whip to the mat followed by the jumping bulldog for 2. Juice is baseball slid out of the ring by Omega. Juice reverses the momentum by smacking Omega's back against the barricade. Omega goes for the moonsault off the barricade, but after he slips off, Juice eventually gets Omega in a back Saito Suplex. Then Juice nails the cannonball on Omega out to the floor. Juice jumps off the top with a crossbody to Omega in the ring, but Omega floats over for a 2.

Juice is jabbing Omega, and he nails a couple few big chops. Woooooo by Juice. (At least he's paying respect.) Omega kicks the hand of Juice, landing a few chops of his own, but Juice responds with a spinning kick to a running Omega. Full Nelson Bomb by Juice gets a 2. Cannonball to the corner misses from Juice. YOU CAN'T ESCAPE is blocked by knees to Omega as he goes for the moonsault. CANNONBALL HITS!!! Juice with a powerbomb, but Omega kicks out. Pulp Friction attempt, but Omega is fighting it. Juice jumps to hit the move, but Omega gets out. V Trigger to Juice's hand, and V-Trigger to Juice's head!!!  Snap Dragon by Omega x2. The 3rd one is blocked by Juice. Omega goes after the arm with an armbar. But Juice gets his hand on the ropes. V-Trigger avoided. German on Omega, and he lands on his head. Omega returns the favor. But Juice responds with a lariat. 1-2-Kickout.

Juice picks up Omega for a Juice Box, but Omega hits the reverse rana. Omega goes for One Winged Angel, but Juice hits the Juice Box (double knee gutbuster). 1-2-KICKOUT!!! Juice goes for Pulp Friction, but Omega gets out. V-Trigger to the back of Juice's head!!!! Suplex into a knee neck breaker by Omega. V-Trigger!!!!! Juice slips out of the One Winged Angel, and he tries to roll him up. 1-2- Kickout! Omega gets out and gets V-Trigger on a seated Juice. ONE WINGED ANGEL!!!! 1-2-3!!!

Winner: Kenny Omega (8 points)
Match Grade: B. Another really solid match on tonight's show. I bought every rollup attempt by Juice in this match because it happened last year. Juice again is having a great G1 even in losing every match at this point. He's shown great growth in the last year.

After the match, Omega picks up Juice and hands him his U.S. Championship in a show of respect. The announcers lay the groundwork for Kenny Omega possibly winning the G1 tournament and getting to pick whomever he wants to face at Wrestle Kingdom.

5) SANADA vs. Kota Ibushi- I don't know who I picked to win this match, but this is one of the hardest matches to predict on this tournament. It is going to be a tremendous match. I apologize in advance because I'm not going to be able to keep up with these two. I'll do my best to cover it, but I'm going in knowing I won't be able to do this justice.

The bell rings, and here we go. Mixed chants from the crowd with maybe a slight nod to SANADA. Both men jockeying for dominance in the early going with headlocks and armlocks. Both men start flipping though the submissions, going so quick that my fingers can't catch up on the keyboard. Double Dropkick Miss by both men, resulting in a standoff. This is going to be one of THOSE matches. And I love it.   

SANADA goes for the arm which Ibushi reverses into a lying headlock. Now, a headlock by SANADA. Fast flurry by both men leading to a hip toss by Ibushi. Another flurry leads to a Frankensteiner by Ibushi. SANADA on the outside. Golden Triangle attempt by Ibushi misses. SANADA jumps on the apron, does a standing moonsault of his own, misses, but turns it into a SKULL END on the outside. He's dragging him up the ramp. SANADA dropkicks Ibushi's knee, causing him to crash on the ramp. SANADA brings him back in the ring. Knees to the back of Ibushi's knee by SANADA. Ibushi tries to kick SANADA, but SANADA blocks it and nails a Figure 4 Leg Lock on Ibushi dead center in the middle of the ring. Ibushi rolls through, but SANADA quickly rolls back through into the ropes. More stomps to the knee of Ibushi, but Ibushi tells him to bring it. Both men up and trading forearms now. Dropkick to a running SANADA gives Ibushi a breather. FAST strikes by Ibushi followed by a standing moonsault for a 2.

SANADA double leapfrogs Ibushi and nails a dropkick. SANADA flies onto Ibushi seconds later over the top rope on the outside. SANADA chants from the crowd. Ibushi rolled back in by SANADA. SANADA climbs the rope. But a double backflip kick greets him by Ibushi once he mounts the top rope. Ibushi goes for a Superplex, but Ibushi  falls off to the apron. SPRINGBOARD RANA BY IBUSHI TO SANADA OFF THE TOP ROPE GETS A 2!!!!

SANADA is outside. Ibushi goes for a baseball slide, but SANADA dropkicks the knee. Seconds later, Ibushi escapes SANADA, climbs the apron and the ropes, and nails an ASAI MOONSAULT to the outside on SANADA! Ibushi rolls SANADA in. Springboard Missile Dropkick to SANADA by Ibushi. Last Ride Powerbomb avoided by SANADA followed by a Springboard Missile Dropkick of his own. German Suplex flipped through by both men!!!!! Moonsault flip into Skull End by SANADA, but Ibushi flips out and nails a THUNDEROUS KICK to the back of SANADA's head!!!!
Ibushi goes for the knee, but SANADA escapes. A Long Dart attempt by Ibushi to the corner misses. SKULL END locked in. He goes for the lock, but Ibushi rolls through. He picks up SANADA again for the dart, but Skull End is again locked in. Eventually, SANADA gets Ibushi up for the long dart of his own. And SANADA gets it in, causing Ibushi to hit the buckle HARD. TIGER SUPLEX by SANADA gets a CLOSE 2!!!!  SANADA picks up Ibushi for a slam, and he goes for the moonsault and misses. Landing on his feet, SANADA goes for the dropkick to the knee, only for Ibushi to nail him with the double stomp! Wow!

They are now trading forearms on their knees. They get up to a vertical standoff with forearms being traded back and forth. Slow at first and picking up speed. SANADA gets a few more in but Ibushi start getting kicks in. Uppercut by SANADA x2. 3rd one turns into a roll through by Ibushi and a LARIAT as well. 20 minutes in.

LAST RIDE SIT DOWN POWERBOMB by Ibushi. 1-2-KICKOUT!!! The knee pad is down for Ibushi. He goes for the knee. SANADA goes for Skull End, but after a series of counters, SANADA gets a hanging neck twist on Ibushi. SKULL END is locked in with the grapevine!!!! Ibushi is trying to get out but can't. SANADA goes to the top rope and nails the moonsault!!!! 1-2-3!!!! WHAT A MATCH!!!!

Winner: SANADA (6 points)
Match Rating: A. This was a trememdous match for both wrestlers. Both men come out of this looking like true superstars. This is a match I want to see revisited sometime in the future again.

Show Rating: A+. AMAZING show tonight with the worst match being a fast Goto vs. Yano match. But every match on this show delivered with something truly unique to bring to the table. B Block is so much better match for match than the A Block right now. Hopefully, the A Block will pick up the slack, but if you are looking for just one part of this tournament to watch, it's obviously B Block! B Block! B Block!!!

B Block Standings (After Night 8)
Kenny Omega (8 Points)
Tetsuya Naito (6 Points)
SANADA (6 Points)
Kota Ibushi (4 Points)
Ishii (4 Points)
Hirooki Goto (4 Points)
Zack Sabre Jr. (4 points)
Tama Tonga (2 Points)
Toru Yano (2 Points)
Juice Robinson (0 points)

Well, that does it for today's G1 coverage. Until tomorrow, take care of yourselves. And spread some awesomeness.


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