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NJPW Fighting Spirit Unleashed (9/30/18)- Cody vs. Juice; Golden Lovers vs. Okada/Ishii

This is the 3rd big event for New Japan Pro Wrestling in California this year. The American experiment will be put to the test this evening as they are trying to sell an event on one week's notice for most the card and in a wrestling fandom still reeling off of the awesomeness that was ALL IN. Will New Japan succeed in creating a great show to make people sorry for not showing up? Let's find out...

Here we go!

I turn on NJPW World to see Hiroshi Tanahashi starring in "My Dad is a Heel Wrestler" coming to theaters in Japan. I would love to see that brought in to America with subtitles.

We get a cool NJPW KING OF SPORTS intro. The opening video highlights the big happenings of Strong Style Evolved. Then, there is a rundown of the card.

And here we go!!! J.R. and Kevin Kelly welcome us to the show!

1) ACH, Ryusuke Taguchi and Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Roppongi 3K

Roppongi 3K kick us off by coming to the ring. HERE COMES LIGER'S TEAM!!!! Taguchi is dressed in his rugby outfit. This show does not look like it sold very well at all. But there seem to be a lot of people walking around the concourse. We'll see how this progresses.

Liger and YOH start us off. YOH gives Liger a clean break on the ropes. Side headlock by Liger. Shoulder tackle too, but YOH kips up. Dropkick by YOH. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to YOH. LIGER LOCKS IN THE SURFBOARD! Rocky and SHO run in and get caught in ankle locks by ACH and Taguchi! Taguchi throws YOH into the corner. And now, it's ROUNDING THE BASES FOR TEAM TAGUCHI!!!!! CLOTHESLINES INTO THE CORNER FOLLOWED BY A FUNKY WEAPON HIP ATTACK! Taguchi sets himself up in the corner, but Liger gets introduced to the Funky Weapon. Rocky and Liger in the ring now. YOH still legal, but he tags in SHO. Drop-toe hold and a baseball slide kick by 3K. Tag to Rocky now. Romero gets in Liger's face, but Liger answers back with palm strikes. Rocky kicks him back down. Tag to SHO. 3-1 attack now by 3K/Romero. But it backfires on them. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker on SHO. 5 minutes have passed.
Here comes ACH. ACH DIVES OVER ON ROMERO! He runs back in the ring and attacks SHO! BIG KICK TO THE FACE OF YOH! ACH catches SHO running in and levels him with a series of kicks. GERMAN SUPLEX BRIDGE for a 2 by ACH. ACH and SHO fighting for dominance. ACH gets caught running in the corner, and he eats a German Suplex. Tags to Romero and Taguchi. Funky Weapon misses completely. Rocky hits his Forever Clotheslines! FUNKY WEAPON TO ALL OF 3K now by Taguchi! CROWD LOVES THIS AS FUNKY WEAPON HIP ATTACKS keep going . Triple team backfires for #K. Triple Atomic Drop though by 3K. Big Offensive Attack by 3K. Backstabber, superkicks, and double knees. 3K calls for the finisher. 3K denied. ACH hits a double dropkick. ACH nails a great Suicide Dive. TAGUCHI GETS ROCKY! 1-2-3!

Winners: Taguchi, ACH, and Liger (around 9:00)
Match Grade: C. Decent opener here. Both teams are fan favorites. And this was just good for the live crowd to get warmed up. How many times are we going to get to see Liger in America? Hopefully more. But every time becomes more likely to be the last.

2) The Addiction vs. Chase Owens and Hangman Page

Here comes Bullet Club Elite's Hangman Page and Chase Owens. Owens probably did some practicing for this match, like making sure his shoulders lay flat for 3 seconds. SCU!!!! Here comes The Addiction. This is basically an ROH match on NJPW TV. Only Owens is a full-time NJPW star. HUGE SCU chants from the crowd. Is this the worst town they've ever been in though? That's my question.

Headlock by Page, and he collides with Kaz. No one falls. Shoulder tackle again leads to no one falling. Forearms start flying. These guys had a blood feud in ROH. Page gets the advantage, but Kaz gets him with a forearm shot in the ropes. Page answers back with one of his own. Collision of clotheslines in the center of the ring. Both men continue to collide, and no one falls. Tags to Daniels and Owens. Daniels goes to work on Owens. Knee to the face and swinging neckbreaker by Owens. Jumping neckbreaker by Daniels. Tag to Kaz. Jumping neckbreaker by Kaz for a 1 count. SCU! SCU! SCU! Blind tag by Page who attacks Kaz from the outside. Owens continues to attack until Page comes in. Double clotheslines to The Addiction. Fireman's Carry to Kaz, Dropkick to Daniels INTO A MOONSAULT ON KAZ! Wow. Page mudhole stomps Kaz.
Tag to Owens. More mudhole stomps by Chase. Forearm shot to the back of Kaz. He hits another one. Backbreakers to Kaz for a 2. Tag by Page. Double elbow. Standing Shooting Star Press/Fist Drop by Page/Owens. Page deadlifts Kaz and bridges into a Fallaway Slam for a 2. Chop by Page. Tag to Owens. 5 minutes have passed. Chase hits a front Chancery on Kaz. Kaz flips over Chase's back. Back-Stabber. TAG TO DANIELS! Daniels unloads with strikes to the BC Elite. STO by Daniels to Page. Daniels thrown into Owens. Urinage into a Reverse DDT'd PAGE by Daniels. FACE PLANT BY DANIELS for a 2. Urinage to Owens. BME blocked by Owens into a rollup for 2. BUCKSHOT LARIAT BY PAGE! Owens hits a springboard backbreaker on Daniels for a 2. Page and Kaz fight on the apron. He kicks Kaz off, but PAGE GETS A CODEBREAKER WHILE GOING FOR THE SHOOTING STAR PRESS DIVE!!!! Chase Owens steals SCU's gimmick while calling this town the worst ever, but SCU NAILS THE BEST MELTZER EVER (TOMBSTONE PLANTED BY A MOONSAULTING DANIELS) FOR THE VICTORY!

Winner: The Addiction/SCU! SCU!!!
Match Grade: C+. This was another fine opening match here as SCU is a great act in ROH period. You have to respect both Daniels and Kaz at this stage in their careers to continue to work the style of match that they do.

3) Flip Gordon, Chris Sabin and Jeff Cobb vs. Best Friends and Hirooki Goto

(By the way, I'm really liking Kevin Kelly and Jim Ross together on commentary. Kelly is bringing a lot of context to NJPW storylines while J.R. is bringing his play-by-play style into this.)

J.R. wonders if the Best Friends are showing solidarity by holding hands. JEFF COBB has the newly won ROH WORLD TV CHAMPIONSHIP, as he defeated Punishment Martinez for the belt during last night's ROH TV Tapings. (Martinez is WWE/NXT bound according to rumors). This is another heavily influenced ROH match, although there are definitely more NJPW stars in this one than the last match.

Sabin vs. Chuckie T here to start off. Counter wrestling by Sabin and Chuckie to start us off. Leapfrogs by Chuckie. Both men get rollups on the other, and then we get a break. Both men attack the other's corner. All 6 men are brawling now. Triple-Team on Chuckie T now. Sabin needs Flip's help to throw Cobb into the corner. Lol. Running Shooting Star Press by Flip. Another triple team, this time to Sabin. A launch cutter by The Best Friends. They go to hug, but Jeff Cobb breaks it up. He goes to dive, but GOTO CUTS HIM OFF! Goto gets hit with a running kick by Flip. Hug by The Best Friends. They dive over the top onto Cobb and Sabin. Chuckie tags in Baretta. Oh no! Oh no! He's going to hit it! The most violent move in wrestling. The jump over the ropes and the face rake with the foot. Chuckie then follows it up with the somersault flip softly onto Sabin.
Goto is tagged in and goes on the attack on Sabin. Elbow drop for a 2 count. Chinlock now by Goto. 5 minutes have passed. Baretta gets the tag. Northern Lights Suplex bridge for a 2 count. CHOP by Baretta. Dude, you just busted him! Chops exchanged by both men. Baretta's hurt more apparently. Chuckie gets tagged in. Chop to Chuckie in the corner. Rake to the eyes of Sabin. Tag to Baretta. Whip into the corner. Sabin jumps and flips out. He drops Chuckie into Baretta's region. Swinging DDT by Sabin on Chuckie.
Rolling tag to Flip! ROLLING DROPKICK IN THE CORNER! FLIP FLIPS AND KICKS! FLIP HITS A RUNNING CORNER DIVE TO GOTO! He comes back in and nails a Springboard Crossbody for a 2. SLINGBLADE BY FLIP! Flip goes to the top. 450 misses, and he gets a knee strike from Baretta. Goto is begging for the tag as is Jeff Cobb.
HERE THEY ARE!!!! Goto and Cobb collide. Running clothesline into the corner by Cobb. Goto ducks out of a second one. They collide in the center of the ring a couple times. Goto knocks down Cobb with a third clothesline attempt. Goto hits Cobb with a spinning kick into the corner. 2 count pin attempt. He can't get him up for Ushigaroshe. Goto avoids a German. GTR avoided. Cobb hits a suplex. STANDING MOONSAULT BY COBB MISSES! 10 minutes have passed. Clothesline by Goto!  Both men need tags.
Goto tags in Chuckie T. He tries to suplex Cobb, but he can't. BEST FRIENDS CAN THOUGH! DOUBLE SUPLEX! They go back on the attack. But Cobb gets both men up for a DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX! Cobb runs into a knee from Chuckie T. Chuckie T hits a Piledriver on Cobb!!!! 1-2-Kickout! This is great! Chuckie gets Cobb into position for a MOONSAULT! HE MISSES! COBB CLOTHESLINES HIM DOWN! The straps come down. Cobb hits a twisting POWERSLAM! 1-2-3!

Winners: Flip, Sabin, and Cobb
Match Grade: B. For an undercard match that could have been easily throwaway, I really enjoyed this. There was hardly a break in the action, and I had a hard time keeping up with all the offense being delivered. That's often a good sign of a hard-hitting, fast-paced match. This was.

Goto wants Cobb! They yell at each other while the referee keeps them apart. Goto walks away from the fight.

4)  LIJ (Tetsuya Naito, EVIL and SANADA) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr. and Killer Elite Squad)

The crowd looks a lot better than it did earlier tonight. It's still not a sellout by any means, but it looks better than it looked earlier. Here comes KES and Sabre Jr. I don't see Taka. No Taka. Damn it! BUT WE GET LIJ AND NAITO!!!! THANK GOD!!!! There's Cold Skull, Sanada. Here comes THE KING OF DARKNESS, EVIL!  The Scythe didn't make the trip apparently. AND HERE COMES NAITO, JACKET AND BASEBALL CAP TO BOOT! Naito turns his back to Suzuki-Gun during the ring entrance, and HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT BEING ATTACKED! AND HE IS! THE MATCH IS ON!

EVIL gets Sabre Jr. down on the mat. Stomp on the shoulder. Archer is apparently going nuts outside. Tag to Sanada. Sanada works on Sabre. Abdominal Stretch reversals by both men. Sabre backs up with Sanada and tags in Smith. The Bulldog's son works on Sanada. But Sanada gets Smith with a dropkick to the knee. Paradise Lock is avoided. Sanada gets double teamed with an elevated PowerSlam by the now-legal Archer! Archer works on Sanada as Naito gets attacked by Smith on the outside. Archer chops Sanada and runs VIOLENTLY OVER AND OVER AGAIN into the corner smashing Sanada again and again! Tag to Smith. Smith hits a big slam on Sanada. Knee snaps by Smith followed by a floatover Leg hold. Now an Indian Death Lock into a Crossface. Smith gets chopped by Sanada repeatedly. Smith answers with a series of Rolling German Suplexes. Sanada lands on his feet on #3 and nails a second rope dropkick. Archer runs in. He goes for the chokeslam, but Sanada flips him away. Naito is in!
Naito attacks Smith. Running dropkick to the back! Corner Leg sweep into the jumping dropkick by Naito! Neckbreaker and eyepose by Naito! Smith gets hit with an Enziguri, but he answers back with a Belly-to-Belly. KES ATTACKS NAITO with Double Teams. 2 count. Where's Sabre? Killer Bomb is avoided by Naito. BIG SPRINGBOARD TORNADO DDT by Naito. Natio goes to tag EVIL. Tags made to EVIL and Sabre.
Sabre and EVIL exchange uppercuts and forearms! Rapid uppercuts meet a forearm shot and a senton splash by Evil. Sabre grabs Evil's arm and kicks it. Now a grapevined arm-twist on a standing Evil. Evil grabs Sabre and hits a Fisherman Buster. Sanada runs in and knocks down KES. Triple Team by LIJ to Sabre. Dive by Sanada on KES. Evil and Sabre are in the ring. Everything is Evil is countered. Octopus Lock is block. DARKNESS FALLS only gets a 2 count. EVERYTHING IS EVIL AVOIDED, and Sabre catches EVIL with a European Rollup for a 3 count!

Winners: Suzuki-Gun
Match Grade: B-. This was a fun tag team match. Everyone had their moment to shine in this, and the attention continues to be put on Sabre and Evil leading towards an eventual showdown betwen the two. And it's not like  Naito doesn't have unfinished business with Sabre either.

After the match, Sabre flips off EVIL from the floor. Meanwhile, SMITH POWERSLAMS A YOUNG LION ON THE FLOOR!!!! Naito looks at a dejected Evil in the ring. Naito grabs his hat and puts it on. EVIL chant from the crowd. Standing ovation from the crowd for EVIL.

5) Hiroshi Tanahashi and KUSHIDA vs. Jay White and Gedo

Here comes Switchblade and Gedo to a boo-vation from the crowd! Tanahashi gets cheered heavily with Kushida.

Tanahashi takes the attack to White as the bell rings. They fight back in the ring. White is rocked after a series of blows. DRAGON SCREW LEG WHIP BY TANAHASHI! White is getting attacked in the corner. White runs into an elbow by The Ace. But White pushes Tanahashi to the floor. White chokes and attacks Tanahashi on the floor while Gedo distracts the referee. CHOP to Tanahashi on the floor. Gedo is attacking KUSHIDA. Both White and Tanahashi are in the ring now.
White charges at Tanahashi with a running back splash. Back suplex by White for a 2 count. The crowd is heavily booing White. Chop to Tanahashi. Gedo gets tagged in to more boos. He chokes and rips at the eyes of Tanahashi. Palm strike. More fists to the face of The Ace. He sends him into the boot of White, and Gedo tags in White. Bodyslam to Tanahashi. Jumping elbow drop on Tanahashi for a 2 count. Tanahashi sent into Gedo's foot now. Tag to Gedo. "TANAHASHI" chant from the crowd. Thrust kick by Gedo. Tanahashi fights off Gedo, but an eye poke stops that. Corner crossbody by The Ace stops Gedo's offense.
Tag to Kushida who dives in to attack Gedo. Boot to the face of Gedo. Side kick to Gedo. Cartwheel dropkick by Kushida now. Rolling DDT into an armbar by Kushida. Double Wristlock in, but White breaks it up. He pulls Gedo to his corner and tags himself in. Chops to Kushida. Handspring Back Elbow (ala Tajiri). Tag to The Ace. Tanahashi goes after White. Flying forearms by The Ace. Sling Blade avoided. Blade Runner avoided. Twist and Shout by Tanahashi! SLING BLADE CONNECTS! 1-2-Kickout. Gedo interferes. Kushida interferes. Tanahashi goes up top. Brass knuckles by Gedo to the face of Tanahashi. White has the referee distracted. Knucks to the face of Kushida now. Blade Runner on Tanahashi. 1-2-3. Wow.

Winners: Jay White and Gedo.
Match Grade: C. This was a bold move here to have White pin Tanahashi this soon before the inevitable title shot match. I like the decision actually as it adds a whole lot of heat to White going into whatever the future holds for him (likely a match with Okada at Wrestle Kingdom).

White gets on the mic. White demands the briefcase be handed to him. Gedo does it for him and holds it up. He places it right next to Tanahashi's unconscious body. This crowd refuses to let White talk as they boo him out of the building. "Tanahashi, what are you waiting for?" "F you Switchblade!"- Crowd. White poses for the crowd and blows kisses at them. He reminds the fans that they paid to see him. "As soon as you won the G1 Climax, you gave Okada a shot at that briefcase. I beat you. I have the right to this briefcase. I ask you again: What are you waiting for? What is New Japan waiting for? Tana, you and New Japan are scared." According to White, "they don't want me being in the main event of Wrestle Kingdom. They are afraid of two foreigners being in the main event of Wrestle Kingdom." Everyone will breathe with the Switchblade and The New Era. Good heel promo by White.

15 minute Intermission.

6) IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Finals
Will Ospreay vs. Marty Scurll

Here comes The Villain! WOOP WOOP! I'm excited for this match after seeing their ROH TV Championship Match from November 2016 (which can be found in the Table of Contents on this page, by the way; shameless shilling folks.). Here comes Ospreay. (WWE can learn a thing or two about how NJPW handles its Jrs/Cruiserweights. They aren't just a side attraction. They are an important part of the show with defined characters that aren't embarrassing.)

Scurll asks for a time out. But he gets mid-kicks for his trouble. Scurll catches the leg and nails a back elbow, but Ospreay catches him. Uppercuts by Scurll followed by a corner jump and apron kick by Scurll. Ospreay is rolled back in, but his head gets smashed against the apron first. Marty goes after Ospreay and jumps on his hands. Chops by The Villain to Ospreay. Knee to the face. Snapmare Dropkick to the neck of Ospreay. 1-2-Kickout. Knee to the stomach now. Scurll with his foot on Ospreay's neck. Chops now to a standing Ospreay. Ospreay asks for more. Throat chop by Scurll. Scurll uses the bottom rope to choke Ospreay. Scurll motions for the crowd to pop, but Ospreay answers with a handspring back kick to Scurll. ONLY 5 MINUTES HAVE PASSED!
Scurll is down in the corner. Dropkick in the corner misses. Big kick to Scurll. Top Rope 619 by Ospreay. Springboard denied. Big kick by Scurll. Scurll goes out after Ospreay. Chest first goes Ospreay into the rail. Chops by Scurll. Both men are on the apron now. They exchange blows. Big kick by Ospreay. Chops by Scurll. Back and forth. Scurll blocks a Spanish Fly off the apron. Scurll gets kicked by Ospreay who is back inside the ropes. SUNSET BOMB OVER THE TOP ROPE, OVER THE APRON, AND DRIVING SCURLL TO THE FLOOR!!! Damn! Scurll rolled back in at 16 by Ospreay.
Robinson Special connects (back kick to Scurll by Ospreay). He signals for the Oscutter! But a backslide and a kick to the jaw await him from Scurll!!! The fans are applauding this. Scurll gets Ospreay in a Butterfly, but Ospreay gets out. Scurll avoids Stormbreaker. Big boot by Ospreay and a lariat! Ten Minutes Have Passed.
Ospreay puts Scurll on the corner. Chop by Ospreay. Ospreay goes out to the apron and climbs up from there. Both men are on the top rope! Scurll gets Ospreay off balance. He gets him on the top rope and NAILS A HURRICANRANA! Running Kick to OSPREAY! 1-2-Kickout! Chops to Ospreay. But Ospreay is getting hyped up!!! The welts are building, but so is Ospreay's resolve! Chops and strikes by both men! Uppercut! Spinning kick by Ospreay! STUNNER ATTEMPT COUNTERED INTO A CHICKEN WING!!!!! Roll through! 1-2-KICKOUT! Scurll rolls him up! 1-2-Kickout! Rollups and counters end with Scurll getting an introduction to a thrust kick by Ospreay! This is awesome!
Both men struggle to get up. Ospreay is motioning to the fans. Oscutter coming? No. Stormbreaker is countered by Scurll. He has Ospreay on his shoulders going to the corner. He climbs up, but Ospreay rolls out and kicks Scurll in the face on the corner. Ospreay climbs up, and Scurll drops him on the corner. 15 minutes have passed. Scurll climbs up and goes for a CHICKEN WING OFF THE CORNER?! Ospreay fights him off with back elbows. Scurll locks in the arms AND NAILS A DOUBLE CHICKEN WING ALA RICKY FREAKING STEAMBOAT FOR A 2!!! BIG LARIAT! PILEDRIVER! GRADUATION BY SCURLL!!! 1-2-3!!! (16:06)

Winner: Marty Scurll
Match Grade: A. That match was absolutely amazing. Both of these guys are amazing wrestlers, and they just absolutely stole this show tonight. The opening minute was one of the most mindblowing opening moments that I can remember in a wrestling match, perhaps since Goldberg/Lesnar at Survivor Series 2016. But this was an actual wrestling match with 15 more minutes of amazing action between two great British wrestlers. This just made the show in my opinion.

A video is shown discussing Bullet Club's recent history and the problems that have been facing the organization from within ever since AJ Styles was kicked out of the group in 2016.

7) IWGP Tag Team Championships
The Young Bucks (c) vs. Guerrillas of Destiny (w/ HAKU!)

Haku walks out with The Guerrillas of Destiny and will be in their corner! And here come The Young Bucks with NEW NJPW MUSIC!

The Guerrillas had an opportunity to attack The Bucks behind their back, but they decided not to apparently. Bucks and Guerrillas give each other stares. Tonga throws the belts down in disgust.

The bell rings. It's Tama Tonga and Nick Jackson. LOUD YOUNG BUCKS CHANTS. Now, there's a G.O.D chant from the crowd!!!! Lockup! Tonga has a headlock and nails a shoulder tackle on Nick. Nick and Tonga go through a series of jumps, misses, and dropkick misses. Now all four are in the ring brawling. G.O.D. gets the advantage. Bucks are thrown into the ropes. Elevated dropkick by The Bucks to G.O.D. More tag team offense by the Jackson brothers. Nick continues to work on Tama Tonga. Tag to Matt Jackson. Double Hip Toss, but Matt's back just went out on him. He motions Nick out of the ring, and he can't even make the cover. He tags Nick back in.
Tonga goes on the attack to the Jackson brothers. Back elbow to Nick Jackson. Tonga Loa drives Matt's back into the apron and NAILS A BIG RUNNING POWERSLAM ON THE FLOOR! G.O.D. chant. Headbutt to Nick Jackson, and he's rammed into the rail! Loa has a table as 5 minutes have passed. Matt is back in the ring. Nick saves him from going through the table. Kick to the head of Loa. JUMPING DIVE OVER THE TOP TO THE FLOOR FROM NICK JACKSON!
Back in the ring, Nick fights off the Tongans with running kicks to both. But he's sent into a running lariat by Loa. Matt climbs the top of the corner. BUT LOA SENDS HIM FLYING OFF THE TOP TO THE FLOOR THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!! WOW! He's done! Nick is double-teamed by the Tongans. Jumping Neckbreaker and Leg Drop combination. FROG SPLASH BY  TONGA! 1-2-KICKOUT! Forearm strikes to the face of Nick Jackson. Tag to Loa. Loa picks up Nick and drives him back into the corner. DELAYED VERTICAL SUPLEX FOR 12 SECONDS OR SO BY LOA FOR A 2 COUNT. Matt is crawling back up and trying to get to his corner. Tag to Tonga. Nick tries to fight out of the Tongan corner, but Tama won't let that happen. Nick kicks Loa in the face off the apron. Leaping X-Factor to Tonga, and a moonsault splash onto Loa on the floor.
Tongan Twist to Nick after he fails to tag in Matt. 1-2-Kickout. Loa is back in now. Matt is on the corner for his team. Young Bucks/ GOD Dueling Chants. Slam by Loa. Tag to Tonga. Nick tries to get away from Tonga. He avoids another Tongan Twist and hits the SUPERKICK! Both men are down. Nick tags in Matt. Matt goes after Tama Tonga. Loa gets some too. But Tonga stops any offense. Jumping Double Clothesline to The G.O.D. Matt continues to work on Loa. Loa just no sells it. Loa gets bridged out to the floor. Superkick to Tonga. Tonga gets a shoulder to the stomach. Somersault into a Sharpshooter by Matt Jackson, but Loa stops it. Shot to the lower back. Dropkick to the back by Tonga, and a Slam into the knees of Tonga by Loa. 2 count. Matt is selling back pain. 15 minutes have passed.
SPEAR BY Matt Jackson to Tonga. Tag to Nick. Springboard Crossbody fails. Kick to the back of the head of Loa though. Nick tags in Matt. Superkick! Superkick! DOUBLE SUPERKICK! 1-2-Kickout by Loa! Matt tries to pick up Loa, but Nick has to help get him up. Matt rolls through. 450 Splash by Nick. Matt tries to get the moonsault. He gets it. MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK only gets 2. Matt continues to hold his back. He gets Nick back in.  GUN STUN TO NICK GOING FOR MELTZER DRIVER!!!! APE**** BY LOA! 1-2-KICKOUT! MAGIC KILLER AVOIDED! SUPERKICK TO LOA. AN ELEVATED GUN STUN!!!!!! 1-2-3!!!! G.O.D. HAS WON THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!!

Winners: Guerrillas of Destiny (NEW IWGP TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS)
Match Grade: B+. That was a great match all things considered. The G.O.D. get more fire for their part of the Bullet Club. The Bucks continue to be great storytellers with the back of Matt Jackson continuing to pop up at the worst possible times. I wonder if this is because The Young Bucks are going to be leaving New Japan soon. (Hey. That's on the table.)

J.R. says the Tongan Era has begun in the Tag Team Division.

A video plays to hype up Juice vs. Cody.

8) IWGP U.S. Championship
Juice Robinson (c) vs. Cody

Cody has the NWA World Championship on, and Brandi barely has anything on as she walks Cody to the ring. The Pirate Prince (get it?) Juice comes out looking as flamboyant and awesome as ever. It's definitely the biggest match in Juice's career.

Red Shoes is the referee.

The bell rings. NWA WORLD CHAMPION VS. IWGP U.S. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.  Cody and Juice meet in the middle of the ring. Cody plays up throwing the shirt to the crowd only to give it to his wife instead. Tie up finally. Cody wrenches at Juice's arm. Juice reverses it. Cody gets to the ropes. Clean break. Cody flips off the crowd. Tie up again. Juice gets a drop toe hold on Cody and backs Cody up into the corner. Headlock now by Juice. Juice gets backed up into the ropes. Chops by Cody to Juice. BIG CHOP by Juice. Cody gets the laying uppercut from Goldust. Juice goes for a crossbody, but Cody ducks. Juice goes to the floor. Cody runs up to the corner and jumps off to the floor to Juice. Juice catches him and HITS A BIG BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX TO CODY! Brandi goes to Juice. Juice knocks her back by accident. Reverse DDT by Cody. Brandi gets up! It's a miracle! She's celebrating with Cody. Cody rolls Juice back in the ring. Springboard elbow drop misses. 5 minutes have passed.
Juice clotheslines Cody in the corner 2 times. Cody drops down. He goes for the Cannonball, but Brandi grabs his foot. Juice goes after Brandi. Cody catches Juice coming in with a kick and a Hangman's DDT for a couple 2 counts. Cody stalks Juice. Cross Rhodes avoided. Pulp Friction avoided. Rollup by both men. Juice gets Cody down in the far neutral corner. CANNONBALL!!!! RUNNING POWERBOMB COUNTERED INTO A RANA, sending Juice face first into the corner. Brandi sticks her fingers in the eyes of Juice behind the referee's back. Cody clotheslines Juice to the apron. Beautiful Disaster Kick misses. Juice climbs the corner. Crossbody to Cody back in the ring by Juice. 1-2-Kickout.
Juice picks up Cody. Pulp Friction avoided again. Figure Four by Cody! Wooo! Jim Ross puts over the hold as being a big move in the old NWA, especially by Ric Flair. Juice tries to power Cody's foot out of the hold. Juice tries to turn Cody over. Juice gets to the ropes. Brandi gives Cody some water. He takes off his belt. While the referee grabs the belt, Cody blinds Juice with the water to the eyes. Beautiful Disaster for only a 2 count though. Cody does the Star-Lord Jack-in-a-Box Middle Finger to the crowd. Juice gets back in the match. Counters by both men out of Cross Rhodes and Pulp Friction. Pulp Friction CONNECTS!!!! Brandi drags Cody out to the floor!
The count is on. But Juice won't let the referee count out Cody. He goes out after Cody. Juice gets caught with Cross Rhodes on the outside!!!! Both men are hurt, and J.R. tells us that the title can't be won on the floor. Lol. The count is on. We're up to 16.... 17.... 18... 19... Both men roll in! The match continues. Juice and Cody go back at it. Cody punches at Juice. Juice jabs back. Cody cannot win this punching fight. Juice and Cody trade punches. Back and forth, back and forth! JUICE gets the advantage. Thumb to the eye! Superkick by Cody! 15 minutes have passed.
Cody gets Juice up for a Vertebreaker. 1-2-KICKOUT! Cody gets up and climbs the ropes in the corner. Juice rams the ropes to cause Cody to straddle the buckle. Juice with a big punch to Cody. Juice climbs up. He's going for the superplex!!! IT CONNECTS!!!!! Cody ROLLS JUICE UP!!!!! 1-2-3!!!! WOW!!!!

Match Grade: B+. Another great match here in this second half of the show. Cody and Juice kept going back and forth until Cody caught Juice in a shocking reversal of a big move. Cody played up his heel role well in this match, doing a lot of underhanded things in order to conquer Juice. Now, Cody has the IWGP U.S. Championship and the NWA World Championship. AND HE'S A FREE AGENT!!!! LOL.

Juice gets an ovation from the crowd and claps after the match.

9) Main Event
Tomohiro Ishii and Kazuchika Okada vs. Kota Ibushi and Kenny Omega

Ishii and Okada walk out together with a stereotypical late Ishii entrance. Lol. Watch an Ishii match.
He always comes out late. J.R. gets an Okada balloon with a smile!!! Lol.
The theme of the Golden Lovers plays, and here comes Ibushi and Omega! This is going to probably keep me up tonight with the awesomeness we are about to witness.

Okada and Ibushi are going to start us off here. Sweet! The bell rings. Tie up. Okada goes behind. Ibushi works on the arm. Okada rolls through. Hammerlocks exchanged by both men. Headlock by Ibushi. Fast series of dodges and misses. Rainmaker misses, and Ibushi stops in the ropes for a second. Ishii is tagged in, and HE WANTS OMEGA. Omega tags himself in and takes a deep breath.
Tie up. Omega headlocks Ishii. They collide in the center of the ring. No one falls. Forearm to Ishii. Ishii finally just bulldozes Omega down. Ibushi gets spit on by Ishii. Omega continues to unload with forearms and chops on Ishii, but Ishii no sells. One hit knocks down Omega. Ibushi gets in the ring. He no sells Ishii. Double Leap Frog and Kotaro Crusher by The Golden Lovers for a 2. Omega tags in Ibushi legally. Ibushi kicks at Ishii. Ishii is getting po'ed. He gets up. Chop to Ibushi. Kick to Ishii. Chop and kick. Chok and kick. Both men continue to nail the other!!!! Ibushi finally gets the advantage until ISHII JUST KNOCKS HIM THE HELL DOWN WITH A SHOULDER TACKLE! Tag to Okada by Ishii.
Okada slams Ibushi and nails a somersault senton over the ropes. Okada taunts Omega. Okada now attacks Ibushi in the corner. Neckbreaker to Ibushi. 1-2-Kickout. He pulls Ibushi into the corner, and he tags in Ishii. Double Shoulder Tackle by Ishii/Okada. Ishii knocks down Omega. Omega and Ishii are getting it on!!!! Omega and Ishii take it to the floor. Ishii RAMS Omega into the guard rails around ringside. "Take your argument to Orange County for God's sakes. Ishii, that was a recommendation sir."- J.R. LOL!
Back in the ring, Ishii tags back in Okada to work on Ibushi in their corner. Ibushi tries to fight out of it. But Ishii stops that. Okada snapmares Ibushi and nails him. Tag to Ishii. Ishii headbutts Ibushi, but Ibushi is getting angry himself. Forearm strikes meet an Ishii headbutt. Dropkick by Ibushi. Tag to omega. Crossbody off the top!!!!  Omega and Ishii collide in the center of the ring with strikes. BIG CHOP BY OMEGA!!!! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ESCAPED! Chop to the threat! Omega lands awkwardly hitting Ishii with a DDT. He may have jacked up his knee. Jumping corner attack misses. BIG POWERSLAM BY ISHII! TAG TO OKADA!
Okada goes to attack Omega. DROPKICK OFF THE TOP BY IBUSHI! SNAP DRAGON TO ISHII!! GOLDEN TRIANGLE BY OMEGA AND IBUSHI!!!! (Double Springboard Moonsault Dives). Omega and Okada are in the ring. You Can't Escape. GOLDEN LOVERS EDITION. SENTON, SHOOTING STAR PRESS, MOONSAULT DIVES FROM BOTH MEN!!! Ishii gets back in. Saito Suplex by Ishii. Suplex by Ibushi. SHOTGUN DROPKICK SENDS IBUSHI FLYING BY OKAD! Omega and Okada stareoff, and the crowd is loving this! EVERYONE IS ON THEIR FEET! HERE WE GO! FOREARMS Exchanged! Uppercut by Okada. Chop by Omega. Omega avoids the dropkick. V-Trigger avoided. Rainmaker and One Winged Angel Avoided. Snap Dragon to Okada! Wow. That was quick and awesome! Omega motions for the V-Trigger, but Ishii gets in the way. Death Valley Driver to Ishii. DROPKICK BY OKADA. Rainmaker stopped by Ibushi. Multiple strikes by Ibushi. V-Trigger by Omega. Suplex by Ibushi. Dive by Ibushi on Ishii. One Winged Angel reversed into a Tombstone reversed into an OMEGA TOMBSTONE INTO AN OKADA TOMBSTONE THAT ACTUALLY HITS! They are moving so quick!!!! Okada and Ishii hit a devastating double team on Omega that only gets a 2. Rainmaker avoided, and Omega plants him.
Ibushi and Ishii are legal now. Strikes are being exchanged by both men! They keep going faster and faster! Ibushi uses his leg to kick Ishii down. Moonsault with KNEES INTO THE CHEST OF ISHII!!! 1-2-Kickout! (THIS IS FREAKING INCREDIBLE!) Powerbomb GERMAN SUPLEX GET a 2 FOR THE GOLDEN LOVERS. Okada breaks it up. Okada gets sent out. Golden Trigger stopped by Okada. DDT to Ibushi by Okada. Okada gets POWERBOMBED IN MID AIR BY OMEGA! Omega and Ishii go at it. Backflip kick by Ibushi to Ishii! The crowd is going nuts!!! NEW JAPAN! NEW JAPAN! NEW JAPAN!!!
Ibushi and Ishii go at it again. Slap to Ishii. He responds back. Back and forth. Back and forth. FASTER AND FASTER!!!! Ishii gets a good one in, but A THUNDEROUS CLOTHESLINE KNOCKS DOWN ISHII! 1-2-KICKOUT. 20 minutes have passed! Kamigoye misses. Ishii gets rocked, but he catches Ibushi with a big lariat for a 2 count. Okada and Ishii just destroy Ibushi. LAST RIDE POWERBOMB ROLLUP for a 2.9 count by Ishii. Kicks being exchanged by Ishii and Ibushi. Straight Jacket Suplex for a 2. Kamigoye avoided. Headbutt. Omega gets a kick in on Ishii. Kick/V-Trigger. Okada gets launched off the apron. Golden Lovers HIT THE GOLDEN TRIGGER!!!! DOUBLE EXPOSED KNEE TO THE FACE. 1-2-3!!!! WOW! I need a breath!

Winners: The Golden Lovers
Match Grade: A+. This was incredible as expected. These guys just absolutely killed each other. Any combination of this match delivered as any of those matches would be incredible to watch. And the style of tag team wrestling here just lent itself more to the style of awesomeness we saw. Was this as great as the Ospreay version? My opinion is yes. And that's a great level.

The Young Bucks come out to celebrate with The Golden Lovers. Here comes the rest of the Golden Elite. Kenny asks for the mic. Omega says it wasn't a perfect night for The Golden Elite. Omega acknowledges there are some empty seats, but he's happy to see the people that are there. He looks at Ibushi. He talks about wanting to see The Rematch between Omega and Ibushi. Omega speaks to him in Japanese. Here comes Cody. He tells Ibushi that we should have the rematch. Cody takes issue with that and grabs the microphone.
Cody says "Let me help you out." Cody asks the crowd if they want to see this rematch. Cody says "Why not?" We're friends. Kota and him "are getting there." LOL. He says Let's make it a Triple Threat! Kenny says "That's Genius!" KENNY SAYS LET'S DO IT!!!!  This isn't personal. This is about showing the beauty and originality of professional wrestling! "This is what happens when I try to stick to a script!" LOL! The business is sure going to change in 3 months, but we've still got 3 months to make 2018 even better! Good Bye and Good Night!!!

WOW! That's going to be a big main event match.

Show Grade: A+. And that's because the undercard was solid enough before intermission. But after intermission, THIS SHOW just went into an extremely awesome gear. No match on this part of the show got below a B+ from me with a couple A-level matches in there. This is the type of show NJPW needed to put on in the U.S., and it will hopefully lead to more tickets being sold in the future. The only question is "Was this the last stand for Omega, The Bucks, Page, and Cody in New Japan Pro Wrestling in the United States?" These next 3 months are going to make or break the future of the wrestling world.

I hope you enjoyed this review of this awesome show. Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness. And if you are up on the East Coast reading this at an un-Godly hour, GO TO SLEEP! Lol.


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