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WWE Hell in a Cell 2018- How One Match Can Kill A Gimmick and Drop The Quality of an Overall Show.

While I am opposed in principle to having match-branded events, I always love to see the Hell in a Cell. Having seen one in person a while back (Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H), it's always been my favorite match type aside from the Royal Rumble. This is a weird show though. For starters, neither match inside the Cell feel like they should be the Cell match. Or in the very least, this is one of the rare instances where a 3rd Cell match may have been needed as AJ vs. Joe has been the most intense feud in WWE for the last two months. But as it stands, we're likely going to get a Jeff Hardy bump to end all bumps and a very solid Cell match between Strowman and Reigns. (Remember, the Undertaker vs. Mankind Hell in a Cell match didn't exactly have a hot buildup in the month before the match. Instead it was built on the legacy of their feud up to that point. The same thing is basically happening here with Reigns and Strowman. Don't hate me for telling the truth, folks. Look back on WWE Network to the Raws leading up to that Hell in a Cell and then tell me I'm wrong. I'll still be here when you get back to tell you "Told you so.")

Here's the card for tonight's show

Hell in a Cell
Universal Championship Match
Roman Reigns (c) vs. Braun Strowman
**Special Guest Referee: Braun Strowman
Hell in a Cell
Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy
WWE Championship
AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe
Raw Women's Championship
Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Alexa Bliss
SmackDown Live Women's Championship
Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Becky Lynch
The Miz/Maryse vs. Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella
Raw Tag Team Championship
Dolph Ziggler/Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Seth Rollins/Dean Ambrose
SmackDown Live Tag Team Championship
The New Day (c) vs. Rusev Day (Pre-Show)

And without further ado, LET'S DO THIS!!!!


1) SmackDown Live Tag Team Championship
The New Day (c) vs. Rusev Day

The New Day come out first and say they're going to sing a song. Aiden English comes out, and they all have a throat clearing contest. They bicker back and forth, before Rusev comes out to join his partner.

The bell rings. English and Kofi start us off. (Xavier is the third man out for New Day.) Double stomp by Kingston gets a 2. Tag by Rusev to get in the match. Rusev catches Kofi and puts him in the corner. Kofi is running the ropes and tries to crossbody Rusev. But Rusev catches him and hits a fallaway slam for a 1. Rusev tags English who continues to boot Kofi. Now, he's working on him in the corner. Tag to Rusev. Rusev throws English into Kofi in the corner for a 2 count.
Rusev gets a headlock on Kofi and then works on him in the corner. Rusev puts Kofi on the top of the corner, but Kofi catches Rusev with a tornado DDT. Tag to Aiden and Big E respectively. Big E is throwing Aiden around with belly to belly suplexes. Gyrations by Big E followed by the splat. Rusev tags back in and attacks Big E. Running spin kick by Rusev. Back bodydrop to Kofi. Big kick to Big E. 2 count by Rusev. Massive Rusev Day chant. Matchka kick misses. Big E catches Rusev on the apron with a big spear. But English had tagged Rusev. English splashes Big E!!! FRONT DDT! 1-2-Kickout by Big E!
English climbs up top and misses the senton. Tag by Kofi. Double stomp out and the powerbomb by New Day. 1-2-KICKOUT BY ENGLISH. I thought that was the end. Kofi misses Trouble in Paradise. Kofi gets rolled up , but English had tagged Rusev. Rusev and Kofi go outside. Big E throws Kofi out to the other team, but Rusev caught him with the matchka kick. Rusev goes to finish Kofi, but English tags in. Rusev misses a dive, but English hits his on Kofi for a 2. Rusev is down on the outside. English goes for the ACCOLADE!!!! He's got it in!!!! Matchka Kick catches Big E trying to interfere. Kofi gets to the ropes. Rusev misses Kofi running in and goes to the outside. TROUBLE IN PARADISE HITS! 1-2-3.

Winners: The New Day (still champs)
Match Grade: B-. Fine opener. And there were a couple times I actually bought that Rusev Day might pull out the upset. But alas, it was not meant to be. The slow burn to the split of Rusev Day seems to be reignited here.

Rusev and Aiden are arguing on the apron as The New Day celebrates on the other end of the ring. 

Hell in a Cell Main Show

"There's something inside our soul. Something that scares us, tortures us, and begs to be free. They are our demons." The opening video goes through the big matches for tonight's show. "Tonight, there is no turning back. Surrender to evil and allow your demons to take over. Welcome to Hell in a Cell."

We see the crowd and the new RED Hell in a Cell is lowered. (Oddly, it is a little easier to look through, in my opinion.)

1) Hell in a Cell
Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton

Randy Orton is the first man out to walk into the new Cell. Good ovation for Orton from the crowd, despite being an unapologetic heel. Jeff comes out to a good ovation as well. This is the 39th (recorded) Hell in a Cell match, by the way. Jeff walks around the Cell shaking hands with all the fans at ringside, and he looks up to the top. We all know where this is going. He finally enters the Cell. The door is padlocked. My suggestion is that will not be effective tonight. The bell rings.

Hardy charges Orton in the corner. Orton fights back and attacks Hardy. Hardy is on the apron and is charged off the apron into the Cell by Orton. Orton is outside with Hardy. Hardy fights off being thrown into the Cell and throws Orton into the Cell and into the ring post. Hardy throws him into another part of the Cell. Hardy pulls out a table, but Orton stops him from using it. Orton throws Jeff into the ring, but Hardy uses the table as a surfboard and smacks Orton rib first into the Cell.
Hardy goes under the Cell and GETS A LADDER! Orton had a chair, but Hardy caught him with the ladder, smacking him with it and against the Cell. Orton catches Hardy though and smacks him with a chair. Hardy face first into the Cell. Uppercuts by Orton. He picks up the chair and unfolds it. He goes for the RKO. Orton gets thrown into the Cell, and Hardy nails a catapult jumping leg attack into the Cell wall. Hardy and Orton are back in. Hardy kicks Orton into the corner. He nails the floating corner dropkick for a 2 count. Orton is down. Hardy goes on top, but Orton stops him. Orton climbs up the corner with Hardy. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX BY ORTON! 1-2-Kickout by Jeff. Jeff and Orton are trying to get back up after the collision. Back elbow into a running Orton. WHISPER IN THE WIND by Hardy. 1-2-Kickout. Jeff goes back under the ring and pulls out another ladder. He opens it up and places it upside down outside the Cell. He goes to suplex Orton into the opening, but ORTON REVERSES IT SENDING HARDY STOMACH FIRST INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE LADDER! Hardy gets sandwiched!!!
Hardy is rolled back in the ring by Orton. Cover. 1-2-Kickout. Orton goes out and gets another chair out from under the ring. BIG CHAIR SHOT to the back of Hardy. Another One! He rips off Hardy's shirt and hits two more chair shots to the back of Hardy. He grabs Hardy's studded belt and whips Hardy in the back! 1-2-Kickout. Orton stomping Hardy down. "Let's Go Hardy" chant from the crowd. Orton sets up another ladder in the ring. He puts Hardy into it lying down, and a rung of the ladder is on Hardy's throat!. Orton does the Ronnie Garvin stomps on Hardy while he's in the ladder. 1-2-Kickout.
Sleeper Hold on Jeff now. Crowd is clapping, trying to get Jeff back in the match. Jeff gets vertical. Hardy with a big clothesline knocks down Orton. Inverted Atomic Drop. Dropkick to the groin and then to the face by Hardy for a 2. "Delete" chants by Hardy and the crowd. Twist of Fate reversed into a POWERSLAM by Orton. 1-2-Kickout. Another cover, another kickout. Orton goes back under the ring, and he pulls out tools. He has a damn screwdriver!!! He comes back in the ring. He ties up Hardy's arms, puts his finger in Hardy's ear, and puts the SCREWDRIVER THROUGH HARDY'S EAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FREAKING GOD! Hardy hits a low blow on Orton to get out of it! THAT WAS SICK! He gets the belt from earlier, and he whips Orton in the back. He grabs the chair and attacks Orton with chair shots in the back! 1-2-Kickout.
Hardy climbs up the top of the corner, but Orton catches the rope and drops Hardy. Hardy is on the apron now. Orton's back is bleeding from the belt shots. Hardy gets DDTed off the middle rope by Orton. (Good Cell match thus far. And the Red Cell is actually cool.) Orton signals for the RKO. Hardy gets up and nails a Twist of Fate instead. He picks up a chair and puts it on Orton. SWANTON BOMB on ORTON on the chair! 1-2-KICKOUT! This is awesome chant. Orton is really bleeding from the back.
Hardy puts a ladder in the ring. He goes back under and grabs a table. He puts it back in the ring. He sets up the ladder and a mini ladder next to it. He takes the table and places it next to the larger ladder. Orton gets hit with another Twist of Fate. Hardy has Orton on the table now. Hardy climbs the smaller ladder. He climbs the higher ladder and holds on to the Cell. He dangles off of it and goes to splash Orton. But Orton moves. Hardy goes face first through the table. The referee calls for an EMT! Orton tells the referee to count. Orton gets the win. 1-2-3.

Winner: Randy Orton
Match Grade: B. I thought this was a really fun Cell match. And I'm actually raising the grade because Jeff didn't do the top of the Cell bump. I mean, he did do one, but he didn't do the completely life-threatening one. This sets up Jeff taking time off, which I think he's wanted for a while anyways. So, Randy knocks off his first victim as a heel until Jeff comes back to get revenge. And if he doesn't come back and retires like his brother, Jeff went out the way Jeff probably would want to.

The Cell has been raised. The EMTs put Jeff on a stretcher and put the neck collar on him. Orton is still bleeding from the leg and back after the match.

AJ threatens to rip Samoa Joe's heart out.

2) SmackDown Live Women's Championship
Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Becky Lynch

Becky gets a big ovation from the crowd. Charlotte gets booed with a smattering of applause. "Becky" chants now. The bell rings.

Becky takes down Charlotte and gets a headlock in early on. Charlotte reverses out and takes down Becky. Charlotte and Becky get back up. Becky counters out of a Figure 8 attempt. Headlock by Becky. Shoulder tackle by Becky. Charlotte and Becky mess up a rollthrough attempt. They both escape their opponent's submission hold. Another headlock by Becky. Kip up by Charlotte and armdrag by Charlotte. Shot to the knee by Charlotte. Leg lock by Charlotte. Rollup attempt for a 2. Boot by Becky. Becky has Charlotte in the corner, but Charlotte reverses the position with shoulder tackles into the corner. Becky gets out of the way and pulls Charlotte's arm on the top rope. She then dives out off the apron on Charlotte and rolls her back in for a 2.
Becky continues the attack. Charlotte hits a Pentagon Jr.-esque arm attack on Charlotte. Becky then pulls Charlotte's arm around the top rope. Charlotte does a Flair float over the ropes and catches Becky with a 2 count rollup. Becky counters with one of her own and reapplies a hammerlock on Charlotte. Becky then hits a floatover bridge in the hammerlock. Charlotte gets up and tries to fight off Becky. Big chop by Charlotte, but Becky gets a big clothesline in for a 2 count.
Running leg drop and elbow drop by Becky. She misses another leg drop, and Charlotte capitalizes. Becky again gets Charlotte's left arm over the top rope, but Charlotte kicks Becky off the apron and baseball slides her on the outside.  Becky and Charlotte are on the apron. They are exchanging blows on the apron. Another arm wrench by Becky sends Charlotte down on the apron. 2 Count pin attempt. Disarmer countered into a rollup for a 2. Belly to Back Suplex by Charlotte.
"Becky" Chants. Uppercuts by Becky. Backslide for 1 by Charlotte. Chops now by Ms. Flair. Becky fights back. Charlotte catches Becky with a big boot coming out of the corner. Charlotte climbs the top rope going for a moonsault, but she misses. Becky rolls into an armlock. Triangle Hold. Charlotte powers out and hits a sit-down powerbomb for a 2.9!!!!!! "Becky" chants again. Forearms by both women now. "Yeah!" "BOO!" Becky unloads on Charlotte. Hammerlock Reverse DDT by Becky only gets a 2 count.
Becky goes to the top rope. She goes for the missile dropkick. But Charlotte reverses it into a Boston Crab. Becky gets to the ropes! Becky goes to the outside and rams Charlotte shoulder first into the ring post. Becky goes back in the ring. Charlotte catches her with a rollup. DISARMER! Charlotte is too close to the ropes. Charlotte gets outside the ring to break up the hold. Becky rolls her back in. Becky gets an elbow by Charlotte. BECKY CATCHES CHARLOTTE RUNNING TOWARDS HER! PIN! 1-2-3!!!!!! NEW CHAMPION! THUNDEROUS OVATION!

Match Grade: C+. Decent match that didn't hit the next gear in a lot of ways. But still, it was a lot better than most of the women's matches I've been seeing on TV lately. This is something that can continue to evolve over time and get better hopefully. I am glad to have been wrong on this pick.

Becky celebrates with the belt in front of Charlotte. Charlotte walks to the center of the ring. "Becky" chants from the crowd. Becky holds the belt up. Becky tells her she's not taking this moment from her, and she never will again.

The New Day celebrate their Tag Team Championship win with some crazy pancake shenanigans. Unfunny ones at that.

3) Raw Tag Team Championship
Drew McIntyre/Dolph Zigger (c) vs. Dean Ambrose/Seth Rollins

This could steal the show, although it could be hard to beat a match where a guy put a screwdriver through another man's ear! THUNDEROUS BURN IT DOWN chant. The bell rings.

Seth and Dolph start us off. A couple tie ups end in a standoff. Dolph rakes his foot on Seth's face. Rollins catches Dolph and rams him into The Shield corner. Tag to Dean. Double team gets a 2. Tag to Rollins. More double teaming by The Shield. Rollins goes for The Stomp, but Ziggler rolls out. Dolph gets checked on by Drew. Dolph comes back in and tags Drew McIntyre in. Seth tries to beat him up coming in, but McIntyre sends him flying with a shoulder tackle. Tag to Dean by Seth. The jacked Dean faces off with the big McIntyre. Chops by Ambrose. Dropkick to the knee. Rollup for 2. Crossfaces to McIntyre. Ziggler distracts Dean, which allows McIntyre to capitalize. Ambrose in the Heel corner. Tag to Ziggler. Shot to the kidneys. Ambrose's face raked against the top rope. Headlock in on Ambrose by Ziggler. Dean catches Ziggler jumping and drops him throat first on the top rope.
Tag to Seth. Hot tag offense by Seth. SLING BLADE! BIG ENZIGURI/SPIN KICK by Seth. Rollins goes to dive on Ziggler, but Drew grabs the leg. Ziggler runs in and hits a tremendous jumping DDT for a 2. Drew is tagged in and attacks the laying Seth. Seth is in the corner getting massacred by Drew. Drew drags him over and tags in Ziggler. Dolph kicks Seth in the face. Double team by the heels while Ambrose is pleading to get in the ring. Drew tagged back in. McIntyre now stompling on Rollins' hands and twisting Seth's wrists back awkwardly. Jawbreaker by Seth is met with a clubbing shot by Drew.
Tag to Ziggler who continues the attack. Ziggler hits a sleeper hold on Seth. Seth almost gets to the corner, but Ziggler rakes the eyes. Instead, Rollins hits a back suplex. Drew gets tagged in, and he keeps Seth from tagging in Dean. He hits a unique front facing Alabama Slam type move for a 2 before Dean breaks it up. He decks Ziggler and Drew. He dives over Drew to make the tag, but the ref was distracted by Ziggler. Tag is waived off, and the heels continue the attack on Seth. Ziggler now attacks Seth. Seth is placed on the top of a corner. Ziggler climbs up. A right hand knocks Ziggler off. Ziggler climbs back up, and Rollins throws him off. Drew is tagged in. Blockbuster by Seth. Drew prevents the tag, but Rollins rolls through an attack to tag in Dean!!!
Dean goes off on Drew and Ziggler. Flying lariat by Dean. Dirty Deeds blocked. Jackknife pin by Dean for a 2. Ambrose with a neckbreaker for a 2. Dean goes to the top of the corner. Ziggler distracts him. Dean comes down on the apron, and Drew catches him sending him down to the floor. Dean sends Drew into the post, and he rams Ziggler into the guardrail. Dean climbs back up the corner. McIntyre catches him jumping off and sends him back overhead into the corner. Ouch.
Tag to Ziggler and Rollins. Rollins catches Ziggler with a clothesline over the top rope. Suicide Dive caught by the heels, but Ambrose does a dive of his own that knocks them both down. All 4 men are down. Count is now at 7. Ziggler and Rollins get back in at 9. DDT caught and turned into a Falcon Arrow by Rollins for a 2.8 count!
Burn It Down Stomps by Seth. Stomp misses. Fameasser misses. Buckle Bomb by Seth. 1-2-Kickout. Dean and Drew get sent to the outside. A series of insanely close rollups! ZIGZAG! 1-2-KICKOUT!!!!!!  Really good match here.
Ziggler tags in Drew. Superkick by Rollins. FROG SPLASH OFF THE TOP BY ROLLINS! 1-2-KICKOUT BY DREW! Seth got up there on the replay! Tag to Ambrose. They put Drew on the top of the corner. They both climb up. Ziggler grabs Seth. Seth sends Dolph out, but he misses a dive. Drew gets kicked off. Drew gets Dean and kips up. Tag to Ziggler. Double team blocked. Tag to Seth. Seth runs up the corner with Ziggler on the top. CLAYMORE KICK WHILE SETH GOES FOR THE SUPLEX ON ZIGGLER! Ziggler FALLS ON SETH. 1-2-3!!

Winner: Ziggler and McIntyre (still champions)
Match Grade: A-. That was not quite the match that redefined tag team wrestling as the announcers tried to make it be, but it was still an extremely fun tag team match. All four men brought out everything in this match, and it could have gone either way based on the story and action they all provided.

Mick Foley and Braun Strowman meet in the back. Mick Foley asks Braun to respect his authority. Strowman says Foley just needs to do his job and count to 3. Foley doesn't want to be on his bad side. Good talk, says Foley.

4) WWE Championship Match
AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe
AJ Styles seems to have the crowd advantage. Bell rings. Styles jumps on Joe early on. That's more I like it! Joe catches AJ and headbutts AJ in the corner. It's a brawl to start off. Kick to the chest by Joe. AJ fights back. Chops by Joe. Dropkick by Styles. Joe is outside. AJ goes out and nails a knee off the apron to the face of Joe. Joe's face gets smashed against the table. Joe's face smacked against the apron now. AJ is in the ring and runs with a baseball slide into Joe's face. AJ rolls Joe back in the ring. AJ signals for the Forearm, but Joe rolls outside the ring. AJ jumps over the top to forearm Joe, but AJ gets kicked in the knee coming down. Joe runs with a boot to AJ. Now, Joe rams AJ into the ringpost. Joe rolls AJ back in the ring. 1-Kickout.
Strikes by Joe. Headbutt by Styles. Forearms now by Styles. Leg sweep by Joe stops the momentum. Joe has AJ sitting in the corner and attacks with boots to the face. Joe hits a running knee into the face of Styles in the corner. AJ now has Joe in the corner and attacks with shoulders into the gut. He's now going after the hamstring of Joe. More forearms and hamstring attacks by AJ. Joe catches AJ in the corner with a running splash and a back kick in the corner. AJ is kicked to the outside. AJ gets smacked by a running suicide dive by Joe sending him back into the table at ringside. Joe rolls Styles back in. 1-2-Kickout by Styles back in the ring.
Headlock and Twist by Joe. AJ fights out but he gets hit with a running shoulder attack by Joe for a 2. Back to the headlock by Joe. AJ gets his foot on the ropes to break it up. Joe puts AJ on the corner. He climbs up after him. AJ fights off Joe, but Joe gets him with headbutts. Joe grabs AJ, but AJ slips out and sends Joe face first down on the top turnbuckle. Both men are down. "AJ Styles" chant from the crowd.
AJ now fighting with a flurry of strikes to Joe. Running corner clothesline by AJ followed by a sliding forearm to a sitting Joe for a 2. AJ catches Joe with a moonsault into a reverse DDT for a 2. Asai Moonsault met with knees by Joe. Joe with a powerbomb. AJ kicks out at 2, but Joe transitions seemlessly into a Boston Crab and into an STF. AJ gets to the rope. Joe continues to attack AJ with headbutts in the corner. A vicious forearm in the corner by Joe. Joe misses AJ running into the corner. Kicks by AJ to Joe's chest. AJ picks up JOE on his shoulders deadlifting him and spinning him into a Rack Bomb for a 2! Wow. That's impressive.
AJ hits the SPRINGBOARD 450!!!! 1-2-KICKOUT! AJ goes for the Styles Clash, but Joe counters into a catapult into the corner and nails a VICIOUS CLOTHESLINE! 2 count! This is awesome! Joe puts AJ on the corner!!! Muscle Buster avoided. Styles Clash avoided. BIG ENZIGURI BY JOE! Wow. 1-2-KICKOUT. (That enziguri was thunderous!)
Joe is waiting for Styles to get up. PELE Kick by AJ. Joe is dazed in the corner. AJ gets catapulted onto the apron. AJ is going for the Forearm! JOE CATCHES HIM! CLUTCH IS IN! AJ IS REACHING FOR THE ROPES! JOE FALLS BACK, BUT AJ ROLLS BACK! 1-2-3! STYLES RETAINS!

Winner: AJ Styles (still champion)
Match Grade: A-. Another really solid match here tonight. Joe and AJ have great chemistry. I'm putting this slightly ahead of the first match for a big reason: I liked the fact that they started the match hot as compared to last time. No Collar and Elbow tie ups to start the match. The match met the story more this time. Now, obviously, I'd rather have had this match inside the Cell, but for what it was, I really enjoyed this match.

After the match, Joe complains that AJ tapped out! He picks up the title after the match, but AJ kicks him away and grabs his title. The replay shows that STYLES DID TAP OUT before the hand counted to 3. It was the Undertaker-Kurt Angle finish from 2002 all over again. This adds more fuel to the Australia show in 3 weeks where they are wrestling all over again for this title.

Miz and Maryse accuse Brie Bella into going into business for herself to get free publicity for the reality show.

5) Miz/Maryse vs. Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella

The bell rings. Maryse and Brie start us off. But Maryse runs back to tag in Miz. Miz and Bryan are starting us off I guess now. Maryse distracts Bryan, and Miz capitalizes on Bryan. Punches to Bryan now. Float over flip by Bryan followed by the big clothesline. Standing 10 punches in the corner by Bryan. Miz gets booted in the face by Bryan, but he avoided the Yes Lock. Tag to Brie, meaning Miz is now illegal. But Maryse tags Miz in immediately. So, we're back to Bryan and Miz.
"Coward" chant by the crowd. Miz gets Dragon Screwed by Bryan. Bryan with shots to Miz. But Miz catches Bryan with a knee to the gut. Running dropkicks by The Miz on Bryan in the corner. Clothesline in the corner by Miz. But Bryan catches Miz on the top of the corner. Miz almost falls to the floor, but Bryan helps him back on the corner. Bryan climbs up and nails a sloppy looking hurricanrana on Miz. "YES" pose by Bryan. Running Knee Avoided. YES LOCK in by Bryan. Maryse breaks it up, but Brie runs after Maryse. The referee is distracted by Brie. Rollup by Miz countered. 1-2-Miz kicks out! Kicks in the corner by Bryan. Running dropkicks by Bryan, but the 2nd one is avoided sending Bryan crashing into the top turnbuckle.
Headlock by The Miz. Bryan fights off, but Miz hits a backbreaker into a neckbreaker for a 2. Knee to the back of Bryan while he's got a chinlock in. Miz now shoulder tackling Bryan in the ribs in the corner. Big "It" kicks by Miz to Bryan in the corner. Miz and Bryan on the top of the corner. Bryan is fighting off Miz. Miz is sent flying off the corner. Bryan goes up to the very top and misses a diving headbutt. (Damn it. I thought he was going to stop doing that move. Ugh. If he hit it before in the last few months, I apologize. But he should not be doing this.)
Miz prevents Bryan from getting the tag. Miz gets backdropped over the top to the floor. Bryan crawls to the corner and tags in Brie! Brie and Maryse are legal now! Miz gets in the way of Brie. She beats down on Miz, slides under his legs, and attacks Maryse smacking her against the table. Bryan goes after Miz. He hits a flying knee to the face of Miz on the outside. But Miz throws Bryan into the guard rail. Thesz Press by Brie. Second Rope Dropkick by Brie. Miz breaks up a pin attempt. Bryan attacks Miz viciously. Miz and Maryse are on their knees. YES KICKS to both by Brie and Bryan! But both Miz and Maryse slide out of the ring. They attack both on the outside. Brie rolls Maryse back in the ring. Brie Mode. Knee to the face. Maryse thrown into Miz. Maryse rolls through a pin attempt, and she PINS Brie! 1

Winner: Miz and Maryse
Match Grade: C. Well, that happened. It wasn't exactly big event worthy, and it could have been on any TV show instead of this. But it wasn't terrible. It was a medium match. It wasn't rare, and it wasn't well-done either. HOHOHOHOHOHO. Thank you Statler and Waldorf for that one.

8) RAW Women's Championship
Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Alexa Bliss

Ribs, anyone? They actually hype a Six Woman Tag match for next month during this championship match. Wow. That just says a lot, doesn't it?

The bell rings. Rousey with a takedown. Headlock now in. Bliss goes after the ribs. Fireman's carry into a cover for a 2 by Rousey. Rousey gets a unique rollup for a 1. Another tie up by both women. Bliss pushes Rousey, but a straight right sends Bliss down. Bliss gets Rousey in the corner, and she starts kicking the ribs. Bliss gets caught though, and Rousey starts punching Bliss in the corner. She almost gets the armbar, but Fox and James distract her. Throw by Rousey on Bliss. Armbar attempted by Rousey, but James and Fox pull Bliss out. Rousey goes outside and stalks Bliss. Rousey throws her back in.
Bliss tries to dive at Rousey, but Rousey moves sending Bliss into James and Fox. Ronda goes back out and pulls Alexa up on the apron. Bliss gets Rousey with a snapmare (literally with the hair) on the ropes, and she goes on the attack. Bliss now has Rousey in the corner and rams her shoulder into the ribs of Rousey. Kick to the ribs. Sitting Abdominal Stretch on Rousey by Bliss. Ronda gets Bliss up on her shoulders, but her ribs give out. Bliss follows up with a snapmare and rolling senton splashes for a 2. Bliss now working on Rousey with kicks in the corner. Bliss climbs up the top of the corner. She gets caught by Rousey, but Bliss hits her in the ribs. Bliss slips out, but Rousey catches her. Bliss tries to powerbomb her, but Rousey holds on. Bliss kicks the leg, sending Rousey down on the corner in a Tree of Woe position. Dropkick to the ribs by Bliss. 1-2-Kickout.
Headlock by Bliss. Rousey gets out, but Bliss targets the ribs. She throws Ronda into the bottom turnbuckle ribs first. Then she pulls her leg and arm, putting her ribs against the post. Fox and James do the same while the referee is distracted. Natalya fights off Fox and takes her out. Rousey kicks off James from the apron. Double crossbody by Rousey and Bliss. Both women are down.
Bliss gets Rousey up. Ronda with a rollup for 2. Backslide for a 2. Big kick to the ribs by Bliss. Punches to the ribs by Bliss. Bliss now mocking her psycho pose. But Rousey gets back up and she does go insane. POWERBOMB by Rousey! Rousey punches her own ribs to psyche herself up! Punches to Bliss's ribs now! Fast attacks! She runs into Bliss's foot though! Rousey blocks a punch, and she nails her Fireman's Carry Samoan Drop. ARMBAR is in. Bliss taps.

Winner: Ronda Rousey (still Raw Women's Champion)
Match Grade: B-. This was the most competitive singles match Rousey has had perhaps in her WWE run, although Jax may be up there too. She actually sold for a good portion of the match until she "hulked" up. Still, it was fun while it lasted. Bliss continues to be great in whatever role they put her into. I don't think this match could have gone any other way booking-wise.

8) Hell in a Cell
Universal Championship
Roman Reigns (c) vs. Braun Strowman
**Special Guest Referee: Mick Foley
20 Years after his infamous Hell in a Cell match with The Undertaker, Mick Foley steps into Hell in a Cell this time as a Special Guest Referee. "Foley" chants from the audience. Braun is only the 3rd man in history to announce when he was going to cash in his Money in the Bank Championship Contract. Will he be the 2nd man to be successful, or the 2nd man to be unsuccessful? Big reaction for both men when they came out. More cheers than boos coming from the audience for Roman tonight. Both men get in each other's face for the ring introductions. Braun takes the belt, and he tells Roman it's his. Roman fights him, and it's on!
Roman and Braun exchange heavy blows early on. Roman thrown shoulder first into the post. Roman driven off the apron and into the Cell wall. Strowman goes outside and smacks Roman into the wall and ringpost. Again, Roman hits the wall of the Cell. Back in the ring, Roman dives at Strowman and knocks him back to the floor. Reigns goes out of the ring and gets smacked instantly by a running Strowman. Boot to the throat of Reigns. Roman goes head first to the apron and now the steel steps several times. Strowman's got the upper steel steps, but Reigns gets him with a Drive-By. Another Drive-By. Roman dives at Strowman, but he's caught. Chokeslam onto the apron. "GET THESE HANDS" chants by the crowd. Kendo stick pulled out from under the ring by Strowman. He then pulls out a chair, but Reigns smacks Strowman several times with a Kendo Stick. Braun catches it, hits Roman, and breaks the Kendo stick in half.
Back in the ring, Roman attacks Braun with a steel chair to the back. But Strowman catches the chair after a 3rd attempt. Braun runs shoulder first into the ringpost under the top rope. Braun gets DDT'd on the steel chair for a 2. Superman Punch connects. Strowman is still standing. Another one connects. Strowman still stands. Strowman catches him going for a 3rd, but he gets caught in the chokeslam. 1-2-3?! Foley only counts a 2 though. The match continues. Strowman complains, as does the commentary team. Strowman runs into a Reigns boot. He misses a dive into the corner, and Roman hits an elevated Superman Punch for a 2.
Roman goes outside to get more weapons. He gets a table. Strowman is back on his feet on the other side of the Cell and barely starts walking around it. Roman signals for the spear. He runs around the Cell, but he runs into the steel steps from Strowman. Strowman throws them with ease into the ring. Roman is thrown back in too. Strowman gets the steps, and he smacks it against Roman's face. Foley almost counts 3 again. "FOLEY! COME ON! YOU'RE KILLING ME! (to Roman) WHY WON'T YOU STAY DOWN, YOU MORON?!"- Braun Strowman.
Steel Steps into the Ribs of Roman by Braun. Running Powerslam by Braun. But Roman gets his shoulder up at 2.6. Braun is upset. Strowman goes to the table, and he sets it up in the corner. He picks up Roman. But Roman slips out. Superman Punch x2. SPEAR THROUGH THE TABLE!!! 1-2-KICKOUT!!!! That was almost a 3 in my opinion.
Here comes Ziggler and McIntyre. They are trying to get in. Here comes Ziggler and Ambrose. Ziggler is being chased around ringside. Ziggler is smacked against the Cell wall on the outside. Seth and Dean clear off a table at ringside. McIntyre comes over and attacks both of them. Ziggler and McIntyre clear another table. ZIGGLER IS CLIMBING THE CELL!!!! ROLLINS IS CLIMBING THE CELL AS WELL! What the hell?! They are brawling on the top of the Cell! McIntyre is climbing up too! OH MY GOD! McIntyre and Ziggler double teaming Rollins while Ambrose is climbing up with a Kendo Stick. (WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE RING?!) Ambrose goes mental on Ziggler and McIntyre with the Kendo Stick. Double Clothesline on the top of the Cell. Thankfully, the Cell holds up.
Ziggler climbs down the Cell. Rollins pursues him. Rollins and Ziggler are on the middle of the Cell wall now. Exchanging punches now. DOUBLE HEADBUTT INTO THE CELL. BOTH MEN GO FLYING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE TABLES!!!  (AGAIN, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THE CELL?!)
LESNAR KICKS THE DOOR DOWN!!!! HOLY CRAP! HE CLIMBS THE DOOR and GETS INTO THE RING! HE DRAGS THE DOOR IN! HEYMAN SPRAYS SOMETHING IN FOLEY'S EYES! Broken Table to the back of Strowman! TO REIGNS! To Strowman!  TO REIGNS! WOW! F5 to STROWMAN! F5 TO REIGNS ON TOP OF STROWMAN! Lesnar and Heyman walk back. A new referee is in the ring, and he calls off the match! The match ends in a No Contest. What the hell? The show just ends.

Winner: No Contest.
Match Grade: F. Seriously. That's how it ends. A non-finish in a freaking Hell in a Cell PPV? Are you kidding me? No. Just no. I can't even begin to say how much this deflated the entire show. This is the further bastardization of a once-great concept. On top of that, the match completely dies in the ring for about 6-7 minutes while the guys who killed each other earlier in the night were working the high spots. This seriously just killed the town on this gimmick going forward.

Show Grade: C+. And this was a show heading towards a B+ for me. But that main event just absolutely destroyed the show and Hell in a Cell for me. Take the main event out, and there were several good things about the show. The first Cell match was good and ended up being Cell-worthy. Becky winning was a good moment. The two best matches came next with the tag match being excellent. AJ/Joe outdid their first match in my opinion with a great match. But that Cell match... UGH.

I am running a poll on Twitter @cdub1898. I will share the results tomorrow night after the poll expires.

Until next time, take care of yourselves and spread some awesomeness.


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