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ROH Glory by Honor 2018 (10/12/18)- An Honorable House Show

ROH Glory by Honor 2018
Baltimore, MD
October 12, 2018

This is another Ring of Honor special event being aired live on Honor Club. Looking at the card, it seems we have some solid matches coming up. The main event will see Jay Lethal defend the ROH World Championship against Silas Young. In addition, The Young Bucks aren't in Stamford yet as they team with Cody to defend their ROH 6-Man Tag Team Championships against SCU (SCU!). Jonathan Gresham will face Bully Ray in a NO DQ match.  Let's get to it!

1) Shane Taylor vs. Hangman Adam Page

Again, it looks like this is a very poorly attended ROH event. You hate to see this for Ring of Honor. And when Adam Page comes out, you just get the feeling that if The Elite bail on ROH, this promotion is dead.
Hangman Page goes at it with big kicks and strikes at Taylor. Taylor uses his power advantage to hit some heavy strikes and chops on Page. Page fires back, sending Taylor to the outside. Taylor hits Page on the apron with a big strike.  Draping Stunner on Page for a 2 count by Taylor. Taylor again using the size and strength, putting his foot on the throat of Page in the corner. Page is trying to get some offense going, but Taylor answers with a big lariat for a 2 count. CANNONBALL FROM THE 330lb man!
Taylor misses a legdrop on Page on the apron. Running dive by Page. He hits 2 of them, and before he does a 3rd one ala Seth Rollins, PAGE HITS THE TOP ROPE MOONSAULT TO THE OUTSIDE ONTO TAYLOR! God this guy is amazing. He's the NeXT big thing in wrestling. Page dives off the ropes onto Taylor in the ring for a 2 count. Taylor again catches Page with a Judo throw and a big splash for a 2 count. BUCKSHOT LARIAT BY PAGE! 2 count! (Right now, Taylor deserves some credit. He's holding his own against Page and helping to produce a solid opener here.) Chops and Superkicks by Page. Big Knees to the chin of Page. Powerbomb by Taylor now. Taylor now is climbing up the corner. Page catches him. POWERBOMB by Page. RITE OF PASSAGE ON THE BIG MAN!!!!! 1-2-3! (GOD! HOW THE HELL DID THEY GET TAYLOR UP FOR THAT MOVE?!)

Winner: Hangman Adam Page
Match Grade: B-. This was a really solid opener for the show. I really liked the back and forth between the two, with Shane Taylor actually impressing me here with his effort against Page. Page again has such a bright future ahead of him (he's only in his mid 20s). I look for him to be a big star wherever he ends up NeXT.

2) Flip Gordon and Kenny King vs. The Kingdom (T.K. and Vinny)

No Kenny King. So far it's just Flip vs. The Kingdom.
The Kingdom double-teams Flip. The referee calls for the bell. It's Flip by himself against The Kingdom. T.K. and Vinny continue to double-team Flip legally with frequent tags. It's hard to chase them off of Flip if they continually tag in and out. Vinny hits a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Tag to T.K. Double Suplex. More frequent tags. Flip starts to strike back, using his flips and speed to get the advantage on The Kingdom. But The Kingdom again get double team offense on Flip. Here comes Cheeseburger (eye roll) to be Flip's new tag team partner. Flip gets out of another double team, and he tags in Cheeseburger. He flies in at The Kingdom. Double dropkick by 'Burger. Tornado DDT on Vinny. Shotei blocked. The Kingdom hit 'Burger with a double team move and pin him.

Winners: The Kingdom
Match Grade: D. Um. That was a match. The Kingdom basically dominated the match, and it wasn't exactly an entertaining match.

3) Jeff Cobb vs. Eli Isom

This should be interesting. Isom is someone that ROH is trying to build up. But Jeff Cobb is someone they are trying to establish as an absolute monster (which... he is). Cobb is wearing the ROH World Television Championship that he won at the latest ROH TV tapings (which will air soon).
Handshake. The bell rings. Isom goes on the attack early on. Big dropkick by Isom. A springboard dropkick now. Seconds later, Cobb grabs him. Belly to belly suplex. Cobb throws him across the ring. He does it again. Isom is doing a great job taking these bumps. Isom is placed on the top rope. Cobb goes up in the corner and hits a massive delayed suplex off the second rope. Damn impressive. Isom is playing the underdog here while Cobb is playing the big man very well. ISOM GETS ON THE CORNER AND COBB JUMPS UP FOR AN ELEVATED DROPKICK!!!! Cobb is a 280 lb man jumping up for that spot. God. Now Isom gets Cobb in the corner and causes him to drop.
Isom is now going after Cobb. Now, Isom is the first man to take Cobb off his feet. 2 count only though after a neckbreaker. BIG LARIAT by Cobb. SPINNING POWERSLAM by Cobb. 1-2-3.

Winner: Jeff Cobb.
Match Grade: C. Not much of a match here. But Cobb still looks like a monster, and Isom still looks like a tough guy. Good overall.

Cobb and Isom shake hands after the match.

4) The Bouncers vs. The Briscoes

The roughhouse Briscoes take the fight to The Bouncers early on with a lot of strikes on Milonas. Big dive by Mark into Milonas followed by a big Liger-like somersault dive onto Bruiser. Then, The Briscoes go to their typical outside the ring tactics. Then, they go on the attack in the ring, striking and biting their opponent. Milonas is too big, and he reverses the attack.
The Bouncers go after Jay in the corner. A lot of biting from the Bruiser, and some Stinkface action by Milonas who just sits in Jay's face. Bruiser hits the twisted elbow Vader splash onto Jay for a 2. Jay fights off Bruiser and tags in his brother Mark. A lot of strikes and a Side Russian Leg Sweep by Mark for a 2. Now The Briscoes seem to have the momentum going on. Tag to Jay who is stomping the heck of the Beer City Bruiser in the corner. (Note: These are two heel teams. The Briscoes are getting cheered because they're The Briscoes more than any storyline going on.) Things start breaking down as all four men enter the ring. Milonas and Bruiser get the advantage. BIG TOWER OF DOOM SPOT as Bruiser gets suplexed by The Briscoes who get German Suplexed by Milonas.
More chaos  happening as Milonas breaks up a Briscoes double-team maneuver. Mark gets isolated. Wheelbarrow Legdrop on Mark. 1-2-Jay breaks it up. The Briscoes get Milonas up for a double suplex, and he almost falls on Mark going over! Froggy Bow by Mark on Beer City Bruiser. 1-2-3.

Winners: The Briscoes
Match Grade: B. I have to give The Bouncers some credit here. They were really impressive here as they took it to The Briscoes and helped make that match work. Again, The Briscoes continue to deliver in whatever spot you put them into. They are the ROH Tag Team Division.

The Bouncers get out some beers. They give a couple to The Briscoes and they're all drinking. Waiting for the turn by either team. And.... we're safe. No backstabbing. Lol.

5) "Hurricane" Shane Helms vs. "The Villain" Marty Scurll

A bit of deception early on as Scurll attacks Helms from behind in the ring. Page dressed like Scurll for the entrance and distracted Page for the backstabbing. They start brawling on the outside with Scurll having the advantage early on. Scurll rolls Hurricane in the ring and tells the ref to call for the bell.  The bell rings.
1-2-Kickout. 1-2-Kickout again. Hurricane gets up and fights Scurll. But Scurll gets him back outside and hits the apron kick. Seconds later though, Hurricane uses the apron to hit Marty with an elevated "Eye of the Hurricane." (God, this small arena looks barren. I hate seeing that.) Back in the ring, Helms covers Scurll for a 2 count. Helms now goes after the knee of Scurll. He now locks in a modified Figure Four/Indian Deathlock on Scurll. Scurll gets to the ropes. Neckbreaker on the ropes and in the ring by Scurll. Scurll now continues to go after "the hero." Leg Scissors Headlock on Hurricane now. Hurricane gets Scurll off of him with a clothesline.
Hurricane now presses the attack. Another big clothesline. Double underhook drop on Scurll for a 2. Eye of the Hurricane for a 2 count. Back elbow by Hurricane. He climbs up to the top. Scurll stops him  and SUPERPLEXES HIM. Both men reverse rollups coming out of the move. Scurll attacks Helms. Scurll hits the referee by accident. CHOKESLAM BY HELMS! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8... you can keep counting. There is no ref!!! The referee is down.
KICK TO HELM'S SIDEKICK BY SCURLL! BRAINBUSTER DROP on Hurricane for a 2. A new referee is in the ring. Chokeslam goozles by both men!!!  The new referee tries to stop them. DOUBLE CHOKESLAM TO HIM! LOL! They continue to fight, and the original referee calls it off! The fans yell to let them fight, but security is breaking them up. They keep getting out of the security's grasp and fighting. Page now runs down and throws away the guards. It's now Page and Scurll against Hurricane. 2-1. Double team time. Scurll unmasks The Hurricane and runs off with his mask.

Match Grade: B. Fun match more than anything else. Again, as I wrote this week on the ROH TV thoughts on UnWrest (October 12, 2018), Helms can still go. He's a bit slower than he used to be, but he's still as effective as he ever has been. I really am enjoying seeing Helms in ROH. Hopefully this will continue. Maybe we will get Hurricane Helms vs. Marty Scurll at some Global Wars shows.

6) Sumie Sakai/Dr. Britt Baker vs. Jenny Rose/ Stella Grey

Tags early on between Rose and Grey who work on Baker early on. Crossbody by Grey for a 2. Tag to Sumie Sakai. Dropkick by Sakai. (This already light crowd is not making much noise here. I'm not sure the rats in the building are even making noise.) Grey gets Sakai down for a 2 count. Armbar submission by Sakai on Grey. She had it on for about 30 seconds, but thanks to Rose, the submission never happens. Baker is tagged in and starts unloading on Grey herself with a Sling Blade and other fast-paced moves. Tag to Sakai. Stella Grey hits a DDT on both women and tags in Rose.
Rose goes on offense going after Sakai and Baker. Double spear for a 2 on Sakai. Fisherwoman's Suplex for a 2. (Again, this crowd is quiet). Hurricanrana by Sakai. Running knee by Sakai. 2 count. Tag to Baker. Bulldog by Sakai. Rocker Dropper by Baker. 2 count. Rings of Saturn locked in on Rose. Spear on Baker by Rose for a 2. Tag to Grey. Superkick to Grey. No heat whatsoever. Even a top rope dropkick by Sakai gets met with a mild reaction. TKO gets botched going for it the first time, but Baker gets it on the second attempt for a 3 count.

Winners: Sakai and Baker
Match Grade: C-. I'm giving them credit because the damn effort was there. But this crowd could NOT have cared less. As limited as this crowd is tonight, the few hundred in the building just could not care about any of these women and what they were trying to do.

7) No Disqualification
Jonathan Gresham vs. Bully Ray

Bully comes out to no music. He even tells the ring announcer not to dare call his name for the arena to hear. He chases off both the referee and the ring announcer and does the announcing for himself. GOD, BULLY RAY IS GETTING HEAT TONIGHT!!!! If you get the chance, you have to see this. This was about as close to the ECW stuff that he can do in 2018. The ring is pelted with streamers and garbage! He tells the truth when he says only he can get them to throw this much stuff in the ring. This was really great work by the Hall of Famer.
Gresham is finally in the ring now. Bully continues to egg on the audience to cheer for Gresham. Lol. Reverse psychology. You have to love it. After a comment about Gresham's wife having .... IT'S ON!!!!

Gresham is going after Bully Ray. Gresham with a lot of strikes, but Bully gets the advantage with one big backdrop. Bully climbs up the corner and misses the senton splash. Bully rolls out, and Gresham does a big senton dive to the outside. Ring post, meet Bully Ray. Bully, meet ring post. Bully is now rolling in the streamers that the fans threw earlier. Gresham puts Bully on the guard rail and kicks him square in the... well, you know. He's kicking the leg too.
Bully is back in the ring, and Gresham follows seconds later. Finally, Bully gets Gresham down. Now, Bully throws in a table to the ring. And he's got a chair, and now Gresham's back has it too. Big chops by Bully, with Gresham telling Bully to bring it. He's spitting at Bully to egg him in. Gresham eventually starts firing back. Sleeper hold by Gresham. Bully rakes the eyes of the referee. Bully taps out ot the submission hold by Gresham, but there's no referee. BIG BOOT to the face by Bully. Bully sets up Gresham on a table, but he misses a splash through the table. Well, he misses hitting Gresham as he crashes through the table. 2 count by Gresham.
Gresham has the chair. But Bully punches Gresham in the... well, you know. Bully misses a chair shot in the corner. Gresham now climbs the corner with a chair, throws it down to Bully, and hits a dropkick. SHOOTING STAR PRESS TO BULLY! 1-2-KICKOUT! Gresham goes out and gets a Kendo Stick. Another low blow by Bully. 1-2-3.

Winner: Bully Ray
Match Grade: C+. The match itself was decent to good. But the opening part with Bully ragging on this crowd with the amount of heat he was getting was amazing. He truly was getting as much heel heat as he possibly could in 2018.
After the match, he pushes down the referee.

8) ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championships
The Young Bucks/Cody (c) vs. So Cal Uncensored (SCU!)


Burnard the Business Bear is here!!!!! So is Brandi Rhodes! They're here "in the worst town SCU has ever been in!"
Cody and Kazarian start this off. Both men are wearing American Rebels Cigars shirts, which both of them are business partners in. Brandi is in the damn ring while these guys are hyping up their business. What the heck?! Now Matt Jackson has the mic. He points out that Cody has a script in his hand. Cody admits to rehearsing that. Cody thanks everyone for allowing them to do that. Kaz caught him with a punch in the face and starts attacking Cody. Now, he rolls to the outside and kicks Burnard's head off! That jerk. He peddles cigars and kicks business bears' heads off. Scorpio and Nick Jackson now go at it with a lot of flying around, aerial action, and lucha libre. Daniels is in now with Matt Jackson. Elevated dropkick by The Bucks. Pop-up Spear by The Bucks now.
The Bucks and Cody now start triple-teaming Daniels in the corner. Frequent tags and offense to Daniels. Spinning Blue Thunder Bomb to Matt Jackson by Daniels to get to a tag with Sky. Sky now goes on the attack with a lot of moves (including a jumping cutter over the ropes). Scorpio Sky dives onto The Bucks on the outside. Kazarian now tagged in. He gets a 2 on Matt Jackson. Kazarian had Matt Jackson pinned for like 8 seconds, but Nick was late running into a spot. But it resulted in a nice floatover/Northern Lights Suplex double pin spot.
Tags are aplenty for SCU! (SCU!) After a triple team, Sky gets tagged in and starts attacking. POP UP TORNADO DDT by SKY/KAZ for a 2 on Matt Jackson. Arabian Press moonsault to Nick Jackson on the outside by Christopher Daniels. Matt finally gets Scorpio off of him and tags in Cody. Cody is flying all over the place with a dive to the outside and a springboard dropkick back in the ring. Figure Four Leg Lock on Scorpio Sky. The Bucks get The Addiction into the Scorpion Deathlocks. All three of SCU (SCU!) make it to the ropes. Triple team dropkick on Daniels in the corner. More insane Bucks offense. Slingshot Superkick into a Double Stomp by The Bullet Club for a 2 count. Tag to Daniels by Sky. STO by Daniels on Cody. Slingshot Cutter by Kazarian. Superkick PARTY! Angel's Wings by Daniels. Cross Rhodes by Cody. 1-2-Break UP by SCU (SCU!)!   More superkicks! Big dive by Nick Jackson. DOUBLE SUPERKICK TO DANIELS! CROSS RHODES! 1-2-3!

Winners: Cody/The Young Bucks (still ROH 6-Man Tag Team Champions)
Match Grade: B. Another fun tag team match featuring perhaps Vince McMahon's biggest acquisitions in 2019. I took some points off for the ridiculous shenanigans at the beginning of the match. I get that they are a goofy stable, and I really enjoy them. (I own a lot of Bullet Club shirts actually.) Still, I was not a fan of that beginning spot after the bell rang.

9) ROH World Championship
Jay Lethal (c) vs. Silas Young

Here comes the recently mohawk-ed Matt Taven, who has his self-declared real ROH World Championship. He goes through everyone that he's beaten in ROH including Adam Cole (BAY BAY!). He claims that there is no real contender to HIS world championship. He's the reason everyone is there. (Hmmm.... Does that include the thousands of empty seats too? I'm not sure I'd want to claim credit for that one, Mr. Taven.)

The bell rings. Silas spends a good few minutes of the match playing mind games with Jay letting Lethal know that he's read his book, knows his moves, and is ready to beat him for the championship. Again, Young is 3-1 against Lethal in 1-1 matches. Both men fly over the top rope and continue brawling on the outside of the ring. A hip-toss dropkick on the floor by Lethal to Young. Young sends Lethal into the rail and suplexes him on the floor. Silas and Jey are back in the ring. Silas counters a few reversals and locks in a sleeper hold. Lethal won't stay down though.
The story here is that Young continues to counter and maneuver his way around Lethal's big moves. Lethal Combination countered. Cutter by Young gets a 2. Anarchist suplex now by Silas for a 2 count. Great series of counters by both men. LETHAL INJECTION! 1-2-KICKOUT?! SILAS KICKED OUT OF LETHAL INJECTION! Silas yells that Lethal couldn't beat him on his worst day. Lethal punches and pummels Silas again and again. THE PLUNGE by Silas! 1-2-KICKOUT! Lethal Injection caught! Misery countered. LETHAL HITS MISERY! Clothesline to the outside. Lethal dives at Silas 1, 2, and 3 times!!! Lethal dropkicks Silas on the back of the head. Lethal Combination! Hail to the King Top Rope Elbow Drop! Lethal ROLLUP BY SILAS!!!! 1-2-2.9!!!! LETHAL INJECTION CONNECTS! 1-2-3!

Match Grade: B-. They did a great job in making Silas look like a viable winner in this match. Good back and forth action between the two. Silas and Lethal have worked together multiple times in the past. And it showed here. They were doing some awesome counters. It wasn't a great match overall, but it was a good and fun one.
Here comes Cody! Cody wants a 1 on 1 rematch for the ROH World Championship. But now here comes Kenny King finally. He's here to stop the politicking. He has been undefeated since this summer. He's the Bullet Club Silencer. He's now saying he's the same as Jay Lethal and has walked a similar path as Lethal. Lethal has never beaten Kenny King. Lethal simply tells both men "Anytime. Anywhere."

Show Grade: B-. It was a nice way to spend 3 hours. The show went by very quickly and didn't drag. And that's always a good thing to see, especially with what is a glorified house show like this. That being said, I'll remember nothing from this the next day. This is one of those nice little bonus shows ROH throws at Honor Club subcribers that validates the subscription. And in that, I really can't complain much.

The only thing I would say is try to find the Bully Ray promo from this. He was doing a really solid job tonight. And there were a few fun matches (The Briscoes vs. The Bouncers, The Six Man Tag, Helms vs. Scurll, Page vs. Taylor, and Lethal vs. Young) that would be worth watching once.

Thank you all for checking this out. Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness.


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