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WWE Evolution 2018 Review- It's Ladies Night. Oh What a Night.

This is it: The first ever All-Women's WWE PPV. And it's a major accomplishment that the show is happening 3 years into the rebooted effort on the main roster to feature the great women wrestlers of today. However, let's not pretend this show doesn't have a bit of a cloud over it. Ticket sales were slow initially. WWE is promoting a sell-out, but we'll see. The card hasn't been the most inspired in the entire world, and some unfortunate injuries on the women's roster has had its effect on the show quality in general. In addition, so many other events have been promoted in concurrence and addition to Evolution that this hasn't received a proper amount of attention given its historic nature. Then, there's the biggest cloud of all over this: that this show is just a consolation prize and a media wall against the fact that WWE is doing an event in 5 days in Saudi Arabia. Crown Jewel will feature no women due to its strict rules and will take place in a country that operated an assassination on an American journalist.

So, I wish that this show had more attention and praise going in. But that's simply not the case. That being said, there are some really great athletes on this show, a couple really good feuds (Lynch vs. Charlotte, Sane vs. Baszler), and a big Ronda Rousey vs. Nikki Bella main event that just might shock us in its entertainment value.

Without further ado, let's do this!

WWE Evolution 2018
Uniondale, New York

We get a video package putting over the fact that the women's division has undergone a major revolution in the last 3 years. And a big discussion takes place of the women discussing how important this night is to them.

Michael Cole's microphone isn't working already, but who cares? Nita Strauss is in the ring killing it on the ring killing it on guitar while someone plays in the entrance way. She sounds a lot like Joan Jett whomever she is. (I'm glad I'm wearing headphones right now. Lol) Izzy Hale and Nita Strauss played that intro. And it was a fun way to start the show.

Lilian Garcia starts us off with the ring intro for

1) Trish Stratus and Lita vs. Alicia Fox and Mickie James (w/Alexa Bliss)

WOW! What an ovation for Trish Stratus! I don't think the crowd was thinking she would start this show off. Lita gets another loud ovation! Both these women look hot still after all these years as Lita is rocking her outfit. Just saying...

Alexa Bliss gets another loud ovation as she comes out. She makes a bunch of old jokes towards Lita and Trish Stratus. She calls Alicia and Mickie James the true trailblazers of the women's division. Alicia and Mickie come out in festive outfits for Halloween. The heels are all dressed for Alice in Wonderland appropriately (Queen of Hearts is Mickie, Mad Hatter is Alicia, and Alice is Alexa)!
The bell rings!
Mickie and Lita start us off. The crowd is very loud to start us off. A bit slow starting off for Lita who hits her big moves at about 2-3 steps slower than she did before. Alicia gets thrown into the ring by Lita and gets thrown around. Mickie gets thrown in as well. Tag to Trish who bows down so Lita can jump on her back and hit a corner dive on the heels. Trish tosses Alicia down. Snap mare again by Trish. A third one now. Trish tells Alicia to go tag Mickie. Mickie gets the tag, and the crowd goes crazy!!!
HERE WE GO! They exchange blows. THESZ PRESS by Trish! BIG SUPERKICK BY MICKIE! Trish goes for her rana off the ropes, but Mickie catches her. They're both on the corner. BIG HURRICANRANA BY TRISH FOR A 2 COUNT! Wow! Tag back to Lita. The heels take a breather and say they're leaving. Heel 101. Brawling on the outside now. Lita and Mickie are in the ring now. Alicia boots Mickie by accident. Lita goes for the Litasault, but Alexa runs in and pulls Lita down hard on the mat.
The heels go on the attack, isolating Lita from Trish. Double team maneuvers and frequent tags as the crowd continues to show good investment into the match with a LOUD "Let's Go Lita" chant. Lita continues to be caught in the wrong part of town. At one point, Trish does help Lita get a snap rana on Mickie, but she doesn't get tagged in. (Very good opening match so far with the crowd being hot for everything they're doing.) Reverse DDT by Lita on Alicia. Tags to Mickie and Trish!
Trish unloads with strikes and headlock takeovers. BIG spinebuster bomb by Trish for a 2. Chops now by Trish. She licks the palms and does it again. Rollup by Mickie for a close 2 count. Trish grabs the head. STRATUSFACTION!!!! 1-2-THE REF STOPS COUNTING. Alicia was a good 2 seconds late for that spot. Twist of Fate to Alicia. LITASAULT TO BOTH MICKIE AND ALICIA! CHICK KICK! 1-2-3!

Winners: Trish and Lita
Match Grade: B. A sloppy match in some spots, but this was a very hot opener that got the crowd invested in the evening. I can't hate on this. Trish and Lita looked really good for women that haven't been doing this full-time for 12 years. Hats off to them and Alicia and Mickie for a fun opening match that did its job in getting the crowd going.

The Bella Twins get interviewed in the backstage area. Nikki dedicates her match to Ronda's mother who will finally have someone to be proud of. She can be part of the Bella fan club.

2) 20 Women Battle Royal

Loud ovations for Naomi and Michelle McCool coming out. Sonya Deville comes out. ALUNDRA BLAYZE is next! And she's coming out in classic attire!!!! LOVE MADUSA! Carmella is next. Zelina Vega also gets a big reaction. Kelly Kelly gets a nice ovation. Tamina gets a nice ovation as well. Ember Moon gets another nice reaction. It's LANA DAY! And here comes Maria Kanellis, and her husband Mike is in the front row with their 5-month-old child. Cool to see. Mandy Rose is next. Molly Holly gets a big pop! Dana Brooke gets a nice pop too. (Good reactions so far!) NIA JAX is next, getting a nice reaction too. Ivory gets a decent pop. Asuka gets a really good pop. Miz and Maryse are cheering on Asuka at ringside. Torrie Wilson gets a decent pop. The IIconics get another decent pop. And they've got mics. Oh God.

The IIconics crap on the town for cheap heat. Then they crap on the women in the ring. (They aren't lasting long in this are they?) They walk into the ring...  and continue to say garbage. The future is IIconic.
The bell rings. And they get ganged up on. They're gone! And now, the new women are ganging up on the older women. The battle is on! Molly Holly gets eliminated next. Dang it. Kelly Kelly eliminated by Sonya and Mandy, who eliminated Molly earlier apparently. Torrie Wilson gets eliminated by Mandy Rose, and she pushes out Sonya Deville! Double clothesline by Blayze, but she's eliminated by Nia Jax. (Good showing for Madusa though.) Maria Bronco Busters Tamina. But Nia Jax dumps her out. (Most of the eliminations have been women placed over the top on the apron before being knocked out to the floor. So they've been mostly safe eliminations thankfully.)
HERE'S Tamina vs. Nia Jax. No! They're going after everyone else! Now they want to go at it. Lana strikes Tamina and Nia. Double headbutt to Lana. Lana gets eliminated. NIA JAX slams Tamina! Asuka starts kicking at Nia. Here comes Naomi. No. Here comes EVERYONE! Multi-woman suplex on a lot of them. Carmella is in the ring standing alone. 7 second dance break!!!! Ivory joins in! Lol. Mandy Rose tosses Ivory over the top, but she's on the apron. Ivory helps Carmella eliminate Mandy.
Things have broken down again! Ember suplexes Dana over the top rope to the floor, with her head hiting the apron on the way down! Dang! Ember jumps into a boot by Michelle McCool. Ember puts Michelle out. Double team by Naomi and Asuka on Tamina. Naomi gets dumped over by Tamina! Asuka gets beat down by Ivory. TORNADO DDT on Nia. Carmella gets eliminated by Ember Moon.
Nia Jax, Tamina, Ivory, Ember Moon, and Asuka are left. Ivory is on the corner and she hits a big crossbody on Tamina. Asuka eliminates Ivory, who looked really good in this match. It's Ember and Asuka to a loud NXT chant! ASUKA IS ELIMINATED BY EMBER MOON!!!! VENGEANCE FOR EMBER! Spinning side slam by Tamina. Now, it's Tamina dominating the match. Crowd is supporting Ember. She's going for The Eclipse. She nails it. Tamina is eliminated! Nia Jax and Ember Moon are left!
The crowd is going nuts. The two friends are left in the ring. Nia bulldozes Moon down, but Moon fights back. Loud "Let's Go Ember" chant. Ember is on the apron facing elimination. She's trying to get Nia over to the floor. Zelina dumps Nia off to the apron. She's still in it. But Nia is back in the ring. Zelina is in trouble. Zelina gets pressed over Nia's head, and she's thrown out on top of Tamina, eliminating her. Ember goes after Nia with repeated strikes. Nia just plants her to the mat. Ember gets dumped over!

Winner: NIA JAX
Match Grade: B-. Battle royals are so hard to grade. But this was very decent for what it was. A lot of the women looked good throughout with many getting a moment to stand out. This also sets up Nia Jax as a future challenger for the Raw Women's Championship. And she can credibly challenge Ronda Rousey for that title and make it a big title match when it happens.

Nia Jax is interviewed afterwards. She says she's looking forward to facing the Raw Women's Champion whomever it is. She hugs her aunt Ata at ringside.

3) Mae Young Classic Finals
Io Shirai vs. Toni Storm

The bell rings. Fast exchanges early on by both women. Io executes a great kipup and back flip. Great early segment here as both women set a good slow pace. Shirai gets a crucifix submission on Toni Storm, but she gets to the ropes. German suplex by Storm on Io. Storm goes on the top rope but loses her balance. Big dropkick off the top rope to the floor by Io. GOLDEN TRIANGLE MOONSAULT BY IO TO STORM ON THE FLOOR!
They're fighting on the apron. Both women fight in and out of moves. STORM HITS A GERMAN SUPLEX ON THE APRON ON SHIRAI! Wow! Shirai goes nuts with strikes on Storm, but she gets a STORM ZERO Tiger Driver on Shirai for a CLOSE 2 count. (I apologize if this is seeming light on coverage. I had a family situation which takes priority.) 6-1-9 on Storm. HUGE SPRINGBOARD SUNSET FLIP BY SHIRAI FOR A 2 COUNT! WOW! Shirai goes up and moonsaults into Storm's knees!!! STORM ZERO! 1-2-3!

Winner: Toni Storm
Match Grade: B. This could have used another 5-10 minutes in my personal opinion. That being said, the redemption story for Storm in this tournament has been completed. Now, Storm can take this tournament win with her to help prop up the NXT UK brand. Very hard hitting, fast paced match with a good mix of aerial and ground wrestling.

Stephanie and Triple H are in the ring to celebrate with Toni. Toni and Stephanie have a long hug. She gets the bouquet of flowers and trophy. Shirai gets her own runner's up bouquet as well. Triple H spends time with Shirai. She's contracted as well apparently, which is great. I can't wait to see what she does going forward.

A Crown Jewel commercial plays without any Saudi Arabia mention and with both Daniel Bryan and John Cena still listed on the card.

4) The Riott Squad vs. Natalya, Sasha Banks, and Bayley

The bell rings. Fast paced offense early on with Banks and Logan both getting in some offense early on. Tag to Bayley. Knees to the face of Morgan by Bayley and Sasha. Bayley goes to dropkick one of the Riott Squad through the hole between the ringpost and the rest of the ring, and Morgan dropkicks her in the ring into that ringpost! Great timing.
Tag to Liv Morgan. She now starts working on Bayley with a unique version of an abdominal stretch while on the mat. Tag to Logan who continues the assault on Bayley. Tag to Logan who decks Bayley. 2 count. Bayley catches her running into the corner and props her into the top turnbuckle a couple times. Logan recovers through and gets Bayley in the Riott Squad corner. Bayley fights off the Riott Squad and starts crawling to the other side of the ring. Logan gets Natalya off the mat while Morgan drags Bayley away from Sasha. Tag to Sasha!
Dropkicks and strikes by Sasha. Big knee to the face of Ruby. Meteora off the top on Riott for a 2 count. Crucifix Rollup for a 2 by Sasha. Tag to Bayley! Bayley to Bayley! 1-2-Sasha gets knocked into the referee to break up the count. Tag to Sasha and Logan for the respective corners. Meteora by Sasha in the ring. Sasha botches a big dive over the top, but the Riott Squad turn it into a big throw into the rail. Nice save of the move, but Sasha hurt herself maybe with her head hitting the apron. ( She's going to hurt herself seriously one day, if she hasn't already crossed that threshold tonight.) Sasha is up on the shoulders of Logan. Doomsday Device  and double teams by the Riott Squad. But Natalya breaks up the pin. Frequent tags on the side of the Riott Squad. Bayley sacrifices herself to cover Sasha during a dive by Riott. Only a 2 count for the Riott Squad.
Sasha gets out of the corner and tags in Natalya. Natalya cleans house with multiple strikes and a German suplex. Double Sharpshooter. Liv Morgan breaks it up! She's legal and covers Natalya for a 2 count. Really good team work by The Riott Squad during this match. It's just Morgan and Natalya. Bayley tags Natalya. Elbow drop on Morgan. Tag by Sasha. FROG SPLASH BY SASHA! 1-2-3! That was for Eddie Guerrero!

Winner: Sasha, Bayley, and Natalya
Match Grade: B. Good match overall and some really solid heel work by The Riott Squad here. They did a great job working the tag team method for all they could. The faces did their usual good stuff, sans Sasha again putting her life on the line in an unnecessary move. Sasha's a great wrestler without that stuff. She doesn't need to throw her body around like that. I'd rather see her work for 20 more years than only get 2 years after all these risks. Really solid tag match though all the way around.

(So far, I have to say that this has been a really good show altogether. While no match has been mindblowing, it's been an entertaining show from start to finish without a bad lemon in this.)

5) NXT Women's Championship
Kairi Sane (c) vs. Shayna Baszler

Kairi comes out to her pre-NXT theme for some reason. Baszler continues to sell determination in the ring while Saine shows off her NXT Championship.

The bell rings. Baszler shows her strength and toughness early on here. Sane uses her quickness and heart early on as well. Baszler gets the sleeper in on Sane. Sane gets a stunner on Baszler to break it up. Sliding clothesline and boot by Sane. Big overhead slap to Baszler. But Baszler counters with a throw to Sane into the steel steps. She rolls Sane back into the ring.
Big knee lift into the face of Sane. Baszler just manhandles Sane here with a multitude of strikes and a gutwrench faceplant. STOMP TO THE TRICEP AND HAND OF SANE! Key Lock on Sane by Baszler. Another armbar  by Baszler. Baszler just wrenches back on the arm in a sick fashion! Baszler just pounds and attacks Sane. Sane starts trying to fight back. Sane catches a V-Trigger by Baszler but answers back with a roundhouse back strike. Sane locks in The Anchor on Baszler, but Baszler gets out by pounding on the arm. Sane now strikes Baszler in the corner with repeated strikes. BIG SPEAR OUT OF THE CORNER BY SANE!
Pirate Walk by Sane. Shoulder into the midsection of Baszler. Neckbreaker only gets a 2 count. She continues to hold the arm as she tries to fight off Baszler. Alabama Slam by Sane. She's going to the top rope, but Baszler rushes up and hits a big arm wrench on Sane's arm, lifting Sane up off the apron and dropping her to the floor. Wow.  Back in the ring, a DDT out of a suplex by Sane. She climbs back up the corner, but Baszler rolls to the outside. SANE DIVES OFF THE CORNER AND HITS A CROSSBODY ON BASZLER ONTO THE FLOOR!!!! Baszler gets backdropped into the NXT Women at ringside! Sane brings her back over. One of the Four Horsewomen attacks Sane, but the ref doesn't see it. Another one of the Horsewomen get onto the apron. Sane gets in the clutch, but she flips out of it for a 2. Another strike by one of the Horsewomen! Clutch is in now! Sane tries to fight out, but she can't! The referee calls for the bell!!!!

Winner: Shayna Baszler (NEW NXT Women's Champion)
Match Grade: A-. This was another great match between these two women. Sane and Baszler continue to have the kind of chemistry that you would not expect from two women of such different styles. The interesting story here is what happened with the other members of the MMA Four Horsewomen getting involved. Now, my question is: Where does Ronda Rousey fit into this? Does she fit into this? Or is this something we're building towards at WrestleMania? OR is Ronda turning heel tonight?! So many questions. Bottom line though: For me, this was the match of the night so far (even with the screwy finish).

SmackDown Live Women's Championship
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

While I'm not surprised that this isn't main eventing, I am glad to see it is this high on the card.

The Queen comes out first wearing an absolutely gorgeous white robe. Decent response for Charlotte. LOUD BECKY CHANTS before she even comes out! Really good response for Becky coming out to the ring and holding the title up in the ring. (Wow. The difference it makes once Becky hits the ring as far as the response to Charlotte is startling!)

The bell rings. Becky shows up Charlotte early on. But Charlotte pushes her down for a 2 count. Lariat by Becky knocking down Charlotte. Kip up at 2 by Flair. Becky continues to attack Flair and mocking her father. 4 count for Flair. Charlotte climbs the corner seconds later and gets thrown off like her father! Lol. The more things change... Becksploder Suplex by Becky. Charlotte avoids a move by Becky and hits a big boot. Charlotte is dumped to the floor seconds later. Becky goes out and gets a kendo stick! Strikes by Becky to Charlotte! OUCH! Multiple shots by Becky. Flair grabs the stick, but Becky just pushes her off. She goes back under the ring and gets a steel chair. Charlotte has one too and tosses it in the ring. So does Becky. Another chair in the ring. Another chair! It's an ECW type situation, which the fans acknowledge. This is reminding me of Terry Funk and Cactus Jack asking for chairs from the audience.
Flair gets a table out, but Becky meets her with a flying lariat. Flair suplexes Becky on the floor. 5 count. Becky gets a chair. Smack to the back of Flair! Chair now to the ribs. Another big chair shot to the back of Flair. Becky and Flair are back in the ring. Flair gets thrown onto the pile of chairs. Cole calls it a "cult following" that Becky has. (Loud cult following, Cole.) BACK SUPLEX ONTO THE CHAIRS BY CHARLOTTE!!!! DANG! This is brutal! 8 count. Charlotte gets another table out from under the ring. It's in the ring now. Becky catches Charlotte with a kick to the floor. Becky uses the time to set up a table in the ring.
Both are back in the ring. ROCK BOTTOM/URINAGE INTO THE PILE OF STEEL CHAIRS on Flair! She gets up before 10. Charlotte now gets back up and beats down on Becky to a round of boos!!!! She puts Becky on the table. She climbs the top rope and nails a MOONSAULT on Becky on the table, but she didn't get enough of it to break the table as it just flips over. Becky gets up only to get her head busted on the table. Charlotte goes back up the ropes with Becky on the table. SWANTON BOMB TO BECKY THROUGH THE TABLE! Both get up by 10.
CHARLOTTE NOW HAS A LADDER OUT!!!! Dear God, this is incredible! Becky stops Charlotte from using it. Becky drags the ladder into the middle of the ring. "THIS IS AWESOME" CHANT AS BECKY SLAMS FLAIR ON THE LADDER!!!! DANG! (I agree with the fans folks.) Chop block by Charlotte Flair. She puts Becky's legs through the ladder. She kicks her legs on the ladder. FIGURE 8 USING THE LADDER!!!!!!!!! BECKY IS TAPPING, BUT SUBMISSIONS DO NOT COUNT! Becky uses a chair to smash Charlotte's knee to break the move. The count is on. Becky lands on her feet rolling to the floor.
Charlotte chases after Becky on the floor. Becky throws her into the steps. Becky has to use the apron to stay standing. Now, Charlotte gets thrown into the ring post. The count is on again. Becky grabs her title and walks off through the crowd, but Charlotte chases her. LOUD CHOPS through the crowd by Flair. DANG. Becky is thrown back over the railing into ringside.
Charlotte now tears apart the German announce table at ringside. She smacks Becky head first against the English announce table a few times. Charlotte gets another ladder and sets it up in front of the German announce table. Becky uses the title to smash Charlotte in the face when she doesn't see her. Becky now smashes Charlotte's face into the table. Becky now climbs the ladder. BIG LEG DROP OFF OF THE LADDER THROUGH CHARLOTTE AND THE TABLE!!!! HOLY COW! This is incredible! At 9, Charlotte tells Becky "Is that all you got?!" Becky just buries Charlotte underneath a pile of chairs, tables, ladders, and rubble. The count is back on! Charlotte gets up by 9, but she wasn't really on her feet. Becky backs off in shock. Kendo stick to Becky with multiple shots. SPEAR ON THE FLOOR! The count is back on. Charlotte pulls her around ringside. The table from earlier is back on the floor. Becky is  smacked against the table face first. Charlotte puts Becky on the table. Flair climbs up the top of the corner. Becky climbs up AND POWERBOMBS CHARLOTTE OFF THE CORNER DOWN THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR! OH MY FREAKING GOD! The count is on, and Charlotte couldn't get up by 10. BECKY WINS! THIS WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!

Winner: Becky Lynch (Still SmackDown Live Women's Champion)
Match Grade: A+. I know there were a couple 9 counts that probably should have ended it, but this was for me the greatest women's match I have ever seen. For 30 minutes, these women put on a classic hardcore fight that redefined hardcore wrestling for women. This just completely set a new standard for women's wrestling in the best way. Thank you Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch for that.

Crown Jewel is run down to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Wow. I wonder if there will be any women's matches on th... Oh right. This is the consolation prize for the women.

7) Raw Women's Championship
Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Nikki Bella (w/Brie Bella)

I really feel bad for The Bellas and Ronda as they have to follow that last matchup.

The ring introductions take place. The referee calls for the bell.
Here we go. Takedown by Rousey who lets Nikki get back up. Another throw by Rousey. Rousey dominates early on letting Nikki know she can slap on that armbar at any moment. Nikki gets up and kicks the ropes in anger. Another big judo throw by Rousey. Rousey gets distracted outside by Brie, and Nikki throws her into the ring post. Now, with the referee distracted, Brie throws Ronda into the ring post as well. Cover in the ring for a 1 by Nikki. Headlock by Nikki. Ronda gets thrown back outside. Nikki throws Ronda into the barricade and into the apron repeatedly. (Who does she think she is: Jay White?) Cover back in the ring for a 1 by Bella.
Nikki now locks in a leg scissors headlock on Ronda. Ronda gets flipped over, and Nikki does pushups. Ronda kicks off Nikki, but she gets clobbered by Brie as the referee isn't looking. Nikki throws Rousey's head against the ring post while Ronda's still in the ring. 2 count. Another headlock by Nikki into an abdominal stretch now. Nikki gets thrown off, but Nikki hits a springboard kick to Rousey for a 2 count. Nikki now puts her shoulder into the ribs of Rousey. Ronda is put on the top rope. Nikki goes up for a suplex. Ronda fights off, but Brie again gets involved. Big kick on the corner by Nikki. She climbs up. Ronda throws her off the corner. She goes for a big crossbody, but Nikki moves out of the way. Ronda dodges a baseball slide. Nikki is holding her neck, but she rolls back in.
Rousey grabs the leg of Nikki. She takes her down, and she rolls through. Now she has both Bella Twins on her shoulders! TWISTING SAMOAN DROP on both Bellas! BIG strikes by Rousey into Nikki in the corner. Rousey now strikes Nikki in the center of the ring. Judo flips on Nikki in the ring. She tells Nikki to get up. Big slap to Nikki. Big back suplex on Nikki which sends her out to the floor. (You can hear Rousey asking Nikki if she was ready both underbreath and out loud.)
Brie attacks Ronda on the outside. She gets thrown over the announce table for her trouble. ALABAMA SLAM by Nikki Bella. 1-2-Kickout by Rousey. Rousey goes shoulder first into the corner. Rack Attack by Nikki! 1-2-KICKOUT by Rousey! Temper Tantrum ensues by Nikki! Nikki climbs the corner. Rousey climbs up. A SICK COLLAPSE IN THE CENTER OF THE RING! ARM BAR! Nikki taps out immediately!

Winner: Ronda Rousey (STILL RAW Women's Champion)
Match Grade: C. Rousey still needs to work on not choreographing all of her moves so loudly while working in the ring. Then again, Triple H and Jericho have done that before loudly on TV. So, I can't hate on it too much. It's the nature of televised wrestling. Nikki Bella was much better than I expected, but it still wasn't that great. The match wasn't that great, but it still didn't completely suck either. They just had a hard time following up what came before them.

Rousey goes around the ring and celebrates with her husband and fans. Rousey goes back in the ring and celebrates. Nia Jax is shown in the back looking at Rousey's celebration. Rousey continues to celebrate with the fans. The women are all on the entrance area to celebrate as we show a highlight package of the show. The last shot is Ronda and Becky clapping belts and hugging in front of the other women.

OVERALL SHOW GRADE: A-. Oh yeah. This was definitely a great show all around. There were no true lemons on this show with only the Rousey-Bella match being one I will not look back too fondly on. There were a lot of very good matches on here. The Becky Lynch-Charlotte Flair match will be remembered as one of the all-time great women matches in my opinion. All these women deserve applause for a hell of a night.
_ _ _ _

Thank you for joining me for this review. I hope you enjoy this and some of the other reviews you can find on Table of Contents.

Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness.


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