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ROH/NJPW Global Wars 2018- Night 3 (Buffalo, NY)- 3 Hours Well Invested

This is the 3rd show of the 4 show tour for ROH and NJPW. And they have a tall task ahead of them: Trying to outdo their previous night's very good show. Can they do it? Let's find out...

ROH/NJPW Global Wars 2018
Night 3- Buffalo, NY

SCU comes to the ring first to start off the show. Scorpio Sky will not be at the show. Kaz does read a message from Scorpio Sky saying "THIS IS THE WORST TOWN I'VE EVER BEEN IN!" And he shows the message to prove it on his cell phone. Lol. Daniels gets serious about the Thousand Oaks incident and how everyone at ROH supports and loves them. Kaz gives us the closing remark of SCU.

1) The Boys vs. The Kingdom (Vinny and Taven)

Code of Honor is NOT adhered to. The Kingdom refuses to shake their hands and just stares at them. The Kingdom jumps on The Boys before the bell rings wit some stomps and kicks. They continue to torture The Boys. Taven just whips the purple belt across both of The Boys' backs. They continue to beat up The Boys on the floor, and the bell has still not rung. BIG BACKDROP by Taven to one of The Boys. And now a section of the protective mat has been removed around ringside. A BRAINBUSTER ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR BY VINNY! They are pulling The Boys back into the ring. Taven has one in the ring now. HE JUST THROWS HIM INTO A CHAIR PROPPED IN BETWEEN THE ROPES!!! (Reverse Razor's Edge into the propped up chair!)  This is some good heel business going on here, folks. THIS is The Kingdom I want to see more often. Taven tells Dalton Castle (not out in the arena yet) that this continues until he comes out. And here comes Castle.
He calls Taven a SOB. Taven tells Castle that he wants respect and for Castle to face him for HIS ROH World Championship at Final Battle. TK jumps Dalton from behind and throws him into the concrete wall around the stage area! Dalton is now being dragged to the ring. Dalton tries to fight back, and The Kingdom is having none of it. Taven assaults Castle with some punches. Security tries to break it up, but they can't keep all The Kingdom off of Castle.

Winner: NO Contest.

TK demands that the bell rings to start his match.

The bell rings.
2) TK O'Ryan vs. Dalton Castle

TK drops an elbow. Castle kicks out. TK continues to attack and assault Dalton. He has enough time to pose and mouth off to the fans. Castle gets dumped to the floor and gets rammed into the edge of the ring repeatedly. Castle starts fighting back. TK gets thrown into the guard rail. TK fights Castle off and throws him back in the ring.
TK continues to mouth off Castle and assault him. TK is choking Dalton now with his own sweater and then with TK's wristtape.  Clothesline by TK. 2 count. Castle starts trying to fire back. Beautiful overhead suplex by Castle. TK knocks the spit out of Castle for a 2 count. Knees to the back of Castle and a chinlock. Castle can't even get the Bangarang up on TK due to the pain and punishment he's taken. DDT by Castle instead.
Castle is now unloading with chops and strikes to TK. Snap Saito Suplex by Castle. Big knee into the corner. Bulldog gets a 2 for Castle. Tk gets thrown to the apron and spits in Castle's face. But he gets placed on the corner. Running knee into the head of TK on the top rope. Castle  HITS THE BANGARANG! 1-2-3!

Winner: Dalton Castle
Match Grade: C+ for the match/ B+ for the angle.- I really enjoyed this opening part of the show. The Kingdom impressed me with their stuff here by being great dastardly heels. That angle did a lot to make me look forward to Castle vs. Taven at Final Battle. Well done. Best thing I've seen The Kingdom do in a long time.

Castle gets on the mic. He broke his back a while back, and he's covered in bandages. It won't slow him down. Taven's belt is a fake, but the fire he's ignited in Castle is real. If Taven wants Castle at Final Battle, he's got him.

3) Kenny King vs. ____________.

We don't know who the opponent is for Kenny King. King will face Jay Lethal Sunday Night for the ROH World Championship. King says in 48 hours, he's going to become ROH World Champion. Cheap heat for King for assaulting the Buffalo Sabres. He's getting a warm-up match tonight. Who's his victim? Cheeseburger. King says "you got to be kidding me." More cheap heat on Buffalo sports teams. King gives him a chance to step off or get stepped on. He refuses to leave.

The bell rings.  Legsweep starts the match for King. And King establishes an early command of the match with vicious attacks including punches, kicks, and choking Burger. Burger starts mounting offense with some kicks of his own. A dropkick sends King to the floor. Big slingshot dive to the floor on King. Chops by Burger. BIG forearm by King though. Burger gets tossed into the guard rail. King continues to beat down Burger outside and back inside of the ring.

Burger starts trying to fight back. But King is just too good. Reverse DDT into his knee and a big clothesline. Front Chancery by King, but Burger BITES into King. Wait... I just realized. Burger vs. King. This is a Burger-King match! Wakka Wakka! King gets thrown to the floor, and he gets met with a knee off the corner by Burger when he comes back to the ring. Springboard Crossbody by Burger to King for a 2 count. King holds up Burger and hits a running suplex for a 2. Royal Flush countered into a rollup for a 2. Burger has King down and climbs the top rope. Springboard gets met by King holding him and hitting a Royal Flush. 1-2-3.

Winner: Kenny King
Match Grade: B-. You know what? For a Cheeseburger match, I enjoyed this one. King and Burger meshed well together in this match with some great big vs. small offense. And King sold well and realistically for Burger. This was one instance where Burger wrestling someone didn't look like a complete joke. Well done by both men.

4) Madison Rayne vs. Kelly Klein

Rayne and Klein start the match out slow here. Madison and Klein have some sloppy exchanges to start off this one, with the referee not counting shoulders at one point during a submission when Klein's shoulders were on the mat. Sumie Sakai sits on the stage watching the match. Rayne tries for a long time to get back in the ring, but Klein just knocks her off. Kelly tosses Rayne back in a fallaway slam. Big running boot by Klein for a 2.

(This match is hard to watch. There's no rhythm. No pace. It just exists, and that's not a good thing.)

Rayne gets out of a submission hold, but Klein just throws her around. Klein just hits a straight knee to the head of Rayne. Very close 2 count by Klein on Rayne. Klein continues to try to choke Rayne in the corner, but Rayne gets out. They are back in the middle of the ring, and Rayne hits a big kick to Klein. Rayne fights back with chops and strikes. Sliding clothesline by Rayne for a 2 count. Mid-rope crossbody for a 2 count by Rayne. European Rollup by Klein for a 3 out of nowhere.

Winner: Kelly Klein
Match Grade: D. Oh boy. That was hard to watch. I don't mean this to be mean. The effort was there by the women, but this was another WOH match where the rhythm and pace was just all off. And the crowd could care less. This seemed to be a completely different product compared to what we saw last night.

5) Kushida vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Bushi vs. Flip Gordon - Four Corners Survival Match

If you are expecting a move for move analysis on this one, look somewhere else. I might be good, but I know I'm not that good.

The bell rings. Tornado Style Rules for this match. Flip gets tossed out early. Bushi gets sent out too. Now, it's Kushida and Gresham. Hurricanrana by Gresham and a dropkick sends Kushida to the floor. Flip hits a springboard dropkick to Gresham. Flip flips. Gresham and Flip play cat and mouse until Gresham gets a springboard spear from Flip. It's now Bushi and Flip. Dropkick off the top by Bushi followed by the BUSHI-ROONI!!!!
Bushi is now in control. Sliding dropkick to Gresham sending him to the floor. Bushi now works on Kushida. A headlock is on Kushida. Bushi uses his shirt to start choking Kushida, but Kushida escapes and kicks Bushi in the head. Kushida now starts attacking Bushi. Hip tosses for all three of his opponents and ALMOST to the referee. Lol. Cartwheel dropkick by Kushida to Bushi. Flip hits a Pele to Kushida. Springboard Moonsault followed by a running jumping dive to the other two on the floor. FLIP chants.
Flip goes on the top rope but doesn't get the 450. Gresham gets Bushi and Flip in a bulldog WHILE DROPKICKING KUSHIDA!!!! That was awesome. Bushi knocks Gresham down, but he gets caught on the top rope with a big kick by Flip. Kushida and Gresham are about to double suplex Flip off the corner. Bushi sees this... TOWER OF DOOM!!!! No. Double powerbomb only. Flip goes for 450 but he meets nothing but Gresham's knees. Standing switches by Kushida and Flip. GRESHAM HITS A SICK REVERSE RANA! MIST TO GRESHAM'S FACE! Rollup to Kushida only gets 2 for Bushi! Bushi goes up on the corner. Codebreaker misses. Hoverboard Lock by Kushida into BACK TO THE FUTURE!!!! 1-2-3!!!

Winner: Kushida
Match Grade: B+. That match was extremely fun. All four men had moments to shine here with Gresham continuing to shine in the big moments. I really am looking forward to his future in this company in 2019. As for Kushida, Kushida is always awesome. Flip again proves to be a big-time player that could be a main eventer next year. And Bushi is Bushi which means you are going to get some solid action while most likely taking the pinfall loss.

6) EVIL vs. Jeff Cobb

This is going to be a literal slobberknocker. EVIL has the glow in the dark laser-pointing glove on tonight! Sweet! Evil is met with tons of streamers. Cobb gets some streamers too. God, this is going to be good.

The bell rings. A lot of amateur wrestling here to start off between Cobb and Evil. EVIL chant!!!! The bulls collide with shoulder tackles in the center of the ring, and no one moves. Evil kicks Cobb in the gut. But Cobb Leap Frogs EVIL and hits a dropkick! They are on the floor and Cobb throws Evil back in the ring. AND EVIL JUST DUMPS HIM BACK OVER THE TOP TO THE FLOOR! Evil with a reversal of an Irish whip into the guard rail. They are back in the ring. Evil now rakes the eyes and takes any advantage he can. They are trading chops now. Cobb no sells Evil's chops. Evil fakes a third one and goes for the eyes! Lol! Senton Splash by Evil gets a 2. Standing Bow and Arrow by Evil. Cobb reverses it, but Evil reverses the reversal.
Cobb just powers out and goes on the attack. Big Olympic Slam by the Olympian gets a 2. Standing moonsault gets blocked by knees by EVIL! Big clothesline in the corner. FISHERMAN SUPLEX BY EVIL TO THE BIG GUY FOR A 2! Evil climbs up the corner. Cobb climbs up the corner, but Evil knocks him down. Jumping dropkick by Cobb. Cobb climbs up the corner and hits a DELAYED VERTICAL SUPLEX TO EVIL OFF THE CORNER!!!! Incredible. Evil's hardly a small dude. 1-2-KICKOUT.
"This is awesome" chant. Agreed. Oklahoma Stampede by Cobb, but Evil gets out of the Powerslam. DARKNESS FALLS! 1-2-COBB BARELY KICKS OUT!!!! No one has done this to Cobb since he's come to ROH. Evil points to the top rope. Cobb avoids Everything is Evil. Cobb gets Evil with the winding back suplex!!! This is great!  Cobb climbs up to his feet. They run and collide in the center of the ring. Evil collapses. Cobb clotheslines Evil. Standing Moonsault by Cobb! 1-2-EVIL JUST BARELY KICKS OUT AT 2.9!!!! Kick to the gut by Evil. MAGIC KILLER USING THE REF BY EVIL!!!! 1-2-2.9!!!! COBB KICKS OUT!!!!

Winner: Jeff Cobb
Match Grade: A-. This is the first match of the Global Wars tour to get an A grade (to my recollection anyways). That match was absolutely awesome. Evil and Cobb went back and forth, back and forth. Evil took Cobb to the absolute limit in ways that ROH hasn't shown up to this point. I want a sequel. In fact, I demand it. What I loved about it was that both guys got their stuff in, but they didn't kick out of each other's finishers. They built to them with the understanding that whomever got it in first was going to get the win. That's great psychology for a match.

7) Juice Robinson vs. Silas Young

Juice comes back out in the Macho Man inspired attire. Juice looks like a mix between Macho Man and Snoop Dogg with that attire. And I mean that in the best way.

The bell rings. Silas and Juice tie up. Silas gets his hand shook whether he wanted it or not (he refused to shake hands prior to the match). Shoulder tackle by Juice. Crossbody misses though for the flamboyant Juice. Juice is on the floor. Silas and Juice keep going in and out of the ring. Juice misses a dive to Silas on the floor, hitting the floor hard. Silas throws Juice into the rail. And another hard throw by Silas.
Silas goes to work on Juice in the ring now. Kick to the face for a 1 count. Juice gets assaulted for a little bit. And as soon as he tries to fight back, Silas hits a dropkick to a running Juice. Headlock by Silas. Snap suplex now for a 2. Another front chancery. Juice gets shot off the apron back into the guard rail. Juice gets back in the ring, floating over Silas' back, and hits a spinebuster.
Juice Jabs and a dropkick. Another running attack by Juice. He climbs up to the top. HIGH CROSSBODY for a 2 count. Powerbomb avoided by Silas. Big sidekick by Juice to Silas. Running clothesline in the corner. Cannonball blocked by a backbreaker by Silas. 2 count. Big back elbow by Silas. PULP FRICTION BLOCKED! Full Nelson into the knee by Silas. The Plunge by Silas meets the knees of Juice. CANNONBALL!!!!!!!!!! Juice gets the powerbomb on Silas. 1-2-Kickout by Silas. Silas rolls out of the ring. Juice goes after him and throws him back in the ring. Silas rolls out the other side of the ring and snaps Juice's throat over the top rope. PULP FRICTION BLOCKED AGAIN! Rollup with Tights hooked! 1-2-KICKOUT! Left Hand x2!!!!! Here comes Bully Ray. Pulp Friction meets a low blow by Bully for the DQ.
The referee gets pushed down by Bully Ray. He talks to Silas. You do not push Bully Ray away like he did last night. They continue to argue. Flip comes out and goes after Bully. He gets a chair. LOW BLOW by Silas to Flip. Bully goes out and gets a kendo stick. Oh boy. He's coming back in with it. The ROH COO comes out. He tells him not to do it. He hates Bully and what Bully did. Bully ever lays that stick on anyone ever again, Bully gets fired. Silas and Bully continue to argue.

Winner: Juice Robinson (by DQ)
Match Grade: B-. A good match between the two, but the big story is that continued feud between Bully Ray and Flip Gordon with now some growing problems with Silas Young coming into play. The match itself had some good spots in there and was physical. I just don't think it ever got to the next level that I hoped for.

8) Sanada and Naito vs. The Young Bucks  

The bell rings. It's Naito vs. Matt Jackson. (BTW, got my name said in the Twitter shoutouts tonight. Awesome!) Tie-up met with spit by Naito. Lol. Matt responds back in kind. Forearms are firing off now. Eye rake by Naito. Atomic drop by Naito followed by a snap rana. Tranquilo pose by Naito. Matt Jackson looks on from outside. Matt runs in, but Naito tells him to take it easy. He even mocks the Young Bucks pose. Tag to Sanada and Nick Jackson. Nick takes Sanada down. Both men avoid each other's signature holds and standoff. Dropkick by Nick Jackson. The Bucks get Sanada in their corner. And The Bucks are on fire with a flurry of moves. Jabs by Matt Jackson to Sanada, but Naito trips up Matt Jackson and helps Sanada double sliding dropkick Matt Jackson.
All four men are brawling at ringside now. Sanada works over Matt Jackson while Nick is attacked by Naito. Sanada gets Matt back in the ring. Tag to Naito. Classic Slingshot Dropkick in the corner by Naito. Neckbreaker for a 2. Tag to Sanada. They begin working on the arm of Matt Jackson. Paradise Lock on Matt Jackson. Nick runs in and tries to put Sanada in the Paradise Lock. "HOW DOES HE DO IT?"- Nick Jackson to Naito! Lol. Both Bucks are in the Paradise Lock and put next to each other. And Sanada offers a 2-1 deal of dropkicking them out of the lock! Lol. 1-2-kickout. Naito gets tagged in. Matt Jackson fights out of the corner and dropkicks Naito. Sanada pulls down Nick before he Matt can tag out. Double team by LIJ gets met with a double clothesline by Matt Jackson.
Tag to Nick Jackson. The best Hot Tag in wrestling goes at it again. Bulldog Clothesline combination after a bunch of kicks. Springboard Double Stomp Roll Through into the Lung/Brainblower. Tag to Matt Jackson. Bucks lock in the Double Sharpshooters (CEASE AND DESIST!). Naito gets to the ropes. Matt calls for the Superkick Party. Naito blocks it. Tornado DDT. Tag to Sanada. Dropkicks to The Bucks. Some great counters by Sanada and Matt Jackson leads to Sanada locking in the Sharpshooter. Matt gets to the ropes. Magic Killer using the ropes. SUPERKICKS! Enziguri by Naito. Naito gets caught in position. SANADA stops Nick. Now, Naito reverses the move. Sanada is up! MELTZER DRIVER BY LIJ TO MATT JACKSON! 1-2-KICKOUT!!!!!
Sliding Dropkicks by LIJ to Matt Jackson. German Bridging Suplex by Sanada gets broken up. Facebuster by Nick Jackson followed by the moonsault. Spear by Matt to Sanada gets a 2. Great match so far. This is indeed awesome as the crowd says. Springboard by Sanada meets the superkicks. MELTER DRIVER!!!! 1-2-NAITO BREAKS IT UP!!!!! Matt Jackson reverses a Skull End into a rollup. 1-2-3!!!!

Winners: The Young Bucks!
Match Grade: A-. Wow. That was another incredible match on this show. These four just completely went balls to the wall on this match, including some great reversals and near falls. I popped loud for the LIJ Meltzer Driver on Matt Jackson. They made this match feel special when it could have easily been a throwaway match. Well done by all four men.

9) Proving Ground Match (15 minute time limit)
Chris Sabin vs. ROH World Champion Jay Lethal
** If Sabin pins Lethal or lasts 15 minutes, he gets a future ROH World Championship shot.

The bell rings. Some great wrestling sequences early on with both men trading classic wrestling holds. Arm drags by both men, and Lethal does a float over arm drag to Sabin. Shoulder tackle by Sabin. Lethal responds in kind. Good start of the match here. Lethal takes advantage with some attacks and HEAVY CHOPS to Sabin. Damn! Sabin and Lethal just go back and forht. A bunch of back and forth action by both men. Double crack of the knees by Sabin in the ring. Apron kick is good to the face of Lethal on the floor.
(Note: These guys are moving at a fast pace in this match, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.)
Sabin works on the arm of Lethal in the ring. Almost an Octopus Lock with an armbar. Lethal Injection is avoided by Sabin. Sabin rolls through and gets an ankle lock. Lethal gets to the ropes. Lethal and Sabin trade going in and out of the ring. Suicide Dive by Lethal. Back in the ring, Figure Four is countered into a rollup by Sabin. But Lethal gets a Lethal Combination for a 2 count seconds later. Enziguri by Sabin. JUMPING TORNADO DDT OFF THE TOP ROPE TO LETHAL. 1-2-Kickout. Cradle Shock rolled through by Lethal for a 2 count. CHOPS are traded between the two men! OUCH!!! They are now trading feet. Double clothesline. Cutter by Lethal. He climbs the corner. Hail to the King!!!! Elbow drop! 1-2-Kickout. Figure Four by Lethal! Sabin has to hold on for a few more seconds. Lethal has him in the middle of the ring though! Sabin ..... DID NOT TAP OUT! HE SURVIVED THE 15 MINUTES!

Winner: Draw (Sabin gets a future World Title shot)
Match Grade: A-. Again, this was another great match on this show as Lethal and Sabin showed a lot of chemistry in this match. Back and forth, back and forth. These guys just put on some great offense and told a very solid story to boot. This show has been incredible so far.

Sabin asks for 5 more minutes. Lethal wants a lot more than 5 more minutes. 10 more minutes. And he's putting the WORLD TITLE ON THE LINE!!!!

Jay Lethal vs. Chris Sabin

The bell rings. Kenny King runs in. Ugh! Draw. Spinebuster by King. He places the title on Lethal and walks out. Seconds later, Sabin pulls up Lethal and shakes his hand.

Main Event
Best Friends vs. The Briscoes vs. Cody and Adam Page

The bell rings. Jay Briscoe and Cody will start us off. Baretta was in, but Jay wanted in bad enough to tag himself in. Big elbow by Jay. Cody fires back with a Goldust uppercut. Mark and Page tag in. Suplex to Mark face first to the knees of Page for a 2. Page has Mark in the corner and stomps a mudhole in him. Tag to Cody. Mark is sent in the Best Friends corner. Now, it's Best Friends vs. Cody and Page in the ring. The Briscoes just watch. Ten count punchs in the corners by The Best Friends. They get the advantage, and they go for the hugs. But The Briscoes are a couple of Hug Blockers. Double Shoulder Tackle by The Briscoes. For the record, it's Chuckie T and Jay Briscoe as the legal men. Tag to Mark Briscoe. Mark gets caught in a Flatliner by Chuckie T.
Tag to Baretta. High Crossbody by Baretta. Chop to Mark. Clothesline to Briscoe. Half Dragon by Baretta. Double Dives by The Best Friends to The Briscoes on the floor. They go to hug. Mark stops them. BUCKSHOT LARIAT by Page. Cody and Page stop the hugs. And now, he wants to do a Four Way Hug. They four-way hug. Baretta rolls up Cody for a 2 count.  Brandi uses her feminine powers to distract Baretta to give Cody the advantage. But The Briscoes attack Cody and get tagged in. The Briscoes convince the referee to throw Brandi out of the ring.
The Briscoes just assault Baretta. Redneck Boogie by The Briscoes. 2 count. Jay appears to be the legal man again with Baretta. The Briscoes attack Baretta some more. Tag to Mark Briscoe. Tag back to Jay. More punishment to Baretta. Big lariat by Baretta to Jay Briscoe. But Mark stops Baretta from tagging out. Tornado DDT by Baretta. Cody aks for the tag. Baretta has to tag out. Cody comes in. Snap slam to Jay. Beautiful Disaster Kick by Cody. Cross Rhodes avoided. Briscoe sent to the floor. Page hits the running apron Shooting Star Press to the floor. Mark stops Cody from diving onto Jay. Mark goes to the top and goes for Froggy Bow. But Mark gets crotched on the top of the corner. Cross Rhodes to Jay Briscoe! 1-2 Mark hits Froggy Bow on Cody's back.
Tag by Cody to Page. Jay tags in Chuckie T. Standing Sliced Bread by Chuckie T after a flurry of exchanged missed moves. Big lariat by Page. Powerbomb. 1-2-Kickout. Chuckie and Page are on the corner. OVERHEAD BELLY TO BACK to Page. A lot of fast paced double team moves by Best Friends leads to a short piledriver by Chuckie T. Only gets a 2 as Cody breaks it up. Baretta and Cody are legal now. Cody does a tribute to his father with the jabs and bionic elbow. Baretta accidentally dropkicks the referee. Belt shot to Cody by Mark Briscoe. Baretta has the US Championship now. Jay smacks Baretta with a chair to the back. The referee is still down. He puts a chair in position. Kaz just tosses the chair square in the face of Jay Briscoe. Dudebuster to Mark Briscoe! 1-2-3!

Winners: Best Friends
Match Grade: B. Fun main event match. And it is nice to see The Best Friends get a big win like this. The unfortunate thing for this match is that it had to follow several matches which landed in the A- range for me, and it just didn't match up in terms of match quality. If this were in the middle of the card, it may have fared better.

Show Grade: A. They did it again. ROH produced another great 3 hours of wrestling content. The only D grade so far of the tour came here with the WOH match. But 3 matches got to the A- score for me. The best of those three matches was probably Cobb vs. Evil, but the other two are very very close to that standard. I liked the opening 25 minutes of the show as well as it made Final Battle that much more of a can't miss show for me. And I'm saying that about a Matt Taven match. Plus let's not forget a very good Survival Match in the middle of this show.

Check out these other reviews of the Global Wars Tour so far.
ROH/NJPW Global Wars 2018 (Night 1)
ROH/NJPW Global Wars 2018 (Night 2)
_ _ _ _ _

Global Wars finishes off with an event Sunday Night, which I will be covering on here. Until that time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness!!!!


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