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WWE Crown Jewel 2018 Review- WWE Takes The Money and Flips Off Its Fans

Well, this could be a black eye in the history of WWE. They had the chance not to work in a country ruled by a regime that killed an American journalist in cold blood. But they decided to do it anyways. And to boot, they've destroyed the retirement of Shawn Michaels and used this opportunity to bring back Hulk Hogan after his pseudo-apology. So, what is going to happen with this?

We know we're getting a new WWE Universal Champion. And we're getting a "World Cup Tournament." Other than that, the out of the ring consequences of this event could be damaging to the WWE. It could be a similar black eye to when WCW went to North Korea to do the Collision event there. However, WWE has a supposedly 20-year relationship with this country. And that's the type of poison that kills eventually if you don't drain it out eventually. But that's for later.

(Writer's Note: I'm covering this event as a wrestling fan. Bottom line. It doesn't make me a supporter of Saudi Arabia or even a fan of the decision to have this event for this godforsaken regime. I just know I would have watched it eventually. So, I'm watching it now. WWE made the wrong choice (and it was a choice, not an obligation) to have this show after the assassination of the Washington Post reporter. And if they suffer any economic consequences by their decision to do this, they deserve it. End of story.)

WWE Crown Jewel
November 2, 2018

(Before this event airs, they show a Bayley intro for WWE Network. Wow. That's just rich.)

The Kickoff Show is happening in a studio with Coach, David Otunga, and Booker T. They run down the show for us.

WWE United States Championship
Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Rusev

Renee Young is at ringside, covered neck to toe in black. But she's allowed to show her hair at least. Well, at least she's there and not put up in the stands in a media box. Knowing WWE, they will call this progress. Define "progress."

Rusev takes it to Nakamura early on here with a lot of strikes and shoulder attacks. Loud "Rusev Day" chants. Now, Nakamura takes over and gets a good "Nakamura" chant. Nakamura uses his classic knee and leg attacks on Rusev and locks in a headlock to ground Rusev to the mat. Rusev uses a faceplant suplex to finally break the hold.
Rusev fires back with a flurry of forearms. Spinning heel kick by Rusev. A bunch of ducked moves by both men, and Rusev catches him with the big side kick to the head for a CLOSE 2 count. "RUSEV DAY" chants. Rusev gets caught with a spinning kick by Nakamura and a sliding knee for a 2. Another "Rusev Day" chant. Nakamura jumps off the middle rope to a BIG THRUST KICK by Rusev! 1-2-KICKOUT! (I bought that one as a finish.) Nakamura avoids the Accolade and gets to the ropes. Kick to the back of the head of Rusev. Jumping knee off the ropes to the back of Rusev's head. Nakamura tries to cover, but his body was outside the ring. Shinsuke gets to the corner. Kinshasa caught!!!!! ACCOLADE!!!!! Nakamura slides under and uses his head to LOW BLOW RUSEV! He sells it to the referee as an accident! KINSHASA! 1-2-3!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura (Still US Champion)
Match Grade: B. A good opening match here for the overall event. Nakamura almost lost that match on several occasions, which is great as you want every title defense to feel like "The One" where the champ is going to lose. They made Rusev look really good here in defeat.

Main Show

There lies a treasure sought by the strong, the daring, and the relentless. (Vince McMahon's lust of money?) Who will be worthy of being champion? (Well, Brock is a part-timer. So, not him.) Who is worthy of being called the best in the world? (A bunch of Americans? And no CM Punk for that matter.) Who's worthy of a golden opportunity? (Joe has lost every match against AJ. So, not him.) Who is worthy of a legacy? (Well, not Shawn Michaels' retirement apparently.)

And here comes Hulk Hogan. Wow. Real American plays in the stadium, and Hulk comes out. Renee gives out the lone "Yes" when he comes out. And he gets fireworks to celebrate his entrance. Wow. (What world is this happening in?) Cole puts over Hogan's 1st WWF Championship reign.
Hogan says it's good to be back. The power of Hulkamania is strong at the Crown Jewel. What are you gonna do when the power of Hulkamania and Crown Jewel run wild on you? (Not one mention of Saudi Arabia. Just a quick plug and double bicep poses to fireworks.) What the hell just happened? And is this how Hogan is going to be used in the future: WWE's host for the Saudi shows?

And the Saudi prince gets applause from the crown. Like anyone would dare boo him in that arena with the "security (wink wink)" around the stadium.

Renee is wearing all black with her hair flowing. There is an Arabic announce team next to the English announce team.

WWE World Cup Tournament
1st Round

1) Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton
Each wrestler comes out to their credentials being read before the entrance music. Cool thing to kinda make the tournament seem more prestigious. Rey comes out to fireworks. Orton gets fireworks too, but he looks up like "damn these things."
Orton and Mysterio have a hot opening with Mysterio hitting a furious round of strikes, but he springboards into a dropkick by Orton. Orton stomps at Mysterio and rips at Rey's mask. Bulldog by Mysterio gets a 2 count. 619 caught and transitioned into a DDT from the ropes by Orton. Mysterio catches Orton going for the RKO with a rollup for the shocking 1-2-3.

After the match, Mysterio eats an RKO.

Winner: Rey Mysterio
Match Grade: C. Before the rushed finish, I was digging this match. Mysterio and Orton have a good chemistry together, but they were hindered by the fact that they had a limited amount of time to work.

Orton tosses Mysterio out to the floor and smacks him chest first against the Arab Announce Table. Mysterio is selling damage from the attack while Orton methodically walks to the back.

2) The Miz vs. Jeff Hardy

Fireworks for both men along with the credentials. Miz and Hardy have a bit of a back and forth introduction before Miz starts going into the control segment. Headlock followed by the neckbreaker combination by The Miz. Corner dropkicks by The Miz. Hardy stops the momentum and starts taking control with the classic Hardy maneuvers. (The first two matches have felt like TV or House Show matches.)  Whisper in the Wind for a 2 count. Kevin Dunn shows us one woman in the audience (This is Progress... lol). Hardy gets hung on the top rope.
Miz starts kicking at the hamstring. Figure Four countered into a rollup for Hardy for a 2 count. Hardy and Miz are outside, and Hardy hits the guardrail walk clothesline. Miz rolls out of a Swanton Bomb attempt. Miz tries to rollup Hardy, but he gets caught using his feet on the ropes. Twist of Fate countered into the Skull Crushing Finale. 1-2-3.

Winner: The Miz
Match Grade: C+. This was again a bit of a rushed match here. It felt like something you would see in a segment of WWE TV without the commercial break. I liked this a bit better than the first match as it didn't feel as sudden in the finale.

So it will be The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio in the SmackDown Bracket Finals.

3) Seth Rollins vs. Bobby Lashley (w/ Lio Rush)

Power vs. Speed. That's what this match basically boils down to. Seth tries to attack Lashley, but Lashley just hits a sick spinebuster to Rollins. Rollins sells (or maybe is) being shaken up after that spot. Lashley just continues to viciously attack using his size and strength advantage. Running spear into the corner. Full Nelson by Lashley. (You hardly see that anymore other than the setup for the Skull Crushing Finale of The Miz.)
Big delayed vertical suplex is escaped by a knee to the head of Lashley. Rollins hits a couple suicide dives out to the floor on Lashley. Dang. Rollins' head hit the barricade hard on that second dive. Lashley and Rollins are on the corner. Sunset Flip by Rollins, but Lashley escapes the Buckle Bomb. A lot of move avoiding going on here. STOMP to Lashley! 1-2-3! WOW! There goes my pick.

Winner: Seth Rollins
Match Grade: C. Again, this felt like just any other Raw match except perhaps even less than what you'd see on TV. That's one thing I hate about tournaments: The matches are too short to really excel past anything than an average grade for the most part. And there's been no announcement on a time limit either for these early matches. Still, Lashley looked good even in defeat. So, they didn't job him out.

4) Kurt Angle vs. Dolph Ziggler (w/ Drew McIntyre)

Kurt Angle comes out with loud "YOU SUCK!" chants from the crowd. Haha. I will say this: You Suck does translate in any language apparently. Angle looks in tremendous shape. Dolph comes out with Drew McIntyre.

The bell rings. A lot of ground and technical wrestling early on with two great collegiate wrestlers in this match.  Ziggler gets an advantage on Angle with a headlock. But Angle gets a Belly to Belly suplex in early. Germans by Angle. Angle goes for a German off the apron, but Ziggler elbows him down. Dolph throws Angle into the ring steps and back into the ring.
Back in the ring, Ziggler now goes on the offensive segment for this match. A Sleeper Hold with a Grapevine on Angle by Ziggler. Angle gets out, but Ziggler reapplies it to a vertical Angle now. He rolls Ziggler off. More Germans are coming. Angle gets his fingers locked, and he hits 3 Germans. 2 count only. Angle Slam blocked. Jumping Spike DDT by Ziggler! Only gets a 2 though.
Angle Slam by Angle! 1-2-Kickout. The straps are down! Ankle lock avoided. Famouser by Ziggler. 1-2-Kickout by Angle.  Rollthrough by Angle and an Ankle Lock is in. Angle keeps the hold on despite a lot of rolling by Ziggler. Angle gets thrown into the post by Ziggler. Zig Zag. 1-2-3.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler.
Match Grade: B-. This was my favorite of the 4 opening matches as Angle and Ziggler had a great mix of ground based wrestling, Angle's vintage wrestling, and Ziggler's fast-paced moves.

The Finals of the Raw Bracket are Rollins vs. Ziggler. Again, the winner of the Raw Bracket will face the winner of the SmackDown Bracket to determine the winner of the World Cup.
_ _ _ _

5) SmackDown Live Tag Team Championship
The Bar (c) (w/Big Show) vs. The New Day

The New Day ride a dang magic carpet to the ring. I kid you not. They use smoke to surround the carpet as they are rolled by this monstrosity down to the ring. It's moving slower than WWE's response to its fans. Yeah. That slow. Kofi and Big E are wrestling for The New Day. 
The bell rings. Sheamus vs. Big E starts us off here. Big E is so freakishly talented. To see a big guy like that do a leap frog over a guy like Sheamus is amazing. Yet it gets undersold. It's now Kofi vs. Cesaro. Big monkey flip off the top rope by Cesaro, but Kofi lands on his feet and dances to Franchesca's sweet Trombone sounds. Big crossbody by Kofi off the top rope for a 2 count. Uppercut to Kofi by Cesaro. tag to Sheamus. Triple Team by The Bar and Big Show in the corner while they work the ref.
The Bar continues to torture Kofi on their side of the ring. Good tag team wrestling here thus far. Kofi hits big chops on Sheamus, but Sheamus just kicks Kofi in the ribs to get him back in The Bar's corner. Frequent tags by The Bar in this match as Cesaro now works on Kofi. Cesaro and Kofi do the headlock, desperate tag spot. Backbody drop by Kofi. Tag to Sheamus who knocks Big E off the apron. More frequent tags by The Bar. Sheamus boosts Kofi off his shoulders into a powerslam by Cesaro for a 2. Kofi starts trying to fight out again. Sheamus eats the ring post trying to get to Kofi.
Tag to Big E and Cesaro. 3 Big Belly to Belly suplexes by Big E. Splash meets knees though. Tag to Sheamus, but Big E catches him with a big Urinage. Big E runs into a knee by Sheamus. Sheamus now gets caught by Big E and eats a Double Stomp/Powerbomb combo for a 2. Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise on Cesaro through the ropes. Kofi gets thrown out onto Cesaro. Big Show hits Big E with the KO punch. BROGUE KICK. 1-2-3.

Winners: The Bar (STILL SmackDown Tag Team Champions)
Match Grade: B. Very good tag team match, and the best match so far of the show. These two teams have really good chemistry together, and I believe that this feud will continue for a few more weeks. Maybe The Usos will end up getting into the mix.

The Miz's voice is hoarse as he got mule kicked in the throat in the first match. He's going to make Rey pay.

_ _ _ _
WWE World Cup Tournament
Round 2

6) SmackDown Bracket Finals
The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio

The bell rings. Good counter wrestling going on with each man rolling through each other's attempts. Rey gets a kick in, and then Miz takes advantage in the match. Miz tries to send Rey out like he did two weeks ago, but Rey rolls through. Seconds later, Miz is on the floor and Rey hits a big belly flop baseball slide under the bottom rope to The Miz.
Back in the ring, Rey continues the attack with punches in the corner. BUT Miz catches Rey going through a rolling maneuver to face plant him backwards in a powerbomb position. The Miz now takes advantage by focusing on the ribs of Rey (injured earlier by Randy Orton). Bow and Arrow submission by The Miz to Rey. Now a knee to the ribs of Rey and a leg scissors hold on the ribs. Rey then gets thrown out under the ring, sending him sliding chest first onto the floor (2nd time tonight Mysterio has taken that spot). Rey gets sent into the barricade in front of the Saudis who could give a damn.
Back in the ring, Mysterio gets covered for a 2 count. Abdominal stretch now by The Miz. He transitions it into a Pumphandle Slam, but Rey reverses it into a DDT. (Really good, sound match so far.) They exchange blows to the 'boos' and yeas' of the crowd. Crossbody almost gets a 3 for Mysterio. Flying hurricanrana by Mysterio. Rey puts him in position. 619 avoided. SKULL CRUSHING FINALE!!!! 1-2-KICKOUT! (Good fakeout!)
"IT" kicks by The Miz now. Miz almost gets caught in the same rollup that Orton fell to. 6-1-9! Rey goes to the top rope. Frog Splash into the knees of Miz. 1-2-3! WOW! The Miz wins.

Winner: The Miz (SmackDown Live Bracket Winner)
Match Grade: B+. I really enjoyed this match. It had a logical amount of focus on Mysterio's ribs with Miz working on them throughout the match. Mysterio got to put in a lot of his high-flying maneuvers and lost due to getting caught rather than getting decimated. There's a big difference. Good booking, good match.

7) RAW Bracket Finals
Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler (w/Drew McIntyre)

I guess we haven't seen this match enough recently.

The bell rings. Early jockeying for position by both men, trying to get an early advantage. Zigger gets a headlock in as Cole mentions that Miz has been relatively unscathed during this tournament. Rollins catches Ziggler trying a crossbody with a slam. Ziggler is sent to the floor. Rollins goes after him. Both men are selling their body injuries from earlier tonight: The neck for Rollins, the ankle for Ziggler. McIntyre gets in Rollins' face and distracts Rollins long enough for Ziggler to catch him with a DDT as soon as he rolls into the ring.
Ziggler now starts his offensive sequence of the match. Rollins tries to fight out, but Rollins crumbles after a kick to his knee. Neckbreaker by Ziggler followed by a headlock. Rollins gets out and tries to get some offense going to no avail. Big jumping back elbow by Ziggler for a 2. Ziggler again fights off Rollins' attempt to fight back and hits a neckbreaker for a 2. A deep side crossface on Rollins by Ziggler (Again, logical wrestling here with Ziggler going for the neck exclusively throughout this match). Ziggler gets caught going for the DDT, and now both men are rolling each other into rollup counters. Ripcord Knee by Rollins. ZIGGLER BARELY KICKS OUT!
Rollins gets up and starts stomping his foot "BURN IT DOWN." McIntyre gets knocked off the apron, and Ziggler is sent out to the floor. Suicide Dive to both men. Seth does a springboard, but Ziggler avoided it. Famouser! 1-2-Kickout by Rollins. (Very solid match here despite the crowd being somewhat dead for this.) Rollins catches Ziggler on the top rope! SUPERPLEX! BUT ZIGGLER HITS A ZIG ZAG!!!! 1-2-KICKOUT!
Zig Zag avoided. Kick to the jaw by Rollins. Suicide Dive to McIntyre! Ziggler goes up for a superplex. Rollins pushes him off on his ankle. He clutches it. Rollins gets sent off the corner by McIntyre. SUPERKICK by Ziggler. 1-2-3!

Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Match Grade: A-. This was a really good match in this tournament, as should have been expected by these two guys. But again, it's heel versus heel in the finals of the tournament. That's really surprising, but it does set up an interesting finals. I can see either man winning. Miz losing would set up his doing another movie possibly and give Ziggler a lot to brag about on Raw despite not having a title. Meanwhile, Miz winning would be great as he can have a LOT of bragging rights over men like AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan.

After the match, Ziggler gets asked about winning in that fashion. Ziggler says no one ever gave him a chance, and Ziggler will prove that he's the best in the world.

8) WWE Championship Match
AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe

Here comes Samoa Joe to rekindle the rivalry with AJ Styles. AJ gets fireworks. Joe doesn't. Just saying...

The bell rings. They fight already. Styles is kicking at the knees of Joe. Chop block to the knee of Joe. Big chop by Joe. Both men are brawling and avoiding the big moves by the other early on. Joe sends AJ throat first off the barricade. Joe sends AJ off the apron with a knee. Suicide Dive to AJ INTO THE ARABIAN Announce Table! Dang.
Back in the ring, AJ gets Joe in the corner and starts attacking. Joe gets the shoulder splash into the corner followed by the back kick for a 2 count. Joe now presses the attack. The fans are doing the wave during a AJ/Joe match. AJ hits a big step-up enziguri.
The two men exchange blows as the crowd is getting more invested now. AJ hits his moonsault reverse DDT flawlessly in the corner. 2 count. LOUD AJ STYLES chant. Phenomenal Forearm from the ring to the floor on Joe. Joe is rolled back in the ring. AJ is going for the move in the ring. But Joe ducks and hits a snapslam for a 2 count. BIG LARIAT by Joe. 2 count. Calf Crusher is in on Joe. Will Joe tap out again? He gets to the ropes with little fanfare or drama.
Styles gets caught in the Clutch in the middle of the ring! AJ gets the leg of Joe and reverses into the Calf Crusher. Joe gets to the ropes again. More kicks to the leg of Joe. Styles tries to roll into the Calf Crutcher. Pele Kick by AJ. AJ runs at Joe and is put on the apron. PHENOMENAL FOREARM. 1-2-3.

Match Grade: C-. This match never got into a second gear in my opinion. This felt like another glorified house show. Joe is dead as a character. He never backs up anything that he says, and he has officially lost a lot more out of facing AJ Styles than even Shinsuke Nakamura did. This was hands down their worst match in the feud, even going back to their TNA days. I don't remember a match between these two being this bad. 

9) WWE Universal Championship
Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Braun Strowman

Baron Corbin comes out to ringside. I smell another screwy finish here. Here comes Brock Lesnar with fireworks. And here comes Braun Strowman. They lock eyes in the ring. (Lesnar got fireworks. Strowman didn't.) Corbin comes in and holds the title. He hits Strowman with it and yells for the bell.

F-5 to Strowman. 1-2-KICKOUT! Another F-5! 1-2-KICKOUT! Lesnar sells shock. Strowman tells him to bring more. Lesnar gets Strwoman back up A 3rd F-5! 1-2-KICKOUT! (Is this WrestleMania 34?!) Strowman can't fight off Lesnar. Lesnar picks up Strowman and F-5s STROWMAN OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR!!!!! The count is on. Strowman is crawling and he gets in the ring at 9!
Heyman yells "END HIM!" Lesnar takes the gloves off. Uh-oh. F-5 avoided. Boot to Lesnar. ANOTHER F-5!!!! 1-2-3!

Match Grade: F. I can't even... What the hell is WWE thinking at this point? They've just killed Strowman again even after the belt shot introduction, and they've put the Universal Championship back on a guy who is a part-time wrestler. Damn.

Lesnar celebrates to fireworks.

They announce that Lesnar will face/demolish/beat AJ Styles at Survivor Series in a rematch from last year.

10) WWE World Cup Tournament Finals
Dolph Ziggler (w/Drew McIntyre) vs. The Miz

McIntyre gets sent to the back by the referee. (Oh. So, NOW, he has to got to the back since it's the finals. I am eyerolling like crazy.) The match has not started yet as The Miz attacks Dolph Ziggler. He throws Ziggler to the floor. Miz blows out a knee jumping to the floor. Ziggler punches him down, and Ziggler throws Miz into the steps. Miz now can't get into the ring. Shane goes over to check on Miz. Miz tells the referee that he's fine. Miz can't even get in the ring. Now, the referees are going to check on Miz as Shane tells everyone that he's ok. Ziggler is going to win by forfeit. Shane grabs the mic before the announcement.
Shane tells the referee that it's not going down like that. Shane says he's going to enter into the match in Miz's place. Oh for God's sakes...

World Cup Finals
Shane McMahon vs. Dolph Ziggler

This is utterly ridiculous at this point. Ziggler is irate. The bell rings.

Shane now attacks Ziggler in the corner and hits him with a flying back elbow. Corbin trips up Shane, and the referee kicks out Corbin! NOW?! NOW?! Zig Zag. 1-2-Kickout. (Screw this show.) Now Shane and Ziggler are going at it. DDT by McMahon, and Ziggler gets catapulted into the corner. Shane goes up to the top rope and goes Coast to Coast on Ziggler. Shane pins Ziggler. 1-2-3.

Winner: Shane McMahon (World Cup Winner)
Match Grade: F--------. NO. This is what I get for being a wrestling addict. I should have boycotted this show.

11) DX vs. Brothers of Destruction

Shawn Michaels is back to wrestle, and he chose to do it at the worst possible event he could have. DX gets fireworks. Kane gets his fire. Undertaker gets his smoke and mirrors, and the fans get blood money rubbed in their face along with booking decisions that make Vince Russo seem like a genius.

The fans go nuts as the bell rings. Kane and Triple H start us off. Kane and Triple H work on each other's arm. Triple H tags in HBK who jumps off for an ax-handle to Kane's arm. Chops by HBK. Neckbreaker by HBK. Kane sits up. Sunset flip by HBK. HBK goes for the Sweet Chin Music. Kane goes to his corner and tags in Taker. Taker and HBK are back in the ring for the first time in 8 years. Chops by HBK. Big boot by Taker. Undertaker sets up HBK for Old School. Triple H stops him. It's a 4 man brawl now. HBK does his corner flip, but he gets caught in the corner. Triple H gets flipped over the top rope to the floor. Michaels gets sent out too. The Brothers of Destruction stand tall.

DX runs in and goes on the attack. The Brothers are sent out, but they drag DX back out with them. Michaels and Taker are back in the ring. Taker goes for Old School again. HE HITS IT. Taker now chokes Michaels in the corner. He goes for the running boot in the corner, but Taker misses. Tag to Triple H for HBK. Taker just no sells a boot by Triple H and decks him. Tag to Kane. Kane and Taker beat up on Triple H. But Kane gets hit with a DDT after a minute or so. Triple H tags in HBK.
HBK goes on the attack on Kane. Flying forearm. Kip up by HBK. He goes after Kane with atomic drops. Kane gets suplexed by DX. HBK climbs up the top of the corner. Elbow drop. He tunes up the band. Kane catches the boot. Chokeslam. Tag to Undertaker. Taker unloads on Michaels. Snake Eyes, the boot, and legdrop by Taker for a 2. SWEET CHIN MUSIC TO UNDERTAKER thanks to a distraction by Triple H. Taker and Michaels are both down. Taker sits up and throws Michaels outside. He rips apart the Saudi Announce Table. Taker and Michaels are on the announce table now. Tombstone avoided thanks to Triple H. Kane gets sent into the steel steps, and Undertaker gets sent into the barricade. Chokeslam by Kane to Triple H into the table (monitors still on it).

Undertaker throws HBK back into the ring with his head hanging off the apron. Legdrop on the chest of Michaels by Taker. Michaels kicks out of a couple pin attempts in the ring. Tag to Kane. Kane continues the attack on HBK. Tag to Taker who suplexes Michaels and continues the ground and pound on HBK. More tags and punishment. Taker gets sent into the post by HBK on the floor. Kane puts HBK on the top of the corner. Shawn fights Kane off the corner who just crumbles down on the mat. He climbs back up AND HITS A MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE BROTHERS OF DESTRUCTION ON THE FLOOR!
(At this point, I haven't been able to really get into this match with everything else that has gone on. And it hasn't been a great match period. But HBK has proven that he still has it.)

Tag to Triple H. It's Triple H and Kane. Knee to the face of Triple H. Triple H goes after Kane with the running knee. Spinebuster to Undertaker. Pedigree escaped. Definite moment of discussion between the two.  Tombstone escaped. Pedigree. (Some sad moments in that whole exchange.) Hell's Gate is on Triple H. Sweet Chin Music to Kane who falls onto Undertaker to break the hold.
Double sit-up by The Brothers. Double Tombstone double avoided. Sweet Chin Music to Undertaker. Sweet Chin Music/Pedigree (DX Special) to Kane. 1-2-3. DX wins.
Winner: DX
Match Grade: D+. It's weird. I really liked the Super Show-Down match between Triple H and Undertaker. But this just didn't work for me. HBK was really good in this for a guy who hadn't wrestled for 8.5 years. But the other three were bumbling around during a lot of spots. HBK showed that even in his 50s he can still put on a show. But this was not a good showing for anyone else in the match.

Michael Cole tells us to stand up and give them the applause they deserve. No, Cole. Just no. I will for HBK personally. DX celebrates to end the show with fireworks.

Show Grade: D-. From a wrestling perspective, this wasn't the absolute worst show ever. From a booking and PR perspective, this was an abomination for this company. Somehow, they managed to book the boss's son to win a "Best in the World" tournament in which he was not a part of, buried Samoa Joe, gave one of their world championships to a man who only wrestles every few months, and angered their own fanbase in the process. This was the ultimate "Money Grab/ Middle Finger" to the world. WWE needs legit competition in the worst way.

So, to answer my own question, the answer was no: This show was not worth watching. If you chose to boycott the show, DO NOT BOTHER TO WATCH THIS SHOW EVER. Is that clear enough?

Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spread some awesomeness.


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